Monday, July 8, 2024

THE LATER ROUNDS:...President Joe Biden Is Still Punching...They All Want Him Out Of The Race...He Keeps Taking Blows...But Is Still Standing...Will He Drop Out, Or See His Corner Throw-In The Towel... Fight Project 2025?...The Crowd Roars, But Only Joe Biden Knows...



McALLEN, Texas |...They're doing their darndest to push him out. Calls in turgid news editorials at the biggest newspapers in the land of late. Senior Democratic senators and congressmen. It's a rolling fear that President Joe Biden's age, 81, is simply too much to overcome ahead of the crucial November General Election.

But is it?

No one really knows, no matter what the learned pundits and editorial boards tell you. As the song says, we've never been this way before.

And we're led to believe that only Biden knows whether he'll stay in the hunt, or whether coming events lead him off the stage. They say his wife Jill may be the one to decide.

The president has had a rough few weeks. That "doddering Grandpa" performance at the First Debate with equally old Republican Donald J. Trump, 78, is still white-hot in the daily news cycle. The development has even shut Trump up of late, his backers saying Trump is just letting Biden twist in the wind.

As my old pal Melissa used to say, "Quien sobby?"

Well, yeah, that's where are this fine no-hurricane morning in the magical Rio Grande Valley, Land of Eternal Hope and Dreams. It's a sure bet Valleyites are hoping Biden wins the election. What Trump would do with welfare (food stamps and housing assistance) is well-known. That right-wing Project 2025 he supports explains it quite clearly - no more freebies.

That one is one crazy existential plan, but desperate Republicans have time to draft such idiotic plans. We have posted an informational graphic below of exactly what these White Supremacists have in mind.

I suspect that it will not find support in the RGV.

Well, it could not be any clearer, could it? Wow. I know, I know that's just another overused word, like extremist. Only there is no question the mission of this project is aimed at certain people. The plan is backed by the conservative Heritage Foundation, a group of folks who believe their station in American life is now past being threatened by non-White citizens.

They frown at California and Texas now being more Black & Brown than White.

It is to be expected, and it has been coming for a long time.

Joe Biden fights Project 2025, as do many other Whites. The plan is silly and ridiculous, but what do you say to the ever-fearful amongst us? You'd have to know your way around our ditzy American Politics to grab at every nuance of who we are and where we're going as a nation.

Project 2025 is not nuanced. It is now in your face.

As is the November Election.

Yes, we could keep telling you Biden is the way to go for continued happiness, but perhaps it's time that you got there on your own. Take your brain for a reality spin, yeah.

The bell has sounded for the 10th Round...Five to go...



  1. A good day for Reader Comments yesterday. No complaints. Perhaps the "Failed to publish" message commenters kept getting has sailed off to the hinterlands. We can only hope, right?...

  2. I've been standing with President Biden from the beginning, and I will continue to stand with President Biden

    1. Of course, a candidate replacing Biden will be 20 years or more younger than Trump, and that terrifies Trump! As it should! Kamala Harris would destroy Trump in a debate.

  3. The tide is turning in the world. The progressives have won in England and are about to win in France. People are tired of corporate greed, the gutting of the middle class, an elite and wealthy 1% ruling class, and the destruction of our environment and climate. If we rid ourselves of "Trumpism" we can move our country forward to a much better place that values people of all races and creeds, and works for the common good, not just corporate America and the entitled 1 percenters.

  4. There's a lot of people not represented by the polls we're seeing, and they're most likely people not responding because they're never-Trumpers but are not enthusiastic about Biden either...On election day, they will still be never-Trumpers.

  5. My colleagues & I have had the same discussions on our coffee breaks @ work. We're mostly Democrat & Independent voters here & although we still support President Biden strongly; were all in for a new contender in the race if it comes to that. Biden policies are basically the same as any Democrat or progressive who definitely do not agree on the GOP MAGA tyranny they have in plan for 2025. Voting Blue is most important. Yes, personally I wondered: are Republicans really still impressed with felon Trump?

  6. Kamala Harris scares Republicans. She is extremely popular and with the right running mate she would crush Trump. That's why FOX News keeps crying for Biden to not drop out. It's too late for Republicans to dump criminal Trump and they know it. (Off to work)

  7. Where's Melania?

    1. She's not there.

    2. Where's fake Republican Mayra Flores?

    3. Mayra's a nobody going nowhere. Flash in the pan.

    4. Not hearing as much from Mayra here in Brownsville like we did in 2022. Has she given up the fight?

  8. Judge Merchan, please restore Americans faith in America 's Democracy and justice system. Put Donald Trump in jail. Don't be intimidated by Trump 's threats.

  9. After what happened in France and England.
    Republicans have to be freaking out right about now.

    1. The Party which also aligns with Trump only got 15 seats. the message was clear UK and France are rejecting Trump. He will get angry and speak out against both countries.

    2. Good for you, France and England! Let's make it happen HERE too, pro-democracy warriors!

  10. This "Supreme Court" is obviously violating the original intent of the framers, and yes, it's earned the disrespect it is getting.

    1. When the Supreme Court is not working for the American people’s needs, it’s time to get rid of it!

    2. This SC also made it legal for public officials to accept bribes, as long as payment is made well after the act and labeled a 'gratuity.' That's the Clarence Thomas special.

    3. The Supreme Court either knew EXACTLY what it was doing, or it doesn't have a clue as to how disastrous their ruling truly is. Either way, it's a disaster for this country, and must be reversed...regardless of which political party is in power. Their ruling is evil.

  11. French voters who have consistently delivered the most politically fragmented country in Europe for decades? Yes, those voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right. Seems like there’s something to that.

  12. Take a look at the Folks who authored Project 2015...The better part of them were Trump cabinet members, high aides and high officials in the Trump White House. The Heritage Foundation has been backed by Trump several times. The main heading is "Presidential Project 2025".

    1. Trump has repeated many of their policies in his speeches over the past several months. He is beholden to them and the RNC. Trump's word is meaningless.

  13. I stand with Biden/Harris. There is no time for a new candidate to launch a campaign, plus Biden has been the best president of my lifetime with a young diverse cabinet who does all the heavy lifting. I’m 22 and I'm not listening to anyone putting my president down.

    1. Keep your chin up, keep studying. The future is yours.

  14. Lying is not an official act. Reimbursement of hush money is not an official act. The "debt" referenced in doc 81 was masquerading as an official act. Cohen did not charge a retainer fee. So, what was the debt? It was reimbursement to the lawyer for a tryst Trump had pre-Presidency. It was made in payments instead of lump sum. It was categorized as a legal act, but it was not really an official act. The debt was incurred when Cohen paid Stormy with his own funds. Trump was then on the hook to pay Cohen back.

  15. America cannot heal until donnie is held accountable

    1. Get him to trial at the very least. This has gone on long enough.

  16. "When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies..." - John 8:44

  17. Stay with it Biden. Fight like you never fought in your life. Biden 2024.

  18. Conservative justices have abandoned modesty, humility, and fealty to precedent, instead voting as a bloc to conform the law to their preferences.

    1. I do see the problem. But we need to qualify it. When precedent has expanded liberties, it is not the same as precedent which limited freedoms. Remember, the liberals over road Plessy v. Ferguson (separate but equal is constitutional), for Brown v. the Board of Education (separate but equal is inherently unequal). There are many examples like this. We should not be bound by precedent which limits freedom. The danger in this court is they want to throw out the precedent which expanded freedoms.

  19. Trump thinks he'll win the Hispanic vote if he picks Marco Rubio as VEEP. Ha ha ha Non-Cuban Hispanics hate ass-kissing Rubio!!!

    1. You are so right. Biden thinks we are all the same. I would never vote for a Florida Cuban, who still believes in Batista and want their family land back from the Cuban people. Trump has nothing to win by picking Rubio. He already has Florida. He needs to pick a female in a state which is in play.

    2. Rubio forgets Trump nicknamed him "Little Marco" in 2016.

    3. Correction, Trump thinks we are all the same.

  20. Give President Biden some credit. He's been fighting a domestic terrorist organization as well as doing the rest of the job.

    1. We all should be fighting MAGA. This has gone far enough.

  21. Here in the UK we are praying that there are more sane Americans than MAGA in November. PLEASE VOTE!

  22. National Security!!! Trump treats our allies (Germany, France, England) like our adversaries, and he treats our adversaries (Russia, China, N. Korea) like our allies!

  23. I'm voting for the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden. We absolutely HAVE to beat Trump! Please don't split the vote. The Republican Party as it exists now is not behaving in a lawful manner and needs to be outlawed or otherwise replaced. But right now, we need to focus on winning the next election!

  24. Great to hear outcomes in France and England. Real Americans...please stand up.

  25. The media needs to leave Biden alone and focus on Trump’s lies, crimes and project 2025.


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