Monday, July 24, 2023

The Long & Interesting Paean To Bus Shelters...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | It comes around as if aboard some of the quietest Gulf of Mexico winds, always about the time this city is itching to forget it even is an issue. Local Blogger Juan Montoya's biting song to his neighbors is one of doing for the poor, for those necessitous, aging souls apparently only he can see.

Old in Brownsville really means "gone," as in dead. And there are many here, perhaps more than in any other Rio Grande Valley city or town - an aging population often shunned off to the side of society's main road by the city's better-off burghers. 

Don't bug City Hall for their needs.

Montoya, by all accounts not a wealthy man himself, plays his well-known song often and leads with references to the lack of bus shelters here, his lyrics arriving in the form of soulful photos showing old women waiting, waiting under an intense sun, waiting out in the open, no shelter in sight.

The blogger is a relatively old man himself, said to be in the 67-68 years of age range. He knows. He has eyes and ears to see and hear the elderly laments, the words of need, of pain, the sounds of despair. There is, he also likely knows, no tortilla to soothe that depression moving ever-so-slowly across an old woman's lower belly.

Can you hear the soft sobbing at dinnertime.

We suspect that Juan Montoya (shown in photo below, at right) has a special ear for these people, for the poor in town.

Brownsville has never come through for Montoya's people, the ones he writes about and defends. City Hall has other things to do. Its occupants are younger people. They don't really care, nor should anyone expect them to. The world revolves for the active, never the bedbound. Brownsville's elderly should be glad blogger Montoya is still around. No other local blogger - and no, not even the once-daily mainstream newspaper - seems to care about bus shelters, for one, as much as Montoya cares.

Sing the song again, Juan.

Pluck those acoustic guitar strings and sing it loud. Sing it proud. All of your pals at City Hall, guys and gals you've helped gain office, have done nothing for your top issue. Work those chord frets and drop that pick heavy onto the strings. Make them hear words and music they don't want to hear. Second verse, same as the first.

The old women and children still stand out there, waiting, waiting for the slow-moving bus to pull-up and open its door, waiting in killing heat and humidity.

Songs come and go. Troubadours fade.

Not this one, not Juan Montoya.

He's wanting to see a few, new bus shelters out there before he dies.

But it's tough getting old in Brownsville...miserably, yes...


War Comes Home:...Moscow Hit By Drones...



McALLEN, Texas | Action in that Russian invasion of Ukraine had drones slamming into Moscow high-rise buildings this morning. It was the second time Ukraine had attacked the Russian capital city (see photo of latest drone attack above).

As the war drags into its 17th month, Ukraine has stepped up its domestic defenses while also targeting neighboring Russia.

This from this morning: [ Ukrainian intelligence claimed responsibility for a targeted drone attack on Moscow early Monday, according to an official, as the Kremlin launched a barrage of strikes on the southern port city of Odesa amid intensified cross-border attacks from Russian and Ukrainian forces.

Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence, an arm of the Ministry of Defense, says it carried out a drone attack on Moscow early Monday morning, a Defense Intelligence official told CNN. The Kremlin said that all the drones targeting the Russian capital had been neutralized, in what Russian authorities described as a "thwarted" attack. ]

Thwarted or not, the attack has Moscow on full alert.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said Ukrainian drones struck two non-residential buildings in Moscow, though no casualties or serious damage was reported.

One of the drones fell near the headquarters of Russia's Defense Ministry, per the Associated Press.

Other reports say Russian leader Vladimir Putin has ordered a massive, all-out assault on Kyiv, Ukraine's capital city in retaliation.

Western observers note that the war has actually slowed down in the past few weeks, following a brief insurgency by Moscow's front-line mercenaries, the Wagner warriors. Earlier, Russia had protested Ukraine's use of the so-called "Cluster bomb," which it said were supplied by the U.S., which they were.

No mention of injuries at the drone bomb site came from Russian officials...


National Football League Season Is Here...



McALLEN, Texas | Most National Football League squads report for training camp today, the beginning of the 2023 regular season. Some are pasting their eyes on the Women's World Cup, real men are antsy for Macho, third & long football.

This from the NFL front office: [ The unofficial beginning to the 2023 NFL season will occur in late July as the league's 32 teams begin reporting for training camps. For many clubs, it's a point that can mark peak optimism - unsullied records, catastrophic injuries typically at a minimal threshold, and the expected contributions of incoming free agents and rookies very often framed with optimization.

So if you're eager to head out and see your favorite team (or teams) or are maybe planning a cross-country trip in that rented Winnebago, the following is a key list of dates to note as it pertains to summer football:

July 19: First full-squad team reports for training camp (Jets).

July 26: Final full-squad team reports for training camp (Steelers).

August 3: Hall of Fame Game, Jets vs. Browns at Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium in Canton, Ohio.

August 10-13: Preseason, Week 1.

August 17-21: Preseason, Week 2.

August 24-27: Preseason, Week 3.

August 29: Deadline to reduce rosters to 53 players per team.

August 30: Deadline to claim players waived after roster cutdowns. Teams can begin signing up to 16 players apiece to practice squads.

September 3: All training camps must be concluded.

September 7: Regular-season kickoff game, Lions at Chiefs at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. ]


It's on!

Forget the soul-killing summer heat. Ah, the smell of football in the air. It's enough to rejuvenate you!

No, we're not Dallas Cowboys fans*, so that's the only mention of Da Boys you'll see here, for now.

Stay tuned. This season's start is one we need, if only to take our mind off the planet's hottest, freakin' summer in decades.

Let's go, Jets! (They have ex-Packers great Aaron Rodgers at QB this year)...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...*Okay, okay, We did select a lead photo of the RGV-loving Cowboys for this post. There it is atop the page. Happy now?...]

Sunday, July 23, 2023

A State Trooper Cites Cruelty At The Border...



McALLEN, Texas | The note from the Texas state trooper was one of those profiles in courage. We say that because the trooper could have just looked the other way, as most troopers nearby were doing. But he'd seen the carnage being cause by razor wire Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered placed along the U.S. side of the Rio Grande.

"I truly believe in the mission of Operation Lone Star; I believe we have stepped over a line into the inhumane," trooper Nicholas Wingate wrote to a Dept. of Public Safety sergeant. "We need to operate it correctly in the eyes of God. We need to recognize that these are people who are made in the image of God and need to be treated as such."

At his feet were desperate women with children bearing ripped skin, bloody scratches running up and down arms as they had tried to get past the indomitable wiring more often than not used in military operations. Abbott's cruel orders had also included the instructions that children be thrown back into the river.

More troopers declined that one.

It is the top story of the day in Austin, Dallas and Houston, major metropolitan cities where the governor's cold-hearted approach is not selling.

Most Texans agree that the border should be monitored; they do not agree with the use of razor-wire or with the idea of grabbing kids and then tossing them back into the river.

Trooper Wingate is a medic with the DPS. He is trained to take care of injuries, but he sets limits on being part of the operation that is causing the injuries.

Abbott, a Republican, has said nothing about the trooper's bold stance, or about whether he will amend his policy. He has never backed-off previous approaches to stemming the tide of migrants wanting to get across the river and into the U.S.

It also is not known whether the "big drop" in migrant apprehensions of late plays into his mental methodology.

Is it amendable based on the extent of the problem or is Abbott whole hog wanting to be the national ogre here? Up to now, during this term in office, the governor has not wavered from a hard-ass approach to a problem on the border he sees as being more "out of control" than it likely is. But that's politics, only some Texans do not want children bleeding as they try to seek asylum, refuge from what their parents left back home, usually crime, few jobs or oppressive governments.

Will Abbott relent?

Will other troopers brave firing by noting the ugly, inhumane side of the governor's policies?

It says here that Abbott will not budge. It is not his children being lacerated.





Pick any one of those words. That's what happening at the northern banks of the Rio Grande. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has to have heard about Trooper Wingate's email to his supervisor. Nothing, however, came back from Abbott in the form of a response... 


Phoenix Is Ablaze, But It Has Bus Shelters. Brownsville? Uh, No...No Cover For You...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | It was last summer that then-Mayor Juan "Trey" Mendez giddily announced the impending arrival of some sorely-needed 30 new bus shelters for city bus routes. Are they out there now, a year later?

Who knows?

Last week, the issue's lone lamenter, local blogger Juan Montoya, posted yet another photo of an old woman waiting for the bus at a stop without shelter from the frying summer heat. Honestly, she looked to be about a half-hour from heat stroke death.

The photograph above shows a woman also suffering the relentless, oppressive, 117-degree heat in desert Phoenix, Arizona, always the National Oven at this time of the year. Only, as you can see, she has some shelter from the sun's killing rays. That's humanitarian, a trait not quite readily available in this luckless bordertown.

Brownsville, Home-Sweet-Home to anywhere between 180,000 and 240,000 residents (internationals from Mexico cloud the actual number), can't seem to get life's little needs right. Bus shelters? I mean, how much does one of those damned things cost?

There are enough city buses and routes to make one believe Olde Brownsville (one of its bus stops shown in photo above) does have an ear for some sort of however-lame mass transportation. Those ears now belong to newly-elected Mayor John Cowen, who apparently is still on some Election Honeymoon, as he has said and done nothing that we could find since ascending to the job.

Harlingen's new dynamic Mayor Norma Sepulveda has given us photo evidence of street repairs, new downtown businesses and generally been pro-active in getting the word out that she's seriously into the job. McAllen's new "walkabout" Mayor Javier Villalobos has been to Mexico mining for business three times of late; this, plus pushing local eateries he seems to favor.

Los Fresnos Mayor Alejandro Flores also keeps busy and front-center on his doings via Facebook. Bakeries, funeral homes, food pantries, you name it. Mayor Flores is into the job.

Brownsville's Cowen seems sedated, perhaps by knowing that a load of his first term still remains and, well, maybe a working philosophy that there's always tomorrow to get things done. Always maƱana in Brownsville. 

Summer's heat is not going away anytime soon.

Build those bus shelters, Brownsville.

Do something!!!...


THIS JUST IN: Mayra Flores A Scion Of Family That Founded Victoria, Texas?...



McALLEN, Texas | Well, her latest claim is to say that she is a direct descendant of the family listed as founders of Victoria, Texas. Who knows about that? We're looking into it, yes..

This is what U.S. Congress candidate Mayra Flores said about it on a Facebook post: [ Growing up my grandparents had no electricity, but I loved going to their ranch and spending weeks with them. I have the best childhood memories with them. I miss our horse rides early and late at night. He raised me to love God and to smile no matter what.

My grandfather name is Martin De LeĆ³n and his family founded Victoria, Texas. ]


And here's what Wikipedia says about the city of Victoria: [ The City of Guadalupe Victoria was founded in 1824 by MartĆ­n De LeĆ³n, a Mexican empresario, in honor of Guadalupe Victoria, the first President of the Republic of Mexico. Victoria was initially part of De LeĆ³n's Colony, which had been founded that same year. By 1834, the town had a population of approximately 300.

During the Texas Revolution, Guadalupe Victoria contributed soldiers and supplies to pro-revolutionary forces. However, after James Fannin was defeated by the Mexican army at the Battle of Coleto, the town was occupied by Mexican forces.

After Santa Anna was defeated at the Battle of San Jacinto, the town's Mexican residents were driven out by Anglo settlers, who renamed it Victoria. ]

Well, there you have it. It's some information, but not enough to confirm what Mayra Flores states as fact. The man in the photo with her is most certainly not the Martin De Leon mentioned in the Wikipedia material.

Miss Flores does not identify him by name. Is that her father? An uncle?

Perhaps she'll release additional info at a later date. We hate to note it, but you never know about truth or fiction with Mayra Flores.

She's offered a few other fibs before, one being that she picked cotton as a youngster. Miss Flores is 37 years old, young enough to not have been needed by cotton growers who by the time she would have been of age to hit the fields, well, they were using machines for the crop harvest.

Still, we'll go along for now and say that, sure, there could possibly be family lineage there.

Miss Flores, a Republican candidate for the 34th Congressional District seat in next year's election, has always proudly claimed the hardscrabble town of Burgos in the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico (right there across the Rio Grande, yes) as her ancestral home...


Saturday, July 22, 2023

SUN RECORDS: Newsroom Bar - "MarĆ­a Bonita"...

From The Swamy, Quote Of The Week...



McALLEN, Texas | It wasn't more than a few weeks ago that he was a nobody in national politics. This week, a poll had him neck-and-neck with spastic Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the 2024 race for The White House.

Smoothie Vivek Ramaswamy, shown in photo above, has now even qualified for the first Republican Party candidate's debate. Who woulda thunk it?

Heh heh.

And the guy is one glib, wealthy Indian-American! Watch out GOP.

This from [ Ramaswamy on Friday took a swipe at the current GOP frontrunner for the party’s nomination, Donald Trump - a tactic he has largely avoided. The candidate claimed Trump may be too polarizing to advance the party’s agenda while at a steakhouse town hall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, according to NBC News.

"Here’s a reality about my friend, Donald Trump," Ramaswamy said. "I respect what he did, but it’s just a fact, it’s not even his fault - 30 percent of this country becomes psychiatrically ill when he’s in the White House." ]


The Swamy is no Ted Cruz out to lick Mar-a-Lago ass. Trump would be wise not to call Ramaswamy's wife "ugly," as he did with the stunningly unfazed Cruz.

All this in a week when DeSantis lost ground in pretty much every national poll. Stories have labeled his campaign as "struggling" and "misguided" and "doomed". Wowzee. Yeah. It may just be that Ramaswamy, who comports himself in a distinctly-Obama manner (well-dressed, well-spoken, quick on the political dig), has grabbed himself some lightning.

I dunno, I dunno.

But I do love that quote about Trump making people ill...


Blame Gil Hinojosa For RGV Hispanics Turning To GOP...



McALLEN, Texas | We're tempted to call it a brain-drain, only some of the candidates involved exhibit little in the way of New Thought. We point the Home Depot flashlight at former Democrats such as political novice Mauro Garza seeking the 34th Congressional District seat or Ricardo "Richard" Alejandro, who desperately wants to be a Cameron County commissioner.

Both turned to the Republican Party for permission to run...and got it, no questions asked.

So did Mayra Flores, a serious favorite to contest for that same 34th Congressional District seat now held by Democrat Vicente Gonzalez. Same for former Cameron County Judge (and ex-Texas Secretary of State) Carlos Cascos.

Oh, and let's not forget gutsy Monica De la Cruz of McAllen, the New Republican who won the 15th Congressional District seat last election. She is shown celebrating her victory in photo below.

Former Democrats are flocking to the Grand Old Party as if drawn by some "come on" magnetic ray presumably telling them to forego their old Democratic Party allegiances and fly First Class across a new sky, of sorts.

What's this all about?

McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos is a former Democrat.

Los Fresnos Mayor Alejandro Flores is a former Democrat.

Both are openly saying they are Republicans and what of it? The allegiance is palpable. Are they really Republicans, is the question that emerges quickly, perhaps because we know the Rio Grande Valley was a Democratic Party stronghold for decades.

Republicans here were Election Day zeroes, if you could actually find one. Their clout was negligible, and they generally lost every important election. But, as Chad & Jeremy once sang, that was yesterday...and yesterday's gone.

So, who to blame? Voters? Yes, to some extent. Their actions at the ballot will always tell the story.

But some blame has to go to the Texas Democratic Party and its chairman, one Gilberto Hinojosa (shown in photo atop this post). The 71-year-old political wiz has been losing too much lately. That losing streak delivered Mayra Flores last summer, when she won a Special Election and went off to serve in Congress. Her term was brief, but she a Republican.

Hinojosa, it is said, was shocked by her victory over Democrat Dan Sanchez. Stronger Democrat Gonzalez whipped her in the November, 2022 election, but her flight to the GOP had been a success, and continues to be that.

Hispanics are Democrats.

That's what you hear from Old Timers here. None of the recent New Republicans are Old Timers, with the exception of Carlos Cascos, who is or will soon turn 70 years of age. His soft-shoe cumbia dance to the GOP, however, came more than a decade ago. He has said the Democratic Party turned its back on him.

Not these youngsters. They came out of the woodwork and declared candidacies as Republicans and the Republican Party did not dissuade them.

Hispanics in the Rio Grande Valley no longer are property-from-birth of the Democratic Party.

They are wild with political aspirations, and they now know they do not have to kowtow to old geezer Democratic Party Gilberto Hinojosa.

Hinojosa seems unable to stem the stunning exodus...


Friday, July 21, 2023

Morning In Texas:...Killing Heat Continues...



McALLEN, Texas | The boys at the National Weather Service are not softening the bad news: It's hotter than any previous summer and this one may be cooler than next year's. As the educated vatos might say about here: "Yikes!"

Rio Grande Valley temperatures will not abate today, tomorrow or next week. Not even next month, as August is always an oven on full blast around here.

This from [ The longer the extreme heat lasts, the greater the economic and human health effects will be. In addition, the high temperatures are expected to contribute to drought conditions in Texas and the Southwest.

In the spacious Lone Star State, El Paso has gone 35 straight days with a high temperature of 100°F or higher. The lingering, unrelenting conditions dry out vegetation and can lead to rapid drought development.

The big picture: The theme of broil and repeat is likely to continue well into August for tens of millions in America. ]

Fear the blazing sun ball, baby. It's en fuego and you're on your own.

Water. Drink plenty of it and pour some on your head if outside for any length of time. Hire a young punk to cut your yard and wait on fixing that hole in the wooden, backyard fence.

This merciless heat can kill you...


EDITORIAL: Really? Another Mexican-American Says He's A Republican?...Uh, no...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | If ever a local candidate looked like he just walked back from the movie set of the latest Pancho Villa is Ricardo "Richard" Alejandro, no relation to Prince Harry.

The 24-year-old inexperienced politico wants the Cameron County Precinct 1 Commissioner post held currently by respected Sofia Benavides.

Greenhorn Alejandro, shown in photo above wearing a cowboy hat for some unknown reason, is the proverbial raw onion. He'll bring tears to your eyes just listening to his heavy-as-nopales Mexican accent. Poor guy. He has no chance.

The precinct encompasses a weird geographic area that includes the poor and ever-needy Southmost neighborhood of Brownsville all the way to richer South Padre Island.

Appearing on a hopelessly obscure local podcast on Thursday, the thin ineloquent Alejandro claimed to be a Republican before moaning and groaning about the gross lack of bus shelters, streetlighting, trash pickup and bad streets in Southmost, his old neighborhood. That he blamed on Mrs. Benavides (shown at left in photo at right), Alejandro perhaps not knowing that most of that falls under City of Brownsville responsibilities. I tell you: He's just the worst candidate out there for any position right now, and would still be the worst one even if a bold undocumented immigrant new to the northern banks of the Rio Grande shook the water off his wet pants and declared his immediate candidacy for a county position.

Pushed on to talk by the podcast's garrulous host, Alejandro agreed that he would look into the possibility of a second causeway from the Texas mainland to SPI. On the island, he would look into building what the host described as "rinse stations" where island tourists could wash away sand and whatever else off their bodies when leaving. He also agreed that more trash cans are needed on SPI.

Really, without the constant prodding by the sunglasses-wearing host, Alejandro would have simply just been there like a bump on a resaca log.

He's weak.

There is literally a world of knowledge and experience separating his nowheresville candidacy with that of incumbent Benavides.

The guy just looks like he should be running for governance of some poverty-stricken ejido on the rough boundaries of Matamoros, Mexico across the Rio Grande.

As we always say about our politics in this country: "It's about how you look, not about how you feel."

Ricardo Alejandro has nothing to offer but the imagery of a dreamer wasting his time...


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Not Quite Tiffany's, But Breakfast At Gigi's...



EDCOUCH, Texas | Yes, candidates will go off-message every now and then. Perhaps for a day or two. Campaigning can get to be a drag.

Headstrong Republican Mayra Flores, actively gunning for the 34th Congressional District seat currently held by Democrat Vicente Gonzalez, took a brief break from pushing her usual harsh criticisms of the Joe Biden administration to hang it here in this speck of a town in the outs of the Rio Grande Valley.

You know Edcouch. Next to Elsa? That one, yes.

Wrote Miss Flores about it on her Facebook page: [ It's always a pleasure to support local businesses and restaurants. If you're in the area of Edcouch, Texas, stop by...]

Well, okay. We're always on the hunt for a new breakfast joint.

Gigi's looks welcoming...


Nagging Heat...How Are You Coping?...



McALLEN, Texas | No, no break anytime soon, said the trusted local weatherman: "...It's hot and it's gonna stay hot." There was no silver lining, no. No longshot at rain, at a cooling down. The entire Rio Grande Valley baked, baked slowly.

Exhaustion was settling in with many of its residents.

This summer heat is different, is what the National Weather Service pros are adding. And they're doing it in a rather resigned tone of voice. Matter-of-factly, yes.

The forecast for The City of Palms is 100-degree days through the end of July, 103 degrees tomorrow being the worst of it. Oh, there's a 40% chance of rain on the 24th.

If only!

No, Maria, don't tell me to hang on. I'm whipped, drained, worn out, consumed, bone-weary, dog-tired, fatigued and even finished. Finished as in being done with hope.

There is no hope, not at present. Not even a glimmer of it. That soul-saving cold front in your head is a mirage. Cold weather fantasy, in other words. 

Heat wins.

You lose...


Dumb Republicans Welcome Psychobabbler Robert F. Kennedy Jr...



McALLEN, Texas | Perhaps that's where he actually belongs, with the Republican Party. Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr certainly is not a Democrat we recognize. His anti-vaxx crap melting onto his anti-semite ways tells us that he's, yeah, a Republican.

Believe it.

And, thank God, they've welcomed him with open arms as conspiracy-babbling Kennedy tries to wrest the Democratic Party's presidential nomination from sitting President Joe Biden. We say "wrest," but he'll not get close to doing that. Kennedy is politically D.O.A. - dead on arrival.

Democrats have largely ignored his crazed campaign.

Republicans seek him at their peril.

This from the ultra-conservative Washington Examiner: [ Examiner Chief Political Correspondent Byron York said Republicans might have "outsmarted" themselves by calling on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ahead of today's congressional hearing on government censorship.

"Democrats are going to make Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the focus of this hearing, and I think it's entirely possible Republicans have really outsmarted themselves on this one," York told Fox News. ]

On the surface, grabbing Kennedy for the purpose of using him against Biden and other Democrats would seem to be a nice plan. It isn't.

Kennedy is gasoline, for both parties.

And a huge fire is what Republicans will get from this loose-cannon dude. RFK Jr is an egotistical, all-around, everything denier - from climate change to Covid-19, to his wacko position on government censorship he imagines.

Democrats should be glad he's burning himself up. RFK Jr's chances in the Democratic Party's 2024 primary: None.

But Republicans will use Kennedy, until he is of no use.

Then they will discard him, as smarter people have done on pretty much everything he has said since declaring his longshot candidacy...


For Trump, No Endorsement From These Republicans...



McALLEN, Texas | Some of the country's biggest political names have come out and said they plan to support icky, twice-indicted Donald J. Trump for president in next year's national election. I mean household names, like windblown wallflower U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. I could list them, but today I have another list.

Republicans who have not publicly endorsed Trump. Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats.

There are the huge national names, but, around here, potential 34th Congressional District candidate Carlos Cascos, shown in file photo above, has not endorsed the shifty Mar-A-Lago maven.

Neither has incessant hothead Mayra Flores, although she often will say Democrat President Joe Biden needs to go. But has she said, "I endorse Trump!"? No. No, she has not, although she'd be a fool to eventually not do it. Kiss the ring, kid. That's the ticket.

McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos, a Republican shown in photo below, at right, has not endorsed Trump, either. Perhaps he will later.

Alejandro Flores, the God-grabbed mayor of Los Fresnos, has not endorsed Trump. Him be a late-arriving Republican, too, to play with my grammar. Goofy-acting Flores is just over-the-top with his Born-Again love of God. See him post about God on Facebook. See him do it daily. See him post photos of all-things-religion. See him look so fake.

Okay, who else? There are some more names, like political gadfly Robert Sanchez of Brownsville, only he's smalltime. No one north of Price Road in Brownsville knows him! But he has not endorsed Trump, no, not yet.

From the Big Map of bigger names, we draw these as some who have yet to endorse Trump:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former White House press secretary for Trump (2017-2019). She's waiting. This from [ Trump's frustration has risen recently because Sanders' team had told his campaign she wouldn't make an endorsement until after her first legislative session in Arkansas, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

That session ended in May, and still, no endorsement.

Sanders, shown in photo at left, is among several Republicans with national ambitions who are staying neutral in the presidential primary despite the former president’s large lead in early polls. But Sanders' political calculation is complicated by her tenure as the voice of Trump's White House.

Potential future presidential candidates including Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas), Tom Cotton (Arkansas), Josh Hawley (Missouri), Rand Paul (Kentucky) and Marco Rubio (Florida) - along with Govs. Greg Abbott (Texas) and Kristi Noem (South Dakota) - have declined to endorse in the primary, waiting to see whether GOP voters want to move on from Trump and his legal battles. ]

Yeah, well, we all have our reasons and timetables.

The McAllen Sun will issue its endorsements at the appropriate time. Not one second before.

Efforts to sway us will be fruitless...


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Great Unwashed...



McALLEN, Texas | How goes it at The McAllen Sun, you may be driven to ask. Ask, but, well, you really never ask. That's the Rio Grande Valley readership - a sedated, quite comfortable collection of yappers and clappers but few, few writers. Vocal critics at every streetcorner; writers nowhere to be found.

And when they write, like when they type-in a comment to this Blog - again, it is hardly heady stuff. Never are we pleasantly surprised, or even left to wonder. Walden Pond is not here, nor is Woody Creek.

You grow disillusioned, yet you can't help but remain steadfast.

It is your writing that has to shine on. To bother with wishing for a Big City (Boston, NYC, LA) readership is to bother for nothing. The local newspapers are mediocre. There is plenty of "community" news that has to be pasted to the pages. Hardly a gripping story in the offering. The writing is woefully uninspiring and actually sleep-friendly.

I remember my job interview at The Boston Globe, when a senior editor told me the renowned newspaper was a "writer's newspaper," that it served a readership that included 42 local colleges and universities. And in New York, I was told that the City That Never Sleeps would throw such great material at me that it would be impossible to write a bad or boring story.

True that, yes.

Everyone who has worked for newspapers any length of time will tell you that much of what fills the news pages is stuff of the sort that's been covered before. "Yes," my editor at The Associated Press in Denver threw out, "...But it's all in how you write it."

I should say about here that writing was to be the forte of this blog.

Yes, the subjects would be locals, some politicians and at some point also include state and national figures, disasters or, yeah, the weather ("hot" being the news angle on that these days). Has it worked out that way? I say it has. Some days I like the material I post here and some days I don't. Pleasing a writer is never possible. Don't tell him what to write, don't tell him you have a book in you, don't tell him you heard this rumor.

Things eventually shake out in the day-to-day wash.

I love to give our area politicians the Big Time treatment. Writing about them based on a standard of politics not often exhibited here. Should I be easy on them just because they recently moved here from neighboring Mexico, or because, well, they're humble candidates not used to the Klieg lights of the press? I say no.

A congressman from here is the equal of a congressman whose district is in Dallas, Chicago, Miami or Los Angeles. At least in theory, right? Yes, some candidates from elsewhere are better-dressed, better-spoken and better-educated.

But they are still Congressman Joe or Congresswoman Jane, as is our guy and gal down here.

Where we go from here with this blog is the one question swimming in my head. I expect certain results, maybe a little feedback. Gauging our entry into the Rio Grande Valley's blogosphere is a crapshoot. The number of visitors to the site tell you one thing, but that is just one of the equation's elements. There has to be a bit more to it than simply writing something every day.

We value presentation. Our posts will be accompanied by photos of the subjects or topics we write about, and they will be offered in a manner pleasing to the eye. There will be little stand-alone, copy & paste jobs here.

One Brownsville blog has captured the monopoly on that. We'd name it (and should!), but the fellow who operates it likely has his reasons, and who are we to say he's wrong? He may just be tired.

So, bear with us if you're along for this ride.

We'll strive to bring something interesting, at the very least. I just wish this part of the state and States would enjoy the written word much more than it does. I don't believe the region's residents are readers. I suspect (rightfully) that someone could publish a magazine the equal of The New Yorker here and fail, fail quickly, as few would care.

Our title for this post - The Great Unwashed - refers to ordinary, common people. People who do not have a lot of money, power or social status.

This is where I've landed. This is who I write for, for now...


Democrat Gonzalez Wins Reelection!...Mayra Flores Now Boring...



McALLEN, Texas | Weeks of watching her third campaign for Vicente Gonzalez's congressional seat tells us he will easily win reelection in 2024. I mean, easy. Like taking candy from lying, lard-ass, hog-face George Santos. Gonzalez wins!

You ask: How can you say that here a year and a half before the election?

Well, Mayra Flores, 37-year-old, wind-up doll of the racist/bigoted Republican Party, has bored the hell out of us. It's the same diseased-colon meat sandwich from her every morning on her Facebook page, where one-note Flores is dispensing lies she told last year! Mother of God! (Oh, she'll love that phrase).

A winning candidate, we have always said, has to go and grow. Tell me something I don't know. Stop feeding me the bullshit, Mayra. That was a loser last November, and it's a loser for the November after this next one. You can't show up at your flea market fruit stand with rotten bananas, baby. We see nothing new in your latest campaign.

Yes, she'll say it's early.

But what is she doing? Are there daily planning sessions with her (Anglo) handlers from Washington, D.C. - the dudes who make her rehearse ridiculous speeches. Uh, with her it's child trafficking, as if some woman from tiny, struggling Los Indios could ever grasp the international line she cavalierly throws at you about that. Mayra Flores is no Albert Einstein, kids. Her educational background is barely there (an Associate's Degree from a funky, small junior college so far from Harvard that to call it secondary education is to wish for big laughs).

Listen to her. Rural, guttural tone of voice telling me that Democrat President Joe Biden has failed the poor people of South Texas. Shit, honeybun - what politician has NOT failed the people of South Texas. We look to Vicente Gonzalez, shown in photo above at right, only because he is the best candidate in the field.

Spare me the "open border" you so decry, you who only became a citizen at age 14. Sling that pro-Trump crap at your mirror. It's where it belongs. So that you can see it daily and never forget.

If ever there is a sin for any politician, it is the one that says: Be anything; just don't be boring.

34th Congressional District candidate Mayra Flores has nothing.

She's being "handled" by outsiders and South Texas voters don't cotton to that Guaiac stuff. Be yourself, or be quickly branded a poser, a loser wannabe. That's where Mayra Flores is today, fighting even herself to be something that she is not - a woman at clear odds with her head. Clear the set: Someone call "Make-up"!!!

We know. She could blow us away tomorrow, but we sincerely doubt it.

Vicente Gonzalez wins.

Final answer...


The "Zero, Zilch, Nada" Candidate For Congress...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | At this point in the fledgling campaign, hers is the proverbial slice of sponge cake grabbed off a picnic basket at the beach. Ho hum, yes. Waiting on the spectacular after-dinner pecan pie, with the scoop of primo vanilla ice cream and a big, red cherry on top.

Perhaps that's 34th Congressional District underdog candidate Laura E. Cisneros in a munchies nutshell. She's not tossing political bombs; she's not making waves. She's just nibbling on sponge cake.

Early grade: Zero, Nada, Zilch.

She arrives this time - after losing the same race once before - as a Republican, however.

Yep. She's the latest to go for the Ol' switcheroo, often a loser move. But, no, no...Miss Cisneros should not be mistaken for a crafty, smart politician. She's not that. She's a medical doctor, an oncologist diagnosing and treating cancer, as in tumors.

To expect a freakin' Margaret Thatcher out of her is to be stupid.

Miss Cisneros will not win this go-round, either. As a Republican, she would have to take down firebrand Mayra Flores and maybe even former Cameron County Judge, ex-Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos!

Not happening. Nope. Not a chance in Vegas.

Her thin political resume includes that Democratic Party primary loss last year to 34th Congressional District incumbent Vicente Gonzalez, who mopped the Election Night floor with her, winning 64% to 23%, or 23,531 votes to 8,456.

That was what they call in pro boxing a "No contest," or a general, one-sided fight.

We at The Sun don't see her doing much of anything that would indicate she's taking a different tack as a Republican. Mayra Flores has claimed the loudmouth style and Cascos will likely stake his lot to the statesman one. Not much left for Dr. Laura E. Cisneros.

Oddly, for political purposes, there isn't much about her online.

We did find this, but it really says nothing about her flirtation with politics: [ Dr. Laura E. Cisneros (Cisneros) is an oncologist in Harlingen, Texas and is affiliated with Valley Baptist Medical Center-Harlingen. She received her medical degree from Autonomous University of Tamaulipas Faculty of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. ]

Well, okay on that.

We tried reaching her to no avail. Perhaps we'll hear from her as the campaign unfolds, not that we expect any earth-shaking news or commentary from her. She's simply not where Mayra Flores is and not where Carlos Cascos will be on Day One of his campaign, which we do expect, by the way.

Sometimes, as Howard Cosell might say about here, you have to tell it like it is.

As a candidate for the U.S. Congress, Dr. Laura E. Cisneros underwhelms us...


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

City Of Palms Hosts Baptist Faithfuls...Mayor Shows Up...



McALLEN, Texas | Back when the new and ritzy McAllen Convention Center opened, the optimistic word from City Hall was that a load of conventions would soon follow, arriving in town in such numbers that the City of Palms would reap a nifty, steady profit.

Who knows where we are with that dream?

But Mayor Javier Villalobos, shown wearing white guayabera in photo above, was at one such convention over the weekend and, in fact, posted this on his Facebook page: [ It was awesome welcoming the Texas Baptist Convention to McAllen. Baptist from around the state and all the way from Washington were in attendance. I made sure to ask them to say a little prayer for our City of McAllen. ]

I don't know about inanimate McAllen needing prayers as much as it needs sales tax revenues, but Villalobos likely thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.

He's been mayor only a few months, yet the reputation he is building is one of being on-the-go, what with his many trips to Mexico, attendance at this convention and visiting a few local eateries that always find photos of the businesses pasted onto his Facebook page.

We left a note asking for info about the number of conventions McAllen hosts per year, and we'll see if we get an answer from the Man at The Top. Could be, we will.

Could be, we won't.

Mayor Villalobos is a busy, busy guy these days...


Catching Up With Eva Longoria...



McALLEN, Texas | Once, from 2007 to 2010, she was the wife of Hall of Fame San Antonio Spurs point guard Tony Parker, but that was years ago. Today, Texan Eva Longoria is married to a Mexican dude and lives in Spain. And she was a huge National Basketball Association (NBA) fan while married to the all-star.

She later went on to star in TV shows.

The pretty daughter of Corpus Christi supplanted Farah Fawcett as the national face of Texas, although that may have had something to do with Fawcett dying. Still, that Eva is attractive is not up for discussion; she is.

Look at her in these photos (from

If anyone can say she's lost her natural, Mexican beauty, well, that lout would quickly be captured and hauled away to some psycho ward by guys in white.

We take great pleasure in offering these photos to our always-discerning readers, people like you who know what a real woman looks like, and we don't mean one wearing a Home Depot apron in the new kitchen.

"Eva, for you I will do the dishes, baby," is what every swinging clown would say in her majestic presence.

You may remember Eva's role in the drama "Desperate Housewives" (2004-2012). The premise was the facade of a picture-perfect subdivision home to four women whose lives were anything but idyllic. According to Google, she's also made some 60 movies - most of them minor flicks, but flicks nonetheless.

Among those are "The Sentinel" in 2006, with Michael Douglas. Two years later, she starred in "Over Her Dead Body," a movie about a woman (Eva) who dies in an accident on her wedding day. Actor Paul Ruud was her co-star in that one.

Her best role was in "The Heartbreak Kid" (2007). She played Consuela. The film starred Ben Stiller and Michelle Monaghan.

Forty-eight-year-old Eva is currently married to wealthy Mexican Jose Baston, said to be worth about $15 million.

At one time, he was president of Televisa...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...Her ex-husband Parker was recently elected to the NBA Hall of Fame. He is scheduled to be inducted on August 12...]

Photo Op Of The Week...



HARLINGEN, Texas | That's Harlingen Mayor Norma Sepulveda with former National Football League lineman Bubba Evans. Nice photo opportunity, we say. But that public relations game is one of the many strengths Mrs. Sepulveda seems to have and enjoy.

This from her Facebook page: [ Norma Sepulveda, Harlingen Mayor is eating lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse. Productive lunch with Bubba Evans, former NFL player with the Houston Texans! ]

Well, this week the Texans. Perhaps Patrick Mahomes from the world champ Kansas City Chiefs next week, eh?

NFL season is right around the corner. Teams report to training camps this month...


"Nothing But Blue Skies"...



McALLEN, Texas | Someone had told Elsa that squeezing the bottom of her right foot with her fingers and thumb would settle her nerves. It didn't. Not those nerves.

Frayed was the word for what her whatevers were up to, like up noggin way. Still, she worked her tired foot over at bedtime, as had been suggested, and, well, it did soothe something or another.

Perhaps the unglamourous foot nerves, Elsa threw out with a smile. Life was a freakin' mangrove swamp. The day job at the fruit market was killing her. Lifting wet bushel baskets of pears and apples was rough, tough work.

It did pay the bills, but she was pretty sure the nerve mess would soon segue into back pain. Hector was gone. He'd said something about wanting to cruise the "scenic" Pacific Coast Highway out west at least once before he died, so there he and his spiffy convertible had gone, leaving girlfriend Elsa to fend for herself.

Dad had died seven years earlier and poor Mom was now in her second year at the nursing home. Joke-a-minute Dad had left his aging dog with Elsa, done left "Killer" with instructions on what and when to feed him ("No Alpo & never after 8:00 P.M.!!!")

Her older brother Juan was working on dam construction in Peru, and he'd asked that Elsa regularly water the yard and plants around his house. She did that just enough, although not on Sam's schedule.

When her foot started hurting, she thought it surely must have been the result of stepping on that large, still-green cucumber at the market. The awkward misstep had caused her to lose her balance and she'd gone tumbling crazily head-first into the grapes and plums display.

Here, as another long, boring night alone at home began to move toward midnight, Elsa again sat on the edge of the saggy bed and rubbed the bottom of her aching foot...


Hey, Sun:...The World Is At Your Command...



McALLEN, Texas | The song goes on and on, "Gonna be hot today, Gonna be hot today," and it is. Here and elsewhere in the ragged world. The planet groans, as the song goes on to say. Expect 100-degree days here for the next week. The "Feels-like" readings will be a few degrees hotter, depending on the humidity.

We offer this Pictorial showing people across the world battling the record-setting oppressive heat:

That's Tokyo, Japan in photo above.

Death Valley here in the States.

Cooling off in Tunisia.

Battling the heat in Spain.

Shading it in France.

Weathering it in the Gaza Strip.


It's still hot around here. And it'll stay hot for the foreseeable future. No let-up, no relief. If out and about, well, you're on your own...
