Saturday, June 29, 2024

A VERY GOOD WEEK:...But, For Convicted Felon Trump, The End Game Is All That Matters...Biden's Poor Debate Showing Helped, But Did Not Solve His Many Problems...Even The Best Coffee Taste Fades...



McvALLEN, Texas |...It should be said again that political campaigns ebb and flow, often throwing candidates up against the wall of reality and more often dealing them news they'd rather not hear.

Donald J. Trump, flawed-as-all-Hell candidate for the Republican Party's presidential nomination, had a very good week. Not that he contributed to it personally, but his lying ways at last Thursday's presidential debate against President Joe Biden did not hurt him.

Biden's nursing home performance overshadowed a gully wash of lies Trump managed to get in during the 90-mimute televised debate.

Who was keeping count when all eyes were on 81-year-old Biden acting like a 91-year-old?

But, as they say in professional baseball, the game's not over until it's over. In presidential campaigns, the game is 100 innings, and you get 15 outs per inning. Or, if we use boxing for the analogy, this fight is a 35-rounder in an outdoor ring, in Nevada, on a 110-degree afternoon.

We're still early in the contest. The fight continues.

Biden has a chance to recover and, well, Trump may or may not stay out of jail after his July 11th sentencing for that New York hush money trial conviction. I'm telling you. The first debate's result may end up being nothing more than a long, long foul fly ball. Or a nasty uppercut in the 21st round that becomes merely one point in the scoring card.

We're hip to the trip.

And the news will keep being weird.

A New York Times poll (yes, that liberal NY Times) has 78-year-old Trump far ahead of Biden after the debate. Whoda thunk it, eh? The New York Times?

Kids, just ride the rollercoaster and enjoy the wildness.

It's who we depressing Americans are these days - people out to be used and abused, while being asked to laugh and moan and groan, told to take our societal medicine when we go to bed and awaken the next day ready for some more news from that part of our civic duty ledger that has us addicted to the political winds whipping our faces silly...  



  1. Keep an eye on our Comments feature. We've had some very thoughtful contributions of late. But our problem lingers. Some commenters are telling us they get "Failed to publish" messages when submitting. All we say is, keep trying. It eventually works...

  2. NYTimes editorial board calls on Biden to drop out.

    1. Uh, your forgot to read the entire report. It also said this: "Still, if Biden does not drop out, the Times board said it would endorse him over Trump."

  3. The NYT needs to wait to see how the people respond. The people still own this country and not an editorial board disconnected from the people. Yes, it was a trainwreck for Biden, but the reality Trump can win is making a lot of people think twice about not voting for Biden. If Biden can turn over the White House to Harris, as a woman, that will be a great accomplishment. VP Harris did a great job on debate night. They need her front and center so her polling numbers go up, and people can see her as the President, shortly after Biden is sworn in. Yesterday Biden showed he can come back swinging. I am a major policy wonk and can do the policy issues. But give me a bunch of numbers to spew out at a debate, I will fall flat on my face, I am waiting to see how the people respond in the first poll.

    1. As an Independent voter I feel that we should have better choices, but in this case, I would have to accept the one who is not evil.

    2. The debate hurt Trump. He looks like a Bigger Threat now!

    3. @8:28 AM Echo that.

    4. Let's vote today!!!

  4. There is no comparison between Biden's grasp of reality, compassion, or competence and the absurd, Hitler rhetoric-spewing, electrocuted sharks-mentioning behavior of his felonious opponent.

  5. I ask: What is Mayra Flores saying about the debate? Whatever it is, it's unquestionable crap. Republicans are being tricked into believing they're gaining. They're not. The party is still a small collection of MAGA losers. Not enough of them to win a national election.

    1. It's stuff way over her head.

  6. Black jobs? Hispanic jobs? Is that racist/bigot Trump talking shit again?

    1. So, Congresswoman Monica De la Cruz, a Republican, has a "Hispanic job"? ha ha ha ha ha Killer stuff.

  7. Let's take the truth head-on. What did Trump mean by "Black jobs?" He was claiming that "illegal immigrants" were taking jobs? What jobs? Low wage jobs. He obviously believes that Blacks, and Latinos mind you, are only fit for low wage jobs.

    1. MAGA is for racists. I've been saying it all year long ion McAllen.

    2. I was frustrated when Biden did not call him out on this. Hopefully they can get VP Harris to call him out on this issue.

  8. I'll stick with Biden. At least he and his team care about the average American, not just the rich like Trump does.

    1. July 11th can't get here soon enough. Sentencing Day in NY for the Orange Menace!!!

  9. What people need to realize is, Presidents are not the one solving all the problems and driving the agenda to completion. It's the team around him/her. Biden team has delivered and work as a team. Trump team as we know now was constituted with felons or others that committed felony during his term. Now, he himself is a felon, so we're only gonna get more of the chaos that was the highlight of his administration. I get that some people don't like Biden, but vote for the agenda, vote for continuance of Democracy.

  10. What the doom-gloomers ignore is that by the next morning, Biden put himself back together, and gave (by all reports) a rousing rally in North Carolina. That’s more like a team that takes a brutal loss and comes back the next day to win handily. It's not someone who's so beaten down that he’s complete toast.

  11. Both lost the debate. It was a bummer all the way around. Biden looked half-asleep and Trump was lying like he lied to his wife about the porn star.

  12. This is not about republicans or democrats. This is about keeping the United States free. We're not voting for democrats or republicans. We're voting for democracy.

  13. Thank you for defending President Biden! He deserves recognition for the good he’s done for this country throughout his political career. I didn’t like the debate anymore than anyone else. Trump ran on an on with lies not being fact checked live and then Biden had to answer the question while trying to correct trumps BS. I’m still with Biden and will vote for him in November!

  14. Trump showed who he is, a disrespectful liar. By not answering the questions about childcare and people with addiction proved he just doesn't care. Stay strong, President Biden. You've got this. Vote Blue!

  15. Biden has my vote hands down. Even if he's removed at a later date, he'll be replaced with someone much better than Trump could ever be. Trump is for sale; he's made that perfectly clear, and he has no problem selling the United States to the highest communist bidder, or at least try to. I honestly believe that if he tried selling us out, someone would put him in their crosshairs.

  16. I don’t care about the debate. I’m voting for President Biden. I can’t vote for a convicted criminal. One who sleeps around on his pregnant wife. One who calls veterans, like me, suckers for wanting to protect our country. You know most good veterans who love America would want to kick his ass!!!

  17. Russia (Putin) wants Donald Trump to win.
    That's all you need to know.

  18. Trump’s body language conveys his smug jackassery very well.

  19. I dont care what kind of demeanor Trump displays, he is not the kind of person who could selflessly care about other people ... the American people ... his concerns are only for himself ... that, in itself, makes him unfit for any kind of public service!

  20. Democrats need to do their job whatever it takes, get rid of these supreme court clowns NOW! They are a disgrace!!!

  21. Trump is laughing and mocking his supporters. Regular folks spending money to go see him speak and buying his gimmicks, all the time laughing at their gullibility.

  22. There is no reason to debate this: trump is guilty and they know it

  23. If SCOTUS says Trump is immune.

    I have zero issue if President Joe Biden calls "Seal Team Six" to " make America great again," Zero issue with protecting the nation from Trump.

    1. I find that very, very intriguing. heh heh

    2. Is someone making that decision?

  24. Rednecks are all over the Internet praising Trump's night at the debate. Or is it really two-three unemployed fatfucks paid by the RNC, along with an army of Russians? Yes, and yes.

  25. I am a 68-year-old woman from Brownsville, who is a lifelong Democrat and I support Biden. I also support having balance in our laws and that means we need both liberalism AND conservatism and be able to have civility in our discussions. Donald Trump is not like any Republican or Democrat; he is an autocrat who only believes in himself. While President Biden may not be perfect, he's a good man who cares for the rule of law and our nation. Trump is the most dangerous candidate in our history.

  26. There are reports that Hispanic viewers polling went up for Biden after the debate. The Spanish station Univision ran the debate with translators. No low or weak voice, no ums or coughing, just translating what was said by each candidate. Biden was seen as a caring man who told the truth about things. Trump was seen as not answering or dodging questions who lied about things.

  27. Donald Trump’s plane was spotted next to Putin’s plane on the runway at Dulles Airport in Virginia when Trump was in Virginia to give a speech. Hmmmmmm. Wonder what they talked about and what desperate Trump sold to Russia.

    1. FBI, CIA on it. Will not end well for Trump.............

  28. Debate moderators are getting creamed. But - How do you fact-check Donald Trump? You cannot even understand what he is saying. How do you fact-check "I didn't have sex with her (Stormy Daniels)"?

  29. I am absolutely appalled that a convicted criminal was standing next to the President of the United States at this debate. In what world does that make any sense?

  30. Supreme Court "immunity" decision coming Monday. Get ready. It will be big!

    1. Can't wait. It'll be good for USA either way. if he gets immunity, so does President Biden. Be careful, Donnie. Be very careful.

  31. Trump didn’t have a good debate, either. Unlike Biden he started off strong, but as the night wore on, he looked and sounded more unhinged. Pretty much every answer he gave had at least one big lie, and he refused to say he would accept the results of the 2024 election. He was mean, abrasive and unremittingly negative. Trump may truly believe that the U.S. today is a dumpster fire, but I’m not sure it benefits him or his party to keep dragging down the country.

  32. Support Biden/Harris. Vote BLUE!! Let’s Gooooooo-oh!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. The greatest honor I will have as an American citizen will be to vote for Joe Biden and against Trump this November.

  34. Trump: "Illegals are taking BLACK Jobs!!!" .... what does that even mean???

    1. National Basketball Association?

  35. One bad debate is not going to change my mind. We need to rally around President Biden. Democrats need to get an understanding what is at stake. Go to work Democrats.


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