Friday, July 5, 2024

THE CONSTITUTION:......A Long, Long-Held Belief Somewhat Fading In The Afternoon Sun...Turns Out To Be Just Another Government Fold-Out...Donald J. Trump Wants To Be King...Founder Adams Would Be Mortified...Americans Inhale...



McALLEN, Texas |...We're there, there at the old wooden bridge to something else. Who and how many will cross to the other side? More than a few Americans are asking that very question as our political world explodes. Shards of a country cracked wide open fly across the land.

Will it be a president or a king?

Our 2024 presidential election will soon tell the tale, but, kids, the miles-long rollercoaster has left the loading zone. Buckle up! The time for decisions is here and how we answer a few questions will tell us whether we go and where we will go. Already, the clouds turn dark, the evenings halt at going into the dead of night, the sun musters itself for another day.

I'm of the opinion that America will never be our Old America after this hoedown.

Why would anyone think that they could upend more than 200 years of believing in something so defined by the country's fathers, namely that, here, from sea to shining sea, no one is above the law. Excuse me while I get pissed, while I reach for my alcohol drink, while I down it in anger.

Republican candidate Donald J. Trump cares only about himself. That we have seen and heard for eight long and turbulent years. No mystery in that guy. Off his odd four-year term as president from 2016 to 2020 we got more than enough evidence of his aims and weaknesses. Now, he seeks the same office again out of desperation.

Four cases of wrongdoing, one conviction by a jury, three trials to go, some 50 additional charges to resolve. Any other defendant would have long been gone down the sewer pipe of needed justice. Trump endures, backed by millions of so-called MAGA cultists who see an entirely different candidate, one they say will save the country from internal destruction.

They want immigrants from Norway, those with white skin. We're not getting those; we're getting the darker ones who come and do work ever-bitching MAGA types would never do. Would a Trump presidency rid us of the Black-dominated National Basketball Association?

The NFL? Professional boxingInterracial marriages? They're already dealing with diversity in the workplace and doing it with a sharp axe.

 Back then, in the late-1700s, Poor John Adams easily imagined that American revolutionaries were founding a government of laws, not of men. But we now know that Trump’s ideal is a government not even of men, but of a man - his own unprecedented and astonishing self.

The hallowed Constitution will keep getting reviewed. That ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court last week to do with presidential "immunity" is a blow at its concept. Laws are for the many but not the few. The Court opened up a can of beans, dealing good news to Trump, who claimed absolute immunity for his actions as president, and bad news for federal prosecutors armed with so much evidence that to say they have a mountain of it is to downplay the amount.

Many of us in this star-crossed country have looked the other way every time a new angle to our freedom is thrown in our faces, as they did with this latest High Court's surprise ruling and with a litany of legal moves that only delay true justice.

Donald Trump is the luckiest American ever.

He remains above the law...



  1. No complaints yesterday on our spastic Comments feature. Perhaps the issue has been resolved. That would be good...

  2. Trump is being very quiet. Probably because he doesn't want anyone to alert the world to ONE FACT. That is, Trump may have immunity but what about all those supporters sitting in Prison right now that did Trump's bidding?

    1. Good morning, Steve Bannon. How's your first week in prison going? ha ha ha ha Loser.

    2. trump's other stooge Rudy Giuliani is a broken man. He asked Trump for financial help in fighting his legal problems and got the finger!

    3. Steve Bannon now sweeping and mopping the Black warden's office.

  3. It will be bad for military morale being forced to serve under a convicted felon.

    1. As felon, Trump cannot get Top Security clearance, so...

  4. It tells you a lot about a person’s character if you vote for a person who sexually assaults, cheats on his wife and cheats everywhere in life to try to get in front. A man who stands in front of the nation and just lies in your face without shame, a serial liar at that. A failed businessman where every statistic shows he ran the US economy off the cliff and ranked the worst performance from a US president in history. A man who can’t graciously take defeat and in his tantrum will try to motivate mindless goons to do his dirty work, so they spend years in jail. A convicted felon that blames everyone for doing the exact thing he’s doing. Many more felonies on the horizon and let’s not forget that 44 members (over two thirds) of his handpicked staff who have worked directly with him have all publicly warned us of how horrible this person is - and they would know. This man is a disgrace to the country

    1. Not even Putin does this crap!

  5. Trump and the Republican Party are making a big mistake underestimating Biden and the Democrats. They are going to lose, and they are going to lose big. People know the incumbent has a bad first Debate and Biden is letting Trump get under his skin. Watch and see Trump will never have another debate. He will tell his followers that he doesn't need to have it.

  6. Hurricane Beryl slamming Yucatan Peninsula (Cancun, Cozumel) this morning, headed into Gulf and then to veer into northern Mexico and Texas. By the time it hits the Rio Grande Valley, it will be a Category 1 hurricane. Expect rain and wind.

    1. Brownsville will see an increase in its 10,000 potholes.

  7. If you think Trump is dangerous, he’s just the circus clown not the ringmaster. The rich are funding him because they do not want to pay taxes. They want everybody else to pay them. VOTE BLUE!!!

  8. About Ivanka Trump's anguish: It was painful for Ivanka that the world knew her father had sex with a porn star. She was too young the first time Trump's sex life made the headlines ("Best Sex I Ever Had") although I believe her school mates teased her (or maybe that was her brothers). But anyway, he was found guilty of raping E Jean Carroll, and now is a felon for trying to pay off Stormy Daniels to influence the presidential election.

    The world's smallest violin plays for you, Ivanka.

    1. Excellent comment. It needed to be said.

    2. Ivanka's like she's humble and sweet. She's a total fraud!

  9. I'd rather vote for an "old man" than a "dirty old man". Vote Blue and keep the criminal out of the White House.

    1. Stormy Daniels was the real First Lady.

  10. Trump is obviously sick. I just can’t fathom how anyone could EVER consider voting for someone so foul and miserable.

  11. The Supreme Court just limited federal power. Healthcare is feeling the shockwaves. Don't get sick or older. And get ready to pay for Mom and Dad's health insurance.

  12. Supreme Court doesn't care, they’ve been well-paid not to. And like all rich entitled assholes, they think that they will not feel the effects of their fuckery. But when this results in a return to the glory days of sewage and chemical filled waterways, unbreathable air, unsafe food, sketchy drugs, etc., etc. No amount of money or gated community will save them.

  13. I'm sick of hearing the name Trump... just sick of it. He's despicable and disgusting. I do not know how people cannot understand that

    1. Trump wasn’t exonerated by the presidential immunity ruling, even though he says he was

  14. The New York Times asking President Biden to drop out of the race. It NEVER asked Felon Trump to drop out......

    1. NY Times just thinks the president would lose to Trump. They're just being their usual intellectual.

  15. Eduardo, I heard you asked Othal Brand Jr at the restaurant if he knew of any Black or Hispanic Jobs in McAllen. And that he said, "Why ask me - I'm a white guy!" Wish I'd been there.

    1. Yes, that was last Tuesday as I was arriving at the restaurant and Othal was leaving with his Republican pals. One of the women in his group laughed aloud, but Othal wasn't as quick to see that I was referencing Trump's line in the debate about immigrants taking Black and Hispanic jobs from Americans...

  16. President Biden faces a series of crucial tests today as he fends off growing calls to drop out of the presidential race. Biden, who says he's staying in the race, will do a network TV interview and rally supporters in Wisconsin later today, a battleground state in this election.

    1. Is Trump doing any network interviews? NO!!! Coward.

  17. Melania now selling garbage again. For all the money they allegedly have, that family is so low class.

  18. That's right, NYTimes. Keep raising the bar for Biden while you ignore Trump's criminality, cognitive issues, and threats to get retribution.

  19. What if Biden was vindictive enough to enjoy a few "official acts" of his own? He could have all adversaries arrested and sent to GITMO without trial. Clock's ticking, Joe, make the most of this!

  20. Stay strong, Joe. America needs you MORE THAN EVER, and far more than some realize. You can deal with all the BS

  21. Trump-endorsed candidate for Governor Mark Robinson: "Some Folks Need Killing"

    North Carolina Lieutenant Gov. Robinson keeps piling onto his terrifying vision for America's future. And he's Black!!!

  22. 13 states with Republican governors opt out of summer food program for kids. TEXAS is one of them.

  23. It’s time for President Biden to undergo detailed cognitive and neurological testing and share his results. OKAY, if Trump takes same exam at same time with same medical team.

  24. U.S. Northern Border crossings break record in 2024. Northern "invasion"?

  25. Shark attack injures two at South Padre Island. Two people taken to hospital with bites, one severe.

  26. Donald Trump claims to know nothing about Project 2025, a plan orchestrated by far-right organizations, despite praising the same organizations in his speeches and online posts. He has spoken about it in interviews and rallies! What a LIAR!!!

  27. We need to be loud against the propaganda about Biden dropping out. We all must back Biden up together.

  28. Biden at today's rally in Wisconsin: "'Let's stand together, win this election and exile Donald Trump politically!

    1. HEAR, HEAR!!! A Democrat here who agrees 100% with you!!!! Get behind Biden just like the crazy Republicans are doing with Trump. He's our guy...enough, move on. Stay away from TYRANNY. Stand up now! Biden 1000%

  29. In September there need to be a 2 million man and woman march in front of the Supreme Court. The Court is not officially in session, but they are in building getting ready for October 1st. But then the DOJ has interpreted the bar to trying to influence a case is a basis to ban protesting in front of the Supreme Court building. People will remember a protest in September so as to influence their vote in November.


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