Thursday, July 27, 2023

Lunch Burrito? Mayor Pushes Corner "Stripes" Store...



McALLEN, Texas | So, you're mayor of The City of Palms and, well, it's lunch time. Where to grab a bite. House of Wine on Business 83? El Patio on 17th Street? Santa Fe Steakhouse & Lounge on S. 10th Street near La Plaza Mall?

Uh, no.

Try Stripes. The gas station convenience store? Yes, that one.

This from McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos about his day's noon nourishment: [ "When there is no time for lunch, Stripes to the rescue!!!! You all have a blessed day."...]

Stripes has cheap hot dogs, tacos, nachos & cheese...and burritos (see photo above)

Villalobos is gaining a fast reputation as a mayor who dines out a lot. If it isn't a pizza joint, it's a Tex-Mex eatery. Those seem to be his favorites, although we suspect he also hits the high-dollar restaurants with his wife or kids.

Harlingen Mayor Norma Sepulveda has the same personality characteristic (see photo at right of a coffee shop she recently visited). She also likes to flash-forward eateries in her community, as does Los Fresnos Mayor Alejandro Flores.

In Brownsville downriver, new Mayor John Cowen doesn't seem inclined to promote his businesses as readily. Anyone seen him dining out and about? Has he been downtown to places other than City Hall since winning election? Naaaaaaaaaaah, not Cowen.

He's not a go-getter. Fellow mayors up and down the Rio Grande Valley daily march out to put the spotlight on either a new business or an old staple.

Who knows about Cowen? Maybe summer's scorching heat has him indoors...


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