Thursday, July 27, 2023

Voters Need Resolution To Trump Charges Before The 2024 Election...



McALLEN, Texas | So, do we or do we not need resolution sometime soon to the alleged crimes said to be committed by candidate Donald J. Trump? I say, ". . .We do." Absolutely. Hear it out. Have the juries render their verdicts. That's the American Way of Justice.

Trump is widely hated by law-abiding Americans, likely as much as he is widely loved by his rabid supporters.

One is the perspective of the citizen; the other one is of the partisan Republican. Is that to be expected? Well, yes. Trump has been a divisive politician since entering the presidential sweepstakes in 2015. He arrived issuing damnations from a racist perspective...and kept it up for four years in the White House.

When the 2020 election brought him defeat, Trump railed against what he labeled a "rigged" election and, some say, incited a riot at the nation's capital that swept angry protesters into the Capitol Building, where they vandalized the place and attacked security police. Many of them have been tried, convicted and ordered to prison in connection with that armed and vigorous insurrection.

Trump, meanwhile, has remained free and clear of justice - either convicting or exonerating.

Should Americans want an "ending" of legal sorts to this ongoing saga?

Yes, they should. Ahead of the 2024 vote. Donald Trump is an announced candidate for the White House once again. He has been indicted twice and faces serious allegations that may lead to additional indictments at the hands of the feds or the State of Georgia.

Yet still nothing on scheduling an arrest for the January 6 Capitol Building riot, or for pressuring Georgia to change the vote in the state, where Democrat Joe Biden beat him by a few less than 11,000 votes that saw Trump then ask Republicans overseeing the vote to "find" him that many votes, presumably plus one to claim victory.

Georgia has said Biden won, and that's that.

We feel the country needs to know before next year's presidential election exactly where Trump stands on the guilty or innocent aspect of the many allegations. He has not seemed to take them seriously, instructing an army of lawyers to submit countering lawsuits that essentially have delayed things.

Americans want a fair & honest election.

Trump is not a clean candidate by any stretch of the imagination, but most of the stuff aimed at him are allegations at this point.

Americans, it says here, have a right to know whether 77-year-old Trump, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination, is a convicted felon...


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