Thursday, October 12, 2023

CONGRESS:..."David Duke Without The Baggage" Gets Speaker's Nod In House Of Representatives....



McALLEN, Texas | The guy who once described himself as KKK Grand Wizard "David Duke without the baggage" is now in line to become speaker of the House of Representatives. That would be one Steve Scalise, shown in photo above.

The congressman from Louisiana got the early vote, but he's not in yet as the replacement for ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

This from [ House Majority Leader Steve Scalise has won the GOP’s nod to become the next speaker, completing a decade-long climb up the ranks of Republican leadership.

But it remains unclear whether he can muster the votes needed to win the speakership on the floor, given the Republicans' tiny margin of control and the deep rifts in the GOP conference.

The shifty Louisianan defeated Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in a secret-ballot vote on Wednesday, winning 113 to 99, according to multiple people briefed on the results.

The GOP’s half-day election, though, does little to answer the question on the mind of virtually every Republican in the room: how to unite a highly fractured party - and quickly.

He must now win near-unanimous support on the House floor to win the gavel. That means losing no more than four of his own Republican members - a difficult task when several ardent Jordan supporters, including Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) and Max Miller (R-Ohio), are already vowing to back the Ohioan on the floor and not Scalise. ]

Today may bring us closer to a decision.

The House is essentially down without a figurehead leader...



  1. Where's his white hood? ha ha ha

  2. You did not do your research. Various fact check groups cannot verify much of what you are saying, beyond he did attend a White Supremacist conference. He claims he did not know who they were. Fine, so he is saying he just goes to any group without vetting them. This is not the kind of person I want third in line to the White House.

    1. Well, go read this at Time magazine. It will change your mind:

    2. We do check our sources and now direct you to a second one:


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