Thursday, July 11, 2024

THAT CLOONEY:...Hollywood Actor Backs Joe Biden In Big-Bucks Fundraiser One Week...Next Week, He's Calling For The President To Drop Out Of The 2024 Race Against Trump.....It May Have More To Do With Wife Amal Clooney's Work For The ICC In Fight With Israel...She Wants Israelis Arrested For War Crimes...



McALLEN, Texas |...Some friends. In politics, you can stick by them through thick and thin, even gather pals for a quick fundraiser to help a campaign. That for a good while was actor George Clooney's friendly relationship with President Joe Biden.

Last month, Clooney hosted - along with actresses Barbra Streisand and Julia Roberts - a nice get together in Los Angeles that garnered Biden a few million for his race against flawed Republican Donald J. Trump.

Then something happened and Clooney was off the Biden bandwagon.

In a stinging editorial published by The New York Times on Wednesday, Clooney wrote: "I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend, and I believe in him. Believe in his character. Believe in his morals. In the last four years, he's won many of the battles he's faced.

But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It's devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe 'big F-ing deal' Biden of 2010. He wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate."

Well, okay. Goodbyes can at times be strange and dirty affairs.

It was an intriguing turnaround, to say the least.

And maybe 63-year-old Clooney is being honest about his feelings and his reasons for asking the president to give up the fight. Who knows?

But a month earlier, in May, wife Amal Clooney's name surfaced as the writer of a report for the International Criminal Court in The Hague in which she documented atrocities committed by Israelis in that country's war against Palestine.

The ICC sought charges and arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, including Prime Minster Bibi Netanyahu.

Presumably, the 46-year-old Mrs. Clooney, a noted English attorney of Lebanese descent, was okay with that.

The U.S., however, was not.

Indeed, President Biden called talk of charges and arrests of Israelis "outrageous."

The response likely upset Amal Clooney. We ask: Was there some sort of familial fallout that angered husband George?

Only George Clooney knows...



  1. Again yesterday, we had no complaints from readers getting "Failed to publish" messages when submitting their thoughts on our post. Hopefully, that is behind us...

  2. Clooney flew in on his private jet from his estate on Lake Como in Italy to tell you how to vote.

  3. Forget Clooney. Fix Social Security by raising the cap and making the rich pay social security tax on their full income like the rest of Americans.

  4. Donald Trump has to step down now.

    1. The media is ignoring you.

    2. Someone get me Clooney on the phone.

  5. there's just about no coverage when Trump goes full-on demented on stage. For the news media, it's about the horse race, not about the substance of the positions.

    1. True that. Next week, the media will be all over Trump. Disgusting. I can't see how it helps voters.

    2. Has the media also abandoned Mayra Flores?

    3. But I thought Mayra was claiming she is winning Brownsville. Que paso?

  6. Let's skip over the fact that Trump must end rule of law or die in prison.

  7. LA Times Editorial: One candidate is patently unfit for the White House. It's not Biden

    1. It's the corrupt conman...yes, him.

  8. Social security, Medicare, ACA, minimum wage, workers compensation, right to collective bargaining!
    All by Democrats!
    Opposed by Republicans!

  9. There are more Democrats than Republicans. Republicans have ALWAYS been the minority party.

    Prediction: GOP implosion is forthcoming.

  10. Crooked Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas took free yacht trip to Russia, chopper flight to Putin’s Hometown. What's this about? Jail his ass!!!

    1. Bribing a judge is illegal... Thomas, and the people who bribed him, should be in JAIL!

  11. Where is the Governor of Texas and the Senator, while the President is trying to send help to Houston after Hurricane Beryl?

  12. Where's Melania?

    1. Trump's son, Barron, now in the game. He's joined dad at rallies.......

  13. I applaud AOC for holding these justices accountable. They have shown their unwillingness to abide by any ethics that any normal justice would do immediately!

  14. So, people who were TV stars have no business in politics?
    Ok, I'll go along with that.
    Trump had a show. I wouldn't go so far to call him a star.

  15. It begins: The New York Times' editorial board's 5,000-word essay: "Donald Trump Is Unfit to Lead."

    1. We can hope other media follow suit.

  16. Ivanka Trump surfacing to get attention for herself as she seeks to rejoin the Trump campaign. Grifter daughter.

    1. Opportunist. She was always one of the family gang.

    2. She and her Jewish hubby got $2 billon from the Saudis after they left The White House. No explanation whatsoever. Yes, same Saudis behind the 9/11 attack on New York.

  17. Who the hell is going to ask the lying, convicted felon to step down??????????????

  18. Amal Clooney is hot. And George knows it.

  19. There will be no tomorrow for America if the Democrats lose this election

  20. For me this is boring, and not because of the editor. The Democrats are showing their true colors. It is about themselves, and not the Republic. I hope Biden wins. I trust his Cabinet to keep us safe.

    1. The fact that all politicians are in it for themselves is well-understood.

    2. Americans have grown soft and every single one of these dumbass MAGA types would be at the head of the crying line under fascism. Be careful of what you wish for, indeed.

  21. Get him locked up already, Trump is not going to be my dictator. Vote Blue

  22. I enthusiastically voted for Trump in '16, but soon soured on his ego. I left the ballot blank in '20 and am now an avid Never Trumper. The man's lust for ultimate power is out-of-control. Of the private conversations about Trump I have had with numerous Republican elected officials (at all levels), I have yet to hear one who is an adamant Trump supporter.

  23. Trump supporters are actually likely to be more aware that one can win an election with a damaged candidate. After all they won with Trump even after he bragged about molesting women.

  24. It’s because I cherish American democracy above everything else political that I’m sticking with Joe Biden.

    1. Good God, Trump is a convicted felon!!! Why is that not registering with Americans?!

    2. It is registering with the people. If 85% believe Biden is too old, but he is still tied with Trump, that is the story. People are trusting the Cabinet and VP will handle everything. There are 264 Democrats in the House and Senate, so who cares what 15 have to say about Biden?

  25. Israel has committed war crimes. Its military bombed a freakin' soccer field yesterday during a match. What strategic benefit was that?! Amal Clooney got it right.

    1. I get royally pissed because every bullet and bomb used to kill children in GAZA came from the U.S.

  26. Is the New York Times having a crisis of contradiction with their dueling editorials about Biden and Trump?

  27. Utah's Republican Governor Spencer Cox has said he won't vote for Donald Trump in November and will instead "write somebody in." He joins Republican Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia in saying "No!" to Trump.

  28. Keep the big picture in mind. Vote Joe Biden!!! Vote all Blue!!!!

  29. Anderson Cooper made me do a double take concerning his review of President Biden's press conference. He complained at times he was slow. Well, what I saw was someone taking his time to get detail correct. Anderson has never seen Trump speak. He is grandiose about everything and the vocabulary of a 10-year-old. Does Anderson actually believe Trump can speak in such detail concerning so many issues, albeit slowly?


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