Wednesday, October 11, 2023

WAR:...Day 5...No Let-Up ...1,200 Jews Killed...900 Palestinians...U.S. In It...



McALLEN, Texas | Day 5. Mission underway. Angered Israel out to obliterate Palestine. That's the headline racing across the world this morning. The news is bad for Palestinians, today's political punching bag. But is also women and children being murdered.

Murder, cause that's what war is.

There are no winners, as always. We feel for the Jewish people. They were attacked. Now they are attacking. There are no immediate answers.

This from [ More than 1,200 Israelis and 900 Palestinians have been killed, thousands have been injured, and thousands of others have been displaced in fighting that comes after a year of escalating violence in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

At least 14 Americans were killed in the Hamas attack, President Biden said on Tuesday. U.S. citizens are also among the hostages Hamas is holding in Gaza.

At least 20 Americans were still missing, the White House said earlier.

The World Health Organization is calling for a humanitarian corridor to allow supplies and aid to get into Gaza as Israel continues its heavy bombardment on the enclave in response to the Hamas attack.

Israel cut electricity and blocked food, fuel and other supplies from getting into Gaza after declaring a "complete siege" of the enclave, which had already been under a strict Israeli blockade, supported by Egypt, for 16 years. The Rafah crossing into Egypt closed on Tuesday due to the Israeli raids on Gaza.

Human Rights Watch slammed Israel's "complete siege" as a "call to commit a war crime." HRW has also said the killing of civilians and the taking of hostages constitute a violation of international law and war crimes.

More than 263,900 people have been displaced in Gaza since the war began, the UN humanitarian office said late Tuesday. Many are sheltering in UN-run schools. Several schools have sustained damage from air strikes. ]

There is no let-up. Israel may have been hit first, but it is making the most out of this opportunity to once and for all rid itself of all things Palestinian. With the full help of the U.S. 

It goes on...



  1. Humans are blood-thirsty SOBs. fact.

  2. Nobody wins. Just innocent people killed for politics. JMHO

  3. Hamas is the enemy, not Palestinian people. But they're killing them all. When will it end is my question.

  4. There is something of a backlash to pro-Palestinian sentiment in this country. (Not pro-Hamas, no) Even in Congress, where several have criticized the ongoing, heavy-handed Jewish response. They forget that we're an immigrant country and even those of Palestinian (or Arab) descent get to have a voice here. It's why we call ours a "representative" form of government, isn't it?...

    1. We've always defended Israel. maybe that's why. I agree on it being murder because it is. Just saying.

  5. U.S. is sending weapons everywhere in the world! Who's paying for it? Our national debt is outtasight!!! STOP!!!


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