Thursday, October 5, 2023

TRENDS:...Hispanics Are Not Leaving Democrat Biden...Not For Trump...Not Enough Of Them Anyway...



McAllen, Texas | It's the usual line about this time in our national politics when a presidential race looms just over the horizon. Where does that sizable bloc of Hispanic voters stand on the candidates? Are they sticking with their traditional home, the Democratic Party, or flirting with the wonders of quick, post-election abandonment in the Republican Party?

You can find hundreds of news articles online, some from prestigious news outlets, with an opinion on this topic. Votes will be harvested by both sides. Votes will be a hot item from all Americans.

But these parties - and the news organizations - make a big deal about the Hispanic vote.

Yeah, ho hum to that shallow and silly approach. But it's who we are in this grass-whorled country - each and every one of us a consumer of news and an American looking for places on the political shelf.

Hispanics are not leaving President Joe Biden.

Get that silliness out of your head. There may be some who do, but the number is simply not large enough to say there is a withdrawal of old values.

This from a report in the conservative Newsweek Magazine: [ Latinos share President Biden and Democrats' values, and the major party and administration are delivering for them. During the Biden-Harris administration the U.S. has achieved the lowest Latino unemployment rate on record, the fastest creation rate of Hispanic-owned businesses in more than a decade, reduced the Latino child poverty rate by more than seven percent, expanded access to health care and disability benefits, reduced homelessness, and achieved historic unemployment rates for veterans, including for the nearly 1.6 million Latino veterans.

Recent Voting trends in Latino-heavy populations like Nevada and Arizona make it clear Latinos strongly line-up behind Democrats.

They all want the same thing: a safe place to raise our children and to contribute to society. As immigrants arrive in the U.S., a tradition as old as this country, and begin their civic engagement, there is no doubt the Democratic Party is the most in sync with the values of an American Dream. It's easy to say that the principles on which this country was founded are being stripped away. That is daunting. ]

The 2024 presidential election is no different than the 2020 one, or the previous 10 or 20. Hispanics are playing the game with a bit more sophistication now, but they've always been there.

I just don't see Hispanics leaving the Democratic Party in droves.

As I noted, some will, and some of those will be newfangled political candidates in the Republican Party, because the Republican Party welcomes them for a devious reason. Those misguided Hispanics, sadly, are being humored, as they will never actually rise to any position of importance.

That's a cold fact, I know.

Sadly, it is so true, yes.

Biden will campaign for these votes, as he will campaign for all votes, but can rest easy in knowing the overwhelming number of Hispanics will be on his side, arriving on Election Day to contribute to his next victory.

You can take that to the banco...



  1. I got in with the local Trump Trains and even bought a flag for my truck. Done with that. He's toast. (from McAllen)

  2. I agree with the article, but I know one of my neighbors still has his 10 or 12 Trump flags on his front an back yard. He says he used to be a Democrat. I wish I could understand these people. They will get nothing from Trump.

    1. I have run into some locals who tell me similar stories. I see the Trump flags in town, as you have, but they really are not that many. They grab you 'cause they stand out in the otherwise calm neighborhoods. But when you believe, well, you believe...


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