Sunday, October 15, 2023

WAR:...For Palestine, A Calm Before The Wanton Slaughter ...It's Revenge...It's The End Of A Nation...It's Been Coming For Decades...



McALLEN, Texas | The so-called Big Military Push is coming to the Gaza Strip. Angry Israelis are in an Africanized Honey Bee state of mind, ready to sting and keep stinging the Palestinians and their Hamas population.

Already, scenes of utter destruction (see photo above) can be readily had on the Internet, from a wide variety of websites to do with news, mainstream and otherwise.

What to make of what's coming?

You can make a case that Israel will go all-out to destroy everything we have come to know as Palestine in the Gaza Strip. It is said to already have amassed as many as 300,000 soldiers on the border with the Gaza, north and southern ends, ahead of an invasion.

As reported in one of its Sunday articles: [ "...the outlook leaves a bitter taste. Under blockade since 2007 and bombed regularly, the Palestinian territory became a volcano. At dawn on October 7, it erupted. Covered by salvoes of rockets, more than a thousand armed men from Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement that has ruled the territory since 2006, broke through the fortified fence that separates it from Israel.

The infiltrators poured into neighboring Jewish villages in pick-up trucks, motorcycles and even paragliders, wreaking havoc as they went. At least 1,300 people were killed, the vast majority civilians, and at least 120 others were kidnapped, according to the Israeli army. It's the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. ]

That last sentence is enough to fuel an overwhelming run of support for the Jewish state. Americans have responded, some in Congress wasting no words in condemning the attack.

The president, as could be expected, focused on Hamas and its terroristic ways, saying the U.S. would side by Israel. To what extent we do not as yet know. Two powerful carrier task forces are now in the neighboring Mediterranean Sea, presumably there to support Israel and also to dissuade any would-be action by other countries sympathetic to Palestine, like by Iran, for one.

It's a horrible bad omen for the civilians of Palestine who quickly saw Israel shut down its food, water and fuel supplies. A deadline was given for evacuation, only the Palestinians really had no place to go. A once-open crossing into Egypt was bombed by the Israelis, even as the Egyptians were saying they could not take refugees.

That all-out assault by the Israelis is said to coming this week.

The fight is really an uneven one, as Israel has pretty much every advanced weapon and smaller, poorer Palestine hardly any.

Towns and cities will be bombed into oblivion and, well, who knows what the eventual casualty number will be? It's war. War is Hell. How will Israel decide which Palestinian lives, and which one dies? Could the Israelis live with the total extermination of Gaza's population?

We know this: Hell is coming to Palestine.

The idea that Israel could ever rid itself of Palestine in one fell swoop was not part of any discussion anywhere two weeks ago. There had even been reports that Saudi Arabia wished to broker a lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

No one talked of a full-fledged war

Today, right or wrong, that seems to be what's coming...



  1. Israel can expect some blowback when the photos of dead women, the elderly and children go worldwide. Fact.

    1. It will not end well for both sides. Killing is getting old. Civilization must win. jmho

  2. You have to avenge the murders of your people. But don't mess with kids. Israel will lose that P.R. fight.


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