Tuesday, July 16, 2024

THE UPSHOT:...Bandaged Donald Trump Goes With All-Out E.R. Drama At Republican Convention...Ear Is Front-Center...He Looks Haggard...Names Ohio's Junior Senator J.D. Vance As VEEP Running Mate... Rumors Of Staged Shooting Still Abound...


BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...It's the story of the long, hot summer, its heat equally relentless as is our annual scorch. The political temperature is not abating. We're still in the white-hot zone.

Yesterday's first day at the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee delivered staged drama of the sort most adults are familiar with - bands and speeches, a rowdy crowd and a few surprises.

And the Man of The Hour, of course.

A bandaged Donald J. Trump made an appearance to announce his presidential Veep running made and, well, it was not Mike Pence. Who knows where Trump's last VEEP is these days, but last night was a night-of-nights for Ohio's junior U.S. Senator, one J.D. Vance.

The gathering in Wisconsin moves to some more of the same self-adulation by party speakers and attendees today, with Trump's party nomination slated for Prime Time on Thursday night. The celebration has been non-stop since that shooting last Saturday in Pennsylvania, where the 78-year-old Trump is said to have been the target of an assassination attempt.

Last night's presence of a white bandage over Trump's right ear fell in with the narrative that he was shot, only too many questions remain unanswered - although the mainstream press seems to have accepted it and moved on.

There is no confirmation that Trump's bloody ear was hit by a bullet. We could find no credible report from anyone, not even from the FBI.   

Trump did have what looked like a steady stream of blood trickling down his face as agents rushed him offstage at the afternoon rally. And Trump later said on Truth Social that the bullet hit the upper part of his right ear.

But, yeah, who knows.

The Internet is still chock-full of conspiracy theories related to the shooting, with some saying the blood on Trump's face was "Hollywood blood," a reference to fake blood used in movie gunfire, or often in fake professional wrestling.

But away from the online sleuths, the country seems to have accepted the shooting as an attempt at killing Trump. The news segued into who did it after the shooting and "facts" then pointed to a 20-year-old local nursing home cook names Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was shot and killed as he lay on the rooftop of a building some 400 feet from the rally stage, where Trump stood.

There are always questions with this sort of thing. How many remain unanswered from the shooting of President John F. Kennedy in 1963? Books have been written.

The "patch" Trump wore last night was an odd one, in that photos taken in the seconds after the shooting showed something that looked like the main wound on the top of his right earlobe. The bandage he wore at the convention (see photo above) covered the entire ear. Who knows, but a rookie nurse would likely have applied a smaller band-aid over the damaged part of the ear and left the rest of it alone.

But this is Big Time politics and a wound suffered on the campaign trail will be milked for all it's worth.

Donald Trump knows optics...



  1. Still plagued by readers getting "Failed to publish" messages when submitting to our Comments feature here. Someday, it will resolve itself. Keep trying. It eventually corrects itself...

  2. The DHS and FBI are part of the Democrat political party.

    1. This was staged - by Trump, or by the government.

    2. Security wasn't lax at all. They ushered the shooter in. They knew the whole time. they're in on it.

    3. Lol… they can’t find a motive…. How about saving himself and many of us from the terrorist that is Trump? Live by sword, die by sword

    4. News moves fast. Lies move faster. And our heads will spin the fastest.

      Wonder what the November 5th finish line will look like.

    5. You know Biden's security detail was just doubled or tripled.

  3. This story just becomes more and more unbelievable. Not buying any narrative the media, local PD, or Secret Service is feeding us.

  4. If a 20-year-old layperson can at the last minute successfully get up on a rooftop only a couple hundred yards from the stage - with a rifle - and successfully shoot whoever is speaking how can any of the prep the Secret Service does be of value?

    1. Maybe they knew what would be going down. You ever think of that, Juan?

  5. If an officer engaged the shooter before any shots were fired, how did that officer not use his radio, or discharge his firearm to stop the gunmen. Was he a hire from Uvalde? Another coward???

    1. This smells and looks like a set-up staged to cause confusion and give the MAGA and Trump fodder to attack Biden and Democrats. Would be nice if mainstream media would reach out to their "sources" and report the truth.

  6. Well, there goes that narrative. Turns out Thomas Crooks, 69, from Pittsburgh donated to Act Blue, not shooter Thomas Crooks, 20, from Bethel Park. The kid was working as a cook and I'll be damned if I believe he sent anyone $15!!!

    1. I am not suggesting you are intentionally posting disinformation. What your post shows we all are being played with bad information. Snoops verified with the information, your claim concerns a Thomas Crooks, and not Thomas M Crooks. Nothing on the internet or coming from the news services is really trustworthy. Several news services posted what now seems as stock photos of Trump walking down the plane steps while arriving in Milwaukee. He has no bandage on his ear. But at the convention he clearly has a bandage. I will trust the live feed. But it is true news services posted pics wherein he had no bandage. We all need to be careful. It seems we have to try and rely on only live footage. The News and social media have created a cottage industry of conspiracy theories which people seem to want to believe. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-shooter-donation/

    2. People will post what they know. You post what you know and I'll do the same.

    3. @ 7:43 AM
      Are you referring to the comment or to the editor?

    4. I understand we are all doing our best to get to the information. We are all being played. Now I am not sure I trust Snoops. They claim to have added the circles around Trumps wounds. If this is correct, it must have been a micro bullet. The so called claim the injury is how Snoops is claiming to be, is absurd. A bullet could not have hit Trump's ear and cause such a small injury. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bullet-glass-trump-wound/ This was in response to one claim Trump was hit by glass from the teleprompter. A bullet would have shattered the teleprompter. All I am saying is this story is a mess and we all are victims of disinformation. At this point I am not sure I trust anything to be accurate.

    5. I am referring to the comment, and not the editor. I would not want to be an editor on this story, because it is too easy to make mistakes. The disinformation is everywhere.

    6. Make up your mind. You seem to be wanting to say something you just can't say.

    7. Isn't that the news business? A story today and another one with new info tomorrow. sheeesh. Get with it.

    8. All I am trying to say is I want the facts. I do not believe the commenter intentionally posted misinformation. The commenter posted what CNN and others were claiming to be fact. But then Snoops posted there is also a Thomas Crooks but I am not sure why because they agree Thomas M. Crooks also made a donation. I have lost all trust in Snoops. Forensic analysis needs to be made on the Snoops pic. It is impossible to tell what you are seeing. If you follow what could be shadows, it appears his hair may be making it appear as loss skin. The back end could be shadows. All I want is the truth.

    9. You rely on the Internet; you get Internet results. Fact.

    10. How did a 20-year-old know that specific building was unprotected? How? This was not done by just a 20-year-old. Staged by Trump. EAR MY ASS!!!

    11. @8:33 AM Whatever it is you put in your coffee, please share with the rest of us. There's nothing like a good dose of crazy to get through time when reality just sucks.

    12. 9:16 and 9:36, I agree, but the internet includes MSNBC, Fox and CNN. I am not going to claim a Trump campaign conspiracy. But nothing about this 20 year makes sense. A local news station is claiming a local officer got near the top of the building, making contact with the shoot at which point he turned and fired. This could explain the scattering of bullets. But then I have to ask why the Secret Service snipers did not have the view. Nothing makes sense. But I will say the more Republicans push conspiracy claims against the secret service, they more they will push back and possibly get to the truth, which may not help Trump.

    13. Trump's not really pushing it. perhaps he knows the feds would let-go all info they have.

    14. Yeah, he hasn't said one word about the Deep State he usually blames. That's an odd one for me.

  7. Trump is a human Gish Gallop — throwing up so many absurdities and offenses per day no one can keep up.

    1. terrifying to think he could have Presidential powers again with Presidential immunity.. the current daily dose of BS is abusive enough.

  8. Who cares who Donald Trump VP pick is! neither one of them is getting in the White House

  9. That firefighter at the rally died for Donald sins, and no one should forget that. And the Democrats should hammer that home every day. Never mind turning down the rhetoric, the Democrats should turn up the heat and bring that fight to the Republicans.

    1. They should begin with lots of commercials quoting JD Vance.

    2. firefighter should not have taken his family to a Trump rally. insane move.

  10. OMG could that bandage be any bigger? What a joke. Was it donated by the Pillow Guy?

    1. LMAO. You win the Internet!!!

    2. Most exaggerated bandage ever! LOL!!! Makes the clown look clownier.

    3. They considered a wrap-around bandage. But nothing would stick to that fiberglass rug Dump wears on his head.

  11. National psychosis. Reminder: Rapist. Insurrectionist. Traitor. Scam artist. Adulterer. Need more? (Off to work)

  12. You Republican rubes think you have all the big guns and everyone else is target practice for your vitriolic impulses, that there is a sense of your safety because of that; the real trouble is when you turn against each other….

    1. Dems also own guns. They seem to forget that.

  13. it is about the best economy one could ask for, though not perfect. Stores are full, and not all prices are high; clothes remain pretty cheap (Chinese imports mostly). Chicken and pork are still cheap. Rice of all things is up, and potatoes. So, eat fewer carbs, they’ll kill you anyway. The only reason Biden is struggling is he is old. If he were Pete and straight or Obama he’d be winning. It’s too late to fix this. As I said before, great president, bad candidate, losing to a rapist.

    1. i totally agree. So why is Biden having such a hard time getting out this message?

    2. He will. Dems are just letting Trump story fades, as it will. Plus, mainstream media will be all over Trump the rest of the way. News cycles. Reporters do NOT want a dictator.

  14. Dead fireman Comparatore’s widow refused to speak with Biden, Trump has never even called. That tells you everything about Biden Trump and about her too. Makes me pretty angry.

    1. But she told local news station she was still voting for Trump. Must have had a good insurance policy in her old man.

    2. She's lucky her husband fell on her and took the bullet. Seems damned ungrateful. You'd think she'd hate Trump, who everyone knows has been calling for violence.

  15. I appreciate the fact that no one is talking about Biden dropping out anymore.

  16. This guy wasn’t carrying a handgun…he had a rifle! How does someone stride through an area populated with police, Secret Service and attendees carrying a rifle and no one sees? I’m asking seriously….is it possible to disguise a rifle?

  17. Originally, if Trump had been sentenced on July 11th with justice served and even being on home confinement, might that dead firefighter still be alive today? Yes.

    1. He'd be alive if he'd registered Democrat!

  18. Disgusting the way our country is spiraling out of control. Republicans keep fanning the flames. They asked for this shooting. I am convinced.

    1. Our political leaders have been turning up the hate for fun and profit for a very long time now. When the flames get fanned as hard and often as they have all been doing it, eventually someone's going to crack. They thought it was all fun and games, and they didn't care.

  19. So, there are little old grandmothers in the crowd yelling and pointing out the shooter on the roof of the building, minutes before he fired, and the Secret Service who are purported to be professionals, didn't see the guy up there? Nor did they listen to people who were doing everything they could to notify them of that?

    1. They will hide everything about this kid because they know who and what he is.......

  20. JD Vance's wife, Usha, is getting flak for being of Indian descent. Did Trump know she was from India? I thought he hated dark-skinned immigrants. Whoa, Nelly.

  21. Vance, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, etc., etc. all these people once hated Trump, but they gave up their own principles and bowed down to him in return for power. Disgusting.

  22. The ear injury would explain why he hasn’t called the people and families of those that were shot. He’s a delicate billionaire.

    1. news reports all over the place that Trump talked with RFK Jr on the phone yesterday!!! Injured Ear? What injured ear???

    2. So, he calls a guy that had his world-famous uncle and father Assassinated, to ask for favors and endorsements, after his ear was grazed. If RFK’s stomach wasn’t turning at that phone call…..than I just no longer know anything.

    3. But Trump hasn't called the new widow of the firefighter killed at his rally. Priorities, baby!!!

  23. Why do you think that NYC judge postponed Trump's sentencing that was suppose to happen on July 11th? They wanted Trump at this rally. The wheels were in motion back then.

  24. Sorry Little Marco, he didn't want to share the ticket with a minority.

  25. How the hell is 150 yards away outside of the Secret Service perimeter???.. that is suspect.

  26. Trump's no hero. I like guys who didn't get nicked by a large mosquito.

  27. President Biden called the widow, who refused the call.
    Trump called RFK Jr.
    They are not the same

    1. So, she wouldn’t take a call from the guy she’s not voting for because it would be disrespectful to her husband’s memory, but she’s fine with voting for the guy who’s hasn’t bothered to pay his respects to the same husband’s memory by picking up the phone and calling her. Ok, got it. Such a strange world MAGA’s live in.

    2. How many people are going to die for this man?

  28. Dem Sen. Menedez found guilty of all charges. In a truly pathetic move his attorney blamed Menedez's wife whose trial was delayed due to breast cancer. Now watch how fast Republicans demand Menendez resign from the Senate, while saying it is okay for Trump to run although a jury from him guilty on 34 felony counts.

    1. Thanks for that. It's always good to see our readers staying up with the news. Yes, I do believe Menendez had this coming. Is he blasting away at prosecutors yet? I haven't seen that. Perhaps he will before the day is over. It'll be interesting to see what becomes of the case against Democrat congressman Cuellar and his wife of Laredo...

    2. Menendez’s wife, who has also been charged for allegedly taking bribes, will face a trial beginning on August 5. Her trial has been delayed due to her treatment for breast cancer.

    3. news says he'll be sentenced October 29.

    4. It's amazing how quick trials are when DJTrump is not the accused.

    5. The NJ Gov, needs to be ready to name his replacement so the Democrat can vote with the Republicans to expel him. It will send a stark contrast to how the Republicans handled Trump convictions

    6. Not one Republican or Democrat mentioned if the Menendez Federal Special Prosecutor was Legally Appointed by Garland.

  29. I'm a republican and I'm voting for Joe Biden president

  30. Maybe the Secret Service didn't care. Plus, maybe Trump should pay-up on all the rally venues he owes and never pays. When you demonize half of the country, you have to watch out for half of the country.

  31. A ladder from Home Depot was found at the building. How did it get there, how did it go unnoticed by the Secret Service? How did the shooter know it would be there AND that the roof-top vantage point would be unguarded?

    1. Will Home Depot add this to its ladder product reviews?

    2. HOME DEPOT's CEO is a Trump donor. Weird, huh?

  32. After viewing the footage and looking at aerial photos, there’s only two possible scenarios.

    Either the Secret Service is inept or they let it happen.

  33. The shooter was bullied all throughout his life. He targeted the biggest bully in the world. Rather simple.

  34. The fireman who died was active on social media. I don't know but I wouldn't call him broken. They say he was a hateful racist. Was he?

  35. America saw a little piece of Trump's America if he’s elected

  36. My questions: Who was that female spectator to the left of Trump giving signals as he spoke, then immediately videotaping as Trump dropped to the ground. she was very calm considering the situation. Hmmmmmmmmmmm

  37. Just vote blue and do not get distracted. I am not surprised by any of this.

  38. MAGAs are going nuts online about Trump's pick for Vice President. They say Vance's dark-skin Indian wife is not fitting their MAGA narrative. Wow!!!

    1. If Donald gets this kind of heat from his base, he will drop Vance in a millisecond and get someone else - like hard-ass DeSantis. You watch.

    2. Vance's wife and kids are legit brown! Give it a rest!

    3. Trump incites, and now his base wants to rag on his own VP selection. Just because the man's wife is from India. outrageous!

    4. This is not rocket surgery. Vance is a 39-year-old first term senator who’s blatantly opportunistic. He has the best chance since GHW Bush in 1984 of becoming POTUS without winning a single vote. In fact, given Trump’s position in the race, age, diet, and three-bills-plus weight, it’s a near certainty.

  39. South African native Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, will give around $45 million a month to a new super PAC supporting Donald Trump, says the Wall Street Journal. Apartheid South Africa. Elon must wish that for the U.S.

  40. How about … the shooter was a nobody who sought fame and now he has it.

  41. It's disgusting how people refuse to see the real truth and fall for this rhetoric.

  42. All I have read and listen to are journalists and TV personalities wanting to point a finger at another group. The boy that did the shooting was weak; weak in mind and spirit.

    He got brainwashed with current state of affairs in our country and he thought, he could change it.

  43. He shot a Republican candidate who has weaponized the Republican Party with an inordinately hateful ideology, which many traditional Republicans see a destructive and radical. But somehow, it's the Democrats fault? People who lack the character to admit when they're wrong, have no business in politics.

  44. WOW! Now this hits the fan: CBS News apparently has learned U.S. intelligence officials detected an Iranian plot against Donald Trump before Trump's rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. There's no information, however, suggesting the threat was connected to the assassination attempt on Trump at the rally. And the facts are thin, but CBS reported that.

  45. Donald Trump’s excuse for not calling dead fireman Corey’s widow: Ear Spurs!

  46. I was wondering when Vance's wife's identity was going to hit the right-wing "media ". It has and it is not good for JD and the missus. They don't like her. She's from India.

  47. Where's that bloody shirt? Whose blood? Is it even real blood?

    1. Three great questions there, sir. Let's hope they are answered soon.

  48. He never really listened to anyone, losing an ear is really not a big deal.

  49. Republicans, I'm an old man from the Texas/Mexico border, but some things stand the test of time. So, listen up: DON'T DISH IT OUT IF YOU CAN'T TAKE IT!!! That's for wimps!!!

  50. I'm here to say that all of Brownsville is going with President Biden!!! Go Blue!!!

  51. Get the freak outta here, FOX News! Naw, don't put Iran in this. They had nothing to do with this assassination attempt on Trump. It's crazy how slow they think we are. Next, you'll report it was the Mexican cartels behind the shooting. Dumbass Lies!!!

  52. The only reason Trump picked JD Vance for VP is Trump takes Vance’s comment of “Trump is America’s Hitler” as a compliment.


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