Sunday, July 14, 2024

SHOOTER IDENTIFIED:...FBI Points To 20-Year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks...Say He Was A Registered Republican...No Official Motive Yet...Donald Trump Okay...Wound In Right Ear...May Not Have Been A Bullet, But Shards From Shattered Teleprompter...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...The FBI has identified the shooter in yesterday's assassination attempt on presidential candidate Donald J. Trump as a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man named Thomas Matthew Crooks.

No motive was given.

Crooks was also said to be registered as a Republican.

Federal campaign finance reports obtained by The Associated Press also show he gave $15 to a progressive political action committee on Jan. 20, 2021, the day President Joe Biden was sworn in to office.

Trump was speaking at an afternoon rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a small community about an hour's drive north of Pittsburgh when he apparently suffered a gunshot wound to the right ear. One witness, however, told authorities he thought Trump's ear had been ripped open by shards off a shattered teleprompter.

The Republican candidate was rushed to a local medical facility for treatment. He flew back to his home in New Jersey hours later.

One rally attendee was killed, while another suffered non-life-threatening wounds.

In a statement issued overnight., the FBI said gunman Crooks was shot and killed by U.S. Secret Service agents assigned to protect the former president.

President Joe Biden condemned the shooting, while others in his party cited Trump's penchant for using harsh rhetoric on the campaign as a reason for the shooting. Republicans rallied behind Trump, a few noting that the event was perhaps the result of a "Deep State" plot to get rid of Trump.

There is no evidence of that, however.

Republicans will begin gathering in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today ahead of the party's national convention kicking-off tomorrow, Monday...



  1. The trouble with our Comments feature is a literal see-saw distraction. Readers are at times getting a "Failed to publish" message after submitting their thoughts. We have stopped moderating comments, so they, theoretically, are posted immediately...Keep trying...

  2. And there goes the literally clueless Republican Party blaming democrats minutes later. Disgraceful!

  3. Republicans brought this on themselves, this is the language they use to their advantage, they are to blame when it backfires on themselves.

    1. AR-15 fans are getting a taste of their own medicine.

  4. I recall Trump was making jokes after Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked. Karma?

    1. Melania said anything about this?

    2. Not a word from her yet. She must sleep late.

  5. Aren't Trump and the MAGA crowd screeching about their rights to have assault weapons? Well, there you have it. Thoughts & prayers.

  6. this is probably a scam or some kind of trick that Trump is doing to receive sympathy from voters. I'm not buying it. I could do the same thing with a blood pellet in my pocket and when I go down, I will crack it open and then touch my ear, so it looks like I got grazed in the ear. Probably the Russians helping trump again.

  7. All you MAGAS doing your pearl-clutching about how us libs sound mean can go clutch pearls elsewhere. You fed this hate.

    This is the monster you created. Deal with it. Enjoy the show. Keep running that stain and we will help you discover he isn't going to be king of this country.

  8. STAGED Sure.. Lots of publicity, maybe someone will feel sorry for him and he could look tough for a second before running away and hiding. He does not care that any one was hurt. The shooter being killed was already in the plan as that way he did not have to pay him.

    1. Donnie Two Scoops realized today that the "Second Amendment Solution" works both ways. Shit got real, that's for sure.

      We will have to see how this will affect him. Bone Spurs is not exactly a fearless military leader who will charge into bullets first, but he may feel invincible tonight. Let's see when his next rally is.

  9. Thank goodness we have moved on from the debate.

    1. Most profound comment so far, dude.

  10. The people who defended Jan 6th rioters are now pissed!!!???

    1. Let's all pretend we care for Trump. what a joke.

  11. A woman at the rally was interviewed. And blamed the attempt on the “hatred” in our society — like the hatred at the root of Trump’s campaign against the Central Park Five; his campaign against immigrants and his birtherism campaign? How about the hatred justice Alito and his wife have for their neighbor? Who has been promoting hatred in our society? Clue: he has a fat neck.

  12. Trump's a wrestling fan. the blood on his face was real? uh...

  13. 7:00 a.m. You are wrong. Now look at the video. he was clearly bleeding when he chose to kneel down.

  14. When justice goes unserved, the people tend to act. This may be new to America, but it's not new.

  15. The news coverage is so wanting in this case. From the beginning it was clear Trump was hit from something other than a bullet. Not one so called gun expert mentioned a bullet that close would have caused temporary to permanent hearing loss. There was no evident of this from Trump when he stood up. Trump knew this when he lied and said it was a bullet. Not one so called expert noted a bullet would have shattered his ear. Finally, a 20-year-old with no real training was compelled to do this. This is serious because now people who are of like mind will falsely believe they can do it.

    1. Now you want the media to speculate? They may be waiting for facts.

    2. 8:08: You are wrong. You do not need an expert to tell you someone's arm is broken when the bone is sticking out. Look at his ear. His ear is fact. There is no way he was hit with a high-speed bullet; the ear would be shattered with an exit wound. Trump himself is not alleging hearing loss. It as a fact there is no way a bullet could have come that close to the ear without causing hearing loss.

      I agree this is horrible, and a direct attack on the Republic. What happened is not acceptable and all sides must denounce it.

    3. Bullshit. Republicans are blaming Democrats for this!!!

  16. The Reich-wing ecosphere has gone nuts.

    1. Everybody needs to chill out, tone it down, and face the fact that we all deal with each and live with each other every day with zero issues without the political stuff. No one is "destroying" America, the country doesn't need "taking back." Yes, there are problems, but they can be resolved. Chill out.

  17. Still voting BLUE, for President Biden. Another cheap Trump drama, that's all this is.

  18. "Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whosoever sows to please their flesh, from their flesh will reap destruction." - Galatians VII

    Order your Trump bible yet?

  19. Something is not right with this scenario, is it just me?

    1. I say it was staged...and it will all come out. FBI and Secret Service will not allow themselves to be used. CIA may know something.

  20. The right-wing Heritage Foundation guy said there would be bloodshed, bet he did know it would come from one of their own….....

  21. I can tell you one thing about the person that pulled the trigger. He's not ex-military. If he had been, he would have used a larger caliber weapon and aimed for Trump center mass. At 140 yards, he would not have missed, and Trump would not have survived.

  22. Even by the coldest calculation, murdering Trump would not protect American democracy because the threat of right-wing authoritarianism would not die with him. Had he been killed, his martyrdom would have only fueled his movement’s will to power.

    The country is lucky Trump survived. And now we must protect the system from him.

    1. Let's not start crying for cold-hearted Trump. He and his MAGA clowns fueled this for many months.

  23. Several Republican elected officials were quick to blame the left, and President Joe Biden specifically, for the shooting. They have no damned shame!

  24. Traitor Trump is responsible for the violent, divisive and extremist rhetoric infecting our national political, and the assassination attempt on him - not "the left".

  25. $100 says he wasn't a lone wolf. He had help. $1,000 says a foreign government involved.

  26. In a country where everybody demands access to guns... well.

  27. Dead rally attendee identifies as 50-year-old Corey Comperatore, who died following the shooting. Two other attendees are reportedly in critical condition. (that's one less Trump vote, btw)

  28. Registered Republican.....that explains the assault rifle.

  29. No one is mentioning how cute the Republicans thought it was when Texans attacked Joe Biden's campaign bus during the 2020 campaign.

  30. This is not going to get Trump re-elected. Americans are going to see the difference between how Democrat's handle this and how Republicans handle this. We all know who is going to do a better job.

    Trump has no one to blame but himself.......

    1. This is a delicate issue. How we address it, will help us prevail against Donald. The first thing I thought is how Donald has defended the Jan 6th rioters. They are no different than the man who allegedly shot at him. So now he is on record as defending those who attacked the capital causing the death of at least one first responder, and forever changing the life of so many other first responders. Melania for everything she is, she wrote a beautiful letter about the incident and how all this nonsense has to stop. It is sad she almost had to lose her husband to say it, but it is nonetheless a good letter.

    2. If you believe Melania actually wrote those words, you are easily fooled. Have you not heard her speak???

    3. All Melania has to do is tell her staff what she wants to say. We know she is not the direct author but that does not mean it is not what she wanted to say. It is sad you missed the bigger point that Trump is already on record of defending this conduct.

  31. Blame Trump for the hate he preaches

  32. "...his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration. The core facets of my husband’s life"

    Does Melania have another husband somewhere?

  33. How is it the Democrats fault, though?

  34. What is about to happen will very likely be even more damaging, as we move from fragmentary news reporting into the realm of speculation, name-calling, finger-pointing, conspiracy theory and half-baked political forecasting. Any pause in the 2024 presidential campaign following this incident will be brief: The Republican National Convention begins on Monday in Milwaukee, and Trump is scheduled to accept the party's nomination in a nationally televised speech on Thursday evening.

  35. I noticed there weren't any Black or Hispanic persons in the stands behind Trump at the rally where he was shot. Mostly Rednecks.

  36. No, it wasn't a difficult day for the country. What Trump masterminded on Jan. 6th was a difficult day.

  37. Donald cannot get a pass on everything he's done to this country. So, he wasn't killed. Okay, but he remains a convicted felon, a puppet for Putin, a racist, an adulterer, a rapist and a tax cheater. Vote Blue for better days for America........


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