Saturday, May 25, 2024

INSULT OF THE YEAR 2024:...Georgia Firecracker Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets It Face-Up...Rare In The Hallowed History Of Our Usually-Sedate Congress... Texan Jasmine Crockett Shuts Her Up...


McALLEN, Texas |...Excuse me while I laugh one more time. It's been one rough year for national politics and, well, most of it has been about putting up with childish silliness and high school antics from our so-called leaders, not a one exactly the dude or gal we'd follow into battle.

But we persevere here.

The Academy award-worthy scene was a rare late-night meeting in Congress of the House Oversight Committee a week ago yesterday, its odd scheduling due to one of those selfish, self-serving actions by our congressmen that have nothing to do with legislating, i.e. visits to the trial in New York of one Donald J. Trump, oft-indicted leader of the errant Republican Party these days.

There discussing the meeting's long agenda was Republican Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, perhaps antsy to get done with business at hand, scolding Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett, who'd asked for clarification from Committee Chairman James Comer.

Forty-nine-year-old Marjorie for some reason opted to lay blame on Crockett's concerns by noting her "fake eyelashes" as one reason why she could not make sense out of the written material being discussed.

Uh, big mistake from the trailer park queen Taylor Greene.

Without wasting one second, Crockett, a Democrat who holds the Tx-District 30 seat once occupied by the legendary Eddie Bernice Johnson, a firebrand of a more intellectual bent, tore into Taylor Greene with the insult that backed Washington, D.C. on its heels and still rings as the Putdown Of The Year.

Crockett, 43, a graduate of the University of Houston School of Law, called her a "bleach blonde, bad build, butch body."

The world of political insults will never be the same again.

It roared out of the nation's capital and into the comedy routines of late-night television.

The Internet swelled like Sophie Tucker never did. It was high humor of the killing kind.

Taylor Greene is used to being the insulter, the one throwing her rural shit at everybody else's face, and she's good at it. A trucker's loud voice is her talent. There is no doubt that loudmouth Marjorie will weather this hellacious hit, however. She will be back.

But for one glorious moment-in-time, her ass was thrown up against the wall, where it flattened before sliding down like ice cream melting all the way to the floor.

Thank you, Congresswoman Crockett...



  1. MTG deserved that ass-kicking...

  2. Our pal Mayra Flores back eating out - latest eggs and nopales at a Mex joint in San Juan. Put the weight on, baby!


  3. We're trying this new format for our reader comments. Hopefully it will help.

  4. "A pastors' group is standing behind a new state law and is requesting Rio Grande Valley school boards remove a list of books they describe as containing graphic sexuality from their library shelves.

    And if they don't get their way, the group is threatening to file lawsuits.

    So far, Pastor Luis Cabrera, national director of Latino Faith with the organization Remnant Alliance, has requested school boards including the Harlingen and Brownsville boards remove books on a list of about 600 titles from their libraries."

    - Isn't this the same guy connected to Mayra Flores, the Republican candidate for the 34th Congressional seat held by Democrat Vicente Gonzalez? Hmmmmmm.


  5. Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to be countered every time she says something stupid. Otherwise, stupid will become normal. Just saying.


  6. I do believe our hard-working Congressman Gonzalez will win reelection easily. Republican Flores cannot overcome the 11,000-vote loss she suffered last time, in 2022.

    Not by hitting valley eateries and stuffing your belly. That's no campaign.

  7. Award-winning actor Robert De Niro argues Trump has ‘snapped’ in new Biden campaign ad.


  8. If Congresswoman Crockett is in the same mold as her predecessor Eddie Berniece Johnson, then I would suggest that Republicans not mess with her. She will bite back.

    As MTG found out.

  9. Prankster Donald Trump instigated an attack upon our country and our constitution on January 6th, he wants to take away women's rights, he wants expensive private insurance to be our only option and wants to exchange our democracy for authoritarian rule. Do we really need any other reason NOT to vote for Trump???

    Vote Joe Biden. Vote Blue!!!


  10. Trump keeps trying to kill Obamacare. The problem? Voters love health care.

  11. The word moderate should never be used in reference to any member of the GOP supporting Donald Trump. That is a contradictory statement. You can’t support a racist and be moderate.

    I can’t believe I still hear people calling Nikki Haley a moderate. She supports this nonsense.


  12. I notice that Mayra Flores has yet to eat in hoity-toity McAllen. Why? Is it because most people there know how to use silverware properly? ja ja ja

    She's insecure!!!!


  13. Your life was not better under Donald Trump.

    What I chiefly remember about four years ago was that my life was in constant danger. I have so far escaped Covid, but I have not escaped the depression that resulted from the pandemic anxiety that Trump did nothing to mitigate. I’m still taking treatment for it. The pandemic also took the life of my brother, an honorable Army veteran, and no amount of treatment can change that. Trump has a great deal to answer for.


  14. Rent control now!!!

  15. In McAllen, Mayra would probly go after tacos with knife and fork. Ha ha ha ha

    She looks lost in high company. Remember that photo she took with Texas AG Paxton? ja ja ja ja


  16. HEADLINE: Congresswoman Crockett says GOP reps. gave her a "thumbs up, winks" after Greene tiff.

  17. Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene knows she’s laughed at and seen as a joke among her GOP colleagues. She comes across as the girl who did everything to be popular in high school, but still managed to scare people away in droves. Crockett’s alliteration filled description of MTG was spot-on and the best read of the year! Bullies can give it, but rarely can take it.


  18. Democrat Congressman Vicente Gonzalez is swamping Republican Mayra Flores with continuing accomplishments. She wants us to see her as a food tourist. I repeat: You don't change horses when the going is good.


Have your say, but refrain from personal attacks and profanity...