Thursday, July 4, 2024

ON DECK:...Vice President Kamala Harris Ready & Willing...President Joe Biden Says He's Not Quitting 2024 Race After One Lousy Debate, But...Politics Is Our National Pastime...Your Bookie's On Line Two...



McALLEN,. Texas |...There's an adage in professional baseball that says a midseason slump is no time to worry. "You don't win the World Series in July," goes the well-known line.

And so it is in national politics.

We're there, in early-July, and the noise coming from the upper deck is such that President Joe Biden is being written-off as a Big Game loser, even as we bat in the bottom of the third inning. There are miles to go before we rest, as the poem says.

One bad debate performance, like a 10-to-nothing whipping in a home game, does not define the season. We are hip to the rally in the later innings idea, the one that says comebacks have been known to stun the fans and the league.

Not that we're ignorant to the idea that Democrat Joe Biden has lost his fast ball, but we're keeping a close eye on him as he takes the mound for the fourth inning.

Over there, in the bullpen, is our capable reliever: Kamala Harris.

Our feeling is that she is more than capable to amble in and finish the job. The 59-year-old Harris, of Jamaican and Indian descent, is a knife-sharp cookie with her own pitches. Harris is an attorney with plenty of governmental experience. More than the opposing Republican, one convicted felon Donald J. Trump, the screwball artist with a rabid following.

He leads the league in hit batsman, fines and suspensions. At present, he also is facing three criminal trials and some 80 felony charges.

Kamala Harris is clean.

The current vice-president is a former U.S. Senator from California, a former Attorney General of California and a former District Attorney in San Francisco. She is a graduate of Howard University, the University of California and Hastings College of Law

In Congress, she pumped her national profile by pointedly questioning Trump administration officials during Senate hearings. Included in that effort was a feisty give & take with Trump's second Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused of sexual assault.

Harris has been low-key during the Biden Administration, as happens with VEEPS.

But on occasions, he smarts have exhibited themselves nicely.

Following Biden's horrible debate performance last week, it was Harris who strolled out to say the president was not as awful as was being painted by Republicans and the press. Her calm demeanor and careful, but pointed speech offered a side of her Americans have rarely seen.

Crazed Republicans often mention her ethnicity, always noting that should Biden falter, well, a dark-skinned person will occupy The White House. The dig is a racist one and aimed at dinging her popularity. It is a criticism that likely will fall by the wayside with women voters, a voter bloc weakness for Republicans out to pass a national abortion ban.

We're hanging-in and watching this critical ballgame, even as we know there is more spectacular and disappointing action to come as the rest of the wild season unfolds.

The pitching mound is at once a rewarding and unforgiving showcase.

Joe Biden is still throwing hard stuff, knowing full-well he has a game "saver" ready to amble in...



  1. We're tracking our Comments feature after a few reader complaints again told us some are getting "Failed to publish" messages when submitting their thoughts. It apparently is an occasional ding, so all we can say is...keep trying. We are no longer moderating comments for approval, so have at it...

  2. It's already begun. Kristi Noem, the Republican governor of South Dakota said this, "“And so, you know, if Joe Biden steps down and it is Kamala Harris, gosh, you know, that’s going to be an interesting race, because she’s just as bad as he is." Noem is the woman who wrote about shooting her dog in the face and lied about meeting with the North Korea dictator.

  3. I was against Biden dropping out until he did nothing to fix the public impression created by the debate. No Town Hall. No tough interviews. Now, I've embraced having Kamala Harris taking over the ticket.

  4. President Biden is the only thing standing between us and a Nazi America. They will round us up and execute us all in the name of MAGA. Scary stuff. Real and I made a pledge -- we would ignore Biden's physical condition and concentrate instead on the Trump Nazi threat.

  5. Kamala is “generic” and a “diversity hire” but Donald Trump is not Average White Boy, privileged, inheriting, spending, and losing his daddy’s money. Unable to read, write or speak English. Not smart enough to grasp world affairs. Ridiculed as such by world leaders. A sexual predator and crook who should and will get away with it because he’s…best qualified to run this country? Tall, fat, white and loud and takes whatever he wants? Don’t go changin’, America.

  6. 78 year old Trump can't even get the name of his (paid off) doctor correct. Jackson? Johnson?

  7. Where's Melania?

    1. Stormy Daniels was the real First Lady!!!

    2. Ha!!! Yes, I believe she was.......

  8. Trump didn't win the debate; I think they both lost. I will still vote President Biden over a liar any day!

  9. You can vote a dictator into office, but you can’t vote a dictator out of office! Choose wisely!

  10. All during the Trump term, political pundits kept warning of a constitutional crisis. After Chief Justice Robert’s decree, we’re in one. Now is not the time to split the Democratic Party in two, between those who still support our team as it is, and those who don’t. Have no doubt that the Republicans are pushing this through; they need us fractured. They see what we see: Trump is out of control, dangerous, deranged, dictatorial and there’s not enough people in America who want that thing back in the White House.

    President Biden can lead us through a second term, and I trust he has the best people in place to catch him if he falls. His age isn’t the problem, our fear is.

  11. Crazy Trump needs to be stopped and I don't see it happening yet. Too many people catering to the big stink.

  12. Hang out with Trump long enough and you're sure to end up in prison. Hell-o, Steve Bannon. How's prison, dude? ha ha ha

    1. Steve drew latrine duty this week. LMAO!!!

  13. Happy 4th of July all!!!!

  14. Ivanka says it was "painful" to see her father in a courtroom. You think it's painful? Trying being a true American. We are the ones in pain because of your rancid piece of garbage rapist felon daddy.

  15. Rudy Giuliani disbarred. Ruined his life for Donald Trump who doesn't give a crap about him. Baffling.

    1. Loser of The Century...he lost it all for a man who wouldn't help him.

  16. I'm so sick of hearing all this BS. If Merrick Garland would have done his job and indicted Trump right after Jan 6th like he should have instead of being a wuss and doing nothing for 2 1/2 years Trump would be in jail by now

  17. Harris may not be the ideal candidate, nor do I imagine she would, were she to take office, rank among the top tier of Presidents in history, but she would be running against a man who has in contemporary rankings landed at the bottom or maybe one or two ranks from dead last. She’s also the most expedient choice and while that’s not usually the best standard to go by, it is right now, as she has stood beside Biden and his political agenda and would carry the torch forward.

  18. The right-wing disrespect of the elderly and the importance of Social Security and Medicare to their survival should provide President Biden the support of the elderly. I'm voting to protect my Mom and Dad.

  19. For all Trump dummies: The Supreme Court gave presidents immunity. Legal experts say it won’t extend to staffers..........

    1. Trump got immunity, but his staff didn't. Trump will continue to allow his followers to suffer as he walks away clean. This should be a wakeup call to his supporters, but I doubt if most of them pay attention.

  20. I have full confidence in President Biden and Vice President Harris. Vote Blue in November.

  21. At lunch but had to check in: Some say Trump's felony Georgia election-interference case needs to be decided upon as being an "official act" or "non-official act." This isn't retroactive. That crime has already been committed. Besides, it was clearly not something a president does. Trying to rig an election is not in his job description, the last time I checked!

  22. I am so eternally grateful for you & all the former Republicans who are truly working their butts off to help us save our country from the abyss!

    I love your fight & clarity! TY TY TY TY

  23. Such a devastating betrayal to all those who have spent a lifetime upholding the law to have this court make a mockery of it.

    1. The police have had immunity for years.

    2. Uvalde police even ignored fights with killer of schoolchildren.

  24. Hang in there, President Biden. We love you and we know how hard you have worked and accomplished so much!!! We don't want a Russia-loving criminal like Trump in the White House.

  25. I'm a 65 yr. old blue collar white guy and I am so proud of Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett !! She is exactly what our country needs.

  26. Hurricane Beryl update: Looks like Brownsville will get a direct hit on Monday, but by then Beryl will only be a category 1 hurricane. Models show it moving thru South Texas with high winds and rain. RGV largely escapes another one......

    1. Brownsville, City of 10,000 Potholes.

  27. Border crossings are WAY down. Good for Democrats and a knock on racist MAGAs. Rednecks are "diversity" hires. heh heh

    1. Any word from "invasion" Gov. Abbott?

  28. Italians are "diversity" hires, are Germans, Irish, Jews and Native Americans. We're an IMMIGRANT country!!!

  29. Moving forward, Dept. Of Justice Signals that a MAJOR SHOWDOWN is Coming With felon Donald Trump. He's not off the hook yet.......

  30. The DC Judge should rule Trump committed UNOFFICIAL acts one after another and force the Supreme Court to bail him out of this one, as America Watches.

  31. Without hesitation, President Biden STILL has my vote! 100%

  32. Trump stooge Steve Bannon became a Catholic when he learned that it would get him out of his prison cell for an hour on Sundays.


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