Friday, June 28, 2024

DEBATE ONE:...Joe Biden Jolts His Audience...Even Democrats See The Problem...Donald Trump Is Still The Liar...It Was Joe's Age In Full Display...81 and Aging...Republicans Giddy This Ayem...



McALLEN, Texas |...It was anything but riveting television. Last night's debate between presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump had all the markings of a nursing home food fight. America has never before known a cat fight where both cats were merely meowing.

I agonized for 90 full minutes.

The election is not until early November, but, folks, we're in a fight for the future of this country. To even think of banking on 81-yearold Biden, the Democrat, or 78-year-old Trump, the fake Republican, is to bank on a pair of has-beens.

Disappointment came like waves fueled by an arriving hurricane.

Joe Biden had been postured by Republicans as a debater who would arrive "all jacked-up on Mountain Dew," the so-called energy drink. Instead, it was as if he'd been given the strongest of sedatives. The man looked half-asleep; his face often frozen on the TV screen in what could also be interpreted as that horrible malady known medically as Stiff Body Syndrome.

Trump, meanwhile, was a cavalcade of weirdo facial expressions all throughout the debate, his answers to questions a mountain of lies the CNN moderators never challenged. He even had the gall to deny he ever said military veterans are "suckers and losers," even as a former U.S. Army general insisted he heard the convicted felon say it during an observance of the 1944 D-Day invasion in France.

That from Trump we expected; what Joe Biden delivered was the shocking part.

It'll be a time for a load of soul-searching for Democrats today and in the coming weeks. This was not the feisty, glib Joe Biden that dazzled Congress during his most recent State of The Union address, when he looked fresh and sharp and came across as the witty one we did not see last night.

Our assessment: Good luck, Democrats.

Corrupt, convicted, legally mired Donald Trump is not the answer to many of our social problems, but, last night, at least he looked halfway alive.

Joe Biden had his chance to put troubled Trump away, and he flubbed it.

Perhaps not because he wanted to, but because the optic of an old man in serious political discourse was too tough of a verbal obstacle course for him.

Neither candidate, we would say, lost a single supporter after this performance.

We only wonder about those finicky independent voters who forever look for that single maker-breaker event or utterance from a candidate to vote up or down...



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  2. I’m voting for a President not a prom king or a felon. Biden has my vote.

  3. Republicans are all over the Internet saying Biden showed his too old, but their guy is still a lying, convicted felon.

    1. Trump is soiled and dirty.

    2. Trump will be sentenced on July 11th. That has not changed. Republicans are crowing about a guy still lugging three other upcoming trials around his neck. Americans haven't forgotten that!

    3. What does Aztec Republican Mayra Flores have to say? Politics is not her friend, but she'd never know it.

    4. District 15 Republican Monica De la Cruz, who failed at marriage, making fun of Joe Biden on her FB page.

  4. As an 81-year-old independent voter I am appalled that Biden and Trump are the best that our country has to offer for the Presidency. It is sad that both parties refused to pick better candidates. I shudder to think what the next four years will bring, whichever candidate wins.

  5. Time for the rest home boys. Neither of these candidates is fit to lead this great nation. Lies and forgetfulness abound from both. These are sad times for our country with these choices.

    1. let's see what NY Judge Merchan does when he sentences the Orange Menace. This debate story will fade by tomorrow.

  6. It would be the biggest “my country first” move in our history and I would gain a huge amount of respect for President Biden if he did step down. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no way he will do it. Like all politicians, his ego, his staff (who would lose their jobs) and his desire to hang on will not let him do it. BTW, Trump is still a criminal.

  7. Yes, it was a bad night for President Biden, but it was worse for America. We Shall see if porn-loving Trump does not back out of the second debate. Biden needs to start talking about what he plans to do in the next 4 years, let alone remind us that he kept his word in the last four. "Moving Forward". Biden/Harris 2024!!!

  8. There is no issue Biden failed horribly last night. It was frightening to watch him fail on trying to explain his policy or past acts concerning Medicare of ACA. That will play in every ad. But this does not mean Trump won. He endlessly lied, but Biden was not aware enough to call him out on things like pulling baby's apart at 9 months pregnant. No, labor is induced, and that is normally only because the fetus died in utero or is not expected to survive the delivery. Biden's commercial is simple - Trump failure to accept the outcome of the election. People really fear this. I am not a fan of the VP, but she came out swinging last night and left the impression, if Biden cannot perform she can. Finally, the camera man spent too much time on Biden while Trump was speaking, and Biden was breathing so hard you could see his chest going in and out. That will also be in a commercial.

    1. Still riding with joe...NO MATTER WHAT....

  9. Trump is Not an option…Period.

    1. Where's Melania? Not at the trial, not at the debate.

    2. Trump is a convicted felon. NEVER FORGET.

  10. I agree Trump is not an option. But the reality is the Democratic Party needs to address the problem. It is up to them. There is one simple response for Biden, Trump refused to accept the election if he loses. People really fear this. Biden's failure may actually hurt Trump. The reality Trump can win is now real and is scaring people. Also, the VP needs to get out there and show she is ready to step in.

  11. I’m still voting Joe and I’m Republican

    1. America has to cleanse itself and it needs to do it now. Trump and MAGA are a cancer.

  12. Again, lying Donald Trump said he did not have sex with Stormy Daniels. So, he handed her a $130,000 check for nothing? Some businessman.

    1. Well, she said his nub felt like nothing was happening down there.

  13. Biden is 81 years old. His physical appearance was painful to watch at times. However, he still delivered on FACTS, Unlike the guy at the other podium, that even at a debate tried to fuel his lies. For me personally I know what is at stake here. Even with Joe's poor performance, and whether or not the Dems decide to try somehow to replace him, the fact is that Trump is a clear and present danger to OUR nation and society as we know it. My roots have always been Republican, but I WILL VOTE BLUE regardless if its Biden or someone else that leads that party.

  14. They’ll get over it. They are both elderly but one (Donald Trump) is a pathological liar, a felon, and a narcissist who surrounds himself with minions who do his bidding even at the cost of their own careers and freedom. Oh, and don’t forget an unapologetic adulterer. I’ll take the old geezer who reminds me of my dear grandpa.

  15. Agree with the commenter above who said this will blow over. The fact of the matter is that Trump is a corrupt individual who should have been jailed months ago. Come on, America. We're better than Trump. He's the cancer in our society!

  16. Trump: you are right. You beat Medicare to death, and you want to end Social Security!!!

  17. Latinos for Joe Biden! Go Joe!!! Veterans stand with you.

  18. Why ISN’T it the moderator’s job to call out BLATANT and dangerous lies and give the other party a chance to respond with the truth. Trump got a free ride. All he does is lie!!!

  19. I will take stumbling over lying anyway. Biden knew what he was talking about. Trying to give statistics and details

    Trump says we have the best h2o when asked what he would do to help climate change. Give a plan or something. He doesn’t actually know how the government works and he as president.

    Biden is in decline, but Trump never went up hill. He was born on top of the hill and rolled his fat body down it for the last 78 years.

    1. HA HA HA. You win the Internet!!!


  21. The calls for Biden to step aside began before the debate was even over. They will crescendo in the days ahead. Most Democrats — and a sizeable number of independents and Republicans — see Trump as a threat to democracy. They need a warrior, not a whisperer.

  22. This debate only proved one thing to me. We need better choices for candidates. There I said it out loud. We need younger choices and from those candidates without a felony conviction or three trials hanging over their heads. Joe had grace about him; Donald Trump was a Putin chump.

  23. Tired of Donald Trump getting special privileges from judges. He should be in a prison NOW.

  24. Supreme Court now beginning its assault on JAN. 6th convictions. A Pennsylvania cop storms the Capitol Bldg. and now the High Court questions the prosecution. Disgraceful.

    1. It was to be expected. Most all of those rioters were not Black.

    2. @2:18 PM You said it.

  25. Republicans deserve the version of Trump we saw during the debate. Too bad it won't last.

  26. Trump is still a clown

  27. There used to be very few primaries back in the day. Conventions were held and the party bosses picked a candidate that they thought could win and represent their values.

    The truth of the matter is that we the people are not knowledgeable enough to pick a good candidate. Hence the two candidates we have now.

  28. Insurrectionist going free. There's black men doing 30y in prison for less.

  29. Supreme Court rejects Trump stooge Steve Bannon's appeal. He must report to prison on Monday. LMAO!!!

    1. He STILL thinks Trump will pardon him.

    2. trump could not care less.

  30. Another "the party of law and order" crook going to where he belongs.

    Upon arrival loudmouth Steve Bannon will be sent to the showers and delousing. Then to booking and getting his XXXL orange jumpsuit with matching jail issued shoes.

    Happy 4th of July, folks!

  31. Trump talking about Black and Hispanic jobs. What are Black and Hispanic jobs, racist Mofo?

  32. Supreme Court's Samuel Alito is MAGA Justice

    1. So is Uncle Tom Clarence Thomas. Both must go.

  33. I am independent voter. I don't care Biden did not do well. I am still voting for him against orange clown shoes.

  34. Calm down. Biden is old but competent while Trump is a crazy liar. I'll vote for mumbles over mendacity any day of the week.


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