Monday, July 24, 2023

War Comes Home:...Moscow Hit By Drones...



McALLEN, Texas | Action in that Russian invasion of Ukraine had drones slamming into Moscow high-rise buildings this morning. It was the second time Ukraine had attacked the Russian capital city (see photo of latest drone attack above).

As the war drags into its 17th month, Ukraine has stepped up its domestic defenses while also targeting neighboring Russia.

This from this morning: [ Ukrainian intelligence claimed responsibility for a targeted drone attack on Moscow early Monday, according to an official, as the Kremlin launched a barrage of strikes on the southern port city of Odesa amid intensified cross-border attacks from Russian and Ukrainian forces.

Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence, an arm of the Ministry of Defense, says it carried out a drone attack on Moscow early Monday morning, a Defense Intelligence official told CNN. The Kremlin said that all the drones targeting the Russian capital had been neutralized, in what Russian authorities described as a "thwarted" attack. ]

Thwarted or not, the attack has Moscow on full alert.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said Ukrainian drones struck two non-residential buildings in Moscow, though no casualties or serious damage was reported.

One of the drones fell near the headquarters of Russia's Defense Ministry, per the Associated Press.

Other reports say Russian leader Vladimir Putin has ordered a massive, all-out assault on Kyiv, Ukraine's capital city in retaliation.

Western observers note that the war has actually slowed down in the past few weeks, following a brief insurgency by Moscow's front-line mercenaries, the Wagner warriors. Earlier, Russia had protested Ukraine's use of the so-called "Cluster bomb," which it said were supplied by the U.S., which they were.

No mention of injuries at the drone bomb site came from Russian officials...


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