Friday, July 21, 2023

Morning In Texas:...Killing Heat Continues...



McALLEN, Texas | The boys at the National Weather Service are not softening the bad news: It's hotter than any previous summer and this one may be cooler than next year's. As the educated vatos might say about here: "Yikes!"

Rio Grande Valley temperatures will not abate today, tomorrow or next week. Not even next month, as August is always an oven on full blast around here.

This from [ The longer the extreme heat lasts, the greater the economic and human health effects will be. In addition, the high temperatures are expected to contribute to drought conditions in Texas and the Southwest.

In the spacious Lone Star State, El Paso has gone 35 straight days with a high temperature of 100°F or higher. The lingering, unrelenting conditions dry out vegetation and can lead to rapid drought development.

The big picture: The theme of broil and repeat is likely to continue well into August for tens of millions in America. ]

Fear the blazing sun ball, baby. It's en fuego and you're on your own.

Water. Drink plenty of it and pour some on your head if outside for any length of time. Hire a young punk to cut your yard and wait on fixing that hole in the wooden, backyard fence.

This merciless heat can kill you...


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