Monday, June 17, 2024

VOTING FOR PAIN:...Latinos For Trump Asking For It...Oh, But They So Want To Belong...Republicans Mayra Flores and Monica De La Cruz Ride Aboard Trump Train...That's Them Smiling As They Board...



McALLEN, Texas |...There is no rhyme or reason, from what I can see. Support for convicted felon Donald J, Trump is understandable from certain quarters, but from Latinos? Uh, no. They know not what they do, Lord.

The man hates them, won't sit with them, won't eat with them.

Yet, there they are, fawning over the racist candidate for president, asking to be among the first he would go after, damage and deport. Citizenship is not a given under fascism. They can only hope.

Surveys may indicate that Latinos are rallying behind the flawed Republican, but I also suspect that those numbers are skewed. A certain sector of insecure Hispanics is aboard his campaign, like local District 15 Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz and District 34 candidate Mayra Flores.

Would both give an arm and leg to help do Trump's ugly bidding?

But they are not alone in the ever-fad-happy Rio Grande Valley, a shank of land so far from Washington, D.C. and so much closer to Mexico City that it is neighboring country's culture that brings what we call life for locals.

Pass the salsa and keep the Grey Poupon.

Flores and De la Cruz, shown above, at right posing with Trump, have nothing in common with Trump and his crowd. What - claim to a party allegiance? Puh-leeeese. The Republican Party's use of non-White voters is a strategy for winning the most votes. Inclusion? Obscenity!

Trump never looks to Latinos for any sort of leadership standing. He had none - not one - in his Cabinet while in The White House. There was no such thing as the highest-ranking Hispanic in his administration. Even that other weird Republican, George W. Bush, had one - Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez.

Trump makes it very plain to see, yet Latinos do fawn over him. In Congress, U.S. Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio support Trump wholeheartedly these days. They've come around. Once, Trump said Cruz's wife, Heidi, was ugly, and he labeled Rubio "Little Marco."

No, the myriads of clues are there, and it is more than just a foot-tall mound.

Flores, shown in photo at left, and De La Cruz, I say, exhibit nothing that tells me they are intelligent enough to see beyond the glitz of an inclusion that is simply a fake, one-way relationship. Meat on the hoof to be used and discarded after the election.

Latinos are a recognized force in our elections these days.

That political power is something that can benefit our people, our role in this ever-segmented country.

Smiling for Trump only makes Latinos look dumb, weak, futile and lost...



  1. We had a few glitches with our Comments feature yesterday. If you get a "Failed to publish" message when you submit your thoughts, well, all we can say is keep trying. It has been resolving itself lately...

  2. His decline can't be ignored.

  3. For the Republicans who say they don't mind Trump being a "dictator for one day", I say this. One day is ALL he needs to turn this republic into an empire ruled by fear.

  4. There's a big problem when you have "presidential candidate" and "probation officer" in the same sentence.

  5. Mayra and Monica are insecure chicanas. Nothing more than that. kissing up is not a campaign for votes.

    1. At least Monica has a degree from a 4-year college - UTSA.

    2. Mayra needs work on her public-speaking. Puro rancho!!!

    3. I call on Mayra to release her STCC grades transcript.

    4. Mayra holding watermelon. priceless.

  6. Trump challenges Biden to a cognitive test but confuses the name of the doctor who tested him

  7. I think we all agree that Donald J. Trump's mental health is far worse now than it was when he debated President Biden prior to the 2020 election. The evidence is clear as a bell and I recommend folks listen/watch him speak in any of the last five or six campaign rallies. The question we all should be asking is "what if Trump's mental decline continues (e.g. he has Alzheimer's). Joe sounds tired and slurs periodically, but he still has a photographic memory - which is why he could speak so well for two hours straight in front of a hostile Republican controlled Congress (State of the Union speech).

  8. He won't win. his brains are leaking out his dang ears and most woman are PISSED.

  9. Trump met with 50 of the country's top CEOs last Thursday and they all laughed at him.

    1. The problem isn't Trump, it's our fellow Americans who will still vote for him.

  10. Trump said Milwaukee is a "horrible" city as the Republican Convention is set to begin there. Maybe the city asked for payment for the convention-related expenses upfront?

  11. The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started

    An emerging coalition that views Donald J. Trump’s agenda as a threat to democracy is laying the groundwork to push back if he wins in November, taking extraordinary pre-emptive actions.

  12. Funny. White crowd fills the pews for Trump’s visit to a Black church in Detroit. (shameful photo op)

  13. Republicans can — and will — keep trying to ban Mifepristone
    The Supreme Court shot down a lousy argument from a fabricated plaintiff. But anti-abortion groups still have other paths to ban medication abortion.

  14. It's so wonderful to have a President and First Lady in our White House who clearly love and respect each other. The Trump years were like a clown show, with everyone covered in too much makeup, and telling phony.

  15. What is the punishment for being a traitor? That's exactly what should be handed to Trump!

  16. I am a Republican who has never voted for Trump and I never will vote for Trump

  17. Fact check: Trump revives lie that he was long ago named "Man of the Year" in Michigan. He wasn't.

  18. Support Biden, Democracy and America.

    Trump for Prison 2024

  19. I really don't understand or appreciate it...when Republicans state that they will accept a win if it's a free and fair election. That's very rich of them.

    With the caveat that they get to decide what is fair and free.

  20. No decent respectable Black person would ever support DJT.

  21. Republicans cheer when called criminals. Be glad the majority of the country doesn't cheer for their dear leader.

  22. President Biden should say he isn’t prepping for the debate because everyone is expecting Trump will find an excuse to chicken out.

    Maintain the psychological pressure.

  23. It’s time for Democrats to take the gloves off. Trump inspires through fear and lies, and Biden is too honorable to do the same, so the fight is both exhausting and uneven, but fight we must. Vote Blue!!!

  24. My son was KIA in Afghanistan trying to save three Navy SEALs. He was a Hero. He is NOT a loser or a sucker.
    Why would anyone vote for a man that says John McCain was not a hero?

  25. The proper function of the citizen in an operational democracy is to call out or even drag out those deemed corrupt and unfit for public office. Problem is none of this happens now. They’re all way corrupt.

  26. Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have been bought and paid for several times over, we have seen the receipts. At this point just expect them to rule with whoever paid the most money. Just another bought off partisan branch government. Except this branch cannot be voted out and are untouchable, and they know it

  27. What's with the MAGAs? Why do they always have to totally exaggerate the number of people at Trump's events. Of course, Trump does that all the time, but his surrogates don't need to do that. Just don't mention how many people were in attendance instead of lying. My gosh claiming 8,000 at that Black church in Detroit when it wasn't even 800?

    1. He RENTED out a black church?! Crazy!

  28. I am in Britain and honestly there is a fear in this country about what will happen to our greatest ally and the most powerful democracy in the world if Trump is voted in. The whole situation is deeply disturbing, please protect what is so precious to your country. Your democracy!!!!! The president of the United States should be setting an example for your young people, uphold your constitution and represent the people not himself and his cronies

  29. To quote Former President Theodore Roosevelt:
    "No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right, not asked as a favor. The judges who administer justice in our countries must be seen as ethical and subject to meaningful correction when it is necessary. Nothing less than the rule of law is at stake."

  30. Is Mayra Flores on or off her "All You Can Eat" campaign this week? ja ja ja

    1. After all the eating comes the diet. She was looking pudgy.

  31. Trump talks about himself - Trump brand, I, me, my, mine - while President Biden talks about America - Americans, us, we ours the difference, with Trump it is always about Trump and what Trump will get out of it. While Biden has always seen it as service to the people.

  32. Potential Tropical Cyclone One forms in Gulf. We could use the rain. Sandbags being handed out across the valley.

  33. We just hit Corpus for a week at the beach. We may get rained out. But never regret the rain, ever. Everybody needs it so much.

  34. Pundits saying Trump will not show at June 27 debate with President Biden. If Trump fails to show or cancels, I hope President Biden still proceeds with the debate without him and answers the questions and talks to Americans and shows Trump's absence.

  35. Hispanic Republicans - "Flies will swarm around shit...."


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