Saturday, July 13, 2024

SHOTS FIRED!!!:...Assassination Attempt Bloodies Donald Trump...At Afternoon Rally In Pennsylvania... Associated Press Reporting Shooter Is Dead...Local Authorities Say One Attendee Killed...Bloodied Right Ear Seems To Be The Extent Of Trump's Injuries... President Biden Briefed...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...He'll live, but Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump likely knows it could have been much worse. Details are few. This we know: Trump was at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania when "popping noises" suddenly spooked the crowd.

Video of the incident shows Trump speaking before he falls on the makeshift stage and Secret Service agents cover him. Reports say he appeared to grab the side of his ear or neck with his right hand, before plunging to the ground. Screams flared over the scene and, according to several news sources, Trump could be heard saying "let me get my shoes" as he then got up and raised his fist in the air before being whisked off the stage by Secret Service members.

Trump appeared to have blood coming from the side of his ear.

But otherwise, he was fine, according to his campaign people. Trump was nonetheless taken to a local medical facility for treatment.

That was the extent of the information available late Saturday afternoon.

Local authorities later said one rally attendee had been killed and another injured. 

Online, his supporters quickly labeled the incident an assassination attempt, while opponents offered the idea that the entire incident was "staged" by Trump, one saying he though the blood on the former president's face "looks like Hollywood blood."

Photos of Trump flashed by numerous news outlets had him looking in clear distress. Whether that was fake, well, only he knows.

Commentary came swiftly from politicians, with Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, said to be a frontrunner for the vice-presidency, saying Trump "was saved by God."

Others were a little less dramatic, including a few members of President Joe Biden's administration. One, Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation, graciously said he was glad Trump was "going to be fine."

Late Saturday, Biden issued this statement:

I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we await further information.

Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it...



  1. Again, we alert you to a problem we have had with our Reader's Comments feature. Occasionally, some are getting a "Failed to publish" message after submitting their thoughts. This seems to correct itself, however, so keep trying...

  2. This is what constant extremism actions/talk brings into reality. ALL American politicians need to be more moderate and sensible, because America is becoming a powder-keg. Talk violence, and you get violence.

    1. I watched the rally live, it was not a mere disturbance it was an assassination attempt, you can hear the gun shots before he went down

  3. Unfortunately, the politicians and the media are to blame for this. They continue to create division rather than work towards harmony in this country. The politicians are busy building the fires and the media is fanning the flames.

    1. FOX News has blood on its hands...again.

  4. This doesn't surprise me, as Trump openly promotes violence among his supporters. During certain rallies, Trump even mentioned that he would cover the legal expenses if his supporters were to physically harm someone. Therefore, it is clear that he not only encourages such behavior but also emphasizes it during his rallies.

  5. So, no prayer for the attendee who lost his life, but prayer for Trump who just got a scratch?

  6. He’s gonna milk this for all it’s worth

  7. Now the Republicans get to see what it was like for kids during school shootings

  8. Well, guess I'm gonna have to watch saturation coverage of this for the next 48 hours.

    1. I'm waiting on quote from Melania. None yet.......

  9. head of Trump campaign is politicizing this, saying, "first they tried to put him in jail...."

  10. Interestingly, the shooter was killed.
    I wonder how that happened, cause now he can't be questioned.

  11. When you have no accountability for dangerous rhetoric, this is what happens. This political party that perpetrated this is a danger to ALL humanity.

  12. Replies
    1. it would be damned hard to stage a guy getting his ear shot off, wouldn't you say?

    2. trump has been on WWE quite a few times and knows what "blading" is... also this looks more like a blood pill. than a "ear being shot off"

  13. Update: Local authorities are saying the shooter was not inside the rally venue but atop a nearby building overlooking the stage where Trump stood. No word yet on how the shooter was killed...

  14. Thank you, President Biden, for the words about this horrible incident. You are INDEED a DECENT man!!!

    1. I wouldn't be so nice to MAGA. You know they'd be laughing their asses off if this had been Biden being shot.

  15. "Just get over it."
    Isn't that what Trump said about children getting shot?
    Yes, it is.

  16. The division and hatred incited among hard-liner politicians and their supporters have finally caught up to create this kind of environment. I guess the shootings have gone from elementary schools to the presidential political podiums. Unfortunately, elementary school children don't have an armed Secret Service detail to protect them.

  17. I don't want things like this happening, but Trump has been pushing things to the limit and, really, I'm surprised it hasn't happened before. Let's hope things settle down. Republicans, you still want a Civil War?

  18. Wow! Republican Congressman Mike Collins of Georgia actually accused Biden of ordering an assassination attempt against Trump. He cited a report that Biden used the phrase “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” during a call to donors on July 8.

    1. Seal Team 6 would not miss........

  19. Maybe some republicans do not want him as their president.

  20. Who stops for a photo op, raising their fist, seconds after a bullet allegedly whizzes by your head and rips a chunk of your ear?

    It would seem some level of shock would have your mind paralyzed. Something's fishy here.


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