Thursday, June 27, 2024

A DEATH IN TOWN:...Stunning News On The Death Of Brownsville's Carlos Cascos...Cardiac Arrest While Driving On South Padre Island...He Was 71...A Life Well-Spent...As Cameron County Judge And Texas Secretary Of State...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...Social Media reports have it that former Cameron County Judge and Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos has died. Initial information went to Cascos apparently suffering a heart attack and crashing his vehicle while on South Padre Island.

Story-hungry bloggers in Brownsville quickly spread the news.

The 71-year-old Cascos ranks high among the best-known politicians in town, up there with former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Tony Garza, former State Rep. Rene Oliveira and former City Commissioner Ben R. Neece, the latter two also recently deceased.

An accessible outspoken defender of his troubled Republican Party, Cascos nonetheless talked-up his personal conservative roots, never quite defending the party's current leadership but always believing the good days of yesteryear would eventually return.

His own admirable political journey is one of ever-steady advance and accomplishment. Born in Matamoros, Mexico, Cascos came to the U.S. at a young age and proceeded to live the American Dream. After high school here, he graduated from the University of Texas-Austin with an accounting degree and owned his own accounting firm in town.

Politics had him in the Democrat Party when younger, but Cascos always said the area's dominant party never gave him the opportunities he got from the local GOP, which endorsed his run for Cameron County Judge. In 2015, he was named Texas Secretary of State by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, a post Cascos held for two years.

Of late, he had taken a rather statesmanlike posture in Brownsville, occasionally taking part in political discussions and always there for news reporters looking for a story.

His passing is only the latest in a string of deaths that has taken some of the city's longtime leaders.

A generally humble man, Carlos Cascos never talked about his legacy or played up his many accomplishments.

His was the journey of an honest man looking not for fame or riches but simply to help his fellow citizens...



  1. Tough loss. He was a good man.

  2. This is sad to hear. Condolences and well wishes for his family.

  3. Best Cameron County Judge ever. He should've run for mayor!

  4. Always represented the valley with grace.

  5. Judge Cascos was the most honest public servant in Brownsville. No doubt about it.

  6. he was a smart and genial man. Rare in Brownsville.

  7. Cascos was a straight shooter. No malice in that man. Great representative for the entire RGV.

  8. I remember he came to the valley to push for voter registration. And then I heard that his effort on that had upset Republican leaders who wanted no such thing. Carlos Cascos believed in America.

  9. The last line in your post is so true. Thank you.

  10. he was probably the kindest, most gracious politician to ever come out of Brownsville. Carlos Cascos was admired across the valley.

  11. He did his secretary of state job too well. Voter suppression Republicans in Austin didn't like that.


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