Sunday, October 8, 2023

PICTORIAL:...War Is Hell... Again, Jews and Palestinians Get Their Bloody Taste...



McALLEN, Texas | The killing is still going on today, Day Two of the stunning attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists and the counterattack by the Jews on Palestine. Civilians are paying the price. This is not a military-on-military brawl; this is outright murder of the innocent.

We offer a pictorial of the grief, the fear and the battles...








There is nothing brave about attacking civilians. And it'll be worse for the Palestinians, as more-advanced Israel launches missiles and bombs into defenseless cities and towns in hopes of hitting the Hamas terrorist cells.

The body count nears 1,000 for both sides - the overwhelming number of those being civilians far from the political bullshit that straps these two countries down.

Almost eight decades now...


WAR:...Bibi Netanyahu Caught Off-Guard...Israelis Pay The Price...Hundreds Dead...



McALLEN, Texas | Bibi Netanyahu asked for it. Yesterday, he got it. The Israeli prime minister has been busy dismantling his national judicial system and ignoring the dangerous problem next door - terrorists in Palestine.

How many dead, Bibi?

The terrorist group Hamas took advantage of Bibi's distraction and rained Hell on the unprepared Jewish state. What now, the world asks of America's land-based "carrier" in the untamed Middle East. The U.S. hands Israel some $150 billion in bilateral assistance.

And Netanyahu, a conservative in the mold of American Donald J. Trump, sticks to his anti-Democracy plans.

The U.S., meanwhile, was checking on the rumored deaths of some Americans in the line of fire. 

This excerpt from [ Hamas stunned the world when it launched a surprise air, land and sea attack against cities across Israel in the most serious incursion against the country in decades. The Israeli military retaliated with heavy bombardment against the besieged Gaza Strip.

At least 600 Israelis and 370 Palestinians have died in fighting that comes after a year of escalating violence in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

Fighting continued in several areas of Israel on Sunday, with Israeli authorities announcing they would evacuate some towns near the border with Gaza in the next 24 hours.

More than 20,000 people were seeking shelter in dozens of schools in densely populated Gaza where movement is highly restricted, according to the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA). Hezbollah and Israel exchanged fire after the Lebanese militant group fired rockets into northern Israel.

The conflict is unfolding amidst a deep political crisis in Israel over the Netanyahu government's judicial overhaul, which has weakened the country's military, economy and society. ]

Yeah, bang the drum slowly one more time. It's been going on for years, and it won't stop anytime soon.

This is exactly what happens, Bibi, when you isolate an entire group of people, walling them out to the sea. Palestine is a hotbed of terrorists, but who can blame them when, as a country of slingshots and arrows, it is hounded and oppressed by a neighbor with the fanciest of weapons, most supplied by the U.S.

We're not sanctioning the wanton killing of Jews, but we, again, question Israel's stronghanded approach toward the Palestinians.

The abuse and punishment is somewhat similar to what the Nazis did to the Jews of Germany in World War II.



TRENDS:...Today's Latinas And Marijuana..."CannaJefas" & "MotaMamis"...



McALLEN, Texas | You into weed, ese? You look like you are, like always. Puffing it, bro? Oh, Hell, yeah. You border rat, you. But do check out the wife's doings. She may be into it, too.

Women and Marijuana.

Never the two have met, or, well, only if you follow and believe the news media. They like to portray the use of "weed" as being a sport mainly for males. No so much anymore.

This from a report in The Los Angeles Times: [ . . . Three years ago, Latinas in Cannabis spearheaded International Latinas in Cannabis Day on Sept. 30, marking the midpoint of Hispanic Heritage Month. This year, they hosted the inaugural Latinas in Cannabis Summit, gathering cannabis enthusiasts in the backlot of a soon-to-be Echo Park dispensary.

Tickets for the summit sold out within days, emphasizing its popularity among the community of "CannaJefas" and "MotaMamis" (Canna-bosses and Weed-babes). Those lucky enough to snag a ticket spent the day engaged in workshops and panel discussions with Latina leaders in the cannabis industry.

Susie Plascencia, co-owner of L.A.-based glass bong company Mota Glass, wanted a space to uplift her business as well as the work of other Latina entrepreneurs in the male-dominated cannabis industry.

In 2020, she founded Latinas in Cannabis, an Instagram account meant to empower Latina-owned small businesses and connect them with other entrepreneurs in the field.

"We really wanted to create that space that was missing in this industry, topics that speak to the Latina and cannabis experience," Plascencia said.

Three years after Latinas in Cannabis launched, Plascencia believes they are making history with the summit, calling it "the first of its kind."

"Aside from it being a professional cannabis industry event, it’s also a sesh. You can also hit the Mota glass bong and take a joint outside on the patio," Plascencia said. ]

We've never indulged, although we really could not care less if you - or your wife - do it. The world is the playpen and God put you here for a reason - to do good or bad, love or hate, enjoy or disdain.

Women in cannabis seems a natural, wouldn't you say?

And, really, why not women?...


Saturday, October 7, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Now Batting, Number 6, Steve Garvey...Calif. Senate Run...


McALLEN, Texas | He was a half-decent player, but never the Major League Baseball Hall of Famer. As a steady first baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Steve Garvey was popular enough to make several All-Star Game appearances.

Now, he wants in on the U.S. Senate game.

The 74-year-old Garvey, shown in photo above, will announce this coming week that he will challenge whatever Democrat candidate surfaces to fill the California seat held until recently by deceased Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Garvey has yet to be endorsed by anyone.

This about his playing days from Wikipedia: [ Garvey played in Major League Baseball from 1969 to 1987. He was the National League Most Valuable Player in 1974 and National League Championship Series MVP in 1978 and 1984. Garvey also played for the San Diego Padres. ]

It's hard to gauge his candidacy at this point, mainly because Garvey has zero experience as a politician and is going simply on name-recognition.

Democrats are strong in California, but, well, the state did elect Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger as is governor a few years back, so...

Several high-powered Democrats are seeking the seat, including Congressman Adam Schiff and congresswomen Barbara Lee and Katie Porter.

Lee and Schiff seem to be the favorites for Democrats.

And Garvey may yet see another Republican rise to challenge him in the GOP primary...


Friday, October 6, 2023

WELDING RECITAL PLAYS OUT:...Silly Bloggers Fade Into The Taqueria Woodwork...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | For a brief boring moment in town, it was the volatile story of the decade here. HUGE scandal at Texas Southmost College! Like, one more fact and the institution would crash to the ground. That was the promise offered daily by retired, aging bloggers El Jerry McHale and Jimmy Barton.

Nothing came of it.

The trouble/problem/crap going at in the college's welding program seems to have fizzled.

The boys didn't have the legs to stretch that bunt right back to the pitcher into a single. TSC is still standing.

It's been almost a week and neither excitable blogger has come forth with another breathless report on why the TSC welding certificate is meaningless. (Education is never meaningless.)

Yesterday, 73-year-old Blogger El Jerry updated the saga by now praising TSC Trustee Tony Zavaleta, the same trustee he had horse-collared for days on end, calling him a "Zit" and adding that all Tony was was a "seeing-eye dog" for TSC Chair Adela Garza.

Yesterday, a likely remorseful (or still mischievous) El Jerry labeled Tony Zavaleta a much-admired human being and a "Renaissance" man. Go figure. The effects of what medicine? Yeah.

As for lesser typist Barton, well, he went on to inform his dwindling readership how some people measure the height of mountains (there is not one mountain for hundreds of miles from here). And then the unemployed 75-year-old house husband charged out of the chute like a crazed banshee one more time to take TSC President Dr. Jesus Rodriguez to task for daring to hire an assistant from the Rio Grande Valley and not from New York.

Barton does not have a college degree, Dr. Rodriguez has several. 

It is the let-down of the year! Readers expected some police raids, an arrest or two and some indictments, fer chrissakes. Nothing of the sort has happened.

TSC buckled down and went about its business. If there is a problem with the welding program, well, they're dealing with it internally.

The bloggers tucked their tails between their legs and ambled off lamely.

Neither has serious experience as news reporters, El Jerry one measly year as a sportswriter for The Herald, balding Barton years as grocery store cashier/bagger, a motel clerk and a shrimp boat unloader. They just didn't know how to handle it, how to work the sources, how to pressure TSC administrators, how to keep the story fluid, how to connect the fuckin' dots!

In the end, El Jerry and his tonto Barton simply did not have the skill.

So much for high (anxiety) excitement in The City That Always Sleeps...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...Photo of substandard bloggers El Jerry and Jimmy Barton above was taken like 10 years ago. But it shows them together, so...]

Thursday, October 5, 2023

TRENDS:...Hispanics Are Not Leaving Democrat Biden...Not For Trump...Not Enough Of Them Anyway...



McAllen, Texas | It's the usual line about this time in our national politics when a presidential race looms just over the horizon. Where does that sizable bloc of Hispanic voters stand on the candidates? Are they sticking with their traditional home, the Democratic Party, or flirting with the wonders of quick, post-election abandonment in the Republican Party?

You can find hundreds of news articles online, some from prestigious news outlets, with an opinion on this topic. Votes will be harvested by both sides. Votes will be a hot item from all Americans.

But these parties - and the news organizations - make a big deal about the Hispanic vote.

Yeah, ho hum to that shallow and silly approach. But it's who we are in this grass-whorled country - each and every one of us a consumer of news and an American looking for places on the political shelf.

Hispanics are not leaving President Joe Biden.

Get that silliness out of your head. There may be some who do, but the number is simply not large enough to say there is a withdrawal of old values.

This from a report in the conservative Newsweek Magazine: [ Latinos share President Biden and Democrats' values, and the major party and administration are delivering for them. During the Biden-Harris administration the U.S. has achieved the lowest Latino unemployment rate on record, the fastest creation rate of Hispanic-owned businesses in more than a decade, reduced the Latino child poverty rate by more than seven percent, expanded access to health care and disability benefits, reduced homelessness, and achieved historic unemployment rates for veterans, including for the nearly 1.6 million Latino veterans.

Recent Voting trends in Latino-heavy populations like Nevada and Arizona make it clear Latinos strongly line-up behind Democrats.

They all want the same thing: a safe place to raise our children and to contribute to society. As immigrants arrive in the U.S., a tradition as old as this country, and begin their civic engagement, there is no doubt the Democratic Party is the most in sync with the values of an American Dream. It's easy to say that the principles on which this country was founded are being stripped away. That is daunting. ]

The 2024 presidential election is no different than the 2020 one, or the previous 10 or 20. Hispanics are playing the game with a bit more sophistication now, but they've always been there.

I just don't see Hispanics leaving the Democratic Party in droves.

As I noted, some will, and some of those will be newfangled political candidates in the Republican Party, because the Republican Party welcomes them for a devious reason. Those misguided Hispanics, sadly, are being humored, as they will never actually rise to any position of importance.

That's a cold fact, I know.

Sadly, it is so true, yes.

Biden will campaign for these votes, as he will campaign for all votes, but can rest easy in knowing the overwhelming number of Hispanics will be on his side, arriving on Election Day to contribute to his next victory.

You can take that to the banco...


DEMOCRATS:...Border Wall Gets Attention...Smacks Of 2024 Election For Joe Biden...



McALLEN, Texas | The handy optic: Hey, Democrats can also build Border Walls. President Joe Biden is now into it, as they say in fads. News reports have it that a surge in migrants arriving at the country's southern border is on the rise again.

Biden wants some action.

This excerpt from The Associated Press: [ The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that it had waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction, marking the administration’s first use of a sweeping executive power employed often during the Trump presidency.

The Department of Homeland Security posted the announcement on the U.S. Federal Registry with few details outlining the construction in Starr County, which is part of a busy Border Patrol sector seeing "high illegal entry." According to government data, about 245,000 illegal entries have been recorded in this region during the current fiscal year.

"There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas," Alejandro Mayorkas, the DHS secretary, stated in the notice.

The Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act were some of the federal laws waived by DHS to make way for construction that will use funds from a congressional appropriation in 2019 for border wall construction. The waivers avoid time-consuming reviews and lawsuits challenging violation of environmental laws.

Starr County’s hilly ranchlands, sitting between Zapata and McAllen, is home to about 65,000 residents sparsely populating about 1,200 square miles (3,108 square kilometers) that form part of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge.

Although no maps were provided in the announcement, a previous map shared during the gathering of public comments shows the piecemeal construction will add up to an additional 20 miles to the existing border barrier system in the area. Starr County Judge Eloy Vera said it will start south of the Falcon Dam and go past Salineño, Texas.

"The other concern that we have is that area is highly erosive. There’s a lot of arroyos," Vera said, pointing out the creeks cutting through the ranchland and leading into the river. ]

It smacks of that same Ol' Band-Aid approach we have seen for years now. Biden is looking at the 2024 election and thinking he has to have something to tell voters about his response to the migrant surge.

As always, the environment be damned...


EATING OUT:...Dining Solo In The City Of Palms...How She Ate...How My Food Got Cold...



McALLEN, Texas | I sat solo three tables over but with a straight line of view from her eyes to mine. I would look over and see her mouth receive the fork and take the food to her teeth, which were pretty, even from the five- or six-feet distance that separated us at the restaurant.

She was not all that attractive, although certainly not unattractive.

Initially, I had looked at her because of the slow way she ate. It was almost melodic, perfect timing and for sure a sexy bite accompanying her every bite. I had caught her style after the third or fourth look-over.

Perhaps it was her usual way, but I was taken by how she would lift the fork up to her mouth, grab the piece of meat by her teeth and then stash it there while chewing it. The fork would stay up there next to her lips, as if some moment of thanks.

And here's why we're here: Unnerved is what I was when she began taking a bite and then looking over to me. For a brief moment, but it was discernible. I wanted to run over to her table and kiss her, a huge smack right there right behind the next bite.

As I said the semi-attractive woman, about in her mid-30s, was no great beauty. She was, however, messing with my mind and especially with my own lips, which were dying to get over there. It never happened.

But when she got up to leave, she threw me a Texas wink, one adorned with a tiny smile and an open range flirtatious look all across her face, teen-age laughter on a fast gallop from her lungs.

I was having meat loaf and it had gotten cold...


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Hardliners Take Lead In House Speaker Search...Scalise and Jordan, Both MAGA...



McALLEN, Texas | Two well-known Republican hardliners are emerging as possible replacements for ousted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, one a former college wrestling coach accused of ignoring sexual harassment of his wrestlers by team doctors and the other a dude who says he is racist "David Duke without the baggage."

Meet the coach, Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio (shown at right in photo above)

And meet Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise, the David Duke fan (shown at left in photo above).

Both have surfaced as leading candidates for the thankless Speaker's post, both arriving with clear Donald J. Trump blessings, both talking tough about the Mexican border, the Joe Biden Administration, no aid for Ukraine and, among other issues, no more prosecution of the aforementioned Trump.

McCarthy was ousted in a stunning vote yesterday. He has now said he will not seek the job.

This about Scalise from a fellow Republican who requested anonymity: [Scalise’s moves are already being met with some backlash. One member of the far-right House Freedom Caucus suggested that Scalise would be no different than malleable McCarthy as speaker. "Since conservatives are concerned about the poor scheduling of appropriations bills this year, why would we elevate the person in charge of the schedule, the majority leader, to speaker?" the lawmaker asked. ]

The other candidate, 59-year-old Jordan shown in photo above, is a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus made up of hard-right Republicans also known as MAGA Republicans. Jordan at present is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, the one that has been investigating presidential son Hunter Biden in what Republicans say is a case of wanton lawbreaking, bribery, tax fraud and drug-use.

Jordan was first elected in 2007 as congressman from Ohio's 4th District. Earlier in his adult life, he was a college wrestler and later a wrestling coach at Ohio State University, where he faced allegations of turning a blind eye to student wrestler complaints that the team doctor was sexually harassing them. Jordan has denied knowledge of the harassment.

Scalise's claim to fame had earlier come from being shot by an assailant as he practiced with the Republican Party's softball team in Washington, D.C. That incident, involving an armed man who later told police he did it because he hated Republicans, happened on July 14, 2017. Scalise suffered a serious wound to his upper thigh and left side of his torso, enduring long months of recovery and rehabilitation in a hospital.

Hardliner Scalise is 57. He represents the 1st Congressional District of Louisiana and has been serving as the House Majority Leader prior to McCarthy's ouster. He has been in Congress since 2008. (McCarthy is shown in photo above) 

A few other Republican members of the House have been mentioned, but it is Scalise and Jordan who seem to have the inside lane...


MEXICO:...Drug Cartels Float Banners Claiming Fentanyl Is Not Their Gig...



CULIACAN, Mexico | They've been hit hard by U.S. authorities as being responsible for the loads and loads of killing Fentanyl drugs moving across the border and into American hands.

The cartels now beg to differ.

This from a recent report at [ The banners seen in Sinaloa say the production and sale of fentanyl - an opioid responsible for a spike in overdoses in the U.S. in recent years - is banned by "Los Chapitos." ]

Banned, they say.

No comment yet from U.S. officials...


SUN MOMENTS:...The Editor At Play...Daily Life & Pleasure In The City of Palms...


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: "Perhaps they were right in putting love into books...Perhaps it could not live anywhere else..." - Wm. Faulkner, Light In August


CHAOS:...Indicted Donald J. Trump As Speaker...McCarthy Hurt So Bad...A Confederacy Of Dunces...



McALLEN, Texas | You cannot be serious. Oft-indicted Donald Trump as Speaker of the House of Representatives? Maybe. A Big Maybe, but maybe.

Troubled Speaker Kevin McCarthy (shown in photo below) is out, kicked out by rebellious Republicans angry just because it's free to get angry. Nutty South Carolina Congressman Patrick McHenry is the interim Bozo, his first act yesterday was to tell former Speaker Nancy Pelosi she must vacate her "private" office.

Yes, Maria, we're still a country dog-paddling in a half-empty glass of bad Kool-Aid.

This from on Trump being in the picture (is he ever out of it?): [ The Speaker of the House is not required to be a sitting member of Congress, though no Speaker has ever held the role without being a member.

Before Republicans won back the House in the 2022 midterms, Trump said he would not be interested in taking the top job. 

"No, I think that it’s not something I wanted. It’s brought up all the time," he said last March. "No, it’s not something I want to do. I want to look at what’s happening, and then we’re going to be doing something else. No, it’s not something I would be interested in."

Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.) also said he would back Trump for speaker.

McCarthy announced late Tuesday that he would not attempt to become Speaker again. The GOP conference will have a candidate forum next Tuesday to select their pick for the role, with Speaker Pro Tem Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) presiding. ]

Yeah. Bang the drum slowly, George Washington.

We're still mired in a dysfunction of national proportions, and we don't seem to have a plan for getting out of it...


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

SHOCKER:...House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Ousted...Far Right-Wing Republicans Act On Their Threat...



McALLEN, Texas | How long did it last? Weeks? Months? Months, yes. Today ended House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's stay as leader of the House of Representatives, as angry members of the so-called far right-wing Freedom Caucus ousted him in a stunner.

Republican McCarthy was elected Speaker only this past January!

It is the first such removal in the country's history.

This from [ House Republicans made history on Tuesday by voting to remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his post, setting up another grueling speaker election without a clear successor.

This could create an unprecedented stalemate in the House. McCarthy's speaker election in January took the most ballots since before the Civil War, and Republicans have struggled to maintain a functioning majority for moving legislation.

The final count was 216 to 210, with the motion to vacate requiring a majority vote. Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), a close McCarthy ally, will serve as acting speaker until a new one is elected.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) introduced the motion to vacate on Monday, with eight Republicans joining all House Democrats on the final vote to remove McCarthy.

Ahead of the vote, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said it was "now the responsibility of the GOP members to end the House Republican Civil War."

Gaetz, who has long had a contentious relationship with McCarthy, threatened to introduce the motion for weeks if the California Republican allowed a continuing resolution to stop a government shutdown to come to the floor. ]

There is, as of this report, no named alternative to replace McCarthy.

Gaetz, shown in photo above, at right, called McCarthy a "creature of the swamp," referring to those in Congress contributing to its current dysfunction.

The move was just a threat a few days ago, before the passage of the government's new spending bill late last Saturday.

Members of the Freedom Caucus, including Gaetz and fiery Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, acted on that threat today...


TACO TUESDAY:...Welding Recital Wanes?..."El Rambo" Incommunicado?...Neece Is A No Go?...Questions Abound...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | Fess-up now. For a split second, you thought you were seeing TSC Trustee Tony Zavaleta-Reid dragging nauseating blogger Jerry McHale under that fence. You know you did. It's okay. You can be excused. El Jerry has earned the disgust he is now feeling from everyone in town. Tony Zavaleta has not forgiven him, and El Jerry has upped the ante by assigning the incongruous nickname of "Zit" to his once-close friend.

You can now picture them inside a small boxing ring, El Jerry and his glass jaw in one corner and bullish Tony in the other. Don't look away; this fight will not last long. Dancing, feigning El Jerry, shown with odd mustache in photo below, will be caught with a vicious overhand right and it'll be his wrinkling face on the canvas in the opening seconds of the first round. Yeah, we were there, Jerry!

The word "Friendship" generally has a meaning in most places. Not in Brownsville, however.

Here, a friend is a day-to-day thing. Ask ex-Mayor Pat Ahumada about his on & off friendship with pro-Mexicans Blogger Juan Montoya. Ask former Mayor Juan "Trey" Mendez and the same Montoya. Ask McHale and the same, again, Montoya. Ha ha ha. There's a clear pattern there.

And we're not even mentioning the local women. Maria, it's a moving hair-pulling Armageddon up and down the streets of Brownsville, Baby.

It'll be a few cold beers before Tony Zavaleta forgives loose-wheel McHale, a blogger without class or borders, one known far and wide in town as a blogger who would burn the mother of his children at the drop of a $300 grocery store tab.

But we're coming up on the festive Holiday Season, so anything is possible. The ever-hating McHale could stumble into his beloved Cobbleheads eatery and see taller, stockier, stronger Tony sitting there. Uh, don't do it, Jerry.

Not if you like your remaining teeth...


Ben Neece, perhaps the Valley's last answer to guitarist Carlos Santana, apparently is not biting on that hard push looking to see him run for an unpaid seat on the Texas Southmost College Board of Trustees. The happy-go-lucky Neece has not said a word or taken any action indicating he's interested.

No surprise there.

What does Neece, an accomplished musician and former city commissioner, want with - or from - the local junior college - blog infamy?

We're pretty sure he's heard of the emergency somersaults his pal Tony Zavaleta is having to endure thanks to their blog friend (former, in the case of Tony) El Jerry McHale, he of the "Hate is my best friend" lifestyle. Can you imagine a slam job by the sloppy blogger on Neece?

Holy Moley on that one.

I mean, Ben is the one who gave El Jerry the itsy-bitsy of credence he has a downtown troubadour with that cien pesos Mercado de Matamoros acoustic guitar of his. El Jerry is no Peter Tork of The Monkees! No, not even. They may sort of resemble each other from a distance, but no, no - El Jerry is a musical poser, a desperate wannabe, yes.

No question about it. Has anyone heard his guitar strings plunking?

Man, someone get him some plastic strings before he strums like a crazed culero and kills himself.

As for Ben, well, suffice it to say that we hear he's into his retirement years as things relate to politics and local blogging. It's a guess, yes, but an educated guess.

Plus, we'll go on a limb and add that, like Tony Zavaleta, the non-nonsense Neece will not be seen at El Jerry's funeral. But do look for fawning blogging foil Jimmy Barton to be there.

He'll be asked to sing something fake befitting El Jerry's lying, always-bitching blog, like a bad, bad rendition of "Wooly Bully."

Yeah, Matty told Hatty...


Speaking of Jimmy Barton (that's the aging 75-year-old Washington transplant taking a shower outdoors in photo above), he seems to have quickly faded from that excitable story he backed into to do with the welding program over at the aforementioned Texas Southmost College.

What - no story today?!

No, he's into immigration now. As with his typing, Barton is once again all over the place. He has no formal training in news journalism, so it's to be expected. He has no college degree, so maybe he can't even tell himself that. But he's likely making plans to wrap up the stinging tale of corruption at TSC, waiting and being there next year, the following year, the next five to ten years.

Corny grows you, Jimmy Boy

He doesn't know it, but Barton is a walking glue stick. So long as he stays close to other Brownsville bloggers, well, he thinks he's one of them. They do talk about him (we have been on the receiving end of some interesting calls) and it's not something Barton would wish to know. Poor guy. He sooooooo-oh wants to belong, to join-in on the general garrulity, but, as for reporting ability, the lad simply does not have the scopious knowledge learned only through real newsroom experience.

All these two yoyos (Barton and McHale) are selling is a bankrupt carnival.

His main pal - fellow Anglo El Jerry - praises him to no end, as is El Jerry's wont with everybody whose stories/copy he uses for his photos, depression & jokes blog.

Barton believes it, falls for it, forgetting that the other local bloggers are players from way, way, way back - from a time when Barton was bagging stuff at Glen's Grocery Store on Boca Chica Blvd. and, later working a motel desk while also unloading shrimp boats at the Port of Brownsville.

That he thinks he's their equal is all in his head.

You would've had to be there at Blanca White's in Matamoros, the Resaca Club at Fort Brown or Studio 5 near Amigoland Mall, picking up women after deadline. No, Barton was not there with El Jerry or third blogger Juan Montoya.

He was cashiering at the grocery store...


Has this guy said anything to do with the Welding Recital gifted to the city by Bloggers El Jerry McHale and Jimmy Boy Barton? We haven't seen anything resembling affirmation or denial of the overly-excitable allegations made by the non-journalist bloggers.

What sayeth Kenneth "Rambo" Tynan, shown in photo above.    

Geez, Maria, this is the Texas Southmost College dude (director of the department offering the welding classes in question) both bloggers banked on for their overland drive, and he has not risen to either substantiate their unconfirmed reporting or denied it.

Rambo ain't takin'.

Too bad for the amateur bloggers, as they are left holding the proverbial 73 and 75-year-old scrotum bag. We would have told them to chase this guy down, to pin him down for an interview in which he answered to the many allegations. I mean, the bloggers were writing about "crooked" administrators (the school pres!) and about guns being holstered while on campus.

Rambo said nuthin'.

Still, they typed and typed and typed and typed.

For nothing, it seems...



We have been surprised by how quiet blogger Juan Montoya (shown above) has been in the wake of all the tepid, over-seasoned menudo thrown by his fellow bloggers at his old school - Texas Southmost College. For some reason, we were pretty sure Montoya would fire back at plebe bloggers El Jerry McHale and Jimmy Boy Barton.

Apparently, we were wrong.

Montoya has written not one word beyond a non-bylined defense that appeared on his blog soon after the first anti-TSC salvo hit Brownsville. We do know that Montoya has a soft spot for TSC and for TSC Board Chair Adela Garza.

But, no, nothing.

What could be behind the decision to stonewall the issue, to act as if the allegations are not out there swimming every gravesite-sized pothole and brackish-water resaca in town. It's a mind number. As in numbing, we mean.

Oh, well. Perhaps Juan is onboard with the idea that his blogging mates will tire of not nailing the story and move on to something else, like the upcoming Charro Days Festival. It's a political move we know, so, yeah, maybe that's it.

It's too bad, we say.

So many buckets of mud lobbed at the attractive Ms. Garza and at respected TSC board member Tony Zavaleta and at school President Dr. Jesus Rodriguez and no return fire or fire extinguisher spray.

Is it like it never happened for TSC?

The ever-crusading Montoya is cool with that?



She's still the one to beat. Information may be slithering across town saying her opponents are gaining on her, but that's wishful thinking. Republican Mayra Flores is on schedule to win the Republican party's primary ahead of an anticipated second showdown with Democrat Vicente Gonzalez for his 34th Congressional District seat.

Bet on it. Bank it.

Believing that opponents Laura E. Cisneros, Mauro Garza, Gregory Kunkle and anyone else has the gunpowder to waylay Flores is to believe in welding scandals a bit more than they would deserve.

Vicente Gonzales is smartly planning on battling Mayra Flores, not some unknown or "New Republican" candidate who voted Democrat in the most recent election. Only a novice pundit would denigrate Flores.

She is backed by the well-funded Republican National Committee!

(BTW, Allen West is not chairman of the Texas Republican Party, as sloppy Blogger El Jerry McHale noted in a story knocking Mayra Flores on Monday; Matt Rinaldi is.)

Not any of the other hopeful dolts, no. Not that we back her, but Mayra Flores has the lungs to raise Hell from here until, well, Hell Freezes Over. You know it and I know it.

Wishing for a horse race in the primaries is a blogger's dream, yes.

But healthy brains will rid you of any sort of desire for a close race or an upset. It says here that Mayra Flores will be the Republican nominee in November 2024. Don't believe it?

Ask Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott...


These culinary delicacies in the photo above are the absolutely delicious Birria Tacos, known far and wide as the National Food of Mexico's provincias... 

CRIME:...South Texas Cong. Henry Cuellar Carjacked...He's Fine...Car Found...



LAREDO, Texas | The odds of Henry Cuellar being carjacked in his hometown are likely astronomical, like a jillion to one. He is that well-known and, well, carjackings are not all that common in this border town.

But Washington, D.C. - yeah, he gets carjacked there. Yesterday!

This from [ Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) was carjacked on Monday night outside an apartment building that houses dozens of fellow House members, according to his office.

D.C. Metropolitan Police Department spokesperson Hugh Carew confirmed a "report of an armed carjacking" in D.C.'s Navy Yard neighborhood, near Capitol Hill. Cuellar's chief of staff Jacob Hochberg said in a statement that Cuellar was unharmed in the incident.

"As Congressman Cuellar was parking his car this evening, 3 armed assailants approached the Congressman and stole his vehicle," Hochberg said.

"Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement." ]

They say all's well that ends well. Not much else to say.

Many of the comments that came after this story surfaced went to Cuellar being a Democrat and suffering the crime because of his party's so-called liberal crimefighting policies.

He represents the 28th Congressional District.

The knock against 68-year-old Cuellar is that he has voted with Republicans perhaps more than some of the younger GOPers in the House of Representatives...


Monday, October 2, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Trump In Court Today...New York On Him...Adios Trump Org....



McALLEN, Texas | It begins today. Former real estate dabber Donald J. Trump is in court this morning, fighting off fraud charges just this side of his entire organization going down in flames. Look for an early Christmas present in the form of this dude headed for total ruination.

Are you ready?

I mean, are you ready!

This from [ So, here’s a preview of coming attractions. Trump: The Lawsuits debuts this week. Today, in fact, in the Manhattan civil courtroom of Judge Arthur Engoron, judge of the Supreme Court 1st Judicial District in New York. This is the first of seven - count ’em, seven - trials Donald Trump is scheduled to face between now and Election Day. Let’s take stock of all the litigation to come.

Liberals are wired to see disaster in everything. We’re not supposed to discuss matters like this in the tone I’m about to use. But I submit that in this case, a little optimism is warranted, because I think it’s quite possible that by next November 5, Trump could not only be a damaged candidate because of these cases, but his careers (political and business), and indeed his life, could be in tatters. ]

Far-fetched, you say? Yeah, you, you local Republicans - you the ever-forgiving louts so eager to belong to something that does not want you.

Pick up that bottle of Mylanta. You'll need it by midweek.

Trump and his two ill-bred sons will be in court today, although he has said he won't hang out for all of it. But he knows what's at stake. "You betcha!" as one Sarah Palin might say about here.

Follow the proceedings.

It'll be a hoot...


Sunday, October 1, 2023

DEMOCRATS:...One Of Them Activated An Alarm In Capitol Building...Ninny Republicans Pounce...



McALLEN, Texas | Yes, he did it. A Democrat activated a fire alarm in the Capitol Building just before the House of Representatives voted on the federal spending bill last Saturday night.

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (shown doing it in photo above) said it was an accident.

Republicans say he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, as were the January 6 rioters.

This excerpt from [ Representative Bowman of New York was accused of deliberately pulling a fire alarm in a House office building on Saturday in the chaotic hours before a vote to fund the government and avert a shutdown.

In a statement posted on X/Twitter, Bryan Steil, the chair of the House Administration Committee said "Bowman pulled a fire alarm in Cannon this morning. An investigation into why it was pulled is underway."

A spokesperson for the progressive Democrat later said that "Congressman Bowman did not realize he would trigger a building alarm as he was rushing to make an urgent vote. The Congressman regrets any confusion."

U.S. Capitol Police confirmed in a late-afternoon statement that "a fire alarm was activated on the 2nd floor of the Cannon Office Building" at 12:05 p.m., and the building was evacuated while officers made sure there was no threat. The USCP also said it was still investigating what happened.

Speaking with reporters after the House voted to pass a stopgap spending bill on Saturday afternoon, Speaker Kevin McCarthy told reporters "This is serious" and that the House Ethics Committee should investigate Bowman. The California Republican added that he would talk to Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries about the situation, and insisted that "this should not go without punishment."

Republican McCarthy even went so far as to compare Bowman’s actions to those undertaken by rioters on January 6, 2021. ]

It's just some more silliness.

Only Bowman knows the truth. He's saying it was accidental. Is that possible? Well, yeah. But what was he doing even messing with the alarm? Obviously, the photo (atop this post) shows him standing in front of it.

Not a biggie. It is to Republicans, however, but we all know about their numerous foibles.

We say: The truth is always best...


SUN VIDEOS:...Teddy K. On Republicans And Minimum Wage...2007...Watch To End...

CONGRESS:...Govt. Shutdown Averted...Games By Silly GOP Rebels In The House...



McALLEN, Texas | Well, that was thisclose. Wild, needless infighting by rebellious Republicans in the House of Reps. brought the federal government to within hours of a shutdown. Midnight Saturday was to be the Golden Hour, or, more correctly, the Witching Hour, as a final vote approving the spending bill came late.

The Senate fell in once it had something to work with, and then President Joe Biden signed the required paperwork to avert the disaster.

This from [ The legislation effectively punts the deadline for Congress' various spending fights to Nov. 17. It passed the upper chamber by a wide margin, 88-9.

"It's been a day full of twists and turns, but the American people can breathe a sigh of relief. There will be no government shutdown," Democrat and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said shortly after passage.

The package is a departure from Senate leaders' original ambitions to include Ukraine aid in the short-term funding bill. The final version of the bill - which overwhelmingly passed the House with bipartisan support Saturday afternoon - only includes disaster relief alongside regular government funding. Senate Democrats now say they’ll be seeking a supplemental bill to continue assisting Ukraine in its war against Russia.

"Most Senate Republicans remain committed to helping our friends on the front lines," said Republican and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. ]

It never had to be this way, but that's our troubled Washington, D.C. these days.

With any luck, Congress will complete the work in November...


Saturday, September 30, 2023

NEW BARS:...Toloa Rooftop In North McAllen...Take The Babe Out On The Town...



McALLEN, Texas | The City of Palms keeps me well-entertained. I mean, I have my sweet, always-there Babes, but we never tire of hitting a new bar, of which there have been more than a few lately. Not that long ago, it was Harvey's On 10th, a small, but noisy joint we still enjoy, especially on Sunday afternoons.

But this latest one is a gas.

Toloa Rooftop way on the far-northern side of N. 10th Street is the latest entry into the high-dollar dine and drink market. Its uniqueness is being talked about in town as if the first of an emerging trend: Primo bars and nightclubs.

The mayor was over there the other day. Without hesitation, he labeled it a winner. Mayor Javier Villalobos even had someone photograph him inside the bar.

It is the neat, airy rooftop that grabbed at us, even as our late-September Friday evening date still felt the remains of the day's heat. But come cooler weather, Toloa Rooftop may have to limit the number of patrons it allows into the bar.

Many of the customers seemed to be enjoying the expansive (and expensive) menu, some out in the rooftop patio awaiting tables. It's not like the skyscraper bars of New York that held my attention back when I was writing for the New York Post, but Toloa offers a different view of North McAllen.

The week had been a long one for both of us (me with a new cleaning lady for my apartment and Laura messing with the Fiat dealer for her car), the exhaustion perhaps something to blame on the Summer's scorching weather. A cooldown is coming next weekend, however, and, well, we'll likely hang out at Toloa one more time.

Hey, new is new, and we like the new.

Oh, do enjoy the great DJ music at Toloa. It's worth the price, that being whatever you get on your tab when you cash-out at evening's end. Toloa Rooftop is located at 1200 Auburn Avenue.

The Rio Grande Valley is coming up in the world.

Well, at least the western end of it...


SUN SPORTS:...Jayhawks In Town To Tangle With Horns...



AUSTIN, Texas | The undefeated Kansas Jayhawks fly into Darrell K. Royal Stadium today to take on the also-undefeated #3 ranked Texas Longhorns. Both teams are 4-0.

This may be the last time these two Big 12 teams face off during the regular season, as Texas moves to the Southeastern Conference (SEC) next season.

Kansas is ranked #24 going into the game. 

Game time is 2:30 P.M. Central Standard Time.

You can catch the game on ABC-TV...
