Saturday, July 13, 2024

WHEN IS IT TIME TO QUIT???:...In Youth-Oriented America, That May Be Too Soon...President Joe Biden Wrestles With Our Throwaway Culture...He's 81 And They want Him Done With Politics...Fair Or Not, The Stigma Stands...His "Younger" Opponent is 78...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's just out there in all its cold boldness - Joe Biden, they are saying, is too old to be president of the all-powerful United States. The top nation in the world needs a younger president with the vim and vigor of a do'er, not a mumbler or sleeper.

Joe Biden has come face to face with a part of his country's culture most Americans recognize and readily accept. An old man dating a young woman? Frowned upon. Laughed at. Denigrated by late-night show comedians in the harshest of tones.

We wondered about this as the news against Biden continuing his presidential campaigned refused to ebb. Refused it viciously and unabated.

The president is a sharp dude.

He's smart in all the right places, as prospective fathers-in-law like to say about those courting their daughters. The knowledge gap between Biden and Republican opponent Donald J. Trump is as wide as the Atlantic Ocean. No comparison at all.

But Trump is 78. Younger than Biden, in other words.

It's a part of the ageism equation used often in the workplace, so it's easily adapted to politics. Once, John F. Kennedy was too young at 43 to run for president in 1960. His Republican opponent - one Richard M. Nixon - was four years older at 47 and the latter quickly used the age advantage to tell voters experience matters.

Ronald Reagan used his older age against Democrat Walter Mondale in 1984, quipping at a debate that he would not bring up the age issue out of respect for his youthful opponent. Reagan was 73; Mondale was 56.

Mondale lost.

The extreme age offered by both Biden and Trump is the novelty now.

Yes, both are too old. Even if the younger Trump won the election in November, well, he would be just as old in the second half of his term as Biden is now. Criticism against the two has led some wags to throw the word "dementia" out there readily and often.

America will roust itself out of this raging age debate and step into the voting booth.

And some smarty sociology pundit will then rise to tell us 80 is the new 50.

It won't be, but that too is vain America...



  1. Two reader complaints yesterday on our Comments feature. Both received "Failed to publish" messages after attempting to post their thoughts. That's progress, and we have lodged our own complaint with the provider of this platform. Keep your fingers crossed...

  2. I cannot stand hearing Donald Trump speak anymore!
    The worst president ever!
    I'm voting for Biden!

  3. His greatest enemies are his own party members, the media, staff, and yes family. They kept him out of sight for fear of losing their power, jobs and money. There's no better place than DC to see the lack of character and principals in how people treat one another. Let's hope that term limits and age limits become a reality. If not, we may be end up more politicians that are in denial.

  4. The same thing happened during Reagan's last two years in office, 1986-1990. It was a "polite secret" that Reagan pretty much was around to give upbeat speeches, when able to do that, and not much else. He'd regularly sleep during briefings, either in his chair or in his "private office".

  5. I'm not voting for a crazy person who told Americans to drink bleach for COVID-19 and is a felon

  6. Trump is just as OLD!!! Hannibal Lecter? Sharks and batteries not working under water???

  7. Why is the media more silent than crickets when it comes to Trump's inability to be President, but when Biden makes an insignificant gaffe, the media goes on for days?

  8. Here's one thing I know - I have Joe Biden's back in 2024 and the years to come. We do not need a rapist in the White House; that's OUR house!!!

    1. Where's Melania?

    2. Stormy Daniels was the real First Lady for cheating Trump.

  9. Republicans keep adopting policies that benefit the rich, ultrarich and corporations to the detriment of hard-working Americans, yet these hard-working Americans keep voting for them because Democrats have massively failed to sell their message to them, and Republicans have been very successful at distracting these voters with dog whistles and exaggerations. Democrats are better at running things and taking care of people, but Republicans are much better politicians. It is up to voters to sift through the smoke screens and make up their own minds.

  10. Vice president Kamala Harris should campaign alongside President Biden so that their cooperation is more visible and reassuring. JMHO

    1. Good advice. That would make for some needed media photos of the two working together. Any chance of Mike Pence joining Trump on the campaign trail? ha ha ha

  11. There are "BLOCS" of voters this time.
    * Social Security, et al., are at risk from DJT.
    * Abortion rights are at risk. from him.
    Two ends of the age spectrum that need to unite here. From self-interest. These are both HOT BUTTON ISSUES but there are others too.

    Does Grandpa HAVE to vote about "the border" if his SS is at risk? And he lives in Nebraska?

  12. Trump calls people names, acts nothing like an Adult, always being a crybaby.

  13. Republican stooge Rudy Giuliani kicked out of bankruptcy court and must now pay his million-dollar debts. Laughing Donald Trump is not coming to his rescue.

    1. Rudy went nuts and got what he deserved.

  14. President Biden’s reelection campaign is seizing on reports that allies of former President Trump are declaring that the 2024 election will not be legitimate.

    The campaign has labeled the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 as “Trump’s Project 2025,” although Trump has distanced himself from the initiative.

    “As things stand right now, there’s a zero percent chance of a free and fair election,” said Mike Howell, executive director of Heritage’s Oversight Project. “I’m formally accusing the Biden administration of creating the conditions that most reasonable officials cannot in good conscience certify an election.”

    1. Republicans will not contest races they win, nor will they say those were rigged. (says it all)

  15. I have granddaughters and grandsons and I don't want them living under a Nazi regime. My service for our flag in Vietnam was not for this!

    1. You said it, buddy. Army Airborne here.

  16. I quit on my own. No one can tell me when to quit anything.

    1. Politicians, like boxers, should go out one campaign (or fight) too early rather than one too late. Marciano had the right idea, Ali stayed on and got beat up. Biden will sully his legacy if he stays, and more importantly, jeopardize any chance the Dems have to keep the White House.

  17. We the People Support Biden/Harris 2024!!

  18. Trump's Project 2025 will radically revise taxes. You're not going to like it. Less taxes for the rich, more for the rest of us.

  19. I am an older man who has worked his whole life and about ready to retire and I look at things like Social Security, and how well my 401(k) Is doing and it’s doing well, so I’m voting for President Joe Biden

  20. Bob Dylan wrote, “Even the president of the United States sometimes must have to stand naked.” Joe Biden will weather this storm and come out stronger!!!

  21. I can’t tell you how pissed I am with the media out there right now.

  22. Poor Milwaukee. The Orange Menace is coming to town Monday for the Republican convention. I would never vote for a felon.

  23. Joe Biden is not on the ballot. I'M on the ballot. My life, my freedoms, my livelihood, my democratic values, my life is literally on the ballot. Vote Blue...Vote Joe Biden.

  24. When the rich have it all, who's going to wipe their asses? Who's going to keep their Cadillacs running? Who's going to prepare the meals for these bastards?

    Think of all those menial jobs done every hour of every day of every week of every month and of every year that rich shits don't do for themselves. Rethink what you have and who helps you to the toilet before you shit on the middle and lower class.

    Republicans don't care.

  25. Trump doesn’t need more people to vote for him, he just needs less people to vote for Biden.

    Any Biden voter from 2020 that stays home this year is a win for Trump.

  26. 15th Congressional District congresswoman Monica De la Cruz says she will speak at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next week. Don't look for her on Prime Time, however. LMAO!!!

    1. She's gone full-MAGA.

    2. Mayra speaking at RNC too? What can she possibly say? ja ja ja ja

  27. Treating Trump differently in court has sent wrong signal to the public.

    1. He’s not merely a liar, he’s a damnable liar. A bottomless vessel of amorality, greed, ignorance and ego, utterly unfit for high office.

  28. If Joe is going to quit, he should quit soon. Let's get serious about helping send felon Trump to prison after he loses the election!

  29. Melania says she will be at the Republican Convention this coming week. Glad to see the Campaign was able to come up with the money for her Appearance.


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