Tuesday, June 18, 2024

REPUBLICAN WOMEN:...Bold, Hostile And Out There...Anywhere But The Kitchen...Power-Hungry And Saying It Out Loud...Yes, Add Our Own Mayra Flores And Monica De La Cruz To That Parade...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's an interesting study in our women, yes, but both of the ones in this topic are dead-set on joining their Republican Party brethren come hell or high water in the kitchen. They do not want to cook, or even shop for comestibles.

These women want political action, underhanded games and absolute power.

Forget Sarah Palin. She'd cower before today's GOP women.

All you have to do is take even a side-glance at ever-aggrieved Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene ("Bleach blonde, bad build, butch body") and see the clear growth in boldness. Greene demands attention. So does her troubled Colorado sweetheart, Lauren Boebert, a mother who disdained her son's appearance in court for burglary but attended Donald J. Trump's "Hush Money" trial in New York.

Nancy Mace, the South Carolina GOP congresswoman has been loud and more visible lately, even after her entire office staff resigned citing a "toxic" environment - whatever and all that may mean. Her counterpart in upstate New York, Elise Stefanik, has transformed from a genial and quiet representative to a Trump-approved hellcat now apparently on The Donald's short Veep list.

Then there is Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law now a co-leader of the Republican National Committee and her bellicose ways. She's the one who said any and all monies gathered by the RNC would go to Trump's presidential campaign and legal fund.

They grab the microphone, the interview occasion and they let it rip. Damn that crap about a women's place being in the home, kitchen and bedroom. There is something to be admired about that, only, in the case of these brazen political operatives, it at times can get annoying.

Enter 34th Congressional District candidate Mayra Flores, the darling of right-wing media for a brief shining moment back in 2022, when she actually won the seat in a Special Election and served it for six months, before being routed by Democrat Vicente Gonzalez in that year's November election - swamped, as in by more than 11,000 votes.

Flores bellowed, shrieked and filled her political days with excitement heretofore unseen in the Rio Grande Valley. She seems to have quieted down a bit in her current campaign, but it's still early in the journey. It has to be a tough gig if all you have at hand is words of /praise for Trump and not yourself.

The same goes for District 15 Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz, the picture-perfect image of a smiling 50-year-old divorcee who just looks out of place in national politics. Does Monica cook? We ask that in jest, but it's something to wonder about, especially after Flores was caught taking cook-out photos off the Internet and claiming them for herself.

Not to be so down on women in politics, but there is such a thing as class.

Yes, today's campaigns for office are nothing short of a barroom brawl, but one wonders: How much has Trump's lawless ways influenced his party's females? You answer that.

And who knows about the New Republican Women and the upcoming election. Storms never last, as they say in weather and song. We'll see. There is simply too much contradiction. You can pick an issue and ask about why Republican women don't scream against their own party.

The abortion issue, for one. Republican Party bigwigs want to outlaw them from coast to coast. But, really, when is the last time you heard any Republican woman defend that women's right. I mean, if we believe in freedoms, of course - your body being your body.

Not a peep. Let Donald speak his mind and we'll follow. Sheeple in cute sundresses (Monica De La Cruz, shown in photo above, at left), some in tight jeans and cowgirl boots (Mayra Flores). Yeah, never mind the pain. I suspect both of these politicians cry themselves to sleep.

The Republican Party is out to oppress women. How can Flores, shown with hefty load of BBQ in photo at right, and De La Cruz even dream of leading such a party? They cannot.

It is a sick joke to be sure.

Perhaps that's why we rarely see a Republican woman smiling congenially in photos or on TV, or even laughing sincerely.

The image-of-choice they have chosen is one of tireless bitterness and a flowing disgust that has to take a toll on the brain.

Male Republican candidates are extremists these days, and the women aboard that rolling Conestoga wagon sit alongside, rifle in hand, anger at the ready...



  1. Be aware that we still are having a problem with our Comments feature. Readers report getting a "Failed to publish" message when submitting. Keep trying...

  2. Comedian Jon Stewart Busts 'Right-Wing Motherf**kers' Like Trump Over 1 Huge Lie: Crime, it is down, not up, as Trump keeps saying.

  3. MAGA rule # 10: Everyone should be able to own a gun.....regardless......Unless your name is Hunter Biden.

  4. Good post. The problem is they ARE that brainwashed, and they ARE that ignorant.

  5. An anti-abortion group in South Dakota sues to take an abortion rights initiative off the ballot. (they fear this issue like crazy)

  6. Good post. They ARE brainwashed and they ARE ignorant.

  7. May the fact that trump's criminal implications seem to be sinking in, mean that trump himself will be sinking, and thoroughly so!

  8. Good post. They ARE brainwashed.

    1. Mayra Flores seems to be the worst of the two.

    2. @8:52 AM You said it.

    3. Mayra is more interested in being a "celebrity politician," like Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert. She just loves Trump, so no, don't vote for her.

  9. Hillary Clinton gets standing ovation as she presents at 2024 Tony Awards: I Know "How hard it is to make change"

  10. Widespread freakouts in Brownsville over coming rain. LOL!!!

    1. Well, they have street potholes the size of a lake!

    2. Rest of the valley can't stand Brownsville. let them get washed out. They need the cleansing over there.

    3. The City of Brownsville is not distributing sand bags.

    4. A load of "neighborhood" politics keeps Brownsville entertained. Bloggers there play the same game as politicians. Laughable. And ultimately boring.

    5. Every little mess-up in Brownsville is magnified, because that's all they've got - pettiness and welfare.

  11. The GOP just won't stop spewing garbage. OMG

  12. An insane level of hate and ignorance sums up MAGA perfectly.

  13. Nothing boils my blood more and quicker than politicians sticking their noses into healthcare issues, nothing!!!

  14. Republican congressman Matt Gaetz suggests he’s facing yet another ethics probe. Sex trafficking again?

  15. You left out the skeletal Kellyanne Conway. All she does is lie for Trump. She said he had 8,000 people at a small Black church in Detroit. No way.

  16. Trump Growing TERRIFIED as Prison NEARS

  17. Trump better get ready to accept his big loss in November!

  18. Joe Biden is spending $50 million to remind you Donald Trump is a convicted felon. The words will resonate all the way to November!

  19. Maybe Frank Sinatra will endorse Donny. You know, use the long-distance line. LMAO!!!

  20. Donald Trump and Florida Judge Aileen Cannon for prison 2024

    It’s good that we still have some courts who follow the rule of the law. Judge Cannon, you’re a disgrace.

  21. If Trump is very smart like he always says, then he should not be worried about the debate. Trump is running scared. he will lose, like he always does

  22. MAGA pushes new conspiracy to prep for Trump losing Biden Debate. (they're very worried)

  23. First question, two parts: President Biden, how much have you been fined and how many felony convictions do you have for fraudulent business practices. And how many indictments are you facing for election interference and stealing classified documents?

    Mr. Trump, same question.

  24. Heavy load on NY Judge Juan Merchan. He will sentence Trump on July 11th.

  25. Sending a former president to jail would show that ANYONE can be held accountable for their actions. And "no one" is above the law.


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