Sunday, October 8, 2023

PICTORIAL:...War Is Hell... Again, Jews and Palestinians Get Their Bloody Taste...



McALLEN, Texas | The killing is still going on today, Day Two of the stunning attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists and the counterattack by the Jews on Palestine. Civilians are paying the price. This is not a military-on-military brawl; this is outright murder of the innocent.

We offer a pictorial of the grief, the fear and the battles...








There is nothing brave about attacking civilians. And it'll be worse for the Palestinians, as more-advanced Israel launches missiles and bombs into defenseless cities and towns in hopes of hitting the Hamas terrorist cells.

The body count nears 1,000 for both sides - the overwhelming number of those being civilians far from the political bullshit that straps these two countries down.

Almost eight decades now...


1 comment:

  1. is anyone getting along these days? Seems like every country has an enemy! And we're only making more for ourselves every damned day! Enough!!!!!!


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