Wednesday, May 22, 2024

HOT, HOT, HOT:...Extreme Temps To Be The New Normal For Rio Grande Valley Residents...Hundred-Degree Readings Way Ahead Of Last Year's Summer Scorch...May Exceed 115 Degrees This Weekend...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's damned-straight here. And all you can do is endure it. Survival, Baby. Break out the gallon lemonade pitcher and get yourself some more ice trays. Summer is here, although the calendar says it's not summer just yet.

Weatherboys are issuing warnings right and left.

This from [ According to the NOAA Weather Prediction Center, record-breaking highs and record-setting high overnight minimum temperatures are expected, particularly in southern Texas, along the Gulf Coast, and into Florida.

"This heat could be particularly dangerous for people dealing with a loss of power in parts of Texas. Warm overnight temperatures will offer little relief and high humidity could also lead to heat index readings over 110 degrees," forecasters said in a technical forecast discussion on Tuesday morning.

The weekend will be particularly hot from South Texas through the central Gulf Coast, with overnight temperatures and potentially daily highs setting records as well.

Heat indices in South Texas, Houston, New Orleans and other areas may approach or exceed 115°F this weekend.

The cause of this particular heat wave is a powerful and sprawling area of high pressure aloft, also known as a heat dome, parked over Mexico and affecting areas from Central America to the Southern Plains. ]

Can you say Climate change?

Say it. Or learn to say it...



  1. Our comments feature seems to have been remedied. Commenters getting "Failed to publish" messages lessened yesterday. With any luck, we've seen the last of it. Stay cool...

  2. Only a fool believes the climate isn't changing. Just saying.

    1. go to District 15 Republican Congresswoman Monica De la Cruz's FB page to see her "constituents" tell you climate change is a hoax. Idiots!

    2. Mayra Flores - same thing. They parrot Republican Party line. VOTE BLUE!!!

    3. Where is Mayra Flores eating today? Not at home!!

    4. Mayra eating out every day is such a bad optic. Who put her up to this - her foreigner handlers from upstate and D.C.?

    5. Mayra is telling us she is not homemaker material. Loves to go out to eat. She'd do it in D.C. if elected, people!!!

    6. No news on where she ate today? ja ja ja

  3. Are we getting a verdict in Trump case this week? The only defense team Trump provided is to call every witness, mainly Cohen, a liar. Team Trump has provided no counter-narrative. The jury will have to decide if every one of the witnesses is a liar and if all the hard evidence against Trump is fake. The prosecution provided a lot more evidence than what Cohen had to offer.

  4. San Antonio experimented with giving people $5,108, no strings attached. They spent it on housing and school supplies for their kids.

    1. I think it's great, give a person a chance to get a leg up, maybe even help them get a better education for work opportunities. As long as it's temporary, you cannot keep feeding or supporting bad choices, bad luck you can fix with support.

  5. just named McAllen as the 2nd best place to live in Texas - second only to Austin. Orale!!!

  6. The valley is used to heat. Everybody just goes to Walmart and hangs out.

  7. I can’t stop looking at Trump’s lawyer.
    “WTF have I done”…is all you see written on his face.

  8. Jan. 6 Defendant Tells Judge He Isn't Worried Because Trump Will 'Be Back In Office' - Fool!!!

  9. most of trump's supporters I know are very poor. They live in trailers and can hardly afford medial things. I no longer wonder why they support him, but they seem to vicariously live off of him because he represents what they wish they could be but never will be, even if he did get elected again.

  10. No question it's getting hotter earlier. We're at 115 degrees in May?

  11. Samuel Alito is a traitor and should be treated accordingly. Prison... not the Supreme Court.

  12. When Trump's trial started, I called him a chicken. He refused to testify. I was right.

    1. Thank God he has the Republican National Committee paying his legal expenses. I'm sure all the trailer park people sending their life savings to him are happy knowing it's all going to New York law firms....

  13. This is misplaced. The issue is not climate change. It is impossible to deny it since it has been happening since the Earth was a ball of fire. The issue is the source of the problem. While we pretend a handful of people are denying climate change, we ignore the real problem. It is happening, whether it is part of the natural evolutionary part of the planet, or carbons. On carbons, long before climate was politized cities and countries were working on reducing smog due to health reasons. In the U.S. alone billions are lost due to health-related problems caused by carbons. So instead of arguing over something you can never prove, how about just sticking to what we know for sure and argue carbons cost us billions every year in health-related illnesses. People can relate to this.

    1. No, it's not misplaced at all - just a very old issue, as you attest, brought forward to today. This ball of fragile matter we call our planet has been through periods of hot coals and through others of unlivable cold. That is true. The context here is a political one, and, sadly, we fail at addressing perhaps the small bit of our climate we can aid, i.e. perhaps cutting down on carbons. On your point: We still HAVE to prove our climate is changing? Step outside at about 5 p.m. today, sport...

    2. When will the country finally wake and realize republicans have no respect for science and reality! No sane person still denies the growing danger from climate change, but republicans do it all the time. I’m 72 and weather-related extremes were rare on the national news, but now it’s every single night. I have personally seen the changes over 7 decades but, Republicans continue to ignore this in favor of fossil fuel companies and massive profits. Please, please stop voting for these ignorant, reality-denying Republicans. BLUE all the way in November.

  14. Is Texas Gov, Abbott going to do what Florida's DeSantis did and just remove any language referencing climate change from official documents and the problem is solved?

  15. Deniers - do you truly believe that pumping ton after ton, year after year of carbon into the atmosphere has no effect? That's not a rational position.

  16. Hey, it's only May and the official start of summer is a month away. Something's up. Why stick your head in the sand?

  17. On another note, Trump's courthouse clown show can't hide it: There's barely any MAGA support in the streets. But maybe poor MAGA types cannot afford New York. heh heh

  18. Nobody Is Buying SCOTUS Justice Samuel Alito’s Excuses. He blamed his wife for flying the American flag upside down at his home. Loser.

  19. Keep politics out of science.

  20. Politicians have demonized the term "climate change" so they don't have to address the issue. This means there will be no money allocated to address coastal flooding or requiring additional strengthening of new buildings to withstand the more powerful storms that are being experienced. However, the insurance companies know it is real and that is why they are dropping homeowners policies in the extreme areas of the country which is raising the rates for those that still offer insurance.

  21. Don't forget your pets in this horrible heat!

  22. As for Donald Trump, liars don’t testify.

    1. I never thought he would testify. All bluster!

  23. Willfully ignorant is not a way to combat climate change.

  24. In racist rant, Trump claims his hush money judge "hates" him: "Look at where he comes from" - Judge Juan Merchan is a native of Colombia, not that it matters.

    1. According to Trump Judge Aileen Cannon handling his classified documents case walks on water (she's a Trump MAGA) but she was also BORN in Columbia so where's his criticism of her?


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