Sunday, June 30, 2024

JOE'S NOT QUITTING:...Atlanta Newspaper Joins Chorus...President Should Quit The Race...Sub-Par Debate Performance Fuels Calls...Trump Still The Felon Trump...Biden is Old, But Political Comebacks Fill Our History Books...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's easy in our hurry-up, throwaway society to write off anything and anyone, especially in national politics. Truman-Dewey in '48 ring a bell? Bill Clinton in '92? Classic comeback stories are easy to find.

A bad debate is not the end for President Joe Biden.

He may yet leave the 2024 race, but it won't be because of his politics or age or raspy voice or phlegm-filled lungs. He's 81 years old, but fighting like Hell to stay in the race against his hated rival, convicted felon Donald J. Trump of the noisy, racist MAGA crowd.

One day after his lackluster performance at the contest's first debate, Biden was back on the campaign trail in red North Carolina, telling everyone at his rally that the Fat Lady has yet to sing. 

"Folks, I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to," Biden told the crowd. "But I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth, I know right from wrong, and I know how to do this job, I know how to get things done."

"And I know, like millions of Americans know: When you get knocked down, you get back up!" he concluded, with an upward thrust of his fist.

In newspapers and broadcast shows, the president was being written off right and left. The influential New York Times wants him out of the race, as does the Miami Herald and the Philadelphia Inquirer. This morning, it is The Atlanta Journal-Constitution joining the call.  MSNBC's pro-Biden show "Morning Joe" called on him to leave the fight to someone younger.

It's not in the Biden family blood to simply concede, walk away like a politician unable, unwilling to fight.

Trump, meanwhile, moaned and groan as is his wont about not getting credit for "a great debate." If only!

A crap-tired America goes to the polls later this year, on November 5th, knowing exactly what it has in candidates this time around. Yes, the debate was cringe-worthy and a huge disappointment for Democrats. And Republicans had a right to be glad their legally-crippled 78-year-old horse managed to make it around the track without a major flub, although lies spat out of his mouth bit like farts after one too many avocado tacos.

Life went on the next morning, yet talk was cheap.

The nagging secondary problem for our once-proud land is that we have a literal mountain range of pundits spewing their angles and prognostications.

A robust Conversation is good, we say.

But it is still early in the game. The striking contrasts between both candidates remains and all it takes is a mini-stumble from the other side to reverse the tide, flip the tortilla or get everybody excited about the latest turn of events.

There is a good reason why the World Series, the NBA Finals and the NCAA College Football playoffs are not a one-game affair.

Joe Biden is still in it...



  1. Once more: Our Comments feature seems to have a spastic problem with submissions, readers telling us they get "Failed to publish" notes after posting a comment. It's not us, but we have gone to an Open Thread approach where comments are not moderated and get quick posting. Keep trying...

  2. On November 5th, Trump will lose so bigly, he won’t be able to pardon a turkey.

  3. First thoughts I came up with was Joe over prepared. Then I read the mistake was he tried to rely on memory instead of being himself. Then the head cold. Doesn't cut it in my book. Trump left himself open for attack on just everything he stated and Joe let him off the hook 90% of the time. All of Joe's supporters doubt a second debate is going to give them a sharper Joe. More of the same means something needs to be done.

  4. The big Red Wave is coming!!!

    1. Just a reminder, someone doesn't earn 34 felonies and counting because they are honest...

    2. Well, it certainly didn’t convince me to vote for Trump. He couldn’t answer a single question straight. Just used the whole thing as an opportunity to do what he always does… argue and lie through his dentures. It’s absolutely disgusting that anyone would even support him.

    3. MAYRA FLORES?.....Who?

    4. Mayra is going nowhere. Her campaign has fizzled. She's lost faith in herself.

    5. Mayra was never qualified. A respiratory technician certificate? Gimme a break. Congressman Gonzalez is an attorney!

    6. Mayra Flores will again meet and be swamped by the big BLUE WAVE!!! ja ja ja ja ja

    7. Hey, Mayra, what's your Hispanic Job?

    8. MAGA is about White Supremacy. What's Hispanic Mayra doing in that gang of racists? Is she disrespecting her culture? ja ja ja ja

  5. Checking in with my 2-cents: Trump talks a good game, but he has yet to spell out exactly how he will solve these problems. We all saw when he was president, he always said he had a plan for this and that, but when asked, he always said soon, but it never happened. He's just a blowhard who has no clue to solve any problems. Plus, he's a FELON!!!

  6. According to debate fact-checkers, Trump told 30 lies. I'd say he was the bigger loser. Anybody can say something that they want to get through a question....and for lying, criminal Trump and his ignorant base, lies have worked very well.

    1. Trump is fighting like Hell to stay out of prison!

  7. The only person who should leave this race is criminal Trump, the anti-America candidate!!! It’s about time he faced the music. Hurry up, July 11th! Sentencing Day for the Orange Blob! MAGA needs to be doused with LYSOL!!

  8. The U.S. will NOT have a criminal as president. Not in my lifetime!

  9. Conservative is not the right term for MAGA racists anymore: that word has at least an implication of care and the preservation of a legacy. "Arsonist" feels like the more accurate term for these lunatics.

  10. Debates mean zero. John Kerry won all three against Republican George W. in 2004 and still lost the election.

  11. Republican supporters are frightened by the world at large and are drawn by Trump's ranting and raving of guarantees. Talk to DT supporters, you find hidden fear, the backbone of being brainwashed, when a person abandons logic and reasoning. Democracy is forever an uphill battle. Scared Republicans have lost faith in Democracy.

  12. Nothing tough about it: Comrade Trump has no policies, only wrath, no vision, only retribution, no morals, only immorality. Trump lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring. He is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything related to governing, history, geography, human events or world affairs. He is a traitor and a malignancy in our nation and represents a clear and present danger to our democracy and the rule of law.

  13. I came away feeling a deeper hatred of what Trump has done to our country. Trump lied the whole debate. Voting Blue, up and down the ballot!!!

    1. July11th is coming. Sentencing Day for convicted felon Donald Trump.

  14. Convict Trump is hemorrhaging Republicans from the party. Having never won the popular vote in the first place, all he is doing is destroying the party. What they have now is a Racist Party.

  15. MAGA is about hate for immigrants, disdain for Blacks and Hispanics and all about White Supremacy. They are just using Donald Trump.

  16. Trump's criminal sentencing is July 11th.
    I'll take Joe Biden in a bad debate over a
    jailbird any day.

  17. Joe Biden is the only man who said to Trump's face, "YOU'RE A LIAR!" Thanks, hero!

  18. Donald Trump's bid for criminal immunity from prosecution for trying to overturn his 2020 election loss is set to be decided tomorrow by the U.S. Supreme Court. But however it rules, the court already has helped the former president in his effort to avoid trial before the Nov. 5 election.

  19. The Supreme Court should not have taken this case. Two lower courts ruled against Trump and the very idea that anyone has total immunity like Trump claims he should have, goes against everything we teach our children, "That no one is above the law." But this court dragged its feet and delayed so that Trump got what he wanted, a delay, so he won't face any of these charges before the election.

    1. The Supreme Court did not help Trump. They are very short sighted and do not understand people. The overwhelming majority of voters are very unhappy with their choices. But we now know based on polling, Biden's poor performance did not move the numbers. People are locked in. But there is one variable. The people do not believe the government is responsive to their needs. A hint of any form of absolute immunity for Trump will ensure a large number of Independents will move toward Biden. Even Trump's supporters know how he feels about the law, and once the Court locks in the immunity, no one is going to care about Biden's performance. This is easy, any elected or government official who engages in criminal conduct is not acting in their official capacity. They are going to spin this to go back to the trial court to hash this issue out. The prospect of Trump then winning will only really scare those still on the fence.

    2. Excellent observations by commenter @ 3:28 PM. All true. My very beliefs on the matter.

    3. I also agree on @3:28. I recognize the writing style. He's had some excellent comments over the past few weeks. Knowledgeable and obviously well-schooled.

    4. As I say about my dad, "Astute dude."

  20. President Biden is a man of honesty, decency, compassion and morals! President Biden and VP Harris have been doing a great job and have accomplished so much. Vote Blue all the way and support our Commander in Chief. He has earned our respect and has been such a relief after the chaos and grifting of Trump and his entire family.

  21. The Supreme Court needs an immediate overhaul.
    Shame on Chief Roberts for allowing his Court to descend to this level. And it's getting worse by the day. That Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito aren't recusing is a disgrace.

    1. Alito and Thomas are an embarrassment. But Sonia Sotomayor has no respect for the tradition of the Court. She is constantly letting out hints of future decisions. Several weeks ago, she said she cries after the opinions are issued, and she has a lot more crying for the remainder of this term. This is not right. We cannot say the rules matter and then ignore her endless conduct in hinting at future rulings. But there is no doubt Alito and Thomas are an embarrassment. I think people are paying attention to this issue, and will hold the two against Trump on election day.

  22. Trump stooge Steve Bannon reporting to prison tomorrow after Supreme Court declines to give him a reprieve. The decision means the influential right-wing podcaster will head to prison, with his release date just days before the November election.


  24. Last CBS poll embarrassed CBS more than Biden embarrassed himself. All other post-debate polls show the numbers did not move. In fact, CBS does not directly ask who the voters will vote for. The poll is like a long essay question which no one could have possibly cared about when being asked such detailed questions. All other polling which actually asks how you will vote defies this sad excuse of a poll. Plus, given the margin of error on such an important issue no competent analyst will take it seriously. It is pathetic how CNN is salivating over this grade "F" to say their analysts were correct on debate night. The bottom line is, the other polls are showing people are holding. Can anyone actually believe that anyone who was "anyone but Trump", over a debate will change sides? The Biden people will never vote for Trump and the Trump people will never vote for Biden. The decision will be made on whether or not people trust our democracy with Trump. Also, our NATO allies have clearly said their concern since the debate is, Trump will endanger all of NATO, and not that Biden is a liability. Unlike CBS they know Biden has good advisors who will be calling the shots.


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