Wednesday, July 10, 2024

AMERICAN PIE:...So, Hotshot, Are You A DEI Hire To Your Company's Human Resources Manager?...If You're In America, You Freaking, Damned-Straight Are...Diversity In An Immigrant Country?...Well, Of Course!!!...Demonizing The Obvious...Melting Pot?...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...More than a few conservative news outlets have begun torching Vice-President Kamala Harris and the possibility - egads!!!- that she could become America's first DEI president.

She's Black.

The many critics obviously are not. Black, I mean, for every one of those feckers is a DEI hire. I mean, we're a big country full of many immigrants from all across the world. Diversity happens.

But wild-eyed conservatives have seen an opportunity and are now targeting the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs through lawsuits and legislation, including successfully ending Affirmative Action in college admissions. In these circles, DEI has become a dog whistle framing efforts to create more equitable workplaces for marginalized communities as fundamentally unfair.

Equity? Maybe not equity, as we know full-well of our differences there (salaries, access to bank loans, certain housing). Inclusion? Yes, that has a way of opening some opportunities and possibilities.

But look around.

Isn't an Italian open to being called/listed as a diversity resource in an employment setting? Yes. same for an Irishman, a German, an Israeli, a Russian, a Norwegian, a Frenchman - they're all Americans here, all very different and, in a group setting, would then be pawns to diversity.

We should, of course, mention the ColombiansHaitiansJamaicans, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Central Americans, Africans, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Apaches (Americans, all). They bear the brunt of DEI criticism, unlike their fellow white-skin citizens.

It is a joke, but a political joke with horrible implications.

Hot topic Vice President Harris is an accomplished woman and politician. To hit her with "diversity" criticism is absurd...and cheap...and ridiculous. Her value to this country is so much more than that offered by the uneducated, fat-belly Rednecks who spew DEI as if it is the ugliest of birthmarks.

Give it up, already.

This past week, Tractor Supply, a major employer, cut is DEI Program after being pressured by Right-Wingers. Earlier, Pro-Trump Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered DEI Programs at state colleges and universities be shut down. In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis did the same. Both are Republicans.

But we say: A Nation of Immigrants is by its very nature...diverse as all Hell.

Most other countries on the planet get their fair share of immigrants these days.

We're the only brainless sumbitches who break out the nametags, for shelfing, for status, for politics.

In actuality, of course, the phrase Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) is just a cover for something else, something they won't say aloud...



  1. Just a handful of reader complaints yesterday regarding our Comments feature. Perhaps that was because of the half-day Internet outage we experienced. If you get a "Failed to publish" message after posting your thoughts, well, keep trying...

  2. Interestingly, this was a topic in my Business Management class last week. Why do we make it such a big thing?!

    1. because every ethnic group thinks it is better than the others. Only in America!

    2. Everyone who comes to America wants a foothold. That's the dream, isn't it?

  3. The grift behind Project 2025: Leader John McEntee made an app to hustle cash from lonely MAGA men. SAD...................

    1. And jailed Trump stooge Steve Bannon created a fund for the Border Wall and then kept the money.

    2. Bannon's got sweep & mop duty in prison this week!!!

    3. Next up for latrine duty will be Donald Trump. Justice moves slowly, but it keeps moving.

    4. Christmas without Trump. Oh, yeah!!!

  4. Not difficult to understand. Vote for a convicted felon, like a mob boss, who owes New York State $500 million in fines for fraud and lies continuously to voters. Donald's 900-page Project 2025 (based on the 1925 manifesto Mein Kampf) outlines his political ideology and future plans for America. He will put sycophants like Kash Patel and Stephen Miller in charge of implementing Project 2025. Or vote for a current President who has decency and a distinguished career of public service. Both candidates are too old. Age isn't the issue, democracy or autocracy is the issue on the ballot.

  5. It's a plan to create a federal government that will cater only to the wealthiest and most powerful in society while ignoring 99% of the rest of Americans. That's what Project 2025 is all about.

    1. Just like they know that once in office, Trump will support a national abortion ban, support cutting social security, and never cut taxes for anyone but corporations and rich people. If they tell the truth, nobody will vote for him. Remember the maternity leave he promised everyone in 2016? Mexico paying for the wall? Covid is under control? Try to remember not long ago when he decimated our environmental regulations, fought with NATO, tried to bribe Zelenski to say he has dirt on Biden, and hospitals had to rent tractor trailers to hold all the dead Americans.

  6. The whole world is watching. We must re-elect President Biden.

  7. Trump staffers suggest that the policies of Project 2025 aren’t what have earned Trump’s ire — such as eliminating the Education Department and putting the president directly in charge of the FBI and the Justice Department — but rather how it has created the perception that someone else is in charge.

  8. Anybody that claims that the government should be “small and stay out of people’s personal lives” should support all legalize abortion bills. It shows what hypocrites so many Republicans are that they are not jumping on board for personal freedom.

  9. Donald Trump would have been sentenced tomorrow if not for the activist Supreme Court.

    1. He'll get his soon. Definitely not winning the election. Government will see to that. heh heh

  10. Meta, Tesla, Door Dash, Lyft, Home Depot, Wayfair and X were among major corporations making steep cuts in 2023, slashing the size of their DEI teams by 50 percent or more. Google, too.

    1. Not so much a fan of DEI, but also no fan of closing the door of opportunity completely!

    2. MAGA wants an all-white USA.

    3. MAGAs should move to Greenland and get TF outta here. Just a bunch of old, white people scared of the inevitable. God will punish them.

  11. One of the most prominent concerns is the perception that women might struggle with making tough military decisions. Addressing these biases is crucial for promoting gender equality and ensuring that the most qualified candidates can lead, regardless of gender.

  12. About Harris: I doubt any Democrat could lose to Trump. When polling shows the same 43% to 42% for each candidate, it means the undecided will decide. How many undecideds do you know that think Trump is a better choice than anyone else? He's got his minions that can swing a primary for him, but in the general, he's toast, regardless of who the other candidate is.

  13. Every editorial board that demanded Biden’s withdrawal MUST now demand Trump’s withdrawal

  14. letter has been sent by Democrats in the Senate to the Dept. Of Justice urging them to criminally investigate corrupt Justice Clarence Thomas.

  15. Hint: Someone whose main businesses involve golf clubs and hotels isn’t going to deport a lot of undocumented workers. He's running to stay out of prison and get MAGA idiot money......

  16. Brownsville stands with Biden!!!

    1. Mayra Flores thinks Brownsville is a possibility. ja ja ja

    2. Brownsville going with Mayra? Wow.......

  17. Sadly, it seems the news media has learned from the best on how to be immune to shame. It has dumped on President Biden and left criminal Trump alone since the debate. Shameful.

  18. I am voting for Joe, what about you? Vote Blue!

  19. Simple question. Had the Republicans met to decide whether Biden should continue as President, while Biden is meeting with our NATO allies, the Democrats would have been screaming from hill tops. These idiots have no knowledge of 68' and 72' when we had open conventions to nominate the president - 72' I believe was a hybrid. Because of the major fracture in the party during the process, we had protesting outside the conventions resulting in Nixon winning both elections. None of these democrats care about the Republic. All they care about is getting reelected.

    1. So, Republicans care about the Republic?

    2. Protests in 1968 and '72 largely against the war in Vietnam.

    3. You might want to check your knowledge. The protest at the Democratic Party conventions resulted in reforms concerning the nomination process. And typical deflection, just because I am saying those challenging Joe Biden while meeting with our NATO allies only care about themselves and not the Republic does not mean the Republicans do. If fact this nonsense by these Democrats made it impossible for them to call out Trump for attacking Biden while he met with our allies.

  20. Trump/Epstein 2024
    "Gotta love those 12 yr olds"

  21. heard actor George Clooney said President Biden should step down. what do we make of this?

    1. Why do actors confuse people liking their movies with people caring what they think?

  22. Why hasn't the Republican Party been declared a domestic terrorism organization?

    1. They've jailed quite a few of them. More likely.

  23. No one person can know all that is going on in our country. Even our congress and senate have staff specifically specialized in certain areas in their own states, because they cannot keep up. Why would anyone think the president of the United States can do it alone. While I think both are too old, the danger of having someone who thinks he knows it all and won't listen is a much more dangerous person to have in office, than someone who appears is too old, but at least has the brains to confer with staff that has it all together in their field of expertise and willing to listen. Joe Biden listens.

  24. Tired of Donny Doofus. Democracy MUST prevail.

  25. What makes me sick is how the so-called great NYTimes & Washington Post aren’t covering a word of Trump’s nonsense. They are too busy going on & on about whether Biden should drop out. Not one damn word about criminal Trump dropping out.

  26. I think Trump is the stupidest president we ever had. And to think people want to vote for him.

    1. you know you are referring to the stupid, right?

  27. I wish people were up in arms to get Trump to drop out even half as much as I have heard that Biden should drop out for the high crime of having an off day during a debate.

  28. The issue seems to be competency. Unfortunately the Democrats are too self absorb to see the Don is a 10 year old child. It is not a challenge. The commercial begins with Donald asking is people can drink Clorox for COVID and go from there. He speaks like a child all the time. Mine is the best ever. My cabinet is the best every. With the Donald his vocabulary is limited to the biggest, the best, unlike any other turnout. If the Democrats cannot do a 60 second commercial showing how stupid he is, then they should give up. The last one should be him not knowing the name of his doctor. The caption should be: "This who the Republicans think is the brightest they have." People love simple, it will resonate with the people.

    1. Most of that which you list has been posited in the media. Thanks for repeating here.

    2. You understand how a 60 second commercial would make Donald go nuts. It would also put him into perspective, which does not help him.

  29. I totally agree that trump is in worse mental shape than Biden. And so long as Biden doesn’t warn me about windmill cancer, I’ll confidently defend that position.

  30. See where congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has introduced articles of impeachment for crooked Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas. ABOUT DAMNED TIME!!!

    1. Should have happened a long time ago. I, for one, am damned tired of people in power taking advantage of their position. The Supreme Court judges need to realize they are not untouchable. Too bad that realistically the impeachment(s) won’t go anywhere because of the Republican-run House. Nice try, though.

  31. Why can't anyone interviewing Trump just ask, "WTF are you talking about??"


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