Friday, July 19, 2024

BIDEN OUT:...Just A Matter Of Time Now, Say The Pundits...Donald Trump Nominated Overnight At RNC...They're Riding A Temporary Wave Of Good News...Democrats Gearing Up For Meaningful Run To November Election...The World Inhales...


McALLEN, Texas |...Any day now. That's the word in the streets and hallowed hallways of Congress. President Joe Biden's expected exit from the 2024 presidential election is in the works. Pointed, unguarded nudges have come steadily over the last few days, from national polls to Democratic Party leaders.

Recent gains by Republican aspirant Donald J. Trump have not helped 81-year-old Biden.

Age apparently matters.

Editorials in America's largest, most influential newspapers have led the drumbeat, that and a rain of get-gone commentary on television talk shows. Joe Biden has seen and heard the bad news come calling.  

An editorial in The New York Times painted Biden as being "the shadow of a great public servant" who "struggled to make it to the end of a sentence." He's been disappointing and confused., they wrote.

In The Los Angeles Times, a columnist described him as "a tongue-tied octogenarian."

That writer noted Biden "ended one tangled explanation of his tax proposals with the puzzling phrase: " 'we finally beat Medicare.' " Biden was "dismal" at the first debate. "Stunning," he added for killing effect.

What followed was a news media that had old age its focus.

Biden’s closest allies called on him to step aside.

That, we are led to believe by the most recent journalism, could be any moment/day now. It is a behind-the-scenes push currently underway supposedly led by former President Barack Obama and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, along with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has had Biden in a political lurch - to fight it to the end or to relent.

Three and a half months remain in this campaign, and yes, much can happen between now and Election Day on November 5th, but there is the reality of where Biden's troubled campaign could possibly go to keep him in the race.

He is battling an equally old man in 78-year-old Trump, but the optics of the two men on the campaign trail could not be much more different.

Trump, meanwhile, has fended off some nagging legal blows, seen the Supreme Court hand him surprising victories and even survived an assassination attempt. Biden's window has shown nothing of the sort, merely that of an old dude being asked repeatedly to step aside for the good of the party and allow for a fairer fight at the polls.

The obvious, we say, is coming...


Thursday, July 18, 2024

DEEP FAKE:...A Country Of Doubters.....For Many, Trump's Shooting Is Still A Mystery...Staged Or Not Staged?...Ear For An Ear?...Obama, Clinton, Pence Blamed...Donald Trump Gets Favorable Bounce...It Won't Last...Americans Want Answers...


McALLEN, Texas |...Five days later, the story of the summer remains unfinished. Holes all over the place. The man was shot, and the shooter was killed; that we know. It is the hows and whys now in full slap mode across the citizenry's face. Insatiable is a word floating about to describe the appetite for facts.

This we know: Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump was shot-at at his rally in Pennsylvania last Saturday afternoon. The shooter, a school-bullied 20-year-old nursing home cook identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, was killed by the U.S. Secret Service.

That's the plot synopsis of this horror story.

Left for the masses are way too many questions, all of them seemingly fed by bits and pieces of what did and didn't happen, morsels just tasty enough to fuel a hunger for more information.    

In a sentence, this is the conundrum:

Differing accounts described the shooting as both a ". . .false flag" operation on the part of the Donald Trump 2024 campaign in order to garner sympathy, and a carefully planned assassination plot on the part of the Biden administration and the "deep state."

"When did the Secret Service start allowing the President under duress to tell them 'to wait,' then stand up to be seen by the crowd fist-pumping?" asked a commenter on the social platform X. "Can you blame me for thinking this is fake?"

Others are scoffing at the idea that the Secret Service would allow Trump to grandstand while his life was in danger.

New Statesman reported that more than fifty thousand X users liked a post claiming that the photo of Trump raising his fist under the Stars and Stripes flag was staged: "Great camera angle; great quality; no Secret Service agent in front of his head covering the wound; conveniently placed US flag."

Another post read: "This is price you pay when you take down the elite satanic pedophiles," then suggested that the "order" for the assassination "likely came from the CIA" and accused Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Mike Pence of being involved. It was viewed almost five million times.

NewsGuard, a service that tracks online misinformation, said the word "staged" appeared in posts on X more than three hundred thousand times on Saturday and Sunday. There were also more than eighty thousand mentions of the phrase "inside job." Social media bots and fake accounts helped amplify the false claims on a number of platforms.

It is the modern-day version of the questions that surfaced after the shooting of President John F. Kennedy as his motorcade moved past Dealey Plaza in Dallas that late-November day in 1963.

Numerous other events never shared the same quest for answers. Not the bombing of the federal courthouse in Oklahoma or the raid on David Koresh's armed compound in Waco.

The attack on New York's Twin Towers in 2001 comes close, but not like this.

This shooting, an assassination attempt, came during a hotly contested campaign for the American presidency. 

Its fallout will linger for a while...


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

"THE FIGHT IS ON!":...Angry Republicans Go Bare Knuckles After Assassination Attempt...Democrats And TV Comedians Go Lame...Express Sympathies Up The Wazoo.....Crucial November Is Just Around The Corner...RNC Convention To Crown Trump.....


McALLEN, Texas |...President Joe Biden took to television to express his joy that Donald J. Trump had escaped assassination. "Hopefully, I'll be able to speak to Donald today," he told reporters in the hours after the shooting in Pennsylvania.

Late-night TV comedians took Monday off.

NBC pulled its left-wing shows off the air all day that same day.

America's newspapers covered the story as if Trump had been killed, all "what ifs" rolling of the presses all day. Television talk shows opted to use the shooting as a bridge to civility, FOX News, the alarmist on all things political in this country, even paused the vitriol a bit in a show of some weird unity.

America is still broken.

No one died. A shooter was killed. The fight should have kept on going. Biden erred in playing the soothing father for a nation stunned and not stunned.

Republicans (Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley!!!) went on full-bore attacks the day after the shooting last Saturday and the assault on the Democratic Party continued on Monday, in Day One of the Republican National Convention. Tuesday, Day Two, reprised Monday.

It's been a bad few weeks for Democrats hoping to win the November General Election now only three and a half months away.

Hell, yes, what to do?

Talk of pushing Biden off the Democratic ticketed has gone silent.

Voter polls somehow continue to show the decent Biden neck-and-neck with the convicted felon Trump. What a hoot that is, if you think about it. As one of my friends noted at the restaurant yesterday, "Not even in Mexico."

Someone should put that on a blue ballcap: "Not even in Mexico."

Yes, sireee, we're gripped by verbal violence on the campaign trail now almost daily. For Republicans, if it's not the FBI and Secret Service behind an assassination attempt on their candidate, it's Biden or some dark Democrat action group out to steal the election.

If only!

Republicans are damned good at shifting blame. They can quickly and cleverly twist any issue into a three-stick popsicle with all licking ends pointed at the Democrats. Democrats are taking it, perhaps too cooly.

A few hostile fighting words in response would go a long way in telling the party faithful that Donald J. Trump's bloodied ear did not win him the presidency...


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

THE UPSHOT:...Bandaged Donald Trump Goes With All-Out E.R. Drama At Republican Convention...Ear Is Front-Center...He Looks Haggard...Names Ohio's Junior Senator J.D. Vance As VEEP Running Mate... Rumors Of Staged Shooting Still Abound...


BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...It's the story of the long, hot summer, its heat equally relentless as is our annual scorch. The political temperature is not abating. We're still in the white-hot zone.

Yesterday's first day at the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee delivered staged drama of the sort most adults are familiar with - bands and speeches, a rowdy crowd and a few surprises.

And the Man of The Hour, of course.

A bandaged Donald J. Trump made an appearance to announce his presidential Veep running made and, well, it was not Mike Pence. Who knows where Trump's last VEEP is these days, but last night was a night-of-nights for Ohio's junior U.S. Senator, one J.D. Vance.

The gathering in Wisconsin moves to some more of the same self-adulation by party speakers and attendees today, with Trump's party nomination slated for Prime Time on Thursday night. The celebration has been non-stop since that shooting last Saturday in Pennsylvania, where the 78-year-old Trump is said to have been the target of an assassination attempt.

Last night's presence of a white bandage over Trump's right ear fell in with the narrative that he was shot, only too many questions remain unanswered - although the mainstream press seems to have accepted it and moved on.

There is no confirmation that Trump's bloody ear was hit by a bullet. We could find no credible report from anyone, not even from the FBI.   

Trump did have what looked like a steady stream of blood trickling down his face as agents rushed him offstage at the afternoon rally. And Trump later said on Truth Social that the bullet hit the upper part of his right ear.

But, yeah, who knows.

The Internet is still chock-full of conspiracy theories related to the shooting, with some saying the blood on Trump's face was "Hollywood blood," a reference to fake blood used in movie gunfire, or often in fake professional wrestling.

But away from the online sleuths, the country seems to have accepted the shooting as an attempt at killing Trump. The news segued into who did it after the shooting and "facts" then pointed to a 20-year-old local nursing home cook names Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was shot and killed as he lay on the rooftop of a building some 400 feet from the rally stage, where Trump stood.

There are always questions with this sort of thing. How many remain unanswered from the shooting of President John F. Kennedy in 1963? Books have been written.

The "patch" Trump wore last night was an odd one, in that photos taken in the seconds after the shooting showed something that looked like the main wound on the top of his right earlobe. The bandage he wore at the convention (see photo above) covered the entire ear. Who knows, but a rookie nurse would likely have applied a smaller band-aid over the damaged part of the ear and left the rest of it alone.

But this is Big Time politics and a wound suffered on the campaign trail will be milked for all it's worth.

Donald Trump knows optics...


Monday, July 15, 2024

HE'S STILL A THREAT:...Armed Republicans Blame Democrats For Trump Rally Shooting...Wrong...It's Been A Long And Noisy Three-Plus Years Of Donald Trump Calling People Vermin, Damning Our Courts, Backing Racist Project 2025, Attacking Democracy... Sorry He Was Wounded...Violence Begets Violence... Documents Case Dropped...J.D. Vance To Be Trump's VEEP...



McALLEN, Texas |...A discernible wave of sympathy blew across the country over the weekend after extremist Republican Donald J. Trump was shot at a rally in Pennsylvania. It was a bit over-the-top for a man who has done his damndest to divide the country.

Yes, weep one more time for civility.

But don't shed another tear for Trump. He has known what he's been doing in becoming the most divisive presidential candidate ever. I mean, serious candidate, not some outlier like Lyndon LaRouche or David Duke or even George Wallace.

Donald J. Trump remains the biggest threat to American Life.

Let his wife and children and most rabid supporters normalize him. The rest of us cannot.

This election in November is up for grabs and it pains me to write that, knowing of course all that Donald Trump has let loose in our national discourse and streets. There are armed nutjobs out there, as he found out last Saturday afternoon. It cost him as piece of his ear, but it could have been much worse.

This is a flawed, unbridled candidate who began his political journey by calling Mexicans "rapists" and then proceeded to tear down much of what we call these United States. Trump wants to be president in the worst ways. He moaned about dark-skinned immigrants and banned Muslims from entering the country while occupying the White House between 2016 and 2021 - a time in America still to be written about by historians.

As many have written, Trump sought to overturn the results of the 2020 election he lost to Joe Biden an action for which he has been indicted and is facing multiple felony counts. He's called for ridding the country of the Constitution, writing on his Truth Social media that a massive fraud "allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." 

And, as we also know, Trump has said he would be a dictator if elected, but only on "Day One."

Trump is not well. His vision for this country is one at odds with the rest of us. Separating people is his aim, only that approach hurts and damages too many Americans. His world is the world of Red States versus Blue States - perhaps itself a Civil War of sorts.

No, don't waste your sympathies on this guy.

He's the one who laughed and mocked the beating of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband in his own home by a hammer-wielding attacker. Trump knows no bounds on his complaints and criticism of how we live in this country. His legal problems are many and there are those who say his campaign is nothing more than an effort to stay out of prison.

Three criminal trials hang around his hefty neck. He's dog-paddling while Lady Justice waits for her chance at him. He knows. He knows a defeat in November against Democrat incumbent Joe Biden will open the gates of prosecutorial Hell.

But there he stands at his rallies, damning the president and our way of Life.

The country he wants is already taken. A killing dude named Putin owns it across the Atlantic.

No, don't waste your breath on Donald J. Trump.   

He may have lost a small piece of his right ear, but his body of work remains.

You watch.

The Republican National Convention begins today in Milwaukee. Wild applause awaits him from a sector of America that has no idea about wishing for something and getting something else.

Callous, selfish Republicans set to speak during the event will ignore his harsh rhetoric and damn Democrats, actually blame them for the assassination attempt. Without laughing.

Trump will milk the moment for all it's worth, take is many bows and feel as if he's already won the presidency. Indeed, he likely believes he is invincible, undefeated and undeterred. The other 700-pages in his book tell a very different story.

Trump is bad, mean, desperate and, worse than that, feeling cornered...


Sunday, July 14, 2024

SHOOTER IDENTIFIED:...FBI Points To 20-Year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks...Say He Was A Registered Republican...No Official Motive Yet...Donald Trump Okay...Wound In Right Ear...May Not Have Been A Bullet, But Shards From Shattered Teleprompter...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...The FBI has identified the shooter in yesterday's assassination attempt on presidential candidate Donald J. Trump as a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man named Thomas Matthew Crooks.

No motive was given.

Crooks was also said to be registered as a Republican.

Federal campaign finance reports obtained by The Associated Press also show he gave $15 to a progressive political action committee on Jan. 20, 2021, the day President Joe Biden was sworn in to office.

Trump was speaking at an afternoon rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a small community about an hour's drive north of Pittsburgh when he apparently suffered a gunshot wound to the right ear. One witness, however, told authorities he thought Trump's ear had been ripped open by shards off a shattered teleprompter.

The Republican candidate was rushed to a local medical facility for treatment. He flew back to his home in New Jersey hours later.

One rally attendee was killed, while another suffered non-life-threatening wounds.

In a statement issued overnight., the FBI said gunman Crooks was shot and killed by U.S. Secret Service agents assigned to protect the former president.

President Joe Biden condemned the shooting, while others in his party cited Trump's penchant for using harsh rhetoric on the campaign as a reason for the shooting. Republicans rallied behind Trump, a few noting that the event was perhaps the result of a "Deep State" plot to get rid of Trump.

There is no evidence of that, however.

Republicans will begin gathering in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today ahead of the party's national convention kicking-off tomorrow, Monday...


Saturday, July 13, 2024

SHOTS FIRED!!!:...Assassination Attempt Bloodies Donald Trump...At Afternoon Rally In Pennsylvania... Associated Press Reporting Shooter Is Dead...Local Authorities Say One Attendee Killed...Bloodied Right Ear Seems To Be The Extent Of Trump's Injuries... President Biden Briefed...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...He'll live, but Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump likely knows it could have been much worse. Details are few. This we know: Trump was at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania when "popping noises" suddenly spooked the crowd.

Video of the incident shows Trump speaking before he falls on the makeshift stage and Secret Service agents cover him. Reports say he appeared to grab the side of his ear or neck with his right hand, before plunging to the ground. Screams flared over the scene and, according to several news sources, Trump could be heard saying "let me get my shoes" as he then got up and raised his fist in the air before being whisked off the stage by Secret Service members.

Trump appeared to have blood coming from the side of his ear.

But otherwise, he was fine, according to his campaign people. Trump was nonetheless taken to a local medical facility for treatment.

That was the extent of the information available late Saturday afternoon.

Local authorities later said one rally attendee had been killed and another injured. 

Online, his supporters quickly labeled the incident an assassination attempt, while opponents offered the idea that the entire incident was "staged" by Trump, one saying he though the blood on the former president's face "looks like Hollywood blood."

Photos of Trump flashed by numerous news outlets had him looking in clear distress. Whether that was fake, well, only he knows.

Commentary came swiftly from politicians, with Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, said to be a frontrunner for the vice-presidency, saying Trump "was saved by God."

Others were a little less dramatic, including a few members of President Joe Biden's administration. One, Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation, graciously said he was glad Trump was "going to be fine."

Late Saturday, Biden issued this statement:

I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we await further information.

Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it...


WHEN IS IT TIME TO QUIT???:...In Youth-Oriented America, That May Be Too Soon...President Joe Biden Wrestles With Our Throwaway Culture...He's 81 And They want Him Done With Politics...Fair Or Not, The Stigma Stands...His "Younger" Opponent is 78...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's just out there in all its cold boldness - Joe Biden, they are saying, is too old to be president of the all-powerful United States. The top nation in the world needs a younger president with the vim and vigor of a do'er, not a mumbler or sleeper.

Joe Biden has come face to face with a part of his country's culture most Americans recognize and readily accept. An old man dating a young woman? Frowned upon. Laughed at. Denigrated by late-night show comedians in the harshest of tones.

We wondered about this as the news against Biden continuing his presidential campaigned refused to ebb. Refused it viciously and unabated.

The president is a sharp dude.

He's smart in all the right places, as prospective fathers-in-law like to say about those courting their daughters. The knowledge gap between Biden and Republican opponent Donald J. Trump is as wide as the Atlantic Ocean. No comparison at all.

But Trump is 78. Younger than Biden, in other words.

It's a part of the ageism equation used often in the workplace, so it's easily adapted to politics. Once, John F. Kennedy was too young at 43 to run for president in 1960. His Republican opponent - one Richard M. Nixon - was four years older at 47 and the latter quickly used the age advantage to tell voters experience matters.

Ronald Reagan used his older age against Democrat Walter Mondale in 1984, quipping at a debate that he would not bring up the age issue out of respect for his youthful opponent. Reagan was 73; Mondale was 56.

Mondale lost.

The extreme age offered by both Biden and Trump is the novelty now.

Yes, both are too old. Even if the younger Trump won the election in November, well, he would be just as old in the second half of his term as Biden is now. Criticism against the two has led some wags to throw the word "dementia" out there readily and often.

America will roust itself out of this raging age debate and step into the voting booth.

And some smarty sociology pundit will then rise to tell us 80 is the new 50.

It won't be, but that too is vain America...


Friday, July 12, 2024

STILL FIGHTING:...Americans See Their President Struggling Mightily.....A Good & Bad Optic For Joe Biden...Well, What About The Other Guy?.....Here, We're Used To Episodic Politics...Perhaps Thanks To TV...Relentless National Drama Continues...Elderly President Marches On...Battle Between Good & Evil...



McALLEN, Texas |...There is something to be said for seeing it, for seeing President Joe Biden struggle these last few weeks. It's his age (81), they say. He flubs lines every time he speaks. Enough, anyway, to make some believe he should quit the ongoing race of president.

And perhaps he should.

But how many times have we been here before?

American political history is ripe with times when our sitting president caught hell from the opposition, some internally from their own party. Democrat Harry Truman was written off on the front page of the Chicago Tribune in '48.

Republican Richard M. Nixon was said to have lost it after losing the very first televised debate against a younger John F. Kennedy in '60. Ronald Reagan was also known to blow a few lines on the campaign trail and once was forced to defend a comment by wife Nancy, who'd stood before a campaign crowd and said it was "so good to be with white people again."

This is the Big Time in national politics and mistakes are magnified.

What Joe Biden is going through now is tough to watch. He is clearly showing his age. The only question is: Will Americans stand with him on Election Day in November? We are, after all, a society which praises youth and energy, quick to discard our elderly.

After watching him at last night's Press Conference, we are led to believe that Biden will not voluntarily give up the campaign, as some in his own party are asking him to do. How do you quit a race against perhaps the most flawed opponent in the history of this Great Land - against a guy found guilty of rape and found guilty in the recent Porn Star trial?

It's a wonder we're even talking about this.

Anyone by corrupt Donald J. Trump for America, we insist on saying.

Yes, Biden stumbled again, referring to Ukraine President Zelensky as "President Putin" and to his second-in-command as ". . . Vice President Trump." The media is all over those two comments, glossing over a well-verbalized recap of all Biden has done while in office. That list is as impressive as any president could ever claim.

Actually, all things considered, this particular choice for voters is the easiest one in the nation's history - folks, you simply do not elect a convicted felon to the highest office in the land.

You just cannot.

Not if you wish to be the leader of the Free World, a concept still very much in play and one foreign countries grew to respect and appreciate. There is only one United States on the ragged planet.

Joe Biden represents that America, Donald J. Trump does not.

Keep the criticism coming, for we are still a free country. But we know where it's coming from...and it's not from our best side of the family...


Thursday, July 11, 2024

THAT CLOONEY:...Hollywood Actor Backs Joe Biden In Big-Bucks Fundraiser One Week...Next Week, He's Calling For The President To Drop Out Of The 2024 Race Against Trump.....It May Have More To Do With Wife Amal Clooney's Work For The ICC In Fight With Israel...She Wants Israelis Arrested For War Crimes...



McALLEN, Texas |...Some friends. In politics, you can stick by them through thick and thin, even gather pals for a quick fundraiser to help a campaign. That for a good while was actor George Clooney's friendly relationship with President Joe Biden.

Last month, Clooney hosted - along with actresses Barbra Streisand and Julia Roberts - a nice get together in Los Angeles that garnered Biden a few million for his race against flawed Republican Donald J. Trump.

Then something happened and Clooney was off the Biden bandwagon.

In a stinging editorial published by The New York Times on Wednesday, Clooney wrote: "I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend, and I believe in him. Believe in his character. Believe in his morals. In the last four years, he's won many of the battles he's faced.

But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It's devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe 'big F-ing deal' Biden of 2010. He wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate."

Well, okay. Goodbyes can at times be strange and dirty affairs.

It was an intriguing turnaround, to say the least.

And maybe 63-year-old Clooney is being honest about his feelings and his reasons for asking the president to give up the fight. Who knows?

But a month earlier, in May, wife Amal Clooney's name surfaced as the writer of a report for the International Criminal Court in The Hague in which she documented atrocities committed by Israelis in that country's war against Palestine.

The ICC sought charges and arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, including Prime Minster Bibi Netanyahu.

Presumably, the 46-year-old Mrs. Clooney, a noted English attorney of Lebanese descent, was okay with that.

The U.S., however, was not.

Indeed, President Biden called talk of charges and arrests of Israelis "outrageous."

The response likely upset Amal Clooney. We ask: Was there some sort of familial fallout that angered husband George?

Only George Clooney knows...


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

AMERICAN PIE:...So, Hotshot, Are You A DEI Hire To Your Company's Human Resources Manager?...If You're In America, You Freaking, Damned-Straight Are...Diversity In An Immigrant Country?...Well, Of Course!!!...Demonizing The Obvious...Melting Pot?...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...More than a few conservative news outlets have begun torching Vice-President Kamala Harris and the possibility - egads!!!- that she could become America's first DEI president.

She's Black.

The many critics obviously are not. Black, I mean, for every one of those feckers is a DEI hire. I mean, we're a big country full of many immigrants from all across the world. Diversity happens.

But wild-eyed conservatives have seen an opportunity and are now targeting the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs through lawsuits and legislation, including successfully ending Affirmative Action in college admissions. In these circles, DEI has become a dog whistle framing efforts to create more equitable workplaces for marginalized communities as fundamentally unfair.

Equity? Maybe not equity, as we know full-well of our differences there (salaries, access to bank loans, certain housing). Inclusion? Yes, that has a way of opening some opportunities and possibilities.

But look around.

Isn't an Italian open to being called/listed as a diversity resource in an employment setting? Yes. same for an Irishman, a German, an Israeli, a Russian, a Norwegian, a Frenchman - they're all Americans here, all very different and, in a group setting, would then be pawns to diversity.

We should, of course, mention the ColombiansHaitiansJamaicans, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Central Americans, Africans, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Apaches (Americans, all). They bear the brunt of DEI criticism, unlike their fellow white-skin citizens.

It is a joke, but a political joke with horrible implications.

Hot topic Vice President Harris is an accomplished woman and politician. To hit her with "diversity" criticism is absurd...and cheap...and ridiculous. Her value to this country is so much more than that offered by the uneducated, fat-belly Rednecks who spew DEI as if it is the ugliest of birthmarks.

Give it up, already.

This past week, Tractor Supply, a major employer, cut is DEI Program after being pressured by Right-Wingers. Earlier, Pro-Trump Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered DEI Programs at state colleges and universities be shut down. In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis did the same. Both are Republicans.

But we say: A Nation of Immigrants is by its very nature...diverse as all Hell.

Most other countries on the planet get their fair share of immigrants these days.

We're the only brainless sumbitches who break out the nametags, for shelfing, for status, for politics.

In actuality, of course, the phrase Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) is just a cover for something else, something they won't say aloud...


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

ME AND MY MEDIA:...News Travels Fast...It's Good And It's Bad...What - It's All Bad?...Okay...But It Still Depends On Where You Get It....Mainstream, Right-Wing, Left-Wing....Then There Is The Venus Flytrap Known As Social Media...Really, Can Anyone Survive This Mess?...The Weather Channel!!!...



McALLEN, Texas |...So, you say the media is the problem. Well, there is some truth to that. Americans get their news and information from a wide range of sources, some reliable and some so untrustworthy as to be useless for anything other than partisan politics.

The most trusted source is not The New York Times or the Washington Post or FOX News.

It is......The Weather Channel.

Well, that's according to a recent survey of Americans by something called We don't vouch for it 100%, but it is a survey. And, yeah it could be more meaningful these days as we head into our national election.

There are some surprises, but not many in the survey.

Right behind The Weather Channel in the favorable column are the BBC (England's British Broadcasting Company), PBS and The Wall Street Journal. Least trusted: National Enquirer, Breitbart News.

The Associated Press is ranked as #8 in the Most Trusted category, followed by The New York Times at #14, Washington Post at #15, NPR at #17. Newsmax is #40, followed by FOX News at #47 and Al Jazeera at #48.

In between are some notables like The Los Angeles Times, NBC, CBS, ABC and a host of other recognizable news organizations. As expected, MSNBC is listed as the Most Liberal, while FOX News as the Most Conservative.

In Social Media, Youtube gets high marks and X and Facebook not so much. Tik Tok and Instagram are among the outlets listed, although not rated highly for news.

We believe it does matter where you get your news (facts) in this feisty political campaign season. Yes. partisanship plays into it and allegiances do count for something. That is to be expected.

We won't bore you with a lengthy write-up on all of the survey's findings, but you can check it for yourself here: Trust in Media 2024: Which news sources Americans trust — and which they think lean left or right | YouGov

Americans have always had more than enough news (since the 1960s anyway) to stay up with political doings in this country. But where once the sources numbered in the single digits, well, today that playing field has been expanded exponentially.

News is seemingly everywhere these days.

The Podcast is as popular as any other outlet. Most of those can be accessed via

I say it's all a good thing, even the ever-lying Far-Right offerings.

But we hope all Americans make the rounds before forming an opinion or staking out a position...


Monday, July 8, 2024

THE LATER ROUNDS:...President Joe Biden Is Still Punching...They All Want Him Out Of The Race...He Keeps Taking Blows...But Is Still Standing...Will He Drop Out, Or See His Corner Throw-In The Towel... Fight Project 2025?...The Crowd Roars, But Only Joe Biden Knows...



McALLEN, Texas |...They're doing their darndest to push him out. Calls in turgid news editorials at the biggest newspapers in the land of late. Senior Democratic senators and congressmen. It's a rolling fear that President Joe Biden's age, 81, is simply too much to overcome ahead of the crucial November General Election.

But is it?

No one really knows, no matter what the learned pundits and editorial boards tell you. As the song says, we've never been this way before.

And we're led to believe that only Biden knows whether he'll stay in the hunt, or whether coming events lead him off the stage. They say his wife Jill may be the one to decide.

The president has had a rough few weeks. That "doddering Grandpa" performance at the First Debate with equally old Republican Donald J. Trump, 78, is still white-hot in the daily news cycle. The development has even shut Trump up of late, his backers saying Trump is just letting Biden twist in the wind.

As my old pal Melissa used to say, "Quien sobby?"

Well, yeah, that's where are this fine no-hurricane morning in the magical Rio Grande Valley, Land of Eternal Hope and Dreams. It's a sure bet Valleyites are hoping Biden wins the election. What Trump would do with welfare (food stamps and housing assistance) is well-known. That right-wing Project 2025 he supports explains it quite clearly - no more freebies.

That one is one crazy existential plan, but desperate Republicans have time to draft such idiotic plans. We have posted an informational graphic below of exactly what these White Supremacists have in mind.

I suspect that it will not find support in the RGV.

Well, it could not be any clearer, could it? Wow. I know, I know that's just another overused word, like extremist. Only there is no question the mission of this project is aimed at certain people. The plan is backed by the conservative Heritage Foundation, a group of folks who believe their station in American life is now past being threatened by non-White citizens.

They frown at California and Texas now being more Black & Brown than White.

It is to be expected, and it has been coming for a long time.

Joe Biden fights Project 2025, as do many other Whites. The plan is silly and ridiculous, but what do you say to the ever-fearful amongst us? You'd have to know your way around our ditzy American Politics to grab at every nuance of who we are and where we're going as a nation.

Project 2025 is not nuanced. It is now in your face.

As is the November Election.

Yes, we could keep telling you Biden is the way to go for continued happiness, but perhaps it's time that you got there on your own. Take your brain for a reality spin, yeah.

The bell has sounded for the 10th Round...Five to go...


Sunday, July 7, 2024

THEY'LL BE BACK:...Trump Getting A Pass At The Moment As Biden Gets Walloped...The Press Playing Ping-Pong...Republicans Will Get Theirs In The Lead-In To November Election...News Reporters Also Fear Dictators...Can't Go For That...


McALLEN, Texas |...Real Newsmen know the drill. The story will be taken to its end and then it'll make a predictable turn. For now, the Press is all over President Joe Biden after a woeful Debate One performance. Soon enough, that same press will switch its aim and point their guns on flawed Republican Donald J. Trump.

Bank it.

We've been there. Newsrooms will buzz up the angles and editors will call meetings. The Story of The Day is never the Story of The Year. Democrats know it, as do Republicans. The week's punching bag has a habit of being you for now and him next week.

Biden will likely survive the media's call that he leave the campaign. He's 81, see. Too old and visibly painful to watch and hear. Photos show an old man trying to hang on, his dutiful wife at his side, some pundits saying she whispers answers in his ear during interviews. It's a horrible optic.

But the plot twists in politics are part of the journey. Every candidate knows there will be good and bad weeks. One misstep and all will be on his/her case. A rebound of sorts will follow, as supporters rush to the scene of the crash. New Ads and speeches clear the way for a comeback.

Joe Biden has been there many times before. And the press has been there with him.

Donald Trump is enjoying the lack of media attention, but it won't last.

American politics is a seesaw. One hour you may be up, but the next one will have you down. Opponents will lob criticism grenades at you while you're down. It's called "The Test" and mettle of a candidate for public office. You see it in local and state elections, but kit is magnified at the national level.

Come September, the same tireless news media that is hounding Democrat Joe Biden now will have exhausted themselves of Biden stories and openly head for new meat. That hamburger will be Trump and his campaign.

Yes, the media trailed Trump for most of the year prior to Biden's debate stumble, as it should have.

This daily assault on Biden, however, is merely a break.

Know this: Donald Trump will be sunk in the Fall...No news reporter wants a dictator...


Saturday, July 6, 2024

THE GRILLING SEASON:...Biden Nuked In Network Interview...Next?...Time To Drop Trump's Rump On The Hot Coals...Acid Test Here For The Republican? ...He'd Never Sit For It...He'll Steam...And Wait On Calls For Chicken...Americans Will Set The Table...



SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, Texas |...Okay, now go grill the other guy. We're waiting on nasty Hurricane Beryl to drop in on our local island paradise and cooling off a bit, only, well, our national politics are also white-hot.

Embattled Democrat Joe Biden got the ABC News treatment last night, fielding more than enough questions about his health, his plans and his advanced age. It was a grilling on network TV, of the like we have not seen this election season.

The president stays in the picture.

Biden let go his anger at being forced out of the presidential race just because he had a bad first debate with Republican reptilian Donald J. Trump last week.

"I'm staying in the race," Biden said, repeating what he'd earlier in the day told attendees at a rally in Wisconsin. Maybe if God came down and asked him to quit, Biden explained.

God's not coming.

The interview served a purpose, I suppose. It fell into that annoying duty we in the Big-Time press used to call the "Folo." following the rising angle a story is taking. Go with it until the over is over. Tomorrow will bring yet another angle, perhaps the one in which calls become loud enough to demand Trump sit down with network TV, not friendly FOX News, and himself take the heat. Trump won't do, but that will be another story.

The campaigns roll onward to cash-it day in November.

Whether Joe Biden decides to leave the race is a nagging question, but we wonder why the test he's being put to is also not being faced by the certain Republican nominee. No, that party gets the bullhorn and not the chair in front of a hard-quizzing interrogator.

Trump couldn't handle the truth, as Jack Nicholson might say about here.

Biden is 81 years old and paying the price for aging. Trump is 78 and not seeing that blow up on his fat face.

Something's wrong with this picture. Grilling makes no concessions. Meat will burn to your pleasure.

Joe Biden is being the transparent presidential candidate.

Trump doesn't have the brains or balls to do what Joe Biden did last night in sitting down to field tough questions from interviewer George Stephanopoulos while fighting for his vision of the nation.

Artful Dodger Trump has never fought for America, as we all know...


Friday, July 5, 2024

THE CONSTITUTION:......A Long, Long-Held Belief Somewhat Fading In The Afternoon Sun...Turns Out To Be Just Another Government Fold-Out...Donald J. Trump Wants To Be King...Founder Adams Would Be Mortified...Americans Inhale...



McALLEN, Texas |...We're there, there at the old wooden bridge to something else. Who and how many will cross to the other side? More than a few Americans are asking that very question as our political world explodes. Shards of a country cracked wide open fly across the land.

Will it be a president or a king?

Our 2024 presidential election will soon tell the tale, but, kids, the miles-long rollercoaster has left the loading zone. Buckle up! The time for decisions is here and how we answer a few questions will tell us whether we go and where we will go. Already, the clouds turn dark, the evenings halt at going into the dead of night, the sun musters itself for another day.

I'm of the opinion that America will never be our Old America after this hoedown.

Why would anyone think that they could upend more than 200 years of believing in something so defined by the country's fathers, namely that, here, from sea to shining sea, no one is above the law. Excuse me while I get pissed, while I reach for my alcohol drink, while I down it in anger.

Republican candidate Donald J. Trump cares only about himself. That we have seen and heard for eight long and turbulent years. No mystery in that guy. Off his odd four-year term as president from 2016 to 2020 we got more than enough evidence of his aims and weaknesses. Now, he seeks the same office again out of desperation.

Four cases of wrongdoing, one conviction by a jury, three trials to go, some 50 additional charges to resolve. Any other defendant would have long been gone down the sewer pipe of needed justice. Trump endures, backed by millions of so-called MAGA cultists who see an entirely different candidate, one they say will save the country from internal destruction.

They want immigrants from Norway, those with white skin. We're not getting those; we're getting the darker ones who come and do work ever-bitching MAGA types would never do. Would a Trump presidency rid us of the Black-dominated National Basketball Association?

The NFL? Professional boxingInterracial marriages? They're already dealing with diversity in the workplace and doing it with a sharp axe.

 Back then, in the late-1700s, Poor John Adams easily imagined that American revolutionaries were founding a government of laws, not of men. But we now know that Trump’s ideal is a government not even of men, but of a man - his own unprecedented and astonishing self.

The hallowed Constitution will keep getting reviewed. That ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court last week to do with presidential "immunity" is a blow at its concept. Laws are for the many but not the few. The Court opened up a can of beans, dealing good news to Trump, who claimed absolute immunity for his actions as president, and bad news for federal prosecutors armed with so much evidence that to say they have a mountain of it is to downplay the amount.

Many of us in this star-crossed country have looked the other way every time a new angle to our freedom is thrown in our faces, as they did with this latest High Court's surprise ruling and with a litany of legal moves that only delay true justice.

Donald Trump is the luckiest American ever.

He remains above the law...


Thursday, July 4, 2024

ON DECK:...Vice President Kamala Harris Ready & Willing...President Joe Biden Says He's Not Quitting 2024 Race After One Lousy Debate, But...Politics Is Our National Pastime...Your Bookie's On Line Two...



McALLEN,. Texas |...There's an adage in professional baseball that says a midseason slump is no time to worry. "You don't win the World Series in July," goes the well-known line.

And so it is in national politics.

We're there, in early-July, and the noise coming from the upper deck is such that President Joe Biden is being written-off as a Big Game loser, even as we bat in the bottom of the third inning. There are miles to go before we rest, as the poem says.

One bad debate performance, like a 10-to-nothing whipping in a home game, does not define the season. We are hip to the rally in the later innings idea, the one that says comebacks have been known to stun the fans and the league.

Not that we're ignorant to the idea that Democrat Joe Biden has lost his fast ball, but we're keeping a close eye on him as he takes the mound for the fourth inning.

Over there, in the bullpen, is our capable reliever: Kamala Harris.

Our feeling is that she is more than capable to amble in and finish the job. The 59-year-old Harris, of Jamaican and Indian descent, is a knife-sharp cookie with her own pitches. Harris is an attorney with plenty of governmental experience. More than the opposing Republican, one convicted felon Donald J. Trump, the screwball artist with a rabid following.

He leads the league in hit batsman, fines and suspensions. At present, he also is facing three criminal trials and some 80 felony charges.

Kamala Harris is clean.

The current vice-president is a former U.S. Senator from California, a former Attorney General of California and a former District Attorney in San Francisco. She is a graduate of Howard University, the University of California and Hastings College of Law

In Congress, she pumped her national profile by pointedly questioning Trump administration officials during Senate hearings. Included in that effort was a feisty give & take with Trump's second Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused of sexual assault.

Harris has been low-key during the Biden Administration, as happens with VEEPS.

But on occasions, he smarts have exhibited themselves nicely.

Following Biden's horrible debate performance last week, it was Harris who strolled out to say the president was not as awful as was being painted by Republicans and the press. Her calm demeanor and careful, but pointed speech offered a side of her Americans have rarely seen.

Crazed Republicans often mention her ethnicity, always noting that should Biden falter, well, a dark-skinned person will occupy The White House. The dig is a racist one and aimed at dinging her popularity. It is a criticism that likely will fall by the wayside with women voters, a voter bloc weakness for Republicans out to pass a national abortion ban.

We're hanging-in and watching this critical ballgame, even as we know there is more spectacular and disappointing action to come as the rest of the wild season unfolds.

The pitching mound is at once a rewarding and unforgiving showcase.

Joe Biden is still throwing hard stuff, knowing full-well he has a game "saver" ready to amble in...


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

HORROR:...And Then They Came For America...Two Hundred-Plus Years And What?...400,000 Americans Dead In World War II...58,000 Killed In 'Nam...For This?...For A Draft Dodger?...Enter Stephen King...



McALLEN, Texas |...Perhaps it is okay that a well-known writer of horror comes forth with an apropos line. What the Hell, right? I mean, everybody's talking, so why not Stephen King, the author of some of the scariest fiction around.   

". . . Overturning Roe (vs. Wade, over abortion rights) took power from women," King wrote yesterday on social media. "Today's decision takes power from all of us."

He was referencing the now famous ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on Republican Donald J. Trump's claim to absolute immunity. He's not alone. Writing is spanning the sky, from all recognizable angles and from all political sides.

Joe Biden is done, they say. Democrats need to replace him as their 2024 presidential candidate. He is old at age 81 and worse than a convicted felon. America cannot withstand another four years of Joe Biden.

Conversely, the scribes have given Republican convicted felon Donald J. Trump perhaps his best, best week ever as a candidate and even as a Human Being. The U.S. Supreme Court obviously thinks Trump is okay for the nation's highest post. He's a paunchy 78 and showing it, too. But the week was about putting Biden down and normalizing the criminal.

It's the U.S.A., kids. All in on the freedom to do this and that, right? Hang the charges on the hat rack and let the voters decide in November. Even a felon can run for president. We're Number 1 and all that shit.

The fallout, however, is a battered citizenry asked to play police in all of this.

Grand and trial juries have spoken and spoken loudly about Trump's criminal activity, yet none of it has stuck. The Orange Dud has yet to suffer, other than spending a few days at his recent NY trial in that hush money case that saw him convicted of 34 fucking charges.

Trump's still out there, free and clear. Even his probation interview, a requirement after his conviction, was handled via Zoom online. No walking into an interview room to face a hard-ass bureaucrat, no drug test, no hard questions. They say it was over in 20 minutes. Tell that to your cousin who was busted for two joints and still sits in federal prison.

No, America, don't come at me with what dictators are doing to their defenseless citizens in Third World countries.

Not after this. Not after what we're seeing and hearing, seeing with our own eyes.

Writer Stephen King has been a prolific critic of felon Donald Trump, often issuing blistering assessments of the goings-on. He's been whipped by right-wing MAGA types, but he's not stopping. The plot is too good.

A bloody horror story where everybody dies in the end.

That's what we've become. Bang the drum slowly one more time...


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

MIDNIGHT IN AMERICA:...It's Getting Late. Do You Know Where Your Rights Are Going?...Deeper And Deeper Into The Abyss...Supreme Court Hands Us A Dictator...Our President Is Now Immune, More Than Ever, From Prosecution...Strongman Donald Trump Is Again "Proud To Be An American"...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...There's no other way to look at it, not if you keep up with daily events. The president's speech hours after the latest Supreme Court ruling says much. Angry Republican Donald J. Trump's campaign for president has boiled over into detestation.

He wants to be a dictator. President Joe Biden calls it dangerous for the citizenry.

It's the result of yesterday's surprise ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in which the issue of absolute presidential immunity sought by Trump was roundly endorsed by the nation's High Court. That came in a 6-3 decision, with all Republican-appointed justices going along with the idea, but it came. The three justices appointed by Democrats dissented strongly.

Trump roundly lauded the decision, which beyond asserting his position that a president cannot do the job without full immunity, well, also continued his ceaseless effort to delay a trial in Washington, D.C. to do with Trump's involvement in the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol Building - a needed trial now so far down the road as to go beyond the November General Election.

Trump keeps winning, yes.

What's America to do? I mean, people in the city and lunch-bucket towns. What recourse do they have, if they believe in government checks & balances, as most American students are taught in school. What can anyone do?

Nothing. Except vote. That's it. Congress is not going to challenge the Supreme Court. The president can oppose or decry it, but he's not going after the partisan justices. President Biden apparently could after this ruling, but he won't. It's not his style.

Pro-Trump Americans, meanwhile, are giddy as all get-out. For them, the living room has become the bedroom. MAGA disciples were all across the Internet minutes after the ruling, insisting that all the legal problems faced by Trump are now suspect (since a president, they noted, can do anything he wants).

These are largely old White Americans in graying hair and goatees, their women with the forearms of a plumber. Noisy, mouthy Americans - the sort of individuals we used to assign to uncultured Nicaragua and Panama.

But it's a new day and anything can happen.

The election cannot come soon enough. Until then, the country is held hostage by the ridiculous words of convicted felon Donald J. Trump and actions from his band of racist bigots.

Is it a Dark Day in America, as some pundits are saying?

No, not really.

This is nothing more than rootless excitement, brought into the living room by the news of the day. We're surviving in a time of unsurpassed bleakness where the landscape of failures has opened up to reveal our dismal glamour.

We're still the United States of America, the world's however-roiled best country. You could go along with those who say we need to return to the calmer days of yesteryear. But that's just a dream still carried by our aging, dying population.

Geriatric absurdity is temporary. This too shall pass...


Monday, July 1, 2024

MEDIA IS THE MESSAGE:...Playing Its Role, Or Mudding The Waters?...One Debate And Country Falls Apart...How Major Outlets Had It...Plus, Supreme Court Ruling Favors Trump...See Our Comments...



McALLEN, Texas |...There is a well-known analogy most reporters would know well, often laugh at and perhaps even say it's the damned truth - picture a row of blackbirds on a powerline flying in one by one and then, when startled by something, they all fly off one by one to go check it out.

You're seeing a bit of it now in our busy national press corps on this presidential debate story that lingers here days after the event. Never mind the war in Ukraine, the other one in Gaza or a weekend shooting with racial overtones in Nebraska.

The Big Story must be chased down.

That is what newsroom honchos are telling their top political reporters these days. It is a story with better legs than the actress Juliet Prowse, said to have once had the most gorgeous legs in Hollywood.

We reel at some of the high-energy punditry making the rounds, but we also know that we live in a time when everyone has a bullhorn at the ready. You don't have time for all the freaking, highfalutin podcasts out there. Same for a zillion blogs out to have their say.

There is, however, evidence of what we mean. A review of recent post-debate headlines reveals a somewhat known belief that the news media plays its own game, often believing influence is key in their business, at times right and at others wrong, at times well-meaning and at others simply offering the partisan company line. 

Headlines of some major news organizations following the debate:

The New York Times: Biden Struggles as Trump Blusters in Contentious Debate

The Washington Post: Biden struggles, Trump deflects questions

The Wall Street Journal: Biden Crashed in First Clash With Trump

Politico: "Biden is toast"

Axios: Biden blunders dominate combative debate with Trump

NBC News: Biden sends Democrats into a panic; Trump unleashes bad information

CBS News: Presidential debate highlights from Trump and Biden’s first showdown of 2024

CNN: Biden’s poor showing and Trump’s repeated deflection

MSNBC: Biden stumbles; Trump caveats election results question

USA Today: Biden supporters alarmed after president’s debate struggles


Your particular take on events is just as good as theirs. That's where we are in communications. The country has more than enough news and even more news angles. Each of the outlets listed above has its own niche in the industry - whether playing to the left, the right or the middle.

White noise is what it also used to be called.

Should we worry about it? No, not really. There are plenty of outlets simply off the grid, as they say. They gladly push hellbent lies to aid their cause, candidate or boss. That, we say, is well and good, 'cause it can be balanced by visiting other sites and reading a different story of the same news.

Once, Americans had three main news sources in ABC, CBS and NBC - the initial major networks. But that was 50-60 years ago. Cable TV followed it, and then came the world-changing Internet. Said to be in the rise is the availability of news on your cellphone.

Who knows exactly how much influence these news organizations have singularly and collectively.

All I can know is my own time. Yes, I make the rounds to stay informed.

Perhaps that's what we all should do. There are good reasons to criticize the concept of a free press. It's a jungle out there. Crazy rumors and crazier lies abound. But they do offer glimpses of current life, available all day and all night by way of your keyboard fingertips or television, a literal avalanche of good and bad news, accompanying photography included in the informational package.

This back and forth regarding last Thursday's presidential debate is hot, but it, too, will fade. Just keep watching those winging blackbirds on the powerlines...
