Thursday, June 27, 2024

DOWN TO THE SUNLESS SEA:...Tonight's Debate Teases Something Or Another...America Grabs The Boring Mantle...Whatever Became Of Excellence?... Presidential Debate Inspires No One...Groan...



McALLEN, Texas |...Where to begin with these two old guys? Debate Night is here and, well, there is so much to write about President Joe Biden and his Republican opponent in this year's election, one Donald J. Trump.

Can you just say that one, Democrat Biden, is the clean one and the other is a convicted felon?

Will America care to know the details of both campaigns? The vote is a crucial one. Biden promises a continuation of his steady approach to democracy values, while Trump is head-over-heels in love with a dictatorial style.

At first glance, the choice would seem to be a very easy one.

Today's busy Americans, however, are a troubled lot. Yes, pundits keep noting that Trump's voting base is, at best, 30% of eligible voters, adding that it alone is not enough to win a national election. Conversely, other Americans wonder if perhaps Biden's age (81) is a problem.

Who knows?

Tonight, the two aspirants will debate in Atlanta.

Age is a factor. Both men are up in the clouds, with Trump walking in at 78 years old. The advanced elderly side of both men is clearly visible in their posture and, some say, manner of thinking. It's been written many times already, but whichever of these two wins will be the oldest president ever at an inauguration.

But politically the differences are wide and getting wider.

It is Democrats against Republicans one more time, only these Republicans are not your father's Republicans. These Republicans have gladly picked up the often racist and bigoted flag to deliver a tone not seen in our politics for more than a century.

Secondary issues are abortion and immigration.

Biden is 100% for availing a woman her rights to her body on abortion and, lately, a fan of asylum restrictions for immigrants. Trump wants a national ban on abortion and a complete shutdown of the southern border, his past dealings with immigration spikes including separation of children from their parents.

Both of those topics are sure to surface at tonight's debate.

The only thing in the way of answers being important is that, at this stage, many voters have already made up their mind.

The clash is familiar; the script and manner of how these candidates got there is not...



  1. The number of complaints from readers about our Comments feature has dropped. Perhaps the issue has been resolved. If you get a "failed to publish" message after submitting your thoughts, well, just keep trying...

  2. Many of us long for the old days when respect was shown (for the most part) between candidates. We were more civil then. What the heck happened to us.

    1. When were the good old days?

    2. When nutcase Donald Trump was a Democrat? ha ha ha ha

  3. The mute button is an absolute necessity. I remember the last debates and one particular orange colored fellow showed no respect for the rules, he would continue to rant long after his allotted time was over, and the other candidate could never be clearly heard when answering the moderator's questions. It was ridiculous.

    1. He's a blowhard! All about him. His cult is America's weakest link, losers and insecure feckers.

  4. What I’d like Trump to state tonight is a clear, coherent plan that will mitigate or stop inflation…but he has none. What he does have in mind is quite the opposite, including more tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, burdensome tariffs, and an immigration plan that will diminish or remove a vast swath of labor that helps bring food to our tables as inexpensively as possible. You think inflation is bad now at 3%? These will come to be known as the “good Ol days”

  5. Just my opinion, but this day and age we do not have debates, we have arguments. debates technically forbid ad hominems, talking against the character of the person and discussing the topic. Those days are long gone. Now we have grown people (adults is too technical a term) arguing, attacking character and other such playground antics. Thus, I won't watch.

  6. If you want the truth about what they said, you will have to watch. NO media will ever show you the truth. They will take things out of context to push their agendas. That is all media sources.

  7. I still think that corrupt, convicted Trump will be a no-show tonight.

  8. Becoming president again is possibly the only way Trump can escape a jail term. He's desperate.

    Trump will be the one on a “cocktail of drugs” at tonight's debate. Bank it.

  9. Donnie The Con is a Total ASS CLOWN. I hope Biden works quickly to get under the Orange Menace’s skin, not hard to do, and get him to start spewing off so much BS that the audience says — he is both an idiot and a danger to democracy.

  10. Trump's cult doesn’t care that he knows nothing, his constant lies are enough.

  11. Will Aztec Republican Mayra Flores be watching. Taking notes? ja ja ja ja ja

    1. She'll be glued to her TV, watching her hero. For sure.

    2. Mayra debating Congressman Gonzalez in Dist. 34? She wouldn't dare.

  12. Issue wise, I lean Conservative. But this election is about preserving the Constitution, Freedom and it's Democrat Joe Biden who will get my vote. Off to work now......

  13. A contest of wit and intelligence, Trump will be like a lame, one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. GO JOE !!!

  14. Georgia GOP Gov. Brian Kemp reveals he didn’t vote for Trump in Republican primary. OUCH!!!

  15. Afraid of trump? Good gawd.

  16. Trump is a threat to humanity. Vote Blue all the way!

  17. "DEMOCRACY DIES when Good men see wrong AND DO NOTHING." - Benjamin Franklin

  18. ​​How can you have 34 felonies, be convicted, and still be able to run for president.....when you can't even be a felon and vote? Slap to the American people. Maybe we've been too comfortable. VOTE BLUE for freedom and sanity.

  19. One thing I have to give Donald Trump credit for is exposing the Hypocrisy in people we thought were good people. Some Americans are racist and bigots, and we can't have that cancer hanging around our necks.

  20. Donald Trump is a liar, a conman, and a convicted felon. He has disqualified himself from presidency, not through his rapes, not through his treacheries, not through his felonies, not through his contradictions & bullying, but because he shattered his oath, the only one that our founders thought important enough to put into the constitution.

  21. If Trump restrains himself and allows a substantive debate, he loses. His strength is not talking about the issues. It's speaking at rallies where he is unquestioned and allowed to ramble incoherently while mixing in mockery of his opponents and promoting conspiracy.

    Trump has never "won" any debate in either election cycle. His strongest performances are the ones where he disrupted it to the point where it devolved into chaos and negated any effects on the election.

  22. My bet is that Trump fails completely on answering questions pertaining to the economy, foreign affairs, climate change, and the deficit. I wouldn't be surprised if he said he would have Ukraine pay for the Border Wall if he wins the election.

  23. Democratic Party slogan: Do you want to be able to vote in 2028? Vote for Biden in 2024.

  24. Trump has the mentality of a 2-year-old, "If I win, the election was fair; If I lose, then the election was rigged"

  25. Where's Melania?


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