Wednesday, July 17, 2024

"THE FIGHT IS ON!":...Angry Republicans Go Bare Knuckles After Assassination Attempt...Democrats And TV Comedians Go Lame...Express Sympathies Up The Wazoo.....Crucial November Is Just Around The Corner...RNC Convention To Crown Trump.....


McALLEN, Texas |...President Joe Biden took to television to express his joy that Donald J. Trump had escaped assassination. "Hopefully, I'll be able to speak to Donald today," he told reporters in the hours after the shooting in Pennsylvania.

Late-night TV comedians took Monday off.

NBC pulled its left-wing shows off the air all day that same day.

America's newspapers covered the story as if Trump had been killed, all "what ifs" rolling of the presses all day. Television talk shows opted to use the shooting as a bridge to civility, FOX News, the alarmist on all things political in this country, even paused the vitriol a bit in a show of some weird unity.

America is still broken.

No one died. A shooter was killed. The fight should have kept on going. Biden erred in playing the soothing father for a nation stunned and not stunned.

Republicans (Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley!!!) went on full-bore attacks the day after the shooting last Saturday and the assault on the Democratic Party continued on Monday, in Day One of the Republican National Convention. Tuesday, Day Two, reprised Monday.

It's been a bad few weeks for Democrats hoping to win the November General Election now only three and a half months away.

Hell, yes, what to do?

Talk of pushing Biden off the Democratic ticketed has gone silent.

Voter polls somehow continue to show the decent Biden neck-and-neck with the convicted felon Trump. What a hoot that is, if you think about it. As one of my friends noted at the restaurant yesterday, "Not even in Mexico."

Someone should put that on a blue ballcap: "Not even in Mexico."

Yes, sireee, we're gripped by verbal violence on the campaign trail now almost daily. For Republicans, if it's not the FBI and Secret Service behind an assassination attempt on their candidate, it's Biden or some dark Democrat action group out to steal the election.

If only!

Republicans are damned good at shifting blame. They can quickly and cleverly twist any issue into a three-stick popsicle with all licking ends pointed at the Democrats. Democrats are taking it, perhaps too cooly.

A few hostile fighting words in response would go a long way in telling the party faithful that Donald J. Trump's bloodied ear did not win him the presidency...



  1. A good, robust day for comments here yesterday. No reports of commenters getting "Failed to publish" messages when submitting their thoughts. Hopefully, that will be the case again today...

  2. Republicans are soulless grifters, top to bottom. Democrats are better than that. That's our message.

    1. No one is shooting at our president, are they?

  3. Absolutely fight! Why give Republicans what they seek? The right’s America would be substantially less free than the America we live in now.

  4. Hey, Republicans...thoughts & prayers.

    1. Has Trump marketed his silly ear patch yet?

  5. Now they are saying there was a second shooter at Trump rally! And Iran plotted to also kill Trump? Make a movie already!!!

    1. No media ever got this story by the damned throat! Questions four days later????

    2. The 20-year-old kid did it and he was a registered Republican. that's all I need to know.

  6. The moderate Republican Party is libertarian in nature. We don’t want to rid our country of freedom —-we want to expand it. That’s the point of wanting a smaller, less intrusive federal government. we want to reduce the tax burden and the administrative state ….we want to protect the first and second amendments and the constitution…we want greater self-reliance, and more personal liberty.

    1. And your racism, bro? That leader of yours is a felon! Clue yourself in. I say no member of the Republican Party has any pride, backbone, brains or stamina.

    2. Trumpers show undying loyalty for Dictator Donnie. What they don't think about, is the fact that EVERY dictator in history, finds those who supported them, are expecting something in return...i.e., they become a liability. Trump would have NO USE for them, as he would not need their vote, ever again, or their loyalty.

    3. 7:15, spot on.

  7. "Let's hold President Biden to ridiculously high standards because we can't hold Donald Trump to any." - Mainstream Media.

    1. media is a pendulum. It will swing back.

  8. What I see during the RNC convention is reduced coverage because of the controversy over the alleged assassination attempt, the conviction Sen. Menendez, and all the clowns on camera at the RNC. MTG was a complete disaster. Gaetz made a childish fool of himself, and speaker after speaker claiming to have found God and is now saying they were wrong about claiming Trump to be a horrible person. The Independents will decide this election, and the RNC is basically a cleanup convention to rehabilitate Trump.

    1. Most CEOs of major news outlets, like the NY Times and the television networks, are Trump donors. TAXES, the rich do not want to pay taxes!!!

    2. Our media has adopted the Mexican media model!!!

    3. @7:46 AM You mean bending over for the government? It's coming if Trump wins!

  9. Veteran, Gun owner, hunter here. The last Republican I voted for was Nixon. What can I say I was 18. Have voted blue ever since.

  10. As far as the Democrats who have no backbones, they obviously don't know GOD and how GOD uses his people. Moses was 81 and his brother Aaron was 83. Read the word and stop being ignorant. It's not about the age, it's about how powerful our GOD is. One debate and the Democrats went like raging bulls disrespecting Biden and I didn't like it at all. I've always heard, age is only a number, and our GOD can use us at any age.

  11. So, for the price of a minor scratch, and some (real or fake) blood on his ear, Trump got more votes + more cash

    Too bad for that firefighter but as Trump knows, sacrifices must be made for the greater good (especially his own good)

  12. The Democrats learned helpless defense crouch is tedious while at the same time they exhort us to do more.

    1. isn't there one democrat who could be the pit bull in this race. Do republicans have all the mean dudes?

  13. Why the hell is CNN having a love fest with Trump…almost thru the tv out the window.

    1. Guilt. They fall for the sympathetic side of humanity, something Trump would never do. they'll swing back and clobber his butt in the weeks ahead of the election.

  14. Not all good news for Trump. The first telecasts of the RNC on Monday drew in 18.1 million viewers across 12 cable news and broadcast networks, per Nielsen. For comparison, in 2016, the RNC drew approximately 23 million viewers across seven networks.

  15. It is true the Democrats are losing the narrative. They cannot seem to balance getting out their message and speaking the truth about Trump. The Democrats should label this convention as the Rehabilitation of Donald Trump, the Gaslight Event of the Century. In a commercial show what Vance said about him, and now. Show what Halley said, and how Trump attacked her, and now her rehabilitation for Trump. It is a complete gaslight event.

    1. Heritage Foundation/Project 2025 are part sponsors of the convention while Trump pretends not to know anything about it or who is behind it

    2. that republican convention is a total clown sh*t show

  16. Trump’s in the media 24/7 and his supporters are loud and annoying. The polls make it seem like he’s got a strong chance to win again. I have this strange feeling he is going to get destroyed in November. My decent Republican friends have moved on from him and while Joe Biden isn’t wildly popular… I think almost everyone who voted for him in 2020 will do so again.

  17. Lowering the temperature is something Trump and his cohorts have no intention of doing. That’s what they’re all about, rabble rousing and getting the base fired up for retaliation for Trump’s assassination attempt. None of them give a damn about policy, it’s all the same old B.S. lies, lies, lies and how Biden is to blame for everything, and they will not be talking about any real policies because destroying the country is their intent and that is their idea of policy.

  18. You always blame the bullied, never the bully.

  19. We have Trump who hates women, and Vance who blames his mother for ruining his life. Women won’t have a chance with these two.

    1. Biden should be asking Trump directly, “What are your plans for traveling to the 38 countries that ban felons from entering? How do you plan to get around that?”

  20. Voting this madness out is the ONLY thing we have left at this point.

  21. Truth is not Donald Trump's friend, that's why he has so little to do with it.

  22. Every economic policy Trump is proposing will make inflation worse, not better. But what does he care?

  23. People are not going to change who they vote for based on an attempt on someone's life. For some reason the news like to make it sound like people are on the fence. I will give you 3% of the total vote across the country may be on the fence and it surely isn't all in one area that will make or break the election. If you were for Trump before you are still with him now. If you were for Biden before you haven't switched sides. The news industry in this country is more of a joke than our political fiascos!

  24. I'm relieved that Trump sustained only a minor injury and so sorry that the retired firefighter was killed and that others were injured, but Trump is authoritarian to his bones.

    1. The official policy of the United States towards the GOP should be identical to the policies Germany has against the Nazis.

  25. I think Trump picked him because he is a bit of an unknown. Had he picked DeSantis or Rubio that would have given them a huge advantage in the 2028 Republican primaries

    Now the playing field will be pretty even for the people to pick Trump’s successor. Vance will probably run but he won’t be a shoo-in by any means

  26. Trump family motto:

    Heads I win; tails it was rigged!

  27. I do not say this lightly, but each of us need to be prepared to repel Republican violence. Do not think it can't or won't happen. We are watching an old play, and we all know the next act.

    1. The best news is that on November 6th if (when) Trump loses the election, Joe Biden will still be President. He will still be the commander-in-chief and the head of the Justice Department. The MAGA tribe can hoot and pant all they want, but it won’t make a difference. And if they want to start trouble with their “militias” then I say bring it on. Let’s finish this once and for all.

  28. This Republican convention is all about whitewashing criminality—Trump’s many crimes, the Jan. 6 insurrection, and, most importantly, by denying any connection to Project 2025, the crimes they will inflict on America if Trump wins.

  29. I have seen only bits and pieces of the GOP Convention. My gag reflex can only take so much of it.

    Trump did seem to be tired and was having a hard time getting to his feet for their phony Standing Ovation moments. When will the media constantly ask him if he is too old and tired to do the job?

    1. I have no respect for him or what MAGA represents. I was once a Republican for about as long as I was a Democrat. I've been an independent for longer. I can never see myself voting for a Republican ever again in my lifetime.

  30. A man died protecting his family and people still think this is staged? What world do they live in?

    1. He died cause he took his wife and daughter to a Trump rally. No one forced him to go. He wanted to be there.

    2. yeah, he was just unlucky. no need to say anything else.

    3. Yeah, you buy the ticket, you take the ride. Right? Right.

    4. Did trump ever call the dead man's wife, the snooty wife who refused to take President Biden's phone call? No sympathy here, not at all.

    5. We're losing our ability to care about political collateral.

  31. On the shooting, I fear the fact that I am begging to believe this was just not total incompetence by the Secret Service, given all the facts that are starting to leak out, I am beginning to believe that there was something more sinister going on here, than a lone wolf acting alone.

  32. The playing field after the attempt on Dump's life has changed dramatically, yet not necessarily to the disadvantage of the Dems.

    1. Long way to go. Look at how fast the debate story faded.

  33. For all you folks who think Trump staged this, What would Trumps motive be? Biden was sinking in the polls already due to the debate and subsequent interviews. Also with the upcoming GOP convention, trump was due for the traditional bump that comes with that. So, in that context a staged event would have accomplished virtually nothing. Better to have staged it if and when he needed it.

    1. It's really easy to second guess the security at Trump's rally. What I want to know is whether the local officer radioed a warning as soon as he saw the shooter? Was that enough to rattle his aim and throw off the shot that they say ripped a piece of Trump's ear?

    2. Trump's fist-pump bravery and calmness after supposedly being shot bothers me - Unless he knew the script and that had the shooting over when it was. Did seem staged.

    3. It looked like Trump slapped his ear, like he had something to make it look like it was bleeding & then he didn't touch his ear after that - odd.

    4. If something like this happens, the doctor ALWAYS comes out to talk about injuries. Hmmm??? (off to lunch)

    5. It’s so obvious now that shooter Crooks was communicating with someone before he fired.

    6. Investigate the shooter's parents... chances are he did to impress them. Mom is a Democrat, dad is a libertarian... can you imagine what they have been saying to that guy since he was 12

    7. @12:06 shifting blame to the kid's parents now? I blame it all on Trump's history of fomenting violence. How about that angle, puss?

    8. It's crazy how many chances they had to stop this guy.

    9. Very Simple. This Guy was a loner and bullied every day. He was Smart and a hard worker and graduated. All going thru hell. Even Rejected from the Rifle Club. Can You believe that? He sure was able to shoot from a distance. He never ever intended to hurt innocent. He I believe wanted to finally Be known forever by His actions as He had no friends and being bullied and alone finally got to Him. Trump was lucky.

  34. The rule of law? When the other felons show up at the RNC, Trump cannot be in the same room as they can, right? Peter Navarro is showing up tonight, doesn't Trump have to leave when he comes in? Rudy is there, too.

  35. Republicans have no dignity or self-respect. Understanding that, it’s easy to see how and why they debase themselves. Weak sap conservatives bend the knee to a moron who despises them.

  36. Trump just milking everything thing he can out of having that bandage on his ear.

    1. And did you see some other convention attendees also wearing that damned patch? Had to laugh. Americans as kiss-asses???

  37. Nikki Haley. Can you imagine endorsing someone that called you "birdbrain" regularly & publicly????

    1. Weak sap conservatives bend the knee to a moron who despises them. Nikki should be proud.

  38. I can’t stand the way Trump is now depicted in mainstream media. It boils down to ratings and money. Media is owned by rich people; rich people want tax breaks. Trump promises it.

    1. He's fighting to save $650 millions for what he has judgements against him. He's fighting for the jail time waiting for his actions on Jan. 6.

  39. Brownsville Rocks!July 17, 2024 at 2:47 PM

    Weird...So MAGA likes Trump's immigrant wife, but not Vance's. I wonder what the difference is.

  40. On the shooter. It is not surprising that the officers did not react to him, if he had been black...imagine what the reaction would have been. We have double standards in this country.

    1. What I’d like to know is how much Trump's stiffing of local governments and not pay them for security at rallies he holds in their city factored into the lack of law enforcement present at this rally? Alot I would say.

  41. Who knows? Maybe he just saw an opportunity and took it.

  42. Breaking News - President Biden tests positive for Covid.


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