Thursday, July 20, 2023

Nagging Heat...How Are You Coping?...



McALLEN, Texas | No, no break anytime soon, said the trusted local weatherman: "...It's hot and it's gonna stay hot." There was no silver lining, no. No longshot at rain, at a cooling down. The entire Rio Grande Valley baked, baked slowly.

Exhaustion was settling in with many of its residents.

This summer heat is different, is what the National Weather Service pros are adding. And they're doing it in a rather resigned tone of voice. Matter-of-factly, yes.

The forecast for The City of Palms is 100-degree days through the end of July, 103 degrees tomorrow being the worst of it. Oh, there's a 40% chance of rain on the 24th.

If only!

No, Maria, don't tell me to hang on. I'm whipped, drained, worn out, consumed, bone-weary, dog-tired, fatigued and even finished. Finished as in being done with hope.

There is no hope, not at present. Not even a glimmer of it. That soul-saving cold front in your head is a mirage. Cold weather fantasy, in other words. 

Heat wins.

You lose...


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