Monday, October 2, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Trump In Court Today...New York On Him...Adios Trump Org....



McALLEN, Texas | It begins today. Former real estate dabber Donald J. Trump is in court this morning, fighting off fraud charges just this side of his entire organization going down in flames. Look for an early Christmas present in the form of this dude headed for total ruination.

Are you ready?

I mean, are you ready!

This from [ So, here’s a preview of coming attractions. Trump: The Lawsuits debuts this week. Today, in fact, in the Manhattan civil courtroom of Judge Arthur Engoron, judge of the Supreme Court 1st Judicial District in New York. This is the first of seven - count ’em, seven - trials Donald Trump is scheduled to face between now and Election Day. Let’s take stock of all the litigation to come.

Liberals are wired to see disaster in everything. We’re not supposed to discuss matters like this in the tone I’m about to use. But I submit that in this case, a little optimism is warranted, because I think it’s quite possible that by next November 5, Trump could not only be a damaged candidate because of these cases, but his careers (political and business), and indeed his life, could be in tatters. ]

Far-fetched, you say? Yeah, you, you local Republicans - you the ever-forgiving louts so eager to belong to something that does not want you.

Pick up that bottle of Mylanta. You'll need it by midweek.

Trump and his two ill-bred sons will be in court today, although he has said he won't hang out for all of it. But he knows what's at stake. "You betcha!" as one Sarah Palin might say about here.

Follow the proceedings.

It'll be a hoot...



  1. He's toast. just saying

  2. It looks like a done deal, Mr. Editor. It's about time, too. He's what's wrong with this country.

  3. If these financials were prepared in-house & clearly state they are unaudited & they have adequate disclosures, I believe he may have some defenses. If a CPA firm prepared audited financial statements & they, the CPA firm, attested to the values & did not present appropriate opinions, disclosures or footnotes, the CPA firm may have exposure & again, Trump may have defenses, in terms of reliance on his CPA firm...if the lendors failed to do their due diligence in verifying or confirming the financial information, they may have some liability & exposure as well... no doubt, it will be interesing to see how this develops.

    1. You make some good points from that "accounting" perspective, but we're dealing with another world here - the Political World. I would also hope that NY has testimony from these accountants, as I am pretty sure they do. What is it that they say about good lawyers - "You never ask a question whose answer you do not know." We'll, talk of fraud has been chasing Trump for decades...

    2. If it were that easy to blame your accountant, all businessmen would do it. jmho

  4. Not privy to all documents, but even the former president’s own notes point to his involvement in determining the values that would be represented. The value of Trump Tower was based partly on an evaluation by Trump. Anyone filing wrong info with a financial institution will face quick FRAUD Charges! Try it.

    1. He listed Trump Tower as being 68 stories tall. It is 58. He said Mar-a-Lago was worth $1.8 billion. His own company (in tax matters) later said it was not worth anywhere near that. The pattern of lying is there...

  5. His reputation is going to get him. How many vendors did he rip off and not pay? Time to pay the fiddler.

    1. Google Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. It's been torn down, but Trump ordered a load of pianos from a local music shop for the grand opening and never paid for any of them. The music store sued but were overwhelmed by Trump lawyers. It went out of business.

  6. I hope they get him before Christmas. What a gift that would be! Like many, I'm just tired of him.

  7. I was surprised to learn that this is not a jury trial. The judge will hear the evidence/witnesses and rule - and, well, we know how much Trump has been criticizing him. Good luck, Don...

    1. You get what you pay for, can't believe neither, "Dumb or Dumber" did not see the box requesting a jury trial. What happen to Donnie? He is always bragging about how he knows everything and is smarter than anyone.

  8. Someone fudged the books. Accountants use whatver info they get from clients. Trump lied.


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