Wednesday, July 3, 2024

HORROR:...And Then They Came For America...Two Hundred-Plus Years And What?...400,000 Americans Dead In World War II...58,000 Killed In 'Nam...For This?...For A Draft Dodger?...Enter Stephen King...



McALLEN, Texas |...Perhaps it is okay that a well-known writer of horror comes forth with an apropos line. What the Hell, right? I mean, everybody's talking, so why not Stephen King, the author of some of the scariest fiction around.   

". . . Overturning Roe (vs. Wade, over abortion rights) took power from women," King wrote yesterday on social media. "Today's decision takes power from all of us."

He was referencing the now famous ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on Republican Donald J. Trump's claim to absolute immunity. He's not alone. Writing is spanning the sky, from all recognizable angles and from all political sides.

Joe Biden is done, they say. Democrats need to replace him as their 2024 presidential candidate. He is old at age 81 and worse than a convicted felon. America cannot withstand another four years of Joe Biden.

Conversely, the scribes have given Republican convicted felon Donald J. Trump perhaps his best, best week ever as a candidate and even as a Human Being. The U.S. Supreme Court obviously thinks Trump is okay for the nation's highest post. He's a paunchy 78 and showing it, too. But the week was about putting Biden down and normalizing the criminal.

It's the U.S.A., kids. All in on the freedom to do this and that, right? Hang the charges on the hat rack and let the voters decide in November. Even a felon can run for president. We're Number 1 and all that shit.

The fallout, however, is a battered citizenry asked to play police in all of this.

Grand and trial juries have spoken and spoken loudly about Trump's criminal activity, yet none of it has stuck. The Orange Dud has yet to suffer, other than spending a few days at his recent NY trial in that hush money case that saw him convicted of 34 fucking charges.

Trump's still out there, free and clear. Even his probation interview, a requirement after his conviction, was handled via Zoom online. No walking into an interview room to face a hard-ass bureaucrat, no drug test, no hard questions. They say it was over in 20 minutes. Tell that to your cousin who was busted for two joints and still sits in federal prison.

No, America, don't come at me with what dictators are doing to their defenseless citizens in Third World countries.

Not after this. Not after what we're seeing and hearing, seeing with our own eyes.

Writer Stephen King has been a prolific critic of felon Donald Trump, often issuing blistering assessments of the goings-on. He's been whipped by right-wing MAGA types, but he's not stopping. The plot is too good.

A bloody horror story where everybody dies in the end.

That's what we've become. Bang the drum slowly one more time...



  1. Reader complaints about or ornery Comments feature dropped yesterday, so maybe things are back to normal. If you get a "Failed to publish" note after submitting, just keep trying. We have decided not to moderate comments, so your thoughts go in instantly...Have at it...

  2. As a moderate registered Republican, I am not ok with DJT winning. I am afraid that DJT will never leave and relinquish presidency if he wins again. He made multiple cracks on democracy during last presidency, he may appoint the courts with more loyalists this time that democracy may no longer survive. Look at the likes of pro-Trump Florida Judge Cannon for example.

  3. Of note, on the same day Justice Thomas ruled in favor of some type of immunity for Trump, the majority of the Court upheld the § 230 immunity for social media platforms, well except Thomas who argued for ending § 230 immunity. Yes, it is true, social media remains immune and unaccountable for aiding in the death of your children and damage to your reputation. If private corporations are immune from suit, why should not the President also be immune?

    1. "death of your children." - How so?

    2. There have been multiple suits claiming children killed themselves over social media. The case where Thomas wanted the Court to hear the case involved a claim how Snap was used in a way to cause sexual abuse of a child.

  4. There has never been a threat like Trump before, there has never been a partisan Supreme Court like Roberts. Many of us are just disgusted that he could represent us again.

  5. The disturbing thing is how much to do about nothing the media has made of Biden's performance. Frankly, I would rather have a president worn out from the work an unable to debate than to have a clown whose sat on his orange laurels and whined for the last 4 years ready to mock and turn the debate into a clown show.

  6. Biden MAY be facing beginning senility and so is 78-year-old Donald Trump. But Biden listens to his team. Trump thinks he knows everything yet former staff called him a lazy moron amongst other derogatory names.

    1. Rex Tillerson, his own Secretary of State, called Trump an idiot...and then resigned.

  7. Sex abusing, 34-time felon versus a lifelong statesman for the highest office in the world? America is sick.

  8. For 30 years, the media has demanded EVERY SINGLE Democratic candidate for POTUS withdraw, at one time or another.

    In 1991, when Bill was in 3rd place behind GHWBush & Ross Perot, pundits said he had to drop out

    In 2012, after Obama lost his debate w Mitt, he was urged to drop out

    In 2016, we were told Hillary Clinton's health was SO bad, she had to drop out (plus Her Emails!")

    Yet no Republicans EVER have to leave, even one as corrupt & vile as Trump.

  9. A president paying his/her personal attorney for services that occurred before becoming president is an "official act?"

    Either God loves Trump so much that there's always an escape clause or he's signed a deal with Satan and still has a few years before Old Scratch collects.

    1. Satan. Pretty sure of that. God doesn't create fuckups like this clown.

  10. I’d vote for the (real) former First Lady Stormy Daniels over Trump any day of the week.

    1. Stormy as First Lady would be loved more than Melania. Stormy's American!!!

    2. Where is Melania?

  11. I'm voting for the president who has worked his ass off for the lower class and supports our military and allies.
    I stand with Joe Biden.

  12. One would think that since the SCOTUS has elevated the President (Federal Executive) to be all powerful with immunity, the states' rights advocates would be pitching a fit.

  13. What's Mayra eating today? ja ja ja

    1. Grilled. Why, I bet she will post a photo of a crow being grilled, but it will actually be by someone in El Salvador, not her!!! Haha ha ha ha

  14. At his confirmation in 2018, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh said, "Under the Constitution, no one is above the law." Then he voted to place Trump above the law.

  15. Stormy Daniels says if Trump could prove she lied in court, "He’d Have Whipped His Junk Out a Long Time Ago." LMAO!!!!

    1. It is pretty telling that Melania never said Stormy was lying.

  16. Just heard this: Apparently, when Marjorie Taylor Green joined Steve Bannon for his press conference as he turned himself into prison, someone in the crowd yelled, "Small dick!" A commentator wondered if it was directed at Bannon or at Butch Body Marjorie. LOL!!!

  17. Trump flunky Rudy Giuliani is disbarred in New York as court finds he repeatedly lied about Trump's 2020 election loss.

  18. Meet our congressional gerontocracy: Sen. Charles E. Grassley, of Iowa (R), is 89; Rep. Grace F. Napolitano, of California (D), is 86; Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. of New Jersey (D), 86; Rep. Harold Rogers, of Kentucky (R), 86; Rep. Maxine Waters, of California (D), 85; Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita, of California (D), is 84; Rep. James E. Clyburn, of South Carolina (D), is 83; and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) is 82.

  19. how can we do more to impact this election?
    I feel like just convincing people in my personal life isn’t enough

    1. Just do your part and vote. Everybody else will be doing the same. Oh, VOTE BLUE!!!

  20. Please stop talking about the President stepping down. We are extremely grateful that he is stepping up.

  21. “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” said Kevin Roberts, head of the right-wing Heritage Foundation

    1. Oh, let them bring it on. Let’s see what they really have under the hood. These pieces of garbage couldn’t organize a group trip to the toilet, let alone kick off a ‘war’. The LEFT also has guns, you fool.

    2. Well, it won’t be bloodless, then. I am not a nonviolent guy. I’d rather be peaceful — all I really want is to be left alone to read, etc. — but I won’t do it at the cost of being enslaved by some meddling theocratic idiots who want me to accept some random preacher or politician as a God… because that’s all they’re really worshiping, “God as interpreted through this jackass.” It would all be incredibly stupid, but if they push too far, I’ll push back, and I am FAR from the only one who’s willing or capable. I’ve got lots of friends down here who are already making plans and readiness to fight back if need be. None of us want to, but we’re not just gonna accept their rule. Nope.

  22. Why? Why? Why? Can this evil please go away? He’s a menace to normal society! Please stop giving him press!! He’s such an embarrassment to this country and the people who reside here. Please stop!

  23. Trump is still the same threat he was before the debate, and Republicans still pretend he's not

    1. As calls grow for Biden to drop out, new poll shows Michelle Obama would beat Trump

  24. We wouldn't even be in this mess if the Republicans hadn't twice let Trump off the hook. During his last impeachment for leading the Jan. 6 insurrection. America had Trump where he belonged. Yet the Republicans seem to admire his behavior.

    I don't know who this current Republican party is. It's like we've been invaded by those who absolutely insist on the American experiment be over and done with. We are no longer the United States of America. We are the Divided States of America, and the stacked Supreme Court just keeps making it worse.

  25. Trump's $130,000 payment to keep Stormy Daniels quiet occurred prior to the 2016 election. I fail to see how paying an individual from private accounts who does not work for the government can be interpreted as falling within official presidential duties.

  26. As to justice and Donald Trump - No hurry, he can’t go anywhere.

  27. Even if Trump doesn't win, there will likely be another one. Good fruit does not come from rotten trees and there is a forest of bad trees leveraging for power in places high and low. Character matters, but if the overall character of America is selfish in its nature (I think this likely), then "Trump" is its obvious "fruit".

  28. It would end under Trump. No more Social Security. No more Medicaid. No more food stamps. No more housing assistance (trailer parks included). Pharmaceuticals will go through the roof. Tariffs will be placed on everything. And when these Trumpers realize that they can no longer afford to live and are still expected to support their sons and daughters' illegitimate children because of course you know, Donald Trump allowed abortion to be eradicated, they’re going to have to stop and think and say maybe democracy wasn’t so bad after all. Chew on that.

    1. And Putin would be in the Oval Office yukking it up with traitor Trump.

  29. Reuters "Biden and Trump each had 40% support among registered voters in the two-day poll that concluded on Tuesday. A prior Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted June 11-12 showed Trump with a marginal 2 percentage point lead, 41% to 39%." People like Bill Maher do not seem to remember 68' and 72' which delivered us Nixon both times. The Democrats were dealing with rights at both conventions, and challenges from many groups as to the process. Bill Maher wants to repeat this by having an open convention. People who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. It seems both Trump and Biden voters are holding onto their flawed candidates. If after sworn in Harris can always replace Biden. She is still better than Trump.

    1. So thankful McAllen Sun stays on top of late breaking events

    2. "riots" not "rights"

  30. Social Security 2025 COLA increase projected to be .025%

  31. Mind this: It's an "official act" to protect Americas democracy. From criminals and their gang

    1. I read so much into this. Thanks for saying it..

  32. Anyone who votes for Trump is a loser and a sucker.

  33. Hurricane Beryl slams JAMAICA and heads northwest toward the Gulf of Mexico and northern Mexico.

    1. They're saying it will weaken to Category 1 by the time it hits the Gulf, so mostly rain for us in the RGV, if that......

  34. President Joe Biden should exercise his power and eliminate the circus. We are a free nation, and no faddish clown show should be able to change it, even in the tiniest of ways. GO FREEDOM!!!

  35. We're Democrats - the party of freedom and charity for our poor, not Republican Nazis out to serve and protect only one race. VOTE BLUE!!!

    1. That about paints the entire American canvas.

  36. MAGA should be careful what they wish for.

    Since SCOTUS has decided the immunity case, Biden could cancel the next election citing threats to America and extend his tenure. Biden could do lots of things and that would be that for Donald Trump and his unAmerican gang.

  37. If MAGA Republicans nominate Donald Trump for president, Joe Biden should postpone the election until after Trump’s trials are concluded. Supreme Court says he has the power. heh heh

  38. Trump Supreme Court set to take up more abortion cases in its next calendar. Vote a straight-party ticket for Democrats this fall.

  39. BREAKING: President Biden tells campaign staffers he's "in this race to the end."

  40. There are people who are certainly polarized. They are 100% polarized. They deeply hate the other side. They are extraordinarily loud. They are extraordinarily important in American politics. But those people are not typical Americans. They are people who live and breathe politics — the partisans and activists whom academics refer to in this context as elites.

  41. Biden needs to do what he doesn’t want you to do — use the powers handed to him. He doesn’t want to, but if he doesn’t do it, then Trump will.

  42. Republican U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (Iowa) is what? 92, 93? I know Grassley isn't running for president, but it all depends upon an individual's personal physical and mental abilities at any age

  43. The incumbent always has a built-in lead in any political race. But the government will not let an anti-democracy clown win, if you know what I mean. The government, I said.


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