Saturday, October 14, 2023

EDUCATION:...Republican Gov. Greg Abbott Schemes To Defund Texas Public Schools ...Dude's A Vouchers Fan...



AUSTIN, Texas | He's not exactly the poster boy for "Give Up," so Republican Gov. Greg Abbott messing with public schools yet again is no surprise. What's with this Texan anyway? Oh, he wants "vouchers" to help parents grab their kids out of public schools and enroll them in private ones.

Again, we see it as a "White Thang."

He's been at it a few years, forever inching closer to his dream of perhaps seeing All-White school districts, too. Once, they tried all-boys and all-girls schools. Back when they saw too much interracial dating between Black boys and white girls. That came and went, but they tried it.

If we 're wrong, we're wrong, but we think not.

This excerpt from [ The Texas Senate passed a controversial bill earlier this week that would give state money to parents to spend on private schools, supporting Governor Greg Abbott's long-held pledge to push for "school choice" for Texan families.

For months now, the Republican governor has been rallying to pass a measure that would allow parents to decide "which education option is best" for their kids by giving them enough money to take the children out of public school.

While the kind of measure Abbott has been pushing for has been criticized by many, including teachers, who accused him of trying to defund public schools and run them to the ground, the Republican governor said, "nothing could be further from the truth."

"It's just factually incorrect," he said without laughing, as reported by Fox 26 Houston in April. "Per-student funding for public schools is at an all-time high and this session we are going to add even more money for public education, as well as teacher pay rises." ]

Parents and educators beg to differ with the governor who seems to look for - and find - every divisive issue available these days.

Is he saying our public schools have failed? Under his watch?

Abbott rarely takes responsibility for the odd things that come out of his policies. We expect no retreat from this Texan.

As always, it's about who's in power at the State Legislators, and for now it is the Republicans who seem to endorse all Abbott says and does.

This isn't about the children; it's about raw politics.

You have to wonder why teachers and school administrators are against Abbott's plan...



  1. I'm tired of this guy. Abbott has done nothing positive. It's always some political move or another, never about governing for all Texans. When will it end?

  2. My wife is a teacher and she says school districts will definitely lose funds if students are not enrolled in the respective schools. So if a lot of them leave, it will place ISD's in a helluva financial crunch. That will be followed by teacher layoffs!


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