Tuesday, July 9, 2024

ME AND MY MEDIA:...News Travels Fast...It's Good And It's Bad...What - It's All Bad?...Okay...But It Still Depends On Where You Get It....Mainstream, Right-Wing, Left-Wing....Then There Is The Venus Flytrap Known As Social Media...Really, Can Anyone Survive This Mess?...The Weather Channel!!!...



McALLEN, Texas |...So, you say the media is the problem. Well, there is some truth to that. Americans get their news and information from a wide range of sources, some reliable and some so untrustworthy as to be useless for anything other than partisan politics.

The most trusted source is not The New York Times or the Washington Post or FOX News.

It is......The Weather Channel.

Well, that's according to a recent survey of Americans by something called www.yougov.com. We don't vouch for it 100%, but it is a survey. And, yeah it could be more meaningful these days as we head into our national election.

There are some surprises, but not many in the survey.

Right behind The Weather Channel in the favorable column are the BBC (England's British Broadcasting Company), PBS and The Wall Street Journal. Least trusted: National Enquirer, Breitbart News.

The Associated Press is ranked as #8 in the Most Trusted category, followed by The New York Times at #14, Washington Post at #15, NPR at #17. Newsmax is #40, followed by FOX News at #47 and Al Jazeera at #48.

In between are some notables like The Los Angeles Times, NBC, CBS, ABC and a host of other recognizable news organizations. As expected, MSNBC is listed as the Most Liberal, while FOX News as the Most Conservative.

In Social Media, Youtube gets high marks and X and Facebook not so much. Tik Tok and Instagram are among the outlets listed, although not rated highly for news.

We believe it does matter where you get your news (facts) in this feisty political campaign season. Yes. partisanship plays into it and allegiances do count for something. That is to be expected.

We won't bore you with a lengthy write-up on all of the survey's findings, but you can check it for yourself here: Trust in Media 2024: Which news sources Americans trust — and which they think lean left or right | YouGov

Americans have always had more than enough news (since the 1960s anyway) to stay up with political doings in this country. But where once the sources numbered in the single digits, well, today that playing field has been expanded exponentially.

News is seemingly everywhere these days.

The Podcast is as popular as any other outlet. Most of those can be accessed via Youtube.com.

I say it's all a good thing, even the ever-lying Far-Right offerings.

But we hope all Americans make the rounds before forming an opinion or staking out a position...



  1. I am disgusted with some Democrats and media corporations speaking constantly against President Biden. Instead of attacking Trump's disgraceful conduct. VOTE BLUE

  2. I see Republicans are worried a Biden replacement could make the race dramatically different for criminal Trump. He still has no chance. Too many Americans want to keep this America.

    1. It would. All the talk would shift to Donald Trump being the candidate who is too old.

    2. What - no more Cinco de Mayo? Obscenity!!!

    3. Under Trump, no more Social Security!!!

  3. "You chose Trump, you're going down with Trump."
    That's a quote from my prof.

  4. Wow, people are saying that one of the candidates should step down and it's not the one with 34 felony convictions. Shocking.

  5. Enough is Enough!! Put Trump and the goons from Project 2025 in prison for treason. They want guns in the classroom and to free all January 6th rioters now in prison!

  6. I'm not happy that the Supreme Court has killed every case against Trump.

    1. Don't give up on the hope. Trump is toast after he loses the election and all his MAGAts abandon his butt.

  7. Keep an eye on the KHive - a group of mostly women. Mostly Black women who formed to support Kamala Harris and to push back against the racism and sexism she faces.

  8. We fired lying Donald Trump in 2020. It's critical we vote against him in November. Biden/ Harris 2024

  9. Every time Trump thinks he wins, he loses. America is keeping track of it all. The Supreme Court did him no favors.

  10. The press is too often piranha-like.

    1. Only the strong survive, ese.

  11. I’m a conservative, if you are another conservative reading this, please spread the word - drop the abortion issue, it has already cost us the senate and will only cost us more as time goes on. If our ideological and political adversaries want to lower their numbers let them. No way does forcing a child to be born help us in the long run. It really should be up to the mother who has to carry the child for nine months.

    1. You can be sure Trump is telling them to remove it now and we will put it back after he wins.

  12. we don't care what Trump says, we've been through his bs, not happening again

  13. The presidential race has remained tight in the run-up to November's election, and with four months to go, Donald Trump appears to have lost a slight edge, the most recent polling analysis shows.

    On Sunday, experts at the polling firm FiveThirtyEight released the results of a string of election simulations that show Trump winning 51 times out of 100. Though the former president is still narrowly beating his Democratic opponent, President Joe Biden, previous simulations showed him performing slightly better. When the same method was applied on July 3, Trump won 53 times out of 100 simulated elections. - NEWSWEEK

  14. Texas Senate vs POTUS race truly baffles me.

    TX - Biden down 11 but Dem. Colin Allred down 3??

    - who are the Allred/Trump voters and why can’t they be successfully persuaded to vote for Biden?

    1. Part of it could be the hate for Republican Ted Cruz.

    2. All I have to know about Ted Cruz is that Trump called his wife Heidi ugly, and Ted did nothing about it.

  15. I am getting so tired of the major networks talking incessantly about Biden. How about talking about talking Project 2025?

  16. NYTimes media should demand Trump step down. But I heard NYTimes CEO is a Trump donor.

    1. So is NBC CEO - head of left-wing MSNBC!!!

    2. Is Mayra Flores a Trump donor?

    3. I heard the RNC stopped sending her money for her campaign. It's all going to Trump.

    4. @10:17 AM So that's why she ended her "All You Can Eat Campaign." Man, she was hitting every eatery in the valley!!!

    5. CNN CEO is also a trump donor.

  17. Media making the turn. Some are reporting that the stomping of Biden is receding. See, next they'll go hard on criminal Trump!!!

    1. FINALLY!!!!!!! More of this news please!!!!! Trump must step down… he is an embarrassment to our country!

  18. I continue to stand absolutely amazed at how Biden is judged. Not on what he has done in 4 short years as president (it takes pages to list all the good things) as compared to all the things his Russian-owned opponent did in his 4 years (it takes pages to list all the bad things).

    Not on what each have promised to do with the next 4 years if elected.

    But on how one guy did coming into a “debate” — ha ha — no debate has ever been so befouled by Trump lies and wimpy entirely absent moderation.

  19. Soon to be 78-year-old newswoman Andrea Mitchell of NBC is concerned about Biden being too old for the job? I can say that when looking at Joe Biden, unlike when looking at Andrea Mitchell, it has never occurred to me "Wow, are you still there?

    1. FOX's Jeanne Pirro is 73. Flaky and sweet on the grape, is what they say about her.

  20. The press really knows how to ask stupid questions, and still keep going back for more stupid questions.

  21. “He’s (Trump) just a liar and he hasn’t done a damn thing since the debate. He’s been riding around in the golf cart for 10 days. He was down at Mar-a-Lago talking with his wealthy friends,” Biden said today on MSNBC's "Morning Joe Show. "I beat him last time. I’ll beat him this time.”

  22. As an independent, I'm not worried. Whether or not Biden can run the country. My only fear is can he beat Trump. And since everybody thinks that Biden can still beat Trump, then I'm still in support of Biden.

  23. Ask yourself - Would Trump do away with congress? If he was President.

  24. NBC news is awful. Why are they giving 78-year-old Trump a free pass when I'd bet he can’t even tie his own shoes????


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