Monday, October 9, 2023

WAR:...Not Quite 9/11 or Pearl Harbor For Israel...More Like Vietnam...



McALLEN, Texas | Some are calling the surprise attack on Israel as the country's 9/11 and others are comparing it to the attack on our Pearl Harbor. Truth be told, it is more like just another day in Vietnam during that conflict.

Israel and Palestine have been at it for a bit more than seven decades, since Israel gained statehood on May 14, 1948.

Fighting - bombs and missiles - has been a part of this relationship that long. Neighbors at each other's neck, occasional peace talks, but never the solution.

So far, in Day 3 of the war, more than 1,100 people have been killed by both sides and an untold number taken hostage by Hamas terrorists based in Palestine.

As always, it is the people of Gaza catching the Hell from a massive Israeli counterattack.

This from [ The death toll surged to almost 1,100 since Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its massive surprise attack on Israel with a barrage of rockets and a large-scale ground assault, officials on both sides said on Sunday, October 8.

The conflict's worst escalation in decades has claimed more than 600 lives on the Israeli side, the government press office said, while Gaza officials reported at least 370 deaths, with thousands more wounded on each side. Thousands of Israeli forces were deployed to battle holdout Hamas fighters in the south and the air force again pounded targets in the Gaza Strip as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of a "long and difficult" war ahead.

Gun battles raged in towns and on highways as the Israeli army sought to secure desert regions near the coastal enclave, rescue Israeli hostages and evacuate all areas near Gaza within 24 hours.

"We'll reach each and every community until we kill every terrorist in Israel," vowed military spokesman Daniel Hagari, a day after hundreds of Hamas fighters launched their shock offensive and surged into Israel using vehicles, boats and even motorized paragliders. ]

The strife is not knew.

But there are a few new angles. One has Iran working feverishly to arm Hamas. Another has the Saudis engaging Israel in an effort to avoid a complete wipeout of Palestine, as most Israeli right-wing politicians have suggested.

Again, many, many civilians will pay the ultimate price. Numerous bombings will mean complete destruction of Palestine neighborhoods, schools and hospital included. That has to date been the second part of the attack equation. Launch firepower, wait on a response from the Jewish state and then a sort out things a bit begore calling for a cease fire that signals not an end to the region's turmoil but just that, a pause.

This "war" is just another day for both the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Tomorrow guarantees nothing but another day of Jewish oppression for Palestine and fear and kidnapping for the Israelis.

For its part, the U.S. has dispatched a carrier task force to the region.

It's just a show of force and support for Israel. Again, not a solution...



  1. The Jews don't want the Palestinians there. But it's their land, so.........................

  2. And Israel has built how many Border Walls?

  3. Civilians dying for this? They're used as shields in Palestine and the Jews believe they are always protected by that American anti-missile system. And then the Hamas terrorists showed up in paragliders? To kill civilians, not soldiers. This has gone on too long.

  4. According to the NY Times, Israel's Defense Minister says there will be "no food, no, fuel, no water, no electricity" for Palestinians in Palestine. Yeah, civilians always get the worst of it. We're damning HAMAS for this attack, not the people of Palestine. You kill a child and you're writing your ticket to Hell. Jews, too...

  5. It's just the latest chapter. People are dying for stupid, cheap politics. jmho


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