Monday, July 31, 2023

Feds Get Portuguese Guy In Trump Investigation...



McALLEN, Texas | They got the lowly Portuguese guy. Once a barely-skilled landscape technician for Donald J. Trump's ritzy Mar-a-Lago estate, Carlos De Oliveira, shown in photo above, rose to the job of grounds manager...and quickly became ensnared in Trump's legal troubles.

De Oliveira was arraigned today in Miami.

This blurb from a report at [ He walked into court for a hearing Monday morning, casting a stark expression days after his name appeared in a superseding indictment that accused him, Trump, and fellow aide Walt Nauta in conspiring to delete server footage of boxes of material at the private Florida club.

Little is known about the aide, 56, although a neighbor said he is "not a crook." ]

Oddly, or perhaps not, Trump issued no usual scathing comment after his employee's court appearance. De Oliveira is only the latest Trump associate/employee to be grabbed by the federal government's ever-expanding legal net. Lying to the FBI is also part of De Oliveira's sudden problems.

It was unclear if Trump was covering the cost of De Oliveira's attorney.

In earlier reporting, media reporting had De Oliveira telling Trump at the time of the alleged "server" incident that he did not know much about electronics, and nothing about how to disable the recording equipment, for example. Still, the feds say he did it and, well, De Oliveira will be in court to defend himself.

He faces time in jail, however.

Lying to the FBI may get you five to eight years in federal prison.

De Oliveira was released on $100,000 bond...


Stop Electing Old People...Just Because You Like Them...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | That one above is the absolute best photo of Eva Alejandro we could find, and we looked and looked and looked. We go to "looks" if for no other healthy reason than that it is the vogue in politics. Suddenly, it's not how you feel; it's how you "look".

Miss Alejandro is a member of the Texas Southmost College's Board of Trustees. She's been there since being elected in 2018 - pre-covid19.

And, well, she's in her 70s - like, 74, according to info we found online.

Her term expires next November. We've seen nothing official from her camp about a reelection effort. TSC trustees serve 6-year terms. Eva Alejandro would be about 80 years old upon completion of the next round.

Is she too old?

We think so, but, then again, we hold hard to a rolling philosophy that says the crop needs to be turned-over every so often. And it's just not us saying it these days. 

This from 2024 Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina: "We’ve got to stop electing people because we like them and they’ve been there a long time.":

Agree. Democrat Joe Biden at 80 is too old to seek another term as president. Republican Donald J. Trump, the oft-indicted candidate, is too old at 77.

Young blood is the future. The past has come and gone. Experience is often over-rated, especially in the ever-troubled Rio Grande Valley.

How old is TSC Trustee Tony Zavaleta? Upper-70s? How old is TSC Chairman Adela Garza? Almost 70?

Much-younger TSC Trustee Alejandra Alderete is the future. Let the young educate and lead the young. There is no dishonor in stepping aside.

But for all we know, Eva Alejandro will pass on seeking another six-year term.

That would be the wise move.

Age is playing in today's politics, Baby. No question about it. The country is getting older and older and so are its politicians. You simply cannot have a president born in 1943, a year the Big Band Glenn Miller Orchestra provided the most popular music of the time - 20 years before The Beatles and The Rolling Stones

Let's be frank...for once...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...McAllen voters saw their longtime mayor Jim Darling retire from local politics and then elected younger Javier Villalobos. Harlingen swept oldie Chris Boswell out of the mayor's post and elected younger Norma Sepulveda...]

It's Biden vs. Trump In 2024...



McALLEN, Texas | They're saying Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is about to rip off his kid gloves and take serious swings at fellow Republican Donald J. Trump. He'd better, although it says here that Ronnie's presidential aspirations journey is over.

That's the latest New York Times poll in graphic above.

Any questions?

Democrats are the big winners, of course, as just about every sane political pundit will tell you indictments-addled Trump cannot beat Democrat incumbent Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race. Too many legal problems for the former New Yorker. Too many hangers-on headed to trial with him. Too many hangups to be of any use for the overall population.

But Trump is still there, even as longshot candidate Will Hurd, a former congressman from Texas, has stood before a microphone in contested Iowa to say Trump "is running to stay out of prison." There were enough boos from his audience about that to make us feel that NOTHING and no one can stop Trump.

Warehouse worker-lookalike DeSantis is the Big Loser.

DeSantis held some promise a few weeks and months back. But, like most novices in tough national politics, he flubbed a few soft grounders. Slavery, he said without laughing, "benefitted" Blacks. Covid, he went on, was a government hoax he never bought into. Public education is rotten if it makes fun of White people.

DeSantis is likely licking his own ass at this point.

The absolute surprise is that five of Trump's six opponents polled in the single digits (see numbers above). Mike Pence, the former vice president, is too dumb to make any headway when he won't take on his former boss, the one who once suggested paleface Pence should be hung if he certified Biden's win in 2020, which he did.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is wasting her kitchen time. She's "White House Cabinet" material at best, as is her fellow state resident, U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, who is doing well back home but is damned weak nationally.

The Indian-American in the Big Tent, Vivek Ramaswamy, has peaked. We say he never had a chance at the GOP presidential nomination. Like, why would he? He's the absolutely wrong skin-color for Bigwig Republicans. You might even say that The Swamy looks too much like Barack Obama, and that's not good for a Republican.

Chris Christie has roared. The former governor of New Jersey also has hit back at Trump's hefty gut. But the results have been negligible. Christie is like former boxer Jerry Quarry, the Great White Hope heavyweight who fought the biggies and earned himself dementia at 53, his age at death.

No, Maria, don't look for any Great Groundswell lifting any of these losing Republicans to the forefront. Bless them to Mount Golgotha, but it's not happening, Baby.

It's Trump vs. Biden in 2024...


What If There Are No Drug Cartels?...Then What?...



McALLEN, Texas | It's not exactly what everyone believes or has been told. Mexico's drug cartels are led by a bold criminal element, and both the U.S. and Mexico are fighting them. Uh, well, maybe not.

Journalist Rachel Nolan has written an eye-opening report and had it published in the current issue of well-respected Harper's Magazine ( In it, she details a bit of the history associated with the arrival and rise in Mexico of the drug-pushing enterprises after the fall of drug lord Pablo Escobar in Colombia.

Nolan cuts nicely through some known and previously-unknown anecdotal happenings, such as the steady arrests of some of the country's governmental bigwigs in connection with bribes allegedly taken from the cartels. She also does some learned speculating.

This is a key, telling excerpt from the magazine article: [ The rumors and speculation have only become more baroque. So naturally I was interested to read a recent book that offered a new way of thinking about the open question of the drug wars: about who - or what - might be behind the screen. Drug Cartels Do Not Exist, by Oswaldo Zavala, a Mexican journalist turned professor, asks us to consider what at first may seem an absurd proposition: What if there are no cartels? What if it’s all a lie, a cover-up? Behind the screen, Zavala proposes, is not a narco killer with gelled hair and a taste for expensive tequila - but the police, the army, and various arms of the state. ]

That's a Big Wow right there.

No drug cartels and the Mexican government as the actual cartel. Is that why Mexico's president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, this week said the U.S. was making too much of the size of the cartels? He seemed to laugh it off, yes.

Only, Journalist Nolan goes ahead and implicates the American Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). All are in some sort of cahoots, enjoying the generous fruits of the ranging enterprise. Also thrown out is this: Those cartel names were invented and promoted by the DEA.

I know. It sounds like a Benicio Del Toro movie.

But there is so much more the article brings us. The author tells us that there is a reason why AMLO, as the president of Mexico is best-known, has gone light on ridding his country of the cartels as most people know of them. She also notes that former Mexican President Felipe Calderon did wage bloody war against the so-called regional cartels, but is of the opinion that tricky Calderon was merely insuring the seating of his top and trusted military people atop the cartel hierarchy.

It's a lengthy, facts-filled report that would be too long for this Blog platform.

But check it out.

It's worth your time if the subject interests you...


Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sofia Benavides: Aging On The Job...Perhaps Too Much...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | That's a nice photo of her above, but Sofia Benavides is a bit older now. Like, almost 73 years old. Well, 73 in December. That's old in today's politics, even at the local level, where young whippersnappers are lately coming out of the woodwork to run for public office.

Not to harp on age here, but age is playing front-center across the wrinkled, weathered faces of some of the country's better-known politicians, like Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (shown in photo below, at right) and Democrat Dianne Feinstein (shown with McConnell). McConnell, who suffered through a bizarre physical freeze-up in front of microphone this week in Washington, D.C., is 81.

Miss Feinstein, U.S. Senator from California since 1992, is 90 years old. Reportedly, she had trouble staying up with a hearing on Capitol Hill this week, not that long after a lengthy stay in her home state to take care of health problems. Hey, 90 is very old.

Sofia Benavides is not in that sort of bad shape.

But she's getting old.

She is and has been the Precinct 1 commissioner for Cameron County government since 2006, or shortly after her husband, Pedro, died while holding the same office. Miss Benavides has won reelection ever since then.

Her public service has not been anything spectacular, although much is said about her calm & collected, non-confrontational approach to politics. She was somewhat instrumental in helping bring the SpaceX enterprise to the county (in her precinct, over by South Padre Island).

As far as we know, Miss Benavides as yet does not have an opponent in her next reelection campaign. The odds of someone - or several other opportunistic individuals - emerging between now and the end of the year are high. She may be vulnerable if for no other reason than because she is a woman.

That plays in antsy Cameron County.

But, as always with her, the choice will again be between some noisy, likely hat-and-bad-mustache male upstart and her well-known self-possessed, unruffled style.

Could one of her opponents play the Age Card and more than insinuate that she is now too old?

Without a doubt, it says here...


Casual In Harlingen...



HARLINGEN, Texas | Well, as The Beach Boys like to say at the beginning of their songs, we wanted to again introduce you to the Most Relaxed Mayor in the Rio Grande Valley.

Yes, Norma Sepulveda of Harlingen.

She's staying engaged since being elected last year. And the buzz words are "busy" and "casual," it would seem. Streets are being repaired, parks are being spruced-up, festivals are coming and going, downtown is getting a nice spotlight. Yes, you could say things are shaking across the Mid-Valley city of some 72,000 residents.

This from her Facebook page: [ No matter where I go, I carry Harlingen in my heart. 🧡 ]

We could harp on a few historical hiccups offered over the years by her predecessor, the erstwhile Mayor Chris Boswell.

McAllen's peripatetic mayor - Javier Villalobos - likes to get up and go and will throw on a pair of shorts and tennis shoes for outdoor activities, like for that World Pony League Championship the City of Palms hosted last week.

Over on the tip of Texas, at the end of the mighty Rio Grande, rookie Mayor John Cowen hasn't done much of anything. He's comfy in victory, I suppose. Perhaps it's too hot for him.

Let it out, Johnny.

Be the club, as they say in golf.

Or, better yet, look over and see what your governmental colleagues are doing up the Valley. You won't go wrong with following the P.R. footsteps of Mr. Villalobos or Mrs. Sepulveda.

That's her in the photo atop this post, by the way.

Casual, baby. That's confidence...


Ukraine Drones Hit Moscow Again...Russians In Full Fear...



McALLEN, Texas | The war gets closer to home for Russians every passing weekend. Last night, Ukrainian drones struck a downtown Moscow skyscraper in the latest attack from the neighboring country.

It has to be a sobering sight and development for Russians. Many do not support President Vladimir Putin's lingering war against the once-member of the old Soviet Union.

This from [ The war is "gradually returning" to Russia's territory, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday in an evening address.

"Russian aggression has gone bankrupt on the battlefield. Today is the 522nd day of the so-called 'special military operation,' which the Russian leadership expected to last for a week or two," Zelensky said.

"Ukraine is getting stronger. Gradually, the war is returning to the territory of Russia - to its symbolic centers and military bases, and this is an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process," he added. ]

It's coming to a head. The timetable may not be on the cease-fire table yet, but it's coming.

Especially if those drones keep coming...and Russians start dying on their homeland...


Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Taco Diaries...



HARLINGEN, Texas | Guillermo Garcia met younger Claudia Salas while in line inside a popular taco joint. He'd been captured by the softness of the back of her legs. The day had dragged and now all he wanted was his usual three fajita tacos on corn tortillas and maybe a lemonade, canned would do. Claudia had not noticed him, her mind being on the handsome guy who'd moved into that apartment across the hall.

She thought his name was Wilfredo, although that was more about what she thought she heard when he'd introduced himself the first time they'd seen each other. Here, she was itching for a to-go order.

"So," Guillermo said aloud right into the back of her head. "You've eaten here before?" Claudia turned her whole body around to see who it was talking. Garcia was not a handsome man, his stocky, portly build nothing like the new neighbor's physique, which she thought was sexy.

"What?" she said next in a cold tone.

"Have you had these tacos?" Guillermo went on.

"Excuse me?" he heard in return. Circling annoyance joined the hot, humid air inside the eatery.

"I'm not making a pass or anything like that," he quickly explained in a congenial tone of voice. "I'd really, really like your opinion on the food here." Claudia frowned and turned back around, deciding to ignore him.

"I mean, are the fajita tacos good here, or what?" he pressed on, speaking now to Claudia's long, black hair. It was a nice, cool day in Harlingen, and he was in the mood to make a friend. Claudia, however, was not answering.

When they got to the counter, they stood alongside each other, and, while they waited for their order, less-aloof Claudia went ahead and acknowledged his presence.

"Tacos de trompo are my favorites," she threw out as Guillermo stood with his hands in his jacket.

"Never heard of those," he told her. "What are they - French?"

Claudia heard her name called by the taqueria's employee, took her bagged order and walked away...


Die-Hard Republicans Coming After The Black Guy...



McALLEN, Texas | Tim Scott has surprised many in his desire to win his party's 2024 presidential nomination, and none more than fellow Republicans. They have been surprised by how well the Black U.S. Senator from South Carolina has been received on the campaign trail.

He's outperformed fellow South Carolinian Nikki Haley, the state's former governor.

He's done much better than Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is now wallowing and being seen as a loser within his party. And, yes, he trails Donald J. Trump, but who's to say anything about what comes tomorrow?

This from [ Republican presidential candidates have started to notice that Sen. Tim Scott's non-combative style is resonating - and they’re zeroing in on him for more scrutiny.

The 57-year-old Scott has largely stayed above the fray as many of his Republican rivals spar around him, but his recent momentum in polls is bringing him into the crossfire and will test his "happy warrior" strategy.

A memo from the super PAC associated with former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley's campaign wrote that the "only four candidates who can win the nomination" are Haley, Trump, DeSantis and Scott, per Politico.

A confidential campaign memo from the DeSantis campaign said it expects "Scott to receive appropriate scrutiny in the weeks ahead," NBC News reported. ]

Yeah. The guy goes for it, rises beyond expectations...and now he will be investigated? Let's stay positive and hope that it's for good reason, like serious consideration as the party's nominee.

But, really, don't bet on it...


The Mystery Hour...



RIO GRANDE CITY, Texas | Sundown lurked as police looked for the cold-blooded killer. Someone had ambled into a pancake eatery and killed two employees and three customers. Only the early-arriving evening-shift cook, a fat, tattooed guy said to be a Vietnam veteran who'd run into the cooler, had survived, is what cops were telling the story-hungry press.

Who and why loomed as large questions as the community reeled.

Scared was a word being passed around freely. A lanky Mexican man in a red, long-sleeve polo shirt and a thin, semi-attractive woman had strolled into the 24-hour joint and walked up to the counter, where they sat for a half-hour nursing black coffees and a single order of Macadamia & Banana pancakes.

Francisca "Fran" Falcon, the day manager, had another half-hour of work before she'd be heading home to her disabled husband. The bullet blew away her throat. Shots followed in a crazed manner, a chubby waitress went down at the far end of the counter, her soft whimpering dying slowly.

Wheeling around, the killer hit three customers as he sprayed the dining area. One was a local politician in for his usual short stack of syrup-soaked blueberry pancakes and tall glass of iced tea. He was hit squarely in the back of the head and dead-center in the back.

One booth over, a balding, elderly man had likely seen his killing bullet coming at him. He was face-planted on the coffee-splattered table, his red, checked polyester sportscoat soaked almost to the armpits.

Behind him, a woman wearing a wide-brim, bright-white summer hat had been thrown backward by the three bullets that ripped her upper body. She looked fully at peace, blue eyes wide open, meaty mouth agape, with her fleshy back lifted to the top of the booth's cushioned back. Their names were as yet not known.

The killer and his lady friend had split like loose-roaming dogs into the falling light of day...


Friday, July 28, 2023

President Biden Going After Trump...And MAGA...



McALLEN, Texas | Looks like Joe Biden has grasp of the problem. Nicely, I'd say. The president may be old at 80, but he's interested in fighting Republicans and the people they like to rile-up. Politics is brawling, and brawling is here.

The Democrat has no time for Republican legal punching bag Donald J. Trump or for his racist/bigoted followers. Same for every other Republican candidate interested in following Trump into the sewer lines.

This from a morning report at [ President Biden's team is expanding his re-election strategy beyond Donald Trump to target the MAGA movement and its impact on U.S. politics, figuring it will endure even if Trump isn't the GOP nominee.

The move aims to cast Trumpism as a far-right authoritarian force - and stems partly from Democrats' polling that suggests the term "MAGA" is viewed more negatively than "Trump Republicans."

Biden's team believes Trumpism will continue to permeate through the GOP at least through 2024, regardless of who emerges as the party's presidential choice.

Trump has a big lead in GOP polls, but it's unclear how his growing legal troubles will weigh on his campaign.

By attacking the "Make America Great Again" movement that some Americans see as particularly coarse and divisive, Biden's team will seek to paint many Republicans across the ballot as MAGA candidates. ]

We must be somewhere on the horizon of the coming presidential election. It's not here until late in 2024, but, hey, it's never too late to point the finger at loose-on-the-streets political outlaws.

President Biden does right by fashioning his reelection campaign in this truth-be-told manner...


Black Republican Shafts Ron DeSantis On That Bit About Slavery Benefitting Blacks...



McALLEN, Texas | Well, it took a Black dude to finally set the fool straight. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis cavalierly said last week that Blacks benefitted from slavery. Uh, no.

Big No.

South Carolina U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, shown in photo above and also a Republican and, like DeSantis, also a candidate for president in the 2024 election, succinctly corrected DeSantis.

This from [ Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott on Thursday criticized competitor Ron DeSantis (shown in colored photo below) on his support for Florida education standards requiring students to be instructed on the “benefits” of slavery.

Asked by a reporter about the curriculum requirement at a campaign stop outside Des Moines, the South Carolina senator said he hoped that "every person in our country, and certainly running for president, would appreciate that" slavery had no benefits to enslaved people.

"There is no silver lining in slavery," Scott said. "Slavery was really about separating families, about mutilating humans and even raping their wives. It was just devastating."

The Florida standards backed by DeSantis require instructors to teach middle schoolers that ". . .slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit." The requirement has come under fire from a spectrum of political voices from Vice President Kamala Harris to Republican Florida Rep. Byron Donalds.

Asked about Donalds’ criticism of the curriculum at a campaign stop in Iowa earlier Thursday, DeSantis questioned the representative’s loyalty to the Florida Republican party. ]

So much for blatant racism.

DeSantis has dropped depreciatively in the voter polls and now is neck-and-neck with former unknown Vivek Ramaswamy, as both trail multi-indicted Donald Trump at this point in the party nomination race.

Still, struggling DeSantis added this to the convo at hand: "So at the end of the day you’ve got to choose," he said. "Are you going to side with Kamala Harris and liberal media outlets or are you going to side with the state of Florida?"

Be a dumbass Republican and blame the "liberal media." It's such a lame counterpunch.

The media is not your challenger; it's the voters.

And the voters are saying "Hell, no!" to loser Ron DeSantis.

Quite smartly, we might add here...


Venerating The "Concha"...It's Long Overdue...



McALLEN, Texas | Every now and then, I get into discussions about what makes the Rio Grande Valley the Rio Grande Valley. By that my friends mean what makes it special, or different, or a jewel. You could say it's the beef fajitas, although, no, not for me. And no on the cheap tacos or Sunday barbacoa. Those are all staples, yes. But. . .

You have to reach for a Concha (see graphic drawing above) at the local panaderia to grab at the soul of this part of the Mexican border. Yes, San Antonio and East Austin and parts of Dallas/Fort Worth also serve pan dulce as if to not do it would be to lose much of our culture. On that, I mean, Texas culture, not solely Mexican-American.

Conchas go back in time much, much farther back than fajitas and barbacoa, rivaling perhaps only tacos as culinary treats to a similar time in history. The literature says the Concha may have been initially brought to neighboring Mexico by the French, and we know the French are big on pastry. Eclair anyone? 

Few Valleyites think twice about pulling into a stand-alone bakery or into the bakery department at the Big Box grocery store, where Conchas also live, often in chocolate flavoring, although the yellow Concha and the pink ones are always there. Always.

Travel through all of Mexico and be treated to the best of Conchas. They're here in the Valley, but munching on a warm Concha with a cup of hot coffee in Mexico City is heavenly.

Who knows if anyone important has ever honored or wanted to honor Mexican pan dulce? Someone should. I've had it in all three major RGV cities and find those venues worthy of my time and my money. San Antonio's fabled Mi Tierra restaurant in the downtown mercado is no slouch, but it does have a variety of other breads and mainly cookies, all tasty but never quite matching the excellence of the Concha.

I always stand in front of the bakery's glass displays. Like a kid, sure. That's from my first memories of eating the pan dulce my dear mother would buy at La Estrella Bakery off south 17th Street and bring it home. Conchas were the attraction in the bag for me. 

And I still grab one or two at H-E-B when I'm there for my weekly grocery supplies.

Perhaps someday someone will push for honoring Mexican pan dulce as a Rio Grande Valley cultural jewel, as something distinctly Mexican-American, as something every Mexican grew up with and thoroughly enjoyed.

A statue of some young kid munching on a Concha would do.

Here in The City of Palms, or in Harlingen, or in Brownsville, yes.

Today's Rio Grande Valley cities don't do enough in the way of honoring anything or anyone. Statues are rare. And maybe that's because there are few men or women worthy of such community or regional honor. Politicians always let you down. Good public servants, like a hard-working, honest chief of police, rarely get the needed press.

But we do know this: Conchas have done so much for the Valley. In every city and every town, from Los Fresnos to Edcouch-Elsa, to Edinburg, to Mission, too. In every neighborhood and every big and small grocery store. It's been a bigger contribution than we could ever imagine, only, well, who's going to stop and think about making the effort and doling public applause?

Venerating the Concha would be a spectacular gesture.

It's long been time...


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Lunch Burrito? Mayor Pushes Corner "Stripes" Store...



McALLEN, Texas | So, you're mayor of The City of Palms and, well, it's lunch time. Where to grab a bite. House of Wine on Business 83? El Patio on 17th Street? Santa Fe Steakhouse & Lounge on S. 10th Street near La Plaza Mall?

Uh, no.

Try Stripes. The gas station convenience store? Yes, that one.

This from McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos about his day's noon nourishment: [ "When there is no time for lunch, Stripes to the rescue!!!! You all have a blessed day."...]

Stripes has cheap hot dogs, tacos, nachos & cheese...and burritos (see photo above)

Villalobos is gaining a fast reputation as a mayor who dines out a lot. If it isn't a pizza joint, it's a Tex-Mex eatery. Those seem to be his favorites, although we suspect he also hits the high-dollar restaurants with his wife or kids.

Harlingen Mayor Norma Sepulveda has the same personality characteristic (see photo at right of a coffee shop she recently visited). She also likes to flash-forward eateries in her community, as does Los Fresnos Mayor Alejandro Flores.

In Brownsville downriver, new Mayor John Cowen doesn't seem inclined to promote his businesses as readily. Anyone seen him dining out and about? Has he been downtown to places other than City Hall since winning election? Naaaaaaaaaaah, not Cowen.

He's not a go-getter. Fellow mayors up and down the Rio Grande Valley daily march out to put the spotlight on either a new business or an old staple.

Who knows about Cowen? Maybe summer's scorching heat has him indoors...


Voters Need Resolution To Trump Charges Before The 2024 Election...



McALLEN, Texas | So, do we or do we not need resolution sometime soon to the alleged crimes said to be committed by candidate Donald J. Trump? I say, ". . .We do." Absolutely. Hear it out. Have the juries render their verdicts. That's the American Way of Justice.

Trump is widely hated by law-abiding Americans, likely as much as he is widely loved by his rabid supporters.

One is the perspective of the citizen; the other one is of the partisan Republican. Is that to be expected? Well, yes. Trump has been a divisive politician since entering the presidential sweepstakes in 2015. He arrived issuing damnations from a racist perspective...and kept it up for four years in the White House.

When the 2020 election brought him defeat, Trump railed against what he labeled a "rigged" election and, some say, incited a riot at the nation's capital that swept angry protesters into the Capitol Building, where they vandalized the place and attacked security police. Many of them have been tried, convicted and ordered to prison in connection with that armed and vigorous insurrection.

Trump, meanwhile, has remained free and clear of justice - either convicting or exonerating.

Should Americans want an "ending" of legal sorts to this ongoing saga?

Yes, they should. Ahead of the 2024 vote. Donald Trump is an announced candidate for the White House once again. He has been indicted twice and faces serious allegations that may lead to additional indictments at the hands of the feds or the State of Georgia.

Yet still nothing on scheduling an arrest for the January 6 Capitol Building riot, or for pressuring Georgia to change the vote in the state, where Democrat Joe Biden beat him by a few less than 11,000 votes that saw Trump then ask Republicans overseeing the vote to "find" him that many votes, presumably plus one to claim victory.

Georgia has said Biden won, and that's that.

We feel the country needs to know before next year's presidential election exactly where Trump stands on the guilty or innocent aspect of the many allegations. He has not seemed to take them seriously, instructing an army of lawyers to submit countering lawsuits that essentially have delayed things.

Americans want a fair & honest election.

Trump is not a clean candidate by any stretch of the imagination, but most of the stuff aimed at him are allegations at this point.

Americans, it says here, have a right to know whether 77-year-old Trump, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination, is a convicted felon...


LA ZONA FINAL: Day Of The Two-Tortilla Taco...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | Need a cheap place to live, a town full of gaiety and so much history that, well, history blocks any sign of progress? No, we're not talking about some scenic town in lovely neighboring Mexico, some place like Lake Chapala or Cholula.

Come here!

Here, yes, here. Here to sporty, dynamic, fountain of fun Brownsville. And, yes, find a lovely mix of American and Mexican societal currents moving across the Deep South Texas city, home to some 180,000 residents.

You could do a lot worse.

The Rio Grande Valley throws pretty much the same Panamerican flavorings at you, but Brownsville wears its style and menu like a crown. There's a well-known zoo somewhere in town. A small-sized but accommodating, air-conditioned shopping mall. Enough taco joints to keep you both fed and entertained (two-tortilla tacos, Baby!).

It offers semi-good jobs, just enough attractive housing (frame buildings!) and enough daily entertainment coming out of City Hall to keep a nosy newcomer on his or her toes. Oh, about that? - there are plenty of nail salons and dog groomers here. Nail clippers sell as much as red lipstick and rouge and dog shampoo, goes the line at the Chamber of Commerce. That's Mayor John Cowen in photo above, at right. He's a happy camper in Brownsville

Casual is the word of the day, in clothing, shoes and conversation. In the bars, a wink is as a good as a nod, according to High & Low society blogger Jerry McHale, a local writer whose books say the same thing this article is saying. Brownsville is a loose jean jacket in winter and a white, sleeveless, wife-beater T-shirt in the hot, hot, hot, hot, hot summertime.

Want a day without Anglos?

It could happen here. The city that always sleeps is - what? - 94.1% Hispanics. Work on your Spanish phraseology at the grocery store, where the checkout clerks will hit you with a "Buenos Dias!" before saying, "Debit or credit, sir?" Bi-lingual or else! We love it. Que amor, por favor!

Single and interested in meeting a soft, copper-skin Hispanic lass with that rare arrogant back and sexy overbite? Come here!

No joke.

Some men do alright with the local ladies. Some get a taste of one Hispanic woman they marry two or three. This, lads, this is the place for the best kind of love. It may not last, but it will horse-collar you while you're invested. Some of the city's mayors have one wife, some have more than one as they age. And, really, who cares? If the Little Woman dies, well, the possibilities are endless! There is no "class system" at the local cemetery. And they allow for tombstone epitaphs in Spanish too. "Te fuiste muy pronto, Maria," reads one.

Yeah, come here!

Brownsville will never recruit residents, because it doesn't have to. Word-of-mouth, son. That's how out-of-towners get the word, the inspiration to come and try the Brownsville Life, as unique a lifestyle as any you will find in other remote sectors of the world.

You like Managua, Nicaragua? There's a taste of that here. Same for Honduras and El Salvador and the Philippines and Thailand. Look around. Listen to people noisily yapping, gently rapping away at the mall or at restaurants or at the many local bars and nightclubs.

This is not Peoria, Illinois.

Brownsville is so unique that to use the word unique is to sell it cheaply...


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Strange Episode Freezes Senate Minority Leader McConnell...



McALLEN, Texas | U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell went into some weird catatonic-like freeze today in Washington, D.C. The longtime Kentucky Republican stopped talking as he stood in front of a microphone and appeared to momentarily lose sense of where he was and what he was saying.

This from [ McConnell suddenly froze while talking and had to be escorted away from the podium during his press conference on Wednesday. 

The 81-year-old sparked concerns as he appeared unable to complete his sentence while surrounded by his colleagues.

It comes months after he was released from hospital after he fell during dinner in Washington D.C. 

McConnell was addressing reporters when he abruptly took a long pause. His colleague, Republican Senator John Thune, then helped McConnell steady himself and move him away from the podium.

Thune carried on, before McConnell returned and insisted he was fine to do his job. ] 

McConnell has been in the senate since 1985...


Old Line Republican Calls Mayor Of McAllen A RINO...



McALLEN, Texas | They're friends, he says midway through the morning conversation. Othal Brand Jr and McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos know each other well. Villalobos, Brand tells us, helped him in one of his own campaigns for mayor.

But Brand still calls Villalobos a RINO - "Republican In Name Only".

The mayor prides himself in being a New Republican, something Brand (shown in photo above) acknowledges with a smile, noting that "Javi plays both sides, and that's a RINO."

Both sides of an issue, is what Brand means. Real Republicans, is the insinuation, stick to their side and damn the other one. "Javi's a nice guy," Brand goes on. "We're friends."

Mayor Villalobos is shown in photo at right.

Brand has softer, yet equally biting words for boisterous Republican candidate for Congress Mayra Flores. He agrees that she's being "handled" by out-of-state Republican bigwigs, and then says she's "still green".

Asked about Harlingen's new mayor, Norma Sepulveda, Brand says she's "a Democrat," leaving it at that, although he goes on to say she's still "wet behind the ears".

Brand's father, Othal Brand Sr., is still regarded as the most famous mayor of The City of Palms.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Say Adios, Mike Pence...GOP Pushing You Offstage...



McALLEN, Texas | Look at him and see a man without a country. Well, maybe nothing that extreme, as his native Indiana still claims him. But Mike Pence, shown in photo above, is on two presidential lists these days: one as a candidate for the job and another as an unworthy one for the party's initial debate.

Pence has not made the cut.

And what an unkind cut it would be if he doesn't make it to the Republican Party's first candidate debate this August 23rd in Milwaukee. The 64-year-old Pence, vice-president of the United States in the dizzying Donald J. Trump Administration, is not polling high-enough to get invited. And he has yet to amass the needed number of contributors to his on and off, four-cylinder-powered campaign.

That's like eight cylinders below what frontrunning Republican candidates Trump, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley and Tim Scott are wheeling around in on the coast-to-coast oval track that is a run for president.

Pence seems a candidate from a different era, like from the 1800s.

He is not good in front of a camera and his interviews are always slowed by his ice-cold personality. Grim is another word writers are using to describe his outlook for the country. Hardly positive material, eh?

This is the same Pence who found himself thisclose to being hanged at the National Capitol when angry insurrectionists charged the hallowed building seeking to keep him from certifying Democrat Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

You'd think he'd be damning everybody involved, cursing them all as dumbass fuckers and asking to be allowed to bitch slap a few. Not Mike Pence. He's the prim & proper dude in this campaign, the one whose pale face looks as if it's been embalmed.

He plays the calm & collected wimp in this movie...


Quote Of The Week (so far)...



McALLEN, Texas | Texas Gov. Greg Abbott does have some support. Pretty much every Republican Party member has endorsed his harsh, brutish anti-migrant actions at the Mexican border. One of them is State Rep. Matt Scheaffer of Tyler (shown in photo above).

His quote: "If in fact @GregAbbott_TX is taking a bolder approach to border security by directing DPS troopers to repel illegal crossers, he has my full support," Scheaffer tweeted. "Every Republican legislator should be speaking up as Dems and the media try to shame Abbott into backing down."

Back down from inhumane policies, from erecting fencing made of razor wire and installing a mid-river string of buoys? That approach, Matt? Children hurt, cut and missing in the waters of the Rio Grande? Women pushed back into the river?

Yeah, that.

Today's Republicans love to hate.

The political pendulum, however, always swings back...


McAllen Hosts Pony League World Series...Philippines Team Wins It All...



McALLEN, Texas | They came from all over the world: 13- and 14-year-old baseball players arriving in The City of Palms for some competitive ball. This past weekend, heat-scorched McAllen hosted the International World Series of Pony League play, and, lo and behold, the Philippines took home the title.

This from McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos, shown at right in photo above: [ What a great success! The 2023 International World Series Pony League tournament was out of this world. 120 teams joined from as far away as the Philippines and Puerto Rico and as near as our neighboring cities. We had 60 teams from Mexico.

Congratulations to the Boys &Girls Club for such an amazing event.

 And the Philippines took the CHAMPIONSHIP!!! ]

Ah, baseball. Always the best game for youngsters of this age. We did not get a list of the final standings, but we do hope that our kids from McAllen and the rest of the Rio Grande Valley did well.

There's just something about the game at this level.

Everything is drama, winning is the initial drive, winning more than once the immediate goal, winning it all the ultimate prize...


Greg Abbott's Silliness...DOJ Files Lawsuit...



McALLEN, Texas | All statistical data released of late by the U.S. Border Patrol and other overseeing federal agencies indicate there has been a dramatic drop in migrant apprehensions at the Rio Grande. Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is ignoring that.

He's bent on creating a political scene, one painting a whole different picture of the Mexican border. In Abbott's fertile mind, hordes of undocumented migrants charge the Texas side of the fabled river by the thousands, all of them out to change society in the Lone Star State.

Abbott is likely quite amused, but he's also wrong.

The federal Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against Texas, seeking to have that silly, pitiful "Aquatic Border Wall" laid out in the Rio Grande on Abbott's orders removed ASAP. It's a joke. Cheeto-colored buoys there in the middle of the river. To deter migrants, Abbott said, without laughing.

This from a morning posting at [ The string of buoys and concertina wire is part of Texas' "Operation Lone Star," which has cost the state billions of dollars while having little effect on migration, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Though the river defines the Texas border, it's also the marked boundary between Mexico and the U.S and falls under the International Boundary and Water Commission's jurisdiction.

The commission has stated that it did not authorize Texas' placement of the barrier, according to the Associated Press.

Illegal border crossings also dropped to the lowest level in over two years in June. ]

The Wall Street Journal, it should be noted here, is a conservative newspaper, owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also happens to own FOX News.

Wheelchair-bound Abbott seems to have no ear for criticism.

He's never had any talks with Mexico that we know of, never even once mentioned sitting down with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. As a governor, he is a one-note dude singling out issues he believes will play well with his Republican audience.

Perhaps he has his reasons.

Those Abbott has given publicly have been laughable, at odds with what the Border Patrol and state troopers would say are, "facts on the ground".

We're awaiting the notorious "Photo Op" on this, yes.

Something like Texas building a wooden, pier-like structure from the U.S. riverbanks to the tops of the buoys, so that Abbott can wheel himself over and get his picture taken...



Monday, July 24, 2023

Carlos Cascos: Border Cruelty "Beyond Inhumane. Should Be Denounced By All"...



McALLEN, Texas | Like many Texans, Carlos Cascos has heard and read about the savage and brutal action on the banks of the Rio Grande, where state troopers and agents of the U.S. Border Patrol are using not grenades or flamethrowers to keep migrants out of the country but sharp razor wire quick to rip skin apart. Another word that comes to mind is barbaric.

Women and children are bloodying the waters of the fabled river.

Cascos made time in his day to write and then submit the following comment to The McAllen Sun about the mess on the border: [ Border security should be at the forefront, but if these actions are accurate, it goes beyond inhumane treatment & should be denounced by all. There's got to be a better way to secure our border without causing deaths or serious injuries to anyone. Human smuggling, many of which are children, illegally cross our border daily. How do we address this?

(1.) more boots on the ground along our Southern border, with the necessary tools to curb the crossings & better vetting of all child sponsors. (2.) Increase law enforcement on our roads & highways inland. (3.) using K9 units for all Southbound traffic trained to detect cash & weapons. (4.) sentencing guidelines to include a minimum of 20 years or life in prison without parole for those convicted of human smuggling. (5.) electing people that will support border security & our initiatives that curb illegal crossings.

Stopping any illegal activity along our border is a multi-prong attack. It takes addressing several components of these issues & recognizing that there is no easy quick solution. ]

He won't criticize the man behind the state's policies at the border by name, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, but Cascos is at the very least thinking calmly and logically, not angrily or viciously, as is politics-motivated Abbott.

A former Cameron County Judge and ex-Texas Secretary of State (appointed by Abbott, by the way), Cascos is flirting with a run at Democrat Vicente Gonzalez's 34th Congressional District seat in the 2024 elections.

He has yet to declare, but earlier listed Labor Day (Sept. 4th) as the day when he will announce his decision. A Republican, Cascos would be a veritable choice for voters, who also will have another, more-bellicose Republican - Mayra Flores - as an option on the ballot. The cactus thorn Miss Flores does not take criticism well. She has banned us from her Facebook page, blocking access.

Abbott, meanwhile, has said he is merely protecting the "sovereign" territory of the state and, aside from welcoming lawsuits from a private individual in Eagle Pass and from the federal government, has said his policies will continue.

The headstrong governor also downplayed a report that had a state trooper noting the inhumane treatment of migrants at the border (see our earlier story about that).

To be fair and honest, Cascos says these recent border actions are "beyond inhumane and should be denounced by all," if accurate. Well, true they are, as an avalanche of news photographs will attest.

For him, and for a Republican, those are strong words...heady and smart in a time when intelligence is in demand...
