Friday, October 13, 2023

PICKING SIDES:...Jews Have It Over Palestinians In This Country...Both Should Exist...



McALLEN, Texas | I guess we're for Israel. I mean, I'm all anti-terrorist here, but it would piss me off to see children murdered at will if and when that Israeli invasion leaves Palestine in absolute ruins. Kill the terrorists, all of them. Leave the children alone.

Taking sides is the American Way, isn't it?

The well-known people you see in the photo posted above have all signed a letter in support of Israel. Well, good. I'd sign it, too.

But that support for Life also goes to innocent Palestinians who have weathered a motherlode of crap from the Israelis for almost seven decades. Yes, Hamas uses Palestine in the Gaza as its base of hostile operations toward the Jews next door. They should all be killed. No mercy for Hamas, not here.

And while we're at it, why do pro-Israel Americans get a fuckin' break in the protest aisle? There are some good people in Palestine. What about them? Who will say a word for them in this country?

When students at Harvard University signed a letter condemning Israel not for being angry but for keeping electricity, food and fuel out of Palestine, a truck bearing their names and faces and calling them antisemites barreled into town. Some major CEO further asked other major CEOs to record the names of the students. I suppose that went to future job prospects for them.

Right-wing news media also went after the students, forcing the university to pad security.

It's not a balanced response we offer. Favoring one or the other, however, is also who we are, and have always been. Our conflict in Vietnam brought forth support and damnation. World War II against Germany, Italy and Japan, saw the U.S. place Japanese-Americans in camps. Italian-Americans and German-Americans were not, for some reason. Okay.

Like I said, we pick sides.

It's never a pretty sight, forever the microscope putting our prejudices in full public display.

American Jews don't care. They're going to side by the Motherland no matter what, and that's fine. But Palestinians in this country and elsewhere in the world also have the right to stand up for their side.

Bombs and bullets will unfortunately settle this.

Bombs and bullets don't pick sides...don't distinguish between adults and children...



  1. Jews control the news media. I have heard that for years.

  2. It's like if the US invaded and bombed the HELL out of Mexico to get at the drug cartels!

    1. Yeah, that brings it home. Your observation is dead-on, no pun intended...

  3. Palestinians need to blame Hamas as Hamas are terrorist who have used the people of Palestine as their human shields while knowing all along their only goal is to kill Jews.


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