Sunday, October 8, 2023

WAR:...Bibi Netanyahu Caught Off-Guard...Israelis Pay The Price...Hundreds Dead...



McALLEN, Texas | Bibi Netanyahu asked for it. Yesterday, he got it. The Israeli prime minister has been busy dismantling his national judicial system and ignoring the dangerous problem next door - terrorists in Palestine.

How many dead, Bibi?

The terrorist group Hamas took advantage of Bibi's distraction and rained Hell on the unprepared Jewish state. What now, the world asks of America's land-based "carrier" in the untamed Middle East. The U.S. hands Israel some $150 billion in bilateral assistance.

And Netanyahu, a conservative in the mold of American Donald J. Trump, sticks to his anti-Democracy plans.

The U.S., meanwhile, was checking on the rumored deaths of some Americans in the line of fire. 

This excerpt from [ Hamas stunned the world when it launched a surprise air, land and sea attack against cities across Israel in the most serious incursion against the country in decades. The Israeli military retaliated with heavy bombardment against the besieged Gaza Strip.

At least 600 Israelis and 370 Palestinians have died in fighting that comes after a year of escalating violence in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

Fighting continued in several areas of Israel on Sunday, with Israeli authorities announcing they would evacuate some towns near the border with Gaza in the next 24 hours.

More than 20,000 people were seeking shelter in dozens of schools in densely populated Gaza where movement is highly restricted, according to the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA). Hezbollah and Israel exchanged fire after the Lebanese militant group fired rockets into northern Israel.

The conflict is unfolding amidst a deep political crisis in Israel over the Netanyahu government's judicial overhaul, which has weakened the country's military, economy and society. ]

Yeah, bang the drum slowly one more time. It's been going on for years, and it won't stop anytime soon.

This is exactly what happens, Bibi, when you isolate an entire group of people, walling them out to the sea. Palestine is a hotbed of terrorists, but who can blame them when, as a country of slingshots and arrows, it is hounded and oppressed by a neighbor with the fanciest of weapons, most supplied by the U.S.

We're not sanctioning the wanton killing of Jews, but we, again, question Israel's stronghanded approach toward the Palestinians.

The abuse and punishment is somewhat similar to what the Nazis did to the Jews of Germany in World War II.




  1. Totally needless. Jews can also be vicious. Live and let live!

    1. True. And the next phase will be an all-out assault on the Gaza Strip by Israel in a red, white & blue display of some of the most killing weaponry ever made. It's not a fair fight. Israel has a right to defend itself, but they share some of the blame for the region's unrest. Their response will be brutal...

  2. I thought Trump's son-in-law Kushner solved this mess. Didn't he get $2 billion from the Saudis? Haha ha.

  3. Jewish people can be as crazy as all other peoples. They got attacked. They will answer.

  4. Bad news all the way around. We're funding Ukraine and now Israel. Bring that effin money home! help Americans, you dumbasses!

  5. Netanyahu is a yahoo. He's hated even in Israel, where he routinely breaks the law and gets away with it. Loser.

  6. Jews can be as heartless as the Nazis were against them. We all know that. Palestinians are going to pay a heavy price. U.S. should stay out of it. No American soldiers on the ground. That would only inflame things even more.


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