Friday, May 24, 2024

ALITO'S SICKNESS:...Right-Wing Supreme Court Associate Justice Alito Flies American Flag Upside Down At His Home...Quickly Blames Hot-Tempered Wife...He Knew...He Knew What The Old Bag Was Doing...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...A tall flagpole outside his home, a hard-to-miss, pretty large American flag flapping in the Virginia breeze, flying upside down - that sure outward sign of anger, unrest or just plain hate.

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito cannot talk fast enough to try and get that shit off his face and back. Activist judge? No question about it.

Time to get him off the highest court in the land.

This from [ When Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was caught raising an upside-down American flag outside his Virginia home, the conservative jurist found a woman to blame: his wife. It was she who decided to wave the chosen banner of election deniers in the wake of the January 6 insurrection, he said, after she became righteously furious at an allegedly profane display of anti-Trump sentiment in her neighborhood. Alito, innocent, just happened to live there - with no input on the seditious décor.

Everything about this is normal, okay? ]

No, it's not. It's a damned assault on a symbol of the entire country. I know, you can burn the flag and you can stomp it and drag it through the mud, if you like. It's just a rag, more symbolic than anything else.

But it does represent the nation.

Willfully flying it upside down says something. Max Moron can do it, and few will care. But when a Supreme Court justice does it, well, that's something altogether else.

Alito's lame response has been woeful, more the words of a henpecked husband than a ranking member of the Supreme Court. Blaming the wife is something that side of shitty and weak. Man up, MOFO!!!

Maybe it's time for Congress to do something about this Republican Clown, eh?

Send him packing today, I'd say...Go home, dude. Go and get those dishes done before suppertime, as ordered by your un-American wife... 


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  1. This dude has to go.

  2. The problem is the Supreme Court thinks they answer to no one and are above review of their actions. The court has always relied on the integrity of its members but that has long gone away with the extremist on the conservative side who think things like their religious beliefs supersede the laws.

  3. Trump tells crowd at Bronx rally that Mexico border wall was three weeks from completion. LOL!!!!

    1. The Bronx, full of immigrants, is totally Democratic. Trump wasted his time. fact.

  4. The Mayra Watch:...She hung out with San Juan P.D. people yesterday. No word on where she ate.

    1. Her dumb campaign consists of driving around like a fool and thinking she's somebody. If only!!!

    2. Mayra is no Republican. She wants to be one, but they'd never invite her to dinner at their home. Sad.

    3. Dist. 15 Republican Monica De la Cruz is another lost Mexican. Mexico, recoge tu gente!!

    4. Mayra, get a job and pay taxes!! You're freeloading off campaign donations. Soooooo-oh Mexico!!!

    5. Mayra Flores will lose bigly this time, too!!!

    6. What's Mayra's weight up to now? ja ja ja ja

    7. She's looking heavy..........

    8. Mayra didn't eat out today - a first!!!!

  5. Lawmakers Dial Up Pressure on Alito to Recuse From Elections Cases

  6. We’re in desperate need of a new political system. The Republicans have zero accountability and every time they do something and get caught it’s because the Democrats are against them. Alito should know better. He’s on the Supreme Court and isn’t supposed to be partisan to either party. This is what happens when you hand out power with no accountability or consequences attached.

  7. If you cannot be politically neutral, you should not be on the Supreme Court. They really need term limits or stack the court to make it even

  8. Let's not forget about Uncle Tom Clarence Thomas....He needs to Recuse himself too. Today!

  9. STOP CODDLING SCOTUS and bring in the FBI/DOJ to do their jobs!!! Subpoenas, charges, whatever

  10. Trump's hush money trial is about to go to the jury. What's the most likely verdict?

  11. Lifetime judge?...what a disgrace this judge Alito is. Consider him a traitor. Congress get busy & do something about this!

  12. HEADLINE: Trump Proudly Accepts Endorsements From Rappers Charged With Murder

  13. Trump Verdict approaches!!!!!

  14. Republican Nikki Haley dove into the Trump cesspool willingly. Disappointing.

    1. headfirst, mouth wide open....

  15. Republican Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) wasn’t aware of the report of the “Appeal to Heaven” flag at Alito’s beach house but said flying an upside-down American flag is not appropriate.

    “I’m not an expert in judicial ethics, but it strikes me as unwise for the upside-down American flag to be flown at his house,” she said.

  16. It's almost like Alito's daring the people to do something... I say any of them willing to do things like this in the public eye should be booted off the court permanently. They are supposed to be above this, not mocking us.

  17. Justice Roberts, get your court in order. The legacy you are all leaving is horrific, history will condemn you. Follow the ethics and laws you claim to support.

  18. Senate Democrats Ask Chief Justice John Roberts To Meet 'As Soon As Possible' Over Samuel Alito Mess

    1. I take it Republicans are okay with Alito flying the flag upside down. Of course.


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