Sunday, May 26, 2024

THE WIFE:...Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Has Blamed His 70-Year-Old, Pageboy-Coiffed Wife In That "Flying The American Flag Upside Down" At Their Home Affair...Foolish Martha-Ann Alito Likely Consulted Her Activist Hubby...



HARLINGEN, Texas |...Tomorrow is Memorial Day, that short 24-hour set-aside we use to honor those who died serving this country's military in defense of freedom. Fly your flags, America. Fly them high and fly them with pride.

We have only one flag - the stars & stripes.

The poor rag has been abused of late. We've all seen the disrespect. It continues, however. Politics is to blame say those who fly it upside down these days. They are merely expressing some disappointment or another, perhaps feuding with neighbors out to push another dogma.

Martha-Ann Alito, shown in photo above with husband Samuel, the Supreme Court Associate Justice, is one who's disrespected the national banner by flying it upside down atop a cool-looking flagpole outside the Alito home in Alexandria, Virginia.

Yeah, what to think of it?

A good case could be made for some sort of punishment, as could another case for granting the Alitos a pass in honor of freedom of speech. That's what our servicemen and servicewomen gave up their lives for isn't it - to defend democracy and its freedoms.

As reported, 70-year-old Martha-Ann Alito took the steps outside to lower her banner and whip it upside down before running it back up to the top in a show of some disgust with a neighbor openly flying an anti-Donald Trump flag up the street in her quiet, wealthy neighborhood.

Okay. She's a sheltered housewife with a maid and likely has time for such angry displays. Should we crucify her? You can if you wish to do that. Freedom of Speech is for everybody. If you side by her, say it. If you don't, say that, too.

There is, however, something stupid in flying our flag upside down. I believe that, as I believe burning it is equally stupid. Fall to anger if you must, but fly that flag high and with respect. Too many Americans in uniform have died protecting it. Surely, Martha-Ann Alito, a Yale U. graduate, knows that.

Reports had it that husband Samuel was blaming his wife for the flag imbroglio. I doubt that. I suspect there was talk between the two before Martha-Ann went ahead with the silly plan. It was the public blowback that likely caught distracted Samuel by surprise. He's been busy with his own Right-Wing agenda.   

The woman looks like an innocent suburban housewife, one with the face of general conviviality and the body of a person who looks in the bedroom's full-length mirror every morning and tells herself to layoff the cherry pastry.

Perhaps this ill-advised flag mess is a result of other problems Martha-Ann is currently battling. Who really knows about today's suburban housewives, right?

I do wonder if she'll leave the flag flying upside down on Monday, all day Monday...Memorial Day...



  1. EDITOR'S NOTE: We believe our troubles with the "Comments" feature here has been resolved. A new format has helped, we're told. But we shall see, yes...


  2. A flag is just a piece of cloth. Freedom of expression is one of the American ideals that it stands for.

  3. Alito elaborated in an interview that his wife, Martha-Ann, had asked a neighbor to take down a “F— Trump” sign, and the neighbor responded by posting another sign personally blaming Martha-Ann for the January 6 attacks and later used vulgar language toward her, “including the c-word.” Alito’s wife then flew the flag upside down.


  4. SCOTUS Justices must be 100% removed from politics. Want to support candidates? get a different job.


  5. Trump Gets MERCILESSLY BOOED at Libertarian Party convention Speech.

  6. Republicans have not shrunk government; they've been the party of tax cuts and deficit spending. Their position on abortion and censorship run counter to libertarianism.

    Trump was booed for a reason.

  7. “Trump booed and heckled by raucous crowd at Libertarian convention”

    I now have more respect for libertarians than I ever had before.

  8. Texas U.S. Senator John Cornyn will seek reelection to Senate in 2026.

    Time to find an opponent for this loser.

  9. It's a fight for our nation's soul.

  10. Republicans Mayra Flores and Monica De La Cruz back to eating out and shopping. They do not care about RGV people!

    1. Where is Mayra eating today? ja ja ja

    2. She's starting to look gordita.

  11. Alito and Thomas were clearly part of the plan to overturn the 2020 election. 147 members of Congress were also in on the conspiracy. So far, no charges...

  12. Proposed Texas Republican Party platform calls for the Bible in schools, electoral changes that would lock Democrats out of statewide office. Abbott at it again.

  13. Another scorcher today. feels like 117 degrees!!!

  14. “Are we going to be the party that governs and gets things done in a conservative manner?” Uvalde GOP Congressman Tony Gonzales said. “Or are we going to be the party that has jesters that come up here and say wild and crazy outrageous things and just try to burn the place down?”


  15. I like judges who aren't fascist liars supporting an insurrection.

  16. This not so superior supreme court justice reminds me of Ted Cruz blaming his family for taking a vacation during a state emergency. Neither one of these guys is man enough to accept responsibility for their own actions.


  17. Alito got caught and then he points the finger at his wife. Who is the head of that household? He is. He could have said to his wife “Take that down immediately” or he could have done it himself promptly. However, he didn’t so there you go.

  18. As a Supreme Court Justice Alito is called upon to rule impartially on cases involving the insurrection, Donald Trump, election integrity, and the separation of church and state. His decision to fly a flag endorsing insurrection in the name of theocracy calls into question his impartiality on all of those issues.

  19. Abraham George will be the next chair of the Republican Party of Texas after winning an election at the party’s convention. He's former Collin County GOP chair and failed candidate for congress.


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