Thursday, July 20, 2023

Dumb Republicans Welcome Psychobabbler Robert F. Kennedy Jr...



McALLEN, Texas | Perhaps that's where he actually belongs, with the Republican Party. Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr certainly is not a Democrat we recognize. His anti-vaxx crap melting onto his anti-semite ways tells us that he's, yeah, a Republican.

Believe it.

And, thank God, they've welcomed him with open arms as conspiracy-babbling Kennedy tries to wrest the Democratic Party's presidential nomination from sitting President Joe Biden. We say "wrest," but he'll not get close to doing that. Kennedy is politically D.O.A. - dead on arrival.

Democrats have largely ignored his crazed campaign.

Republicans seek him at their peril.

This from the ultra-conservative Washington Examiner: [ Examiner Chief Political Correspondent Byron York said Republicans might have "outsmarted" themselves by calling on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ahead of today's congressional hearing on government censorship.

"Democrats are going to make Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the focus of this hearing, and I think it's entirely possible Republicans have really outsmarted themselves on this one," York told Fox News. ]

On the surface, grabbing Kennedy for the purpose of using him against Biden and other Democrats would seem to be a nice plan. It isn't.

Kennedy is gasoline, for both parties.

And a huge fire is what Republicans will get from this loose-cannon dude. RFK Jr is an egotistical, all-around, everything denier - from climate change to Covid-19, to his wacko position on government censorship he imagines.

Democrats should be glad he's burning himself up. RFK Jr's chances in the Democratic Party's 2024 primary: None.

But Republicans will use Kennedy, until he is of no use.

Then they will discard him, as smarter people have done on pretty much everything he has said since declaring his longshot candidacy...


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