Wednesday, June 19, 2024

THE WEDNESDAY CLUB:...Writing This Week Is Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito...He's Pumped...And Thinking About Losing His Grouchy Wife...He's Got His Eye On Sexy Lauren Boebert, The Fondling Republican...


By SAMUEL ALITO/ Special To The Sun

PORT ISABEL, Texas |...Well, Martha-Ann just wanted to get away from it all. Washington, D.C. and our home in neighboring Virginia just weren't the places for love anymore. Too many people bitching up that way. They jumped all over my wife over the manner in which she flies flags outside our home. Runs'em up upside down.

What can I tell you that you don't already know?

But we're here and here we'll stay a few days. At the Port Isabel Yacht Club, although I've not seen a single yacht. Maybe they'll come for the July Fourth Regatta.

In any case, I suppose I should tell you that the wife is troubled. She keeps asking me if I still love her. The press has been especially hard on her. She looks like heck. Her moptop gray hair has turned whitish, and with that roundish face, well, she could easily be mistaken down here for a big, fat seagull.

We've been married a long time. From those days before I joined the Supreme Court and became a bigot, someone out to offer political dogma and not interpretation of our beloved Constitution. Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned.

And now I feel like sinning again.

My wife bores me. Hopefully, the news media won't grab that and run with it. I mean, we've been on the cover of Rolling Stone and even some lowly bloggers have given us heck. I'm Italian and I want to fight back, put my fist down a reporter's throat and boot up his or her ass. That's how we'd do it in Mafia-run Sicily, where my family tree was first planted and grew like a sumbitch.

It was that story out of Denver that drew me to her, I can now say. Who exactly is "her," you might ask. Well, as the Beach Boys like to say at the beginning of their songs, it's Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. She loops me, and I don't know what to do.

I was mesmerized by that episode of Lauren (Gosh, I want so much to say her name, all day long) at that showing of Beetlejuice where she was caught fondling her male date and being fondled. It was like a soft-porn scene from an Erich Segal novel (Love Story), with me playing Ryan O'Neil and sweet Lauren being Ali McGraw. You know, I had a dream in which, well, there we were. Lauren even called me "preppie." I woke up smiling.

So, who knows where this will go?

I'm due back at my seat on the High Court in a few days, but I'm not rushed. My colleague Clarence Thomas turned me onto this Texas zillionaire by the name of Crow and, well, we can get up there in no time at all aboard his private jet.

Tonight, here at the P.I. Yacht Club, I will fess it all up to Martha-Ann.

My wife is not good at taking horrible news, but what the heck, right?

I'm a Supreme Court bad ass these days...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...This is the inaugural installment of a weekly feature in which we publish writing by noted politicians and other celebrities...always in a satirical vein, of course...]


  1. No complaints yesterday on our Comments feature, so fire away!...

  2. Let's thank George W. Bush for appointing this clown.

  3. Just make Trump go away, so tired of his whining!! What is wrong with this Republican Party!!

  4. If he had any sense of honor, Alito would resign. He doesn't, so he won't.

    1. Of course not. His appointment is for life!!!

  5. Dallas-area Megachurch pastor, once an adviser to Donald Trump, resigns after admitting "sexual behavior" with "young lady." She was 12.

    1. The first thing that comes to my mind is the 35 year lapse in addressing this criminal behavior. How can a pastor who follows this act with ministering the WORD and being an example to a congregation continue to live this dual existence? Sure, the Bible teaches forgiveness and the Good Lord gave us many examples of how to live this. But the Religious Right's previous behavior with this and previous cases of absolute wrong with its leaders is the reason many of us have left.

    2. With the blizzard of cash coming in the church elders certainly didn't want to ask too many questions while lining their pockets. Plausible deniability. This is a business and should be taxed as such.

  6. Miss Anita Hill was not wrong when she testified about sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas years ago. He was put there to help the Republican Party. So, so disgusting.

  7. Someone needs to give the right-wing justices a live, in-person demo of how a bumpstock works! Killing in high volume!!!

  8. Trump says business executives should be 'fired for incompetence' if they don't support him. (How many bankruptcies by Trump? ha ha ha)

    1. Said the businessman with a slew of bankruptcies including 3 casinos.

      You have to work HARD to go bankrupt with a casino.

      People walk in, give you their money and then walk out the door and Donald went bankrupt with THAT business model.

      Good grief.

  9. Heads trump goes to jail, tails trump goes to jail.

    1. Good one. You win the Internet!!!

  10. Interesting post. Not the usual stuff we see around here.

  11. If Trump gets a slap on the wrist at his sentencing it is endorsing his behavior..... MUST receive FAIR Sentencing...

  12. Prison time is the ONLY way this manbaby will be made to understand respect for laws.

  13. He’s done........check please.

  14. Hey Alito, how are those free fishing vacations with Harlan Crowe? Corrupt clown in a black tablecloth.

  15. The lifetime appointment is no longer feasible in today's twisted political climate. Eight years should be the limit. The justices are only human and are not immune to ANY influence whether it's negative or not.


Have your say, but refrain from personal attacks and profanity...