Monday, June 3, 2024

IN MEXICO, IT'S SHEINBAUM:...Claudia To Be Country's First Woman Prez...She Won Handily... Promises To Augment AMLO's Legacy...No Felony Conviction Trailing Her...



McALLEN, Texas |...The result was no great surprise. Mexico had two options in selecting a candidate for its next president: Claudia Sheinbaum of the ruling Morena Party or Xóchitl Galvez, the one postured by a grouping of several parties.

Sheinbaum will be Mexico's next president after Sunday's election.

This from The Associated Press: [ "I will become the first woman president of Mexico," Sheinbaum said with a smile, speaking at a downtown hotel shortly after electoral authorities announced a statistical sample showed she held an irreversible lead. "I don’t make it alone. We’ve all made it, with our heroines who gave us our homeland, with our mothers, our daughters and our granddaughters."

"We have demonstrated that Mexico is a democratic country with peaceful elections," she said.

The National Electoral Institute’s president said Sheinbaum had between 58.3% and 60.7% of the vote, according to a statistical sample. Opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez had between 26.6% and 28.6% of the vote and Jorge Álvarez Máynez had between 9.9% and 10.8% of the vote. Sheinbaum’s Morena Party was also projected to hold majorities in both chambers of Congress. ]

The Sunday vote was something of an affirmation for outgoing president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO). Critics still abound to many of his policies, including his decision not to go after the Mexican drug cartels.

That hands-off is likely to remain in place, as Sheinbaum has said little about Mexico's continuing headache.

The 61-year-old Sheinbaum will begin her presidency on October 1...



  1. We had Comments feature problems yesterday afternoon. Readers are getting a "Failed to publish" message from Blogger, this blog's platform provider. We'll keep monitoring...

  2. I hope she remains alive long enough to solve some of Mexico's problems and help working with the USA on theirs

    1. It would not be surprising if in the future there is a surge of immigration from the US into Mexico. Mexico's best days are ahead, not sure about the US of A these days...

    2. Glad to see some countries value women way more than the United States. Imagine...Mexico is more progressive than our backwards, right-wing, want to take us back to the 1950's republican party. Like I keep telling the MAGA's. The world will move on with or without you and it seems will be moving on without you.

  3. Eric Trump Claims Black Voters Are Turning To His Dad "In Spades" - Oh, oh.

    1. His command of English grammar is as proficient as the Demented Dad (Don). Waiting for the family to announce that the Central Park Five are supporting him. In their world anything is conceivable.

  4. I remember when American political candidates used to always call one another to concede after a general election.

    1. Ha! Not in these United States. I use the word UNITED in jest.

  5. Just wanted to say, this should have been the U.S. in 2016, as Hillary actually won the popular vote, but right now we have a sort of mess with our government. Anyways, congrats to Mexico, for electing the first Woman President in the World and may the force be with you!

  6. Even a country as poor as Mexico is more progressive than us where we’re selecting from two male candidates with a combined age of 158!!!

  7. Meanwhile in the United States we are still stuck in the dark ages voting for two old geriatric white men. Sad day when Mexico surpasses our country in diversity, equity, inclusion and freedom.

    1. Spot on. I am voting for the Green Pary candidate just to show there is support for someone other than the two major parties. There is zero chance Biden can win Texas, so I stand in sport of my diversity

  8. Mayra Flores still eating out. At Texican BBQ Company in Brownsville. Mostly white people at her event.

    1. I noticed in both Mayra's and the other local Republican - Monica de la Cruz - Facebook pages that they love to take photos with white people. Eh, mensas, support El valle!!!

    2. Democrat Vicente Gonzalez has it right - he's bringing home the federal dollars, not photos of old white guys.

    3. Mayra is so lost in the Republican Party. And she doesn't even see it.

    4. Republicans are glad to get a Brown for the District 34 race. Poor Mayra. They'll drop her like an old taco after she loses in November.

  9. Former FBI Director James Comey said Sunday he thinks imprisoning former President Trump is “obviously doable,” despite some logistic hurdles.

  10. Congratulations CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM & Mexico!!!

  11. Finally, Mexico is slowly becoming independent from the nosey, meddling USA....

  12. Weslaco High Wins 6A State Softball Championship! Whips Midway of Waco 11-9 on walk-off Grand Slam by ANDREA SOLIZ!!! Let's see that on ESPN.

    1. Congrats! And thank you for never giving up! And showing how much grit and fight we have in the RGV!

    2. Huge congrats from Harlingen!!!

    3. McAllen toasts Weslaco's victory. Well done!

    4. Congrats Weslaco Pantherettes!!!! STATE CHAMPIONS!!!. Way to represent the RGV! I'm happy to live in Weslaco

    5. Congrats from Austin, TX 512 ! We all went crazy for y'all , way to represent!

    6. Weslaco's Andrea Ortiz, a soph, was 0-3 in the game. And then - BOOM! Grand Slam to win state!!! Gotta love it.

    7. Video of Andrea's mom in the stands. Priceless.

    8. An example of never, ever, ever, ever, ever giving up - the New RGV!!!

  13. The 2 judges overseeing Hunter Biden’s trials have a lot in common. For starters, they were both appointed by Trump. Now, let's see crying Republicans tell us this one is rigged. ha ha ha

  14. The worst part of the Trump phenomenon is not what it showed us about him but what it's shown us about our fellow Americans.

    1. MAGAs are NOT Americans; they are racist Nazis.

  15. Mis felicitaciones a la primera mujer Presidente de Mexico. Por favor, termine con todas esas mafias que han llegado a mi pais. Que Dios y la Virgen de Guadalupe la protejan.

  16. Mexico claims the US is a dump and they're just sending us the garbage coming thru their country.

  17. Mexico has the 12th largest GDP in the world (out of 200+ countries). Just behind China (#11) and just ahead of Australia (#13). Its per-capita GDP is about average at #70, which is also about the same as China. Like China, its standard of living varies widely between the urban centers and the rural areas, and between the well-educated and the labor classes.

  18. Convicted felon Trump calls on supreme court to annul his guilty verdict in hush-money case. (Uh, NO! F-NO!!!)

  19. The gringos making divisions in Mexico. we don't put religious beliefs next to the name of a person or ancestral origin. a mexican born in Mexico is just a mexican period.

  20. Headline in The Jerusalem Post ( "Mexico's Sheinbaum wins landslide to become country's first woman, Jewish president"

  21. Congratulations Mexico on electing an intelligent engineer/climate scientist… that happens to be a woman.

    Half the U.S. is still trying to elect a convicted criminal con man who tried to subvert an election.

  22. In Florida classified documents case, Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon gifts Trump another two weeks to come up with an argument against a gag order. Where are Republicans to call this rigged? Nowhere.

  23. For all the antisemites. MX is a multiculture nation. A lot of MXs have some percentage of Jewish ancestry, me included. Pres. Sheinbaum is Mexican....period.


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