Thursday, July 20, 2023

For Trump, No Endorsement From These Republicans...



McALLEN, Texas | Some of the country's biggest political names have come out and said they plan to support icky, twice-indicted Donald J. Trump for president in next year's national election. I mean household names, like windblown wallflower U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. I could list them, but today I have another list.

Republicans who have not publicly endorsed Trump. Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats.

There are the huge national names, but, around here, potential 34th Congressional District candidate Carlos Cascos, shown in file photo above, has not endorsed the shifty Mar-A-Lago maven.

Neither has incessant hothead Mayra Flores, although she often will say Democrat President Joe Biden needs to go. But has she said, "I endorse Trump!"? No. No, she has not, although she'd be a fool to eventually not do it. Kiss the ring, kid. That's the ticket.

McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos, a Republican shown in photo below, at right, has not endorsed Trump, either. Perhaps he will later.

Alejandro Flores, the God-grabbed mayor of Los Fresnos, has not endorsed Trump. Him be a late-arriving Republican, too, to play with my grammar. Goofy-acting Flores is just over-the-top with his Born-Again love of God. See him post about God on Facebook. See him do it daily. See him post photos of all-things-religion. See him look so fake.

Okay, who else? There are some more names, like political gadfly Robert Sanchez of Brownsville, only he's smalltime. No one north of Price Road in Brownsville knows him! But he has not endorsed Trump, no, not yet.

From the Big Map of bigger names, we draw these as some who have yet to endorse Trump:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former White House press secretary for Trump (2017-2019). She's waiting. This from [ Trump's frustration has risen recently because Sanders' team had told his campaign she wouldn't make an endorsement until after her first legislative session in Arkansas, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

That session ended in May, and still, no endorsement.

Sanders, shown in photo at left, is among several Republicans with national ambitions who are staying neutral in the presidential primary despite the former president’s large lead in early polls. But Sanders' political calculation is complicated by her tenure as the voice of Trump's White House.

Potential future presidential candidates including Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas), Tom Cotton (Arkansas), Josh Hawley (Missouri), Rand Paul (Kentucky) and Marco Rubio (Florida) - along with Govs. Greg Abbott (Texas) and Kristi Noem (South Dakota) - have declined to endorse in the primary, waiting to see whether GOP voters want to move on from Trump and his legal battles. ]

Yeah, well, we all have our reasons and timetables.

The McAllen Sun will issue its endorsements at the appropriate time. Not one second before.

Efforts to sway us will be fruitless...


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