Sunday, October 15, 2023

ELECTIONS 2024:...Political Termites Chase Republican Mayra Flores...She'll Easily Win Party Primary...



McALLEN, Texas | Well, it's the familiar run for the roses and a forced march to 2024. Not so good political candidates are coming out of the woodwork again, some from fast-rotting pieces of South Texas dead wood.

Ann Marie Torres, shown in photo above, is the latest to seek the Republican Party's 34th Congressional District nomination for that challenge to well-heeled incumbent Democrat Vicente Gonzalez's seat.

Ms. Torres has little experience, although perhaps some other pundit would raise the value of serving on the - ahem - dusty Kingsville City Commission. Kingsville, yeah.

Oh, well. She knows she's not alone, not with fellow newbie Mauro Garza and even greener Greg Kunkle also seeking to beat toughie Mayra Flores in the party's March Primary. Good luck with that, kids.

Ms. Flores, it says, will win the nomination, and win it convincingly - thanks to all-out support from the Republican National Committee

We at The McAllen Sun have ignored Kunkle (shown in photo below) because we feel he's going nowhere in this contest.

But this is an excerpt from a report on Ms. Torres published by The McAllen Monitor: [ In her campaign announcement, Torres says she has "a strong background as an Army Retired veteran who served in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom." She said she aims to bring "true representation" to the district and become the first woman who is a veteran to run in the March primary.

Torres was born and raised in Kingsville and she said she has a "deep-rooted connection" to the community and a "sharp vision for its future."

The campaign announcement does not elaborate on her vision.

"With her extensive military experience, she brings a unique perspective and commitment to serving the people of District 34 at the national level," the campaign announcement states. "Torres passionately believes that now is the time for change and that the district deserves a strong voice in the nation’s capital."

She doesn't explain what kind of change she believes is necessary. ]

We tire of hearing or reading blah, blah, blah platitudes of this sorts. Ms. Torres is likely a well-mannered and contributing resident of sleepy Kingsville, but, to us, she is woefully unprepared for what she would face in today's Washington, D.C., which brings us full-circle to Mayra Flores.

She's more than ready for the current craziness in the nation's capital.

She's mastered the art of raising your voice and letting go punches and counterpunches when in debates or speaking to the press. You don't throw stuff at Mayra Flores and see it bounce off her shoes. She'll fire right back; it's her style and personality.

In this vein, Kunkle is zero and Ann Marie Torres is less than zero.

The third aspirant, Mauro Garza, is unimpressive. His is the look of a gas station attendant of the 1960s, a South Texas Mexican-American who simply acts and talks like too many regional slackers of his ethnic group.

Mayra Flores would chew him up and spit him out, with extreme prejudice.

You kinda know at this point that wild dogs would not fare well against Mayra Flores.

Political termites even worse...



  1. Zingers all over the place. But these candidates are not experienced. That's true. We need serious candidates of the Old School variety. I know I do.

  2. Often, you see candidates given the benefit of the doubt. We "get real" real quick-like. Our many years of newswriting experience gives us a handy roadmap for gauging these rookie candidates. We have seen our share of Great Pretenders, yes...

  3. Dude with the rifle is a huge no-no. Just my opinion.

  4. To the anonymous commenter who sent us a profanity-laced comment complaining about not seeing 34th Congressional District Republican candidate Laura E. Cisneros in our story: We fully believe she is wasting her time and is apparently being strung along by a Brownsville blogger who may have sold her an advertising campaign. Ms. Cisneros was a Democrat up until last November. She has zero political experience; hence, we frankly do not see a competitive path for her at all. We further suspect that she will drop out even before the primary...(FYI: Comments arriving dressed in profanity are summarily rejected)...

  5. Is Kunkle a veteran? Looks squirrely AF.

    1. Not a Vietnam vet, that's for sure. Squirrel.


Have your say, but refrain from personal attacks and profanity...