Thursday, May 23, 2024

THE ROUT IN DISTRICT 34:...Congressman Vicente Gonzalez Keeps Bringing Home Our Share Of Federal Dollars...Republican Opponent Mayra Flores Spends Her Time Checking Out RGV Eateries...



McALLEN, Texas |...At this point in the much-watched campaign, it's a mauling. Picture a powerhouse football team taking a 44-point lead into halftime. Five months to go before Election Day and District 34 Congressman Vicente Gonzalez has once-feisty Republican opponent Mayra Flores in his rearview mirror, her rumbling body barely visible in the dust cloud.

It's about representation, isn't - about doing for the constituency.

Gonzalez is doing it pretty much weekly. His string of bring-homes includes cash for needed dredging at the Port of Brownsville and for improvements to the air traffic control tower at Harlingen's busy-busy airport.

Now this from his office:

". . . .Thank you to U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for providing $7.9M in grants to upgrade public housing in South Texas. This greatly supports disadvantaged families and strengthens our communities."

Lord knows it'll help. Public housing in the Rio Grande Valley is woeful compared to other areas of the country. This grant is a win-win for all concerned, the poor especially.

Opponent Flores, of course, is at a wicked and distinguishable disadvantage. Shown in color photograph at right, she's the challenger and there is nothing she can do to match what Gonzalez is doing, although check-by-check, she has helped a few RGV eateries during the past two weeks, her eating-out escapades the centerpiece of her excitable Facebook page.

Something better spark the Flores campaign into action or someone in her camp will soon lead her through a chorus of "Turn out the lights...the party's over..."

We have this contest in Gonzalez's pocket at present. Things could change, but we are not seeing any energy in the Flores effort, a minimal one at this point.

That is no way to overcome an 11,000-vote loss of the sort she lost to Gonzalez in 2022...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...We have suspended our "Comments feature" until further notice after repeated efforts to correct a lingering problem. Readers reported getting "Failed To Publish" messages from Blogger, our platform provider. We tire of the hassle, so...]  


  1. Replies
    1. Mayra is doing nothing to make leave Congressman Vicente Gonzalez.

    2. How is going out to eat every day evidence of good public service? She's nuts.

    3. I seriously think Mayra Flores has already accepted defeat. She looks it to me.

  2. Comments feature seems to be working again. But for how long? Annoying, I know...

  3. Good going, Congressman Gonzalez. You are - and want to be - one of us!

    1. I'm sticking with Vicente. No need to change horses when the going is good. JMHO

    2. You said it.

  4. Supreme Court needs to be regulated by a governing body. not themselves. Have shown they are unwilling to do this on their own. Should be held to a higher standard than they are showing, all of their financial transactions should be made public, and they should be prosecuted for any wrongdoing.


  5. [Australians Against Trump] We stand with you America in these troubled times. Vote Blue for Democracy.

  6. Extremist Justice Samuel Alito torched for another extremist 'MAGA battle flag' on bis property.

    1. He's Italian and Italy was with the Nazis in WW2...

  7. Abused Republican Nikki Haley, called "Birdbrain" by Trump, says she is till voting for him. What a spineless hypocrite.

  8. Looks like "comments" is working, Mr. Editor.

  9. Trump notes Judge Juan Merchan's "unfairness" because he was born in Colombia. But he says nothing about Republican classified documents Judge Aileen Cannon, also born in Colombia.

  10. In Brownsville we don’t vote for a rapist.

  11. D.Trump should be removed from every Election Ballot - every one of them - Period.

  12. Mayra Flores will lose by 20,000 votes this time.....and she will still be waiting for the Red Wave that never comes. ja ja ja ja

    1. She's an actress, not a real politician. Her place is in a Mexican Telenovela!

    2. Her defeat is certain. poor woman.

  13. I am a Christian and former Republican. Why so many people who claim the name of our blessed Savior uncritically worship a blasphemer is beyond me.

  14. The economy is thriving under President Joe Biden. The U.S. is experiencing an extended period of growth, and while market forecasters spent much of the last three years predicting that a recession was just around the corner, it never arrived. Now economists believe that a recession is increasingly unlikely. VOTE BLUE!!!

  15. Trump’s Money Problems Are Becoming a Crisis for the Entire Country

    The ex-president’s financial troubles make him beholden to his wealthy friends. If he’s president again, they will want something in return.

  16. I am veteran, 30 years U.S.Army. Registered republican NOT voting for Trump or any politician who supports him. If I could ask for and get one promise from all my fellow veterans and all the brave and wonderful men & women serving our great country, who support Trump, it would be to please put aside your political beliefs just this once and vote for the democracy you took an oath to support and defend from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Vote for President Biden and wait for an honest republican candidate for the office of President who believes in the Constitution.

  17. "I applaud @potus for the cancellation of $7.7 billion in student debt relief for 160,000 Americans, but we must continue to do more. Student loans hold back our people from achieving their full potential and living their American Dream." - Congressman Vicente Gonzalez

  18. Nikki Haley just sold her soul!!

    1. A person that called you "Birdbrain" for over a year and you are endorsing him? It was all a lie from you, too, Nikki!!!

    2. More like "peabrain"

  19. For the second time in three months, an immigration and border security measure negotiated earlier this year by a bipartisan group of lawmakers failed to advance in the Senate, drawing the issue to a political stalemate.

    The legislation fell well short of the 60 votes needed -- the final tally was 43 to 50 -- as nearly all Republicans voted against it.

  20. In the highest hurricane season forecast they have ever released in May, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters said Thursday that the coming months may be exceptionally busy.

    “The forecast for named storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes is the highest NOAA has ever issued for the May outlook,” Rick Spinrad, the agency's administrator, said in a news conference. “This season is looking to be an extraordinary one in a number of ways.”

    NOAA predicts eight to 13 hurricanes and 17 to 25 named storms. Storms get names when their wind speeds reach 39 mph or higher.


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