Sunday, October 15, 2023

WAR:...For Palestine, A Calm Before The Wanton Slaughter ...It's Revenge...It's The End Of A Nation...It's Been Coming For Decades...



McALLEN, Texas | The so-called Big Military Push is coming to the Gaza Strip. Angry Israelis are in an Africanized Honey Bee state of mind, ready to sting and keep stinging the Palestinians and their Hamas population.

Already, scenes of utter destruction (see photo above) can be readily had on the Internet, from a wide variety of websites to do with news, mainstream and otherwise.

What to make of what's coming?

You can make a case that Israel will go all-out to destroy everything we have come to know as Palestine in the Gaza Strip. It is said to already have amassed as many as 300,000 soldiers on the border with the Gaza, north and southern ends, ahead of an invasion.

As reported in one of its Sunday articles: [ "...the outlook leaves a bitter taste. Under blockade since 2007 and bombed regularly, the Palestinian territory became a volcano. At dawn on October 7, it erupted. Covered by salvoes of rockets, more than a thousand armed men from Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement that has ruled the territory since 2006, broke through the fortified fence that separates it from Israel.

The infiltrators poured into neighboring Jewish villages in pick-up trucks, motorcycles and even paragliders, wreaking havoc as they went. At least 1,300 people were killed, the vast majority civilians, and at least 120 others were kidnapped, according to the Israeli army. It's the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. ]

That last sentence is enough to fuel an overwhelming run of support for the Jewish state. Americans have responded, some in Congress wasting no words in condemning the attack.

The president, as could be expected, focused on Hamas and its terroristic ways, saying the U.S. would side by Israel. To what extent we do not as yet know. Two powerful carrier task forces are now in the neighboring Mediterranean Sea, presumably there to support Israel and also to dissuade any would-be action by other countries sympathetic to Palestine, like by Iran, for one.

It's a horrible bad omen for the civilians of Palestine who quickly saw Israel shut down its food, water and fuel supplies. A deadline was given for evacuation, only the Palestinians really had no place to go. A once-open crossing into Egypt was bombed by the Israelis, even as the Egyptians were saying they could not take refugees.

That all-out assault by the Israelis is said to coming this week.

The fight is really an uneven one, as Israel has pretty much every advanced weapon and smaller, poorer Palestine hardly any.

Towns and cities will be bombed into oblivion and, well, who knows what the eventual casualty number will be? It's war. War is Hell. How will Israel decide which Palestinian lives, and which one dies? Could the Israelis live with the total extermination of Gaza's population?

We know this: Hell is coming to Palestine.

The idea that Israel could ever rid itself of Palestine in one fell swoop was not part of any discussion anywhere two weeks ago. There had even been reports that Saudi Arabia wished to broker a lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

No one talked of a full-fledged war

Today, right or wrong, that seems to be what's coming...


SUN RECORDS: Newsroom Jukebox..."Is Anybody Going To San Antone?"...

ELECTIONS 2024:...Political Termites Chase Republican Mayra Flores...She'll Easily Win Party Primary...



McALLEN, Texas | Well, it's the familiar run for the roses and a forced march to 2024. Not so good political candidates are coming out of the woodwork again, some from fast-rotting pieces of South Texas dead wood.

Ann Marie Torres, shown in photo above, is the latest to seek the Republican Party's 34th Congressional District nomination for that challenge to well-heeled incumbent Democrat Vicente Gonzalez's seat.

Ms. Torres has little experience, although perhaps some other pundit would raise the value of serving on the - ahem - dusty Kingsville City Commission. Kingsville, yeah.

Oh, well. She knows she's not alone, not with fellow newbie Mauro Garza and even greener Greg Kunkle also seeking to beat toughie Mayra Flores in the party's March Primary. Good luck with that, kids.

Ms. Flores, it says, will win the nomination, and win it convincingly - thanks to all-out support from the Republican National Committee

We at The McAllen Sun have ignored Kunkle (shown in photo below) because we feel he's going nowhere in this contest.

But this is an excerpt from a report on Ms. Torres published by The McAllen Monitor: [ In her campaign announcement, Torres says she has "a strong background as an Army Retired veteran who served in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom." She said she aims to bring "true representation" to the district and become the first woman who is a veteran to run in the March primary.

Torres was born and raised in Kingsville and she said she has a "deep-rooted connection" to the community and a "sharp vision for its future."

The campaign announcement does not elaborate on her vision.

"With her extensive military experience, she brings a unique perspective and commitment to serving the people of District 34 at the national level," the campaign announcement states. "Torres passionately believes that now is the time for change and that the district deserves a strong voice in the nation’s capital."

She doesn't explain what kind of change she believes is necessary. ]

We tire of hearing or reading blah, blah, blah platitudes of this sorts. Ms. Torres is likely a well-mannered and contributing resident of sleepy Kingsville, but, to us, she is woefully unprepared for what she would face in today's Washington, D.C., which brings us full-circle to Mayra Flores.

She's more than ready for the current craziness in the nation's capital.

She's mastered the art of raising your voice and letting go punches and counterpunches when in debates or speaking to the press. You don't throw stuff at Mayra Flores and see it bounce off her shoes. She'll fire right back; it's her style and personality.

In this vein, Kunkle is zero and Ann Marie Torres is less than zero.

The third aspirant, Mauro Garza, is unimpressive. His is the look of a gas station attendant of the 1960s, a South Texas Mexican-American who simply acts and talks like too many regional slackers of his ethnic group.

Mayra Flores would chew him up and spit him out, with extreme prejudice.

You kinda know at this point that wild dogs would not fare well against Mayra Flores.

Political termites even worse...


Saturday, October 14, 2023

EDUCATION:...Republican Gov. Greg Abbott Schemes To Defund Texas Public Schools ...Dude's A Vouchers Fan...



AUSTIN, Texas | He's not exactly the poster boy for "Give Up," so Republican Gov. Greg Abbott messing with public schools yet again is no surprise. What's with this Texan anyway? Oh, he wants "vouchers" to help parents grab their kids out of public schools and enroll them in private ones.

Again, we see it as a "White Thang."

He's been at it a few years, forever inching closer to his dream of perhaps seeing All-White school districts, too. Once, they tried all-boys and all-girls schools. Back when they saw too much interracial dating between Black boys and white girls. That came and went, but they tried it.

If we 're wrong, we're wrong, but we think not.

This excerpt from [ The Texas Senate passed a controversial bill earlier this week that would give state money to parents to spend on private schools, supporting Governor Greg Abbott's long-held pledge to push for "school choice" for Texan families.

For months now, the Republican governor has been rallying to pass a measure that would allow parents to decide "which education option is best" for their kids by giving them enough money to take the children out of public school.

While the kind of measure Abbott has been pushing for has been criticized by many, including teachers, who accused him of trying to defund public schools and run them to the ground, the Republican governor said, "nothing could be further from the truth."

"It's just factually incorrect," he said without laughing, as reported by Fox 26 Houston in April. "Per-student funding for public schools is at an all-time high and this session we are going to add even more money for public education, as well as teacher pay rises." ]

Parents and educators beg to differ with the governor who seems to look for - and find - every divisive issue available these days.

Is he saying our public schools have failed? Under his watch?

Abbott rarely takes responsibility for the odd things that come out of his policies. We expect no retreat from this Texan.

As always, it's about who's in power at the State Legislators, and for now it is the Republicans who seem to endorse all Abbott says and does.

This isn't about the children; it's about raw politics.

You have to wonder why teachers and school administrators are against Abbott's plan...


WAR:...Untold Number Of Americans Held Hostage In Gaza Strip...U.S. In Early Measured State...



McALLEN, Texas | We never leave our own behind. How many times was that drummed into my head during my days in the military. Well, not quite every day, but every day we were told about duty in South Vietnam. Americans go back for their own. It may not be quickly, but we go back for them.

Not yet for our civilians in Gaza, however.

The war Israel declared against Hamas terrorists in Palestine came after a brutal mass-killing charge a week ago against its people in the Israeli provinces. To date, reports have it that more than 2,500 Jewish settlers have been killed by Hamas and another 2,000 by Israel in Palestine.

The U.S. is in it, not just because it fully supports Israel but because an untold number of Americans are among the many hostages Hamas captured and still has.

This from [ The U.S. does not yet know where the hostages are held, the officials said. Gaza is notoriously dense, with a warren of tunnels, and officials believe that hostages - whether American or Israeli - would be spread out and likely not held together, housed in separate underground areas and with innocent civilians in an effort to make any rescue operation that much more difficult. Additionally, U.S. officials believe the quality of Israeli intelligence in the area has slipped - as evidenced by the stunning success of last weekend’s Hamas sneak attacks - and there has been a paucity of reliable information from the area.

Further complicating the situation, U.S. officials said, is that Hamas consists of numerous and often competing subgroups and militias that all operate in Gaza. Before the U.S. can put together a plan to recover hostages, officials first have to figure out which of those Hamas subgroups may be holding them.

And so, for now, the U.S. is deferring to the Israeli special forces, who have far greater experience in Gaza. A team of American military specialists has arrived in the region and is consulting with their Israeli counterparts about possible plans of action. Among other elements, U.S. Central Command and Special Operations Command have offered to provide hostage rescue planning and intelligence support to the Israelis.

But, as principal deputy national security adviser Jon Finer said Thursday on MSNBC, "We are not contemplating U.S. boots on the ground for any sort of rescue mission." ]

The early-going is measured, as could be expected.

Action will come when the hostages and their location are known. Hamas has the leverage at present.

It won't for much longer...


Friday, October 13, 2023

PICKING SIDES:...Jews Have It Over Palestinians In This Country...Both Should Exist...



McALLEN, Texas | I guess we're for Israel. I mean, I'm all anti-terrorist here, but it would piss me off to see children murdered at will if and when that Israeli invasion leaves Palestine in absolute ruins. Kill the terrorists, all of them. Leave the children alone.

Taking sides is the American Way, isn't it?

The well-known people you see in the photo posted above have all signed a letter in support of Israel. Well, good. I'd sign it, too.

But that support for Life also goes to innocent Palestinians who have weathered a motherlode of crap from the Israelis for almost seven decades. Yes, Hamas uses Palestine in the Gaza as its base of hostile operations toward the Jews next door. They should all be killed. No mercy for Hamas, not here.

And while we're at it, why do pro-Israel Americans get a fuckin' break in the protest aisle? There are some good people in Palestine. What about them? Who will say a word for them in this country?

When students at Harvard University signed a letter condemning Israel not for being angry but for keeping electricity, food and fuel out of Palestine, a truck bearing their names and faces and calling them antisemites barreled into town. Some major CEO further asked other major CEOs to record the names of the students. I suppose that went to future job prospects for them.

Right-wing news media also went after the students, forcing the university to pad security.

It's not a balanced response we offer. Favoring one or the other, however, is also who we are, and have always been. Our conflict in Vietnam brought forth support and damnation. World War II against Germany, Italy and Japan, saw the U.S. place Japanese-Americans in camps. Italian-Americans and German-Americans were not, for some reason. Okay.

Like I said, we pick sides.

It's never a pretty sight, forever the microscope putting our prejudices in full public display.

American Jews don't care. They're going to side by the Motherland no matter what, and that's fine. But Palestinians in this country and elsewhere in the world also have the right to stand up for their side.

Bombs and bullets will unfortunately settle this.

Bombs and bullets don't pick sides...don't distinguish between adults and children...


SUN SHORTS:...Mayhem At The Black Swallow Motel... ...Last Bucket Of Ice...



SAN BENITO, Texas |...The Beatles had ended their short segment on The Ed Sullivan Show when slacker motel clerk Pedro Montoya got up from the office couch to turn the TV off.

A loud sound halted his four-step amble to the black & white set.

"Gunshot!" he said aloud, turning away from the TV and walking from behind the counter to the office's front door. Something told him to not step out, like two-three shots that next broke the cold, dark night's quiet.

"Shit, man!" he let-out to the door's dusty, interior venetian blinds.

Louder shots followed, these as if from a rifle. And all Hell broke loose, and it was easy to believe a firefight was underway in the motel's gravel parking lot. The gunshots kept coming.

Chubby Pedro thought it had to be more than two people, as the sound of bullets screaming across the property seemed to be coming from all directions. Caught with his emotions at the ends of his fingers, Pedro lifted his right arm and began fast-slapping himself on the face.

Behind him, he heard TV show host Ed Sullivan bidding the audience goodnight from New York. Call the cops, a little voice told him, but the shooting had ended. Spooked Pedro peeked through the blind's slats. Too dark to see anything. Then he heard the sound of someone running from the other end of the parking lot.

It was Gomer Gamez, the Black Swallow Motel's maintenance man. Pedro opened the door as Gomer neared.

"Some guys drove up in a pickup and shot the Hell out of our four ice machines!!!" he said breathlessly, turning around to quickly shut the door's blinds. "They may be back to finish off our laundry room, man!"

Motel night clerk Montoya played with his scraggly hair, as if caught between fear and anger, and then made an "Oh, wow!" face...


Thursday, October 12, 2023

FOURTH ESTATE:...The Press And Precisely Where We Are - And Aren't - With "News" In America...



McALLEN, Texas | Wow! What a difference 10-15-20 years make in news reporting. I'm lost in the evolving reasons, for there are so many. Advances in technology is one. News moving at the speed of light. Nothing for the morning report these days. It's "up to the minute" in everything from fires, disasters, politics, sports and, well, school shootings.

The afternoon newspaper? It would never work today.

Now, the phrase is "news media" or "social media" for the emergence of even the tiniest of news. You can "Google" some small town in old Wyoming to see about that bank hold-up you heard about at the bar. You can see photos of "Deep Space" from wildly-expensive, but damned capable space telescopes. You can get the score of your favorite football team's game on your cellphone. Just ask "Google" to give it to you, at halftime or at game's end.

That's progress for you.

For the "old school" news business of network TV and morning newspapers, it's been just about the end of the road. When CBS icon Walter Cronkite signed off on March 6, 1981, who would've had an inkling that the day would come when an entire TV newsroom would also sign off. It's happened in small markets across the country.

The change has been a dizzying one.

Cable television news and talk shows have largely eclipse the network (ABC, NBC, CBS) news. Who watches the six o'clock news on TV anymore? It's Cable News Network (CNN), FOX News, MSNBC and a whole load of talk shows also availed by Sirius on your vehicle's dash radio, even. And, well, I'm not even mentioning the fringe ones, like OAN, Breitbart and Newsmax - all at the edge of the pier, all of those spewing material that does not in any way resemble "news" to be relied upon.

My trusted outlet is, the website for The Associated Press, which is not owned by any one person or corporation, but by the membership collective; that is, the newspapers, radio and television stations that subscribe to its reporting service.

So, where are we with a stanchion of our government said to be necessary for the continued life of our Democracy, i.e., that "Republic" for which we stand?

It's bleak out there, is what I would say. Not quite resignedly, but almost. Get this: More than 360 newspapers have shut down since just before the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, according to the New York Times. For the past "few" decades, the number from coast to coast nears 2,000 closures. Or, to use another statistic, about 2,500, a quarter of the country's overall total, since 2005. And that's not counting the newspapers that shut down their presses and went exclusively online.

It's an eye-opener.

When I started writing news in the early 1980s, at The Brownsville Herald, we were still using typewriters in the newsroom and not computers, which are ever-present these days. There, we had less than 10 reporters. When I worked for The Boston Globe, we had 200 reporters in the newsroom and The Globe also counted on correspondents in most of the world's major capitals.

Times have, indeed, changed.

Now, every aging stiff with a computer can be a "newsman," as if. What's lost is trust. So much misinformation and so many amateur reporters will lead to that, for sure.

Online websites, often one-person operations, stake their claim to knowing what is and isn't news. Most of them are untrained news journalists who merely mimic the Big Boys or go about copying & pasting material they cavalierly rip off other more-established organizations.

In a way, they do join the news noise immediately. Often, it is the average Joe & Jane who fall-in with a certain new "newsman," who then goes about ballyhooing the site's "growth," as if that's any sort of measure of his work.

Yeah, who knows what old Walter Cronkite would say about today's news business. Not much, I'd say. Not much that would be an appreciation or endorsement.

So, we beat on against the current, as writer F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote a long time ago.

I bank on the following blurb to substantiate the value of a free press, regardless of the many, many amateurs now practicing the craft: In the book "On Heroes and Hero Worship," Thomas Carlyle attributes to Edmund Burke the following statement, "There were Three Estates in Parliament; but in the Reporters' Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all."

That all-important Fourth Estate is our beloved press...


CONGRESS:..."David Duke Without The Baggage" Gets Speaker's Nod In House Of Representatives....



McALLEN, Texas | The guy who once described himself as KKK Grand Wizard "David Duke without the baggage" is now in line to become speaker of the House of Representatives. That would be one Steve Scalise, shown in photo above.

The congressman from Louisiana got the early vote, but he's not in yet as the replacement for ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

This from [ House Majority Leader Steve Scalise has won the GOP’s nod to become the next speaker, completing a decade-long climb up the ranks of Republican leadership.

But it remains unclear whether he can muster the votes needed to win the speakership on the floor, given the Republicans' tiny margin of control and the deep rifts in the GOP conference.

The shifty Louisianan defeated Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in a secret-ballot vote on Wednesday, winning 113 to 99, according to multiple people briefed on the results.

The GOP’s half-day election, though, does little to answer the question on the mind of virtually every Republican in the room: how to unite a highly fractured party - and quickly.

He must now win near-unanimous support on the House floor to win the gavel. That means losing no more than four of his own Republican members - a difficult task when several ardent Jordan supporters, including Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) and Max Miller (R-Ohio), are already vowing to back the Ohioan on the floor and not Scalise. ]

Today may bring us closer to a decision.

The House is essentially down without a figurehead leader...


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

WAR:...Why The Ongoing Bloody Israeli Assault In Gaza Doesn't Resonate In The Rio Grande Valley...Too Far?...Not Enough Jews Here?...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | Almost 2,000 dead so far. Both sides wild-eyed and eager to kill each other to the last man. That's the scene in crumbling Palestine after Hamas terrorists based there attacked Jewish settlements on Saturday and the world began to see its latest war.

Riots arrived in New York City, when partisans for both the Jews and the Palestinians took to the streets of the Big Apple. Capital cities in Europe also got a taste of that, too. The news media was making hay about it being caused by the Palestinians, reporting weighted down heavily in favor of the Jews. Rioters wished to balance the story by noting some of the heavy-handedness Israel has used for years against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In the Rio Grande Valley, it was wall-to-wall Nothingness.

Oh, it was mentioned in the television newscasts and it was written about in the local newspapers, although most of that being stories written by reporters either at the scene of the action or by others familiar with the region's historical strife.

There was nothing I could see here in the Magic Valley that approximated either the taking of a position or the defending of either side. Valleyites were not interested.

That's an indictment on residents who by and large stay away from the so-called political big-ticket items, choosing instead to play at it in minor-league fashion via local elections. You could blame it on the daily and eternal struggle to survive economically here, one of the poorest regions of the country.

Or you could argue that RGV residents simply are not up with geo-politics. They have other concerns, is what I hear - like employment, family troubles, paying bills, deciding on what and where to eat. Bibi Netanyahu? He may as well be the guy who played Tarzan way back when that vine-swinging dude flashed across television screens.

Netanyahu is the current prime minister of Israel. Some blame him for the attack on his country over the weekend. He was not paying attention, they say.

Not that just about everyone in the RGV cares.

Here, they love to look the other way when asked about troubles elsewhere in the state, the country or the world. Insular Valley residents care only about the valley, the here and the now. To expect a noisy, bullhorn-fueled protest downtown or a show of support at City Hall in this war was to expect, well, too-much.

We seriously believe that things might have been a bit different if the RGV counted even a small number of Jewish residents. There are some. But it simply does not have enough by a longshot. Palestinians? Where?

Honestly, I sort of expected some show of either support or protest. By young people, I mean. The same young people who have taken to driving in convoys bearing flaming-red Donald Trump flags and honking at every blue vehicle.

Didn't happen.

No, Maria, the Valley was busy with other things and duties and responsibilities. They were likely making plans with friends and family to go get a bite for dinner.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure...


WAR:...Day 5...No Let-Up ...1,200 Jews Killed...900 Palestinians...U.S. In It...



McALLEN, Texas | Day 5. Mission underway. Angered Israel out to obliterate Palestine. That's the headline racing across the world this morning. The news is bad for Palestinians, today's political punching bag. But is also women and children being murdered.

Murder, cause that's what war is.

There are no winners, as always. We feel for the Jewish people. They were attacked. Now they are attacking. There are no immediate answers.

This from [ More than 1,200 Israelis and 900 Palestinians have been killed, thousands have been injured, and thousands of others have been displaced in fighting that comes after a year of escalating violence in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

At least 14 Americans were killed in the Hamas attack, President Biden said on Tuesday. U.S. citizens are also among the hostages Hamas is holding in Gaza.

At least 20 Americans were still missing, the White House said earlier.

The World Health Organization is calling for a humanitarian corridor to allow supplies and aid to get into Gaza as Israel continues its heavy bombardment on the enclave in response to the Hamas attack.

Israel cut electricity and blocked food, fuel and other supplies from getting into Gaza after declaring a "complete siege" of the enclave, which had already been under a strict Israeli blockade, supported by Egypt, for 16 years. The Rafah crossing into Egypt closed on Tuesday due to the Israeli raids on Gaza.

Human Rights Watch slammed Israel's "complete siege" as a "call to commit a war crime." HRW has also said the killing of civilians and the taking of hostages constitute a violation of international law and war crimes.

More than 263,900 people have been displaced in Gaza since the war began, the UN humanitarian office said late Tuesday. Many are sheltering in UN-run schools. Several schools have sustained damage from air strikes. ]

There is no let-up. Israel may have been hit first, but it is making the most out of this opportunity to once and for all rid itself of all things Palestinian. With the full help of the U.S. 

It goes on...


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

TACO TUESDAY:...73-Year-Old Blogger El Jerry Says, "Oops, Tony!"...75-Year-Old Jim Barton Still The Laggard Blogger...Master Baiters...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | Two weeks after folding in that Bizarro slam job on Texas Southmost College and its welding program, Blogger El Jerry McHale, shown above, is fast working a daily self-rehabilitation effort to get back in good graces with the college administrators he dragged through what can honestly be characterized as outhouse spillage.

El Jerry is praising the Holy Hell of all to do with little TSC, the local junior college he never attended, but quickly grew to loathe.

What was it again, days and days of a mauling TSC's administration following a bit of grumbling by welding students who crowed long & hard that their certificates were worthless and not recognized by the, ahem, prestigious American Welding Society? Oh, and Mac, The Knife also went after the camouflage-attired welding program's director, noting breathlessly that the dude - egads!!! - carried a gun on campus.

Geez, Louise. What became of all of that? We've waited for either the college to respond or the sky to fall. Neither has - or will - happen.

But 73-year-old El Jerry has come around to praising TSC Chair Adela Garza and TSC Trustee Tony Zavaleta - two faces of the college known pretty much to everyone in town and two people who are not about to forgive careless/sloppy blogger El Jerry. I mean, he assigned the nickname of "Zit" to respected Zavaleta! What might he have said about Adela Garza in private, or while table-hopping for friendship at Cobbleheads?

Any news to report, El Jerry?

Well, yes. Yesterday, he posted a generous piece with this headline: "TSC NEARS ONE CENTURY OF A GLORIOUS TRADITION!!!"

We're inspired to call him and ask, "With or without the Welding Recital, El Jerry?"

His personality is such that he'll wipe it off his Old Coot brain after a few beers and hope that people in the city and at the college do, as well.

That's the drill with these low-flying bloggers: Make a mess and move on...


Well, it wasn't just El Jerry. Slapdash Backbench Blogger Jimmy Barton, shown in file photo above with wife Nena, also had his feet in the still-unresolved TSC fray. Like a salivating groupie, Barton followed every El Jerry anti-TSC post with one of his own, often using wild words to describe the goings-on at the ITEC center, where the welding story lived with The Three Bears.

Barton is an easy mark.

The 75-year-old house husband is a minimum-wage dude who never went to college and, as such, never worked a professional job. We've repeatedly asked him if he even graduated high school, but he never answers. "A GED, Jimmy?" we asked, but, again, no answer. He has written about his many exploits as a grocery store bagger/cashier at some joint known as Glen's Grocery Store on Boca Chica Blvd., as a motel clerk and as a shrimp boat unloader at the Port of Brownsville.

Yeah, that's the heady dude who was ragging degreed college administrators, including Dr. Jesus Rodriguez, the TSC president.

If you check out Barton's blog, you'll notice that he, as well, has been posting pretty positive stuff about TSC. Is it regret? Is it some sort of penitence? Is it an apology. Maybe. But we say the eventual lame backsliding is typical of these two amateurish bloggers. Throw out some dirt at someone you suddenly hate and worry about the makeup kiss later.

Both El Jerry and Jimmy Barton are now kissing TSC ass daily...


Still at it, yes. County employee Jesus Rosas Jr, no relation to Albert Einstein, is hellbent on winning the job of sheriff of Cameron County. Why?

Rosas does not have the face, height or "look" of a sheriff. You look at him in that goofy mustache and used hat and you say to yourself, "No, not that guy." But he's still a candidate, even as actual Sheriff Eric Garza lives the part.

Law crooner Rosas isn't saying much, not even at hearing that Garza is having his campaign signs made and paid for some Gulf City Rollers over in Matamoros, Mexico. Oh, and now Garza is in alleged receipt of a gold-plated pistol, if we're to believe pro-Mexicans Blogger Johnny Montoya.

Rosas seems to be okay with that stuff.

He's saying nothing.

The McAllen Sun is engaging a poll to find out exactly where Rosas stands in the race, which also has a second challenger in 1950s dude Ronnie Saenz.

Get a cowboy hat, Ronnie!

Ha ha ha...


TSC Chair Adela Garza, shown in photo above, is still laughing at Blogger El Jerry McHale and Loose Stool Jimmy Barton after their disastrous and impotent attack on the local junior college. It is being said in college circles that Ms. Garza even joked about not laughing this much since the evening she won her last reelection.

The low-flying bloggers are both home treating their anuses with daily Sitz baths.

Who could blame the lovely Adela for saying, "Those two blogging losers pasted a disgruntled welding student's face on their asses and they're having a tough time getting it off!"

Barton is even trying outside showers.

McHale reads Kafka and The McAllen Sun to see where his wacko/do-nothing lifestyle went wrong and all while in the bathtub moving his gluts to and fro, as recommended by his proctologist.

Nothing more came out of the Welding Recital (trouble within the TSC Welding Program, they bellowed day after day after day!) pumped-up as if a world crisis by the two non-Journalists. It's been more than two weeks, and, well, the story seems to have burned out.

Both are now posting pro-TSC material.

Ja ja ja...


Word has it that a lot of Brownsville women are hitting-up on Google looking for ways to trim the fat. That JELLY ROLL is the bane of the city's sweethearts, according to Google, which logs these things.

Who knows what it means for local men and the future of this luckless border town?

I mean, it's been coming for years and years and years. The thin, in-shape woman is not to be found in Brownsville. And it won't be so long as the local diet is rich in greasy tacos and tamales de puerco.

Name me one man who tells his Brownsville woman what she can and cannot eat.

Tick tock, tick tock.

I'm waiting.

Ha ha ha...


Bumbling Blogger El Jerry McHale seems to be telling his readers he's back in good graces with Texas Southmost College Trustee Tony Zavaleta after dragging him thru trailer park effluent for weeks, this after El Jerry took complaints about the college's welding program from a few disgruntled students.

That's El Jerry in blue shirt above, with Zavaleta in the background.

There is, however, no word from aggrieved Zavaleta that he, indeed, has mended fences with the ever-lying blogger.

Not one word.

El Jerry, who will be 74 years old in December, has no friends and a life that without blogging would be no life at all.

Oh, and by the way, we checked on his claim to have played football at Sacramento State in his home state of California when younger. He didn't.

The school's Sports Information Director told us he could find no record of a Jerry McHale or a Gerald F. McHale ever playing for the school's team. The Sacramento State University Registrar's Office also told us he had never been enrolled there.

Lying Blogger.

Ha ha ha...


Yes, Maria. The weather is turning cooler in Brownsville. Even as it remains as the one Rio Grande Valley City that contributes less and less to border culture, it does enjoy the same cooldown its neighboring cities and towns enjoy.

You can walk downtown streets and feel the change in seasons. Dust is still there, but it is a bit cooler thanks to the environment never ever settling in only on the good and hard-working cities. Brownsville should get nothing, of course.

It is the least-productive city in the Valley, the one settlement with the most unaccomplished, under-performing residents.

You spend any amount of time in rotgut Brownsville and you are handed the Map to Nowhere at the City Limits, there handed to you by a person who looks out of sorts with civilization.

Hey, they tell me Charro Days is coming.

Ja ja ja ja...


The cool & overly-expensive Range Rover is the status symbol in McAllen these days. In Harlingen, it is the utilitarian Ford Bronco.

If you see a car like the one shown in photo above, well, you're in Brownsville.

It is the dumping ground of most of the region's used cars. Dealers take them in trade in neighboring Mexico and then sell them to used car lots in Brownsville, where the market for such vehicles is said to be red-hot.

So, think about that as a potential business for you and your pals.

Used cars or bus shelters, Baby.

That's the ticket.

Ja ja jaja...



So, yeah, get out and enjoy the cooler weather. Drop by your local taqueria and order a warmed-over six-taco plate of the crispy chicken variety.

You can never go wrong with tacos.



SUN RECORDS:...Newsroom Jukebox..."I Saw You First"...

SUN SHORTS:...Stories To Be Told...Some Kind Of Love...



RIO GRANDE CITY, Texas |...For a small place, well, the neighbors said it was a world-full of love, romance that had turned to family and then to history. No one had written it yet, but the word was that the essence of humanity had walked into the old frame house and everywhere inside it, especially when the kids had been kids and in school.

Few of the neighbors knew the family well, and it was the rural postman who served as bearer of news & info from the address at the high-end of the dirt road.

Some said the faithful husband worked far from home, that he only came to see his family on occasional weekends. And they noted somewhat sadly that the loyal wife, a plain-looking woman with broad shoulders and stout legs, did most of the repair work on the property.

Someone told someone who told someone else that he'd seen her busily chopping down a tree and stacking chunks of the trunk, as if for firewood.

The kids played up and down the unpaved road, sometimes with a ball and at others with each other. Playing tag, that stuff that used to be an art, one lost to the kids being raised in the city.

When the postman one day went around saying the family had left the house, no one did more than momentarily raise an eyebrow. What do you say about neighbors you do not know? Nothing, of course. Like the old house that would remain abandoned and ultimately decay, the family that had lived in it was just a fading memory.

But there had to be love there, even if it was the barest of love, for it's a known fact that a house that becomes a home needs that, seeks it and, even for a few moments in universal time, gets it...


Monday, October 9, 2023

WAR:...Not Quite 9/11 or Pearl Harbor For Israel...More Like Vietnam...



McALLEN, Texas | Some are calling the surprise attack on Israel as the country's 9/11 and others are comparing it to the attack on our Pearl Harbor. Truth be told, it is more like just another day in Vietnam during that conflict.

Israel and Palestine have been at it for a bit more than seven decades, since Israel gained statehood on May 14, 1948.

Fighting - bombs and missiles - has been a part of this relationship that long. Neighbors at each other's neck, occasional peace talks, but never the solution.

So far, in Day 3 of the war, more than 1,100 people have been killed by both sides and an untold number taken hostage by Hamas terrorists based in Palestine.

As always, it is the people of Gaza catching the Hell from a massive Israeli counterattack.

This from [ The death toll surged to almost 1,100 since Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its massive surprise attack on Israel with a barrage of rockets and a large-scale ground assault, officials on both sides said on Sunday, October 8.

The conflict's worst escalation in decades has claimed more than 600 lives on the Israeli side, the government press office said, while Gaza officials reported at least 370 deaths, with thousands more wounded on each side. Thousands of Israeli forces were deployed to battle holdout Hamas fighters in the south and the air force again pounded targets in the Gaza Strip as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of a "long and difficult" war ahead.

Gun battles raged in towns and on highways as the Israeli army sought to secure desert regions near the coastal enclave, rescue Israeli hostages and evacuate all areas near Gaza within 24 hours.

"We'll reach each and every community until we kill every terrorist in Israel," vowed military spokesman Daniel Hagari, a day after hundreds of Hamas fighters launched their shock offensive and surged into Israel using vehicles, boats and even motorized paragliders. ]

The strife is not knew.

But there are a few new angles. One has Iran working feverishly to arm Hamas. Another has the Saudis engaging Israel in an effort to avoid a complete wipeout of Palestine, as most Israeli right-wing politicians have suggested.

Again, many, many civilians will pay the ultimate price. Numerous bombings will mean complete destruction of Palestine neighborhoods, schools and hospital included. That has to date been the second part of the attack equation. Launch firepower, wait on a response from the Jewish state and then a sort out things a bit begore calling for a cease fire that signals not an end to the region's turmoil but just that, a pause.

This "war" is just another day for both the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Tomorrow guarantees nothing but another day of Jewish oppression for Palestine and fear and kidnapping for the Israelis.

For its part, the U.S. has dispatched a carrier task force to the region.

It's just a show of force and support for Israel. Again, not a solution...


STEAMY SUN ROMANCE: ..."Love Minus Zero"...



HARLINGEN, Texas:...Cool Carlos Ramirez had been a big fan of Bob Dylan's music since his freshman year days at Harlingen High School. The Texan forever saw himself as the dude behind the song.

And when he met perky Clara Gonzalez that one Friday night when the Cardinals beat the snot out of Brownsville Lopez High, 77-0, he took her by the hand, walked her to his truck and said sit there and listen to this song. A CD of Bob's Greatest Hits followed them to the town's Dairy Queen, where a confident Carlos asked Clara to be his girl for the rest of their senior year in school.

He could - and would - hug her tightly, as if dancing at the Mexican bar across town, where the women knew the score.

When the Cardinals went on a district tear, the two celebrated by driving out to the desolate cotton fields and angling-in to park in a secluded, dimly-lit spot for an excitable round of perspiration-driven lovemaking. As per their agreement, and because Clara worked at a 7-11 convenience store, Clara brought the condoms.

She thought it corny that he would bring a somewhat beaten blow-up mattress and air pump for the pickup's bed, where they first rested on their backs to stare at the high sky's stars and then got on with the body-grinding at hand.

Always, Carlos played his Dylan CD.

When the schoolyear ended, both agreed the romance had left the love balloon. Clara went on to college at Texas Tech in Lubbock and Carlos got a steady job at the mall.

They never saw each other again...


SUN SPORTS:...Your Dallas Cowboys Pistol-Whipped In San Fran...42-10...Hey, Dak!...



SAN FRANCISCO | No contest. A beating through and through. Dak Prescott must go. Coach McCarthy outcoached. Cowboy fans fed-up. Season's over.

Yeah, put it out there, lad.

They stunk-up the joint. 49ers in easy 42 to 10 win over Your Dallas Cowboys.

A Cowboys team that openly pointed to Sunday’s showdown against the undefeated San Francisco 49ers for revenge from past failures and as a measuring stick for how far they have come bit off a little more than it could chew at Levi’s Stadium.

Son, it simply was no contest from start to the finish as the 49ers led 21-7 at halftime and were happily up 42-10 in the fourth quarter when quarterback Dak Prescott was benched after throwing his third interception in the second half.

Frisco went to 5-0 with the win; Dallas fell to 3-2.

Next year: Super Bowl for Da Boys!

Ha ha ha...


Sunday, October 8, 2023

PICTORIAL:...War Is Hell... Again, Jews and Palestinians Get Their Bloody Taste...



McALLEN, Texas | The killing is still going on today, Day Two of the stunning attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists and the counterattack by the Jews on Palestine. Civilians are paying the price. This is not a military-on-military brawl; this is outright murder of the innocent.

We offer a pictorial of the grief, the fear and the battles...








There is nothing brave about attacking civilians. And it'll be worse for the Palestinians, as more-advanced Israel launches missiles and bombs into defenseless cities and towns in hopes of hitting the Hamas terrorist cells.

The body count nears 1,000 for both sides - the overwhelming number of those being civilians far from the political bullshit that straps these two countries down.

Almost eight decades now...
