Sunday, June 30, 2024

SUN RECORDS:...Books And Movies Tell Us About Such Things...Never Knowing About That Prankster Real Love...We All Have One Or Two Or Three Back There...Willie: "I'll Love You Till The Day I Die"...


  1. As with Kristofferson's songs, a Willie tune on Sunday morning does something to the age-tired soul...

  2. The Editorial Boards are out of line in demanding Biden or Trump withdraw from the race. At this time the debate polls show no real meaningful change. Now Independents are now more concerned with Biden than before, but this feeling did not move the numbers. As Dennis Quaid said. "Trump is an A..hole, but he is my A...hole. The same goes for Biden. Yes, more people post-debate believe he is unfit, but it remains the feeble-minded candidate who they want over Trump. I say let this play out for a few weeks as the contrast between the two becomes more evident. Look, all Biden has to do is resign and Harris takes his place as President. The polls: "Biden actually gained some ground according to Ipsos polling: Trump and Biden were tied 44%-44% before the debate, but Biden took a 46%-44% lead afterwards. Morning Consult’s polling delivered a similar result: Biden was tied with Trump 44%-44% before the debate, and Biden led Trump 45%-44% afterwards. According to FiveThirtyEight’s weighted polling average, however, Trump remains on top by a small margin, with 41.3% of voters supporting him over 40.7% for Biden."

  3. Love Willie. Be a sad day when he dies.


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